Tag Archive: Ron Paul

“The Good News Is It’s Gonna Happen. It’s Happening.”







” Former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul says secession is happening and it’s “good news.” Paul later predicted the states would stop listening to federal laws.

“ I would like to start off by talking about the subject and the subject is secession and, uh, nullification, the breaking up of government, and the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening,” Paul, the father of potential Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, told a gathering at the libertarian Mises Institute in late January. The event Paul was speaking at was titled “Breaking Away: The Case for Secession.”

  Paul said secession would not be legislated by Congress, but would be de facto, predicting “when conditions break down…there’s gonna be an alternative.” “















What We Saw At The Students For Liberty Conference 2015




Published on Feb 19, 2015

” The eighth annual International Students For Liberty Conference pulled more than a thousand excited students to Washington, D.C. last weekend to learn activism from student leaders, network with liberty-minded organizations, and hear from libertarian heavyweights such as Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, and even former Mexican President Vicente Fox.

  Reason TV interviewed attendees about why they came to the conference, what they found most interesting, and what drew them to libertarianism.

About 2.45 minutes long.

Shot and edited by Joshua Swain. Interviews by Robert Mariani. Photos by Gage Skidmore.

  Go to reason.tv for HD, iPod, and audio versions of this video and subscribe to Reason.tv’s YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live. “












Libertarianism Is On The Verge Of A Political Breakout






” The spotlight on Rand Paul may help more Americans fully embrace their libertarian ideals

  Rand Paul’s leadership in the Senate – on the budget, regulation, privacy, criminal justice, and foreign policy – and his likely presidential campaign are generating new attention for libertarian ideas.

“ Libertarianism is hot,” headlined the Washington Post in 2013. From an almost-forgotten part of American political culture, libertarianism has grown into a respected and much-discussed political faction and a compelling set of ideas that challenge the conventional wisdom. Tens of millions of Americans are fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, and skeptical of American military intervention.”






” The growth of the libertarian movement is a product of two factors: the spread of libertarian ideas and sentiments, and the expansion of government during the Bush and Obama administrations, particularly the civil liberties abuses after 9/11 and the bailouts and out-of-control spending after the financial crisis. As one journalist noted in 2009, “The Obama administration brought with it ambitions of a resurgence of FDR and LBJ’s active-state liberalism. And with it, Obama has revived the enduring American challenge to the state.” “



Now we come to the heart of the matter …



” In studies that David Kirby and I have published at the Cato Institute on “the libertarian vote,” we have found that only 2 to 4 percent of Americans say that they’re libertarian when asked. But 15 to 20 percent – 30 to 40 million Americans – hold libertarian views on a range of questions. The latest Gallup Governance Survey finds 24 percent of respondents falling into the libertarian quadrant, matching the number of conservatives and liberals and up from 17 percent in 2004 and 23 percent in 2008. And when asked in a Zogby poll if they would define themselves as “fiscally conservative and socially liberal, also known as libertarian,” fully 44 percent of respondents – 100 million Americans – accept the label.”






   This is America’s innate “live and let live” attitude reasserting itself after being partially extinguished by several generations of all-encompassing Statist media , education , entertainment and public policies .

   After all , there is no political tradition older nor more ingrained into the American psyche than the spirit of libertarianism , and fifty years of historical revisionism on the part of the establishment forces allied in the perpetuation of the Leviathan state have failed in snuffing it out the spark of independence .  

Read the rest of David Boaz’s commentary













Daily Video 12.5.14

Walter Williams And Ron Paul Discuss The IRS





Published on Aug 20, 2013



Daily Video 10.6.14

Ron Paul: Government Is A Bigger Threat To Our Liberties Than ISIS




Published on Sep 30, 2014

” Alex Jones speaks with former Congressman Ron Paul about liberty and where America has failed in keeping them.

http://www.infowars.com/the-u-s-gover… “













Ron Paul Thinks There Should Be More Secessionist Movements In The U.S.






” Secessionists across the world were inspired by Scotland’s energetic attempt at independence from the United Kingdom earlier this month. Ron Paul, as it turns out, joined them.

  In an essay on his eponymous institution’s website Sunday, the former U.S. congressman from Texas wrote that any supporters of freedom should cheer secessionism because it allows for smaller government—a constant mantra for the libertarian and perennial presidential candidate, who didn’t previously realize there were more than a handful of secessionist groups in the United States.

” I was real pleased with that, and a bit surprised,” Paul told National Journal. “But then, on second thought, you think, ‘Why not? Why not more?’ “

  Fringe groups calling for states and regions to secede from the U.S., such as the Second Vermont Republic and the Alaskan Independence Party, gained more publicity in the weeks leading up to the Scottish referendum. As the outsized federal government continues to encroach on individual rights, Paul said, he thinks there will be a groundswell of these movements.

” It’s something that I think is going to grow, because the failure of the federal government is going to get much worse,” he said. “When the bankruptcy evolves, and maybe some of these pension funds are confiscated, and the wars never end, and bankruptcy comes forth, people [will say], ‘Hey, we’re getting a bad deal from this. Why don’t we leave?’ “

  He added: “I think it’s inevitable people wanting to leave will be there, and the numbers will grow.” “



National Journal













House Overwhelmingly Passes ‘Audit The Fed’ Bill






” The Swiss people are speaking out against their central bank. They have demanded a referendum with backing their currency with 20 percent gold and demanding return of their gold stored in the United States. Likewise, the American people are seeking restraints on the Fed—our central bank.

  The House overwhelmingly passed a bill to Audit the Fed and, if it ever becomes law, the people will demand reform of our monetary system that rewards a privileged few at the expense of the middle class and poor. This bill was passed in the House once before in 2012 while I was still a member. Fortunately the momentum continues, and thanks especially to Paul Broun of Georgia and Thomas Massie of Kentucky. It passed this time with an even greater margin—327 to 98—which was strongly bipartisan. “


Read more










Clemency For Snowden: Ron Paul Starts Clemency Petition For Edward Snowden






” In a video released Thursday on the Ron Paul Channel, an online network the libertarian started last summer, he calls on supporters to sign the petition in an attempt to bring Snowden home to the US safely before his temporary visa in Russia expires in July.

Edward Snowden sacrificed his livelihood, citizenship, and freedom by exposing the disturbing scope of the NSA’s worldwide spying program,” he said. “Thanks to one man’s courageous actions, Americans know about the truly egregious ways their government is spying on them.” “


Here is the video of Dr Paul from his website and you can sign the petition here . We highly recommend that you do so .



Ron Paul Clemency


Read more at GirlsJustWannaHaveGuns


Watch John Stossel, Ron Paul , Matt Welch, Penn Jillette, Nick Gillespie Talk “Rise Of Libertarians”



” Sunday morning yak shows got you down? Then check out this November 14 episode of John Stossel’s eponymous Fox Business show. Titled “The Rise of Libertarians?” “

Jeff Frazee Speaks To LPAC 2013



” Few people are more passionate about preserving individual liberty than Jeff Frazee. The founder of Young American’s for Liberty (YAL) got his start in politics as an intern, and later a campaign advisor for Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX).
“[I] saw a real big potential, and a lot of young people being interested in Congressman Paul and his ideas,” Frazee said. “My interest had always been starting an organization for liberty and getting young people involved in the political process.”
This led Frazee to form YAL, a pro-liberty group whose mission is to “identify, educate, train, and mobilize youth activists committed to ‘winning on principle’.”
YAL has quickly grown in popularity since it was founded in 2008 and currently has more than 300 chapters and more than 26,000 youth activists nationwide.”


Vince Vaughn Couldn’t Care Less What Liberal Hollywood Thinks





” If you question Vince Vaughn about his political views, he’ll tell you he’s a proud conservative – and he doesn’t care what the liberals in Hollywood think.

In a telephone interview with Adam Carolla, Hollywood A-list actor Vince Vaughn made a bold statement about his conservative values. When Carolla directly asked him, “Do you count yourself a conservative?” Vaughn didn’t hesitate, he quickly responded, “I do, yeah…I mean I’m very supportive of Ron Paul, but I’ve always been more conservative than not.”

“I really like Ron Paul…I think that when you get older, you just get less trust in the government running anything. And you start to realize…when you go back and start to look at the Constitution and the principles of liberty, the real purpose of government is to protect the individual’s right to, you know, sort of think and pursue what they have interest in,” Vaughn replied.”


    With idiots like Tom Cruise getting all the press and money and dominating the entertainment industry , it is easy to forget about an actor who has a head on his shoulders . Thanks , Vince Vaughn for providing the lone voice from the wilderness .








Boring, But Bad — The Problem Of The Federal Reserve





” I’ve always avoided reporting on the Federal Reserve. I know it’s more important than much of the stuff I cover, but it’s so boring. How can I succeed on TV reporting on the Fed? Fed chairs even work at being dull.

Alan Greenspan said he tried to be obscure because he didn’t want to spook markets. He called his obfuscation “Fedspeak.” It’s a far cry from the clarity of his language — and principles — when he was young and a disciple of libertarian Ayn Rand.

Outgoing Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his likely successor, Janet Yellen, are almost as boring.

But we should watch what they do. The Fed can destroy your savings and your future. The current crew of Fed bureaucrats has raised the Fed’s balance sheet to a stunning 4 trillion dollars.

As Sen. Rand Paul‘s father, retired congressman Ron Paul, put it, “No secret cabal of government officials should have the authority to create money out of thin air.” “








Daily Video 10.8.13

Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism – Charlie Rose Interview (Full)



Published on Sep 19, 2013

” Charlie Rose: “Define what libertarianism means to you” – Ron Paul: “The word I best describe it is something not a lot of people use. I call it non-intervention.”

Charlie Rose: “Non-intervention in personal life, non-intervention in foreign policy, non-intervention in…” 

Ron Paul: “There it is. Because it’s sort of tells you what a conservative, a libertarian, constitutionalist, and liberal, classical liberalism has been used it’s closely aligned with libertarianism, but non-intervention as you say. I don’t want to interfere in your personal life. The one rule is you can’t hurt another person, that’s when government’s necessary.” “






Daily Quote 7.31.13

Ron Paul


“My understanding is that espionage means giving secret or classified information to the enemy. Since Snowden shared information with the American people, his indictment for espionage could reveal (or confirm) that the US Government views you and me as the enemy.”

 Libertarian Girl



    Dr Paul makes the point we have been arguing for some time now . The government views the people as it’s enemy and we must take the same view if we are to prevail .








Announcing the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum

“Bestselling author Tom Woods, who will teach history and government courses in the upper grades of the program, introduces the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum.”

Ron Paul 2nd Amendment 1989 [Rare]

Ron Paul Tweets About SEAL Sniper’s Death: ‘He Who Lives By The Sword Dies By The Sword





” Former congressman and libertarian icon Ron Paul tweeted a startling reaction to the death of SEAL sniper Chris Kyle on Monday:


Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.” Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense

— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) February 4, 2013

Worldwide – U.S. Ranks 1st in Gun Ownership and 28th in Gun Homicide, Ron Paul says Resent and Resist




” As SLN reported, “However, according to the CATO Institute and FBI statistics, when guns were banned in the UK, armed robbery rates jumped 40%. In Australia, armed robbery rates increased 40%. The statistics also show that the majority of robberies in the UK happen when people are home, which is 50% of the time.”

Interestingly, Britain’s violent crimes rate is 2,034 per 100,000 people compared to the United States’ 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people.


A prominent figure in the Liberty movement and a man who helped Rep. Massie find his path to D.C., former Congressman Ron Paul spoke out against the idea of gun grabbing on Wednesday during the Alex Jones show. Paul said regarding Obama signing a gun-related executive order, “Well, it should go without saying, he’s has gone way too far. It should also go without saying, he’s acting with the use of illegal violence.”

The former Rep. detailed, “I’ve always assumed the line in the sand will be drawn, if the federal agent marches in, unannounced and they say, well give me your gun and give me your gold. I don’t think we’ll do that, calmly. I think the American people will highly resent it and resist.” ”




Step One In Getting Our Country Back

Support Rep. Broun’s New Audit the Fed Bill!

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”

Lord Acton

“… we conclude that the [Federal] Reserve Banks are not federal … but are independent privately owned and locally controlled corporations… without day to day direction from the federal government.”

9th Circuit Court


Enough with a totally unaccountable cabal of banksters running this country into the ground and manipulating our government and economy for it’s own private gain . 


” Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity, and even wealth of the nation than they can have done or ever will do good.”

John Adams

” On the very first day of the 113th Congress, Georgia Congressman Paul Broun introduced legislation for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve System. This legislation will bring transparency to the central bank’s covert operations. After passing the House of Representatives in 2012 with bipartisan support, the original Audit the Fed bill was dead-on-arrival in the Senate thanks to Harry Reid and the rest of the establishment. They chose to stand with secret bailouts for the world’s most profitable companies, foreign banks, and even foreign governments instead of the people. ”



“The system of banking [is] a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction… I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity… is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”

Thomas Jefferson



This exactly what the founders warned against when they spoke of the evils of national banks .



” The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government … are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.”

Andrew Jackson


Being Libertarian


… Secession


A New Declaration Of Independence





” Noting that “secession itself is a red herring,” Jones said what the nation really needs “is a new Declaration of Independence…”

“The purest American values, the purest essence of the United States was secession from a corrupt, distant corporate empire backed up by military force,” he said. “We are recaptured by the progeny; by the literal and figurative offspring of those robber barons 235 years ago. We are at the crossroads, and the entire enemy battle plan that we’ve reverse engineered is designed to suppress states’ rights movements. Because the states created the federal government and it is not their right, it is not their duty, we the people that make the states, it is an absolute imperative beyond duty. It is survival that we secede from the New World Order that has conquered us through fraud; that we declare the fraud null and void and then reconstitute the Republic with a new Congress of the several states.”

Jones’ appeal comes as the legislatures in several states, most in the Midwest and South, work to nullify all or parts of federal laws, including the health reform measure popularly known as “Obamacare,” and, in the case of Texas, invasive pre-travel searches by the Transportation Security Administration.

‘This is the time for dedication’

Jones said the country’s “new Declaration of Independence” cannot wait “until July 4th.”

“The system has prepared for this; sold Obama as the next Lincoln, and said any state’s right movement is civil war. Glenn Beck is saying it’s illegal and civil war. It is the essence of America. And there’s a new Ron Paul video he put out this morning at Infowars.com that we just posted where he says that secession is the ultimate American value.”

He continued: “America is already gone. We must recognize that, pull out the New World Order, prosecute the criminals that have hijacked the Republic that don’t flee, and then reconstitute the Republic. But we must first separate or die to then rejoin. … This is time for dedication. This is time for commitment, and the spiritual decision to sign your John Hancock in your words and your deeds towards the restoration of our Republic and putting us back on the course of liberty and justice for all.” “

13 Genius Quotes On Free Market Economics


” The free market economy has been taken for granted by the American people as the dynamic generator of the nation’s vast wealth. Our capitalistic economy is currently being “fundamentally transformed” into a central government-dominated system, threatening the vibrance that has made America the land of opportunity. The following ‘thirteen genius quotes’ display the moral underpinnings of the market economy and dispel some common misconceptions. “




Here is a Sample : Click the headline to read them all .


 ” “All other persons and groups in society (except for acknowledged and sporadic criminals such as thieves and bank robbers) obtain their income voluntarily: either by selling goods and services to the consuming public, or by voluntary gift (e.g., membership in a club or association, bequest, or inheritance). Only the State obtains its revenue by coercion, by threatening dire penalties should the income not be forthcoming. That coercion is known as ‘taxation,’ although in less regularized epochs it was often known as ‘tribute.’ Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match.” — Murray Rothbard










Holy S**t . Of course the idiot GOP made this grand bargain . The Tea Party and the libertarians did no such thing . It’s been obvious for quite some time who is required to lead the fight for liberty . The GOP certainly lacks the qualifications to do so .