13 Genius Quotes On Free Market Economics


” The free market economy has been taken for granted by the American people as the dynamic generator of the nation’s vast wealth. Our capitalistic economy is currently being “fundamentally transformed” into a central government-dominated system, threatening the vibrance that has made America the land of opportunity. The following ‘thirteen genius quotes’ display the moral underpinnings of the market economy and dispel some common misconceptions. “




Here is a Sample : Click the headline to read them all .


 ” “All other persons and groups in society (except for acknowledged and sporadic criminals such as thieves and bank robbers) obtain their income voluntarily: either by selling goods and services to the consuming public, or by voluntary gift (e.g., membership in a club or association, bequest, or inheritance). Only the State obtains its revenue by coercion, by threatening dire penalties should the income not be forthcoming. That coercion is known as ‘taxation,’ although in less regularized epochs it was often known as ‘tribute.’ Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match.” — Murray Rothbard