Tag Archive: NYC

Jimi Hendrix & B B King Jam Live @ Generation Club NYC 1968




NYC On Ice From Brian Eden




Published on Feb 24, 2015

A time lapse video of tugboats and ferries trying to navigate the frozen East River in NYC. Taken from Droga5 HQ, February 24, 2015 “




Here’s one of the ice moving upriver from Brandon Rosenblum:




Published on Feb 24, 2015

” Icebergs float in the East River during one of the coldest winters recorded in New York City”














Comptroller Stringer Calls For More Interpreters, Language Help In Housing Courts


This map shows the locations of foreign-born city residents, by country of origin.  Map courtesy NYC OEM, source 2005-2009 American Community Survey




” Tenants’ advocates say that wait times for interpreters can extend for many hours and sometimes force postponements to other days. As a result, litigants often succumb to landlord attorneys who push them to negotiate outside courtrooms without an interpreter.

  The number of foreign-born residents has increased drastically over the last four decades. In 1970, roughly 18 percent of New Yorkers were foreign-born. In 2010, that figure was up to 37 percent, according to the Census and the NYC Department of City Planning.

  Roughly half of the city’s residents speak a language other than English at home. A quarter of New York City residents — $1.8 million – are not English proficient, according to the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Affairs. “


Story continues












Johnny Winter 70th Birthday At B B Kings Blues Club, NYC 2014





Published on Mar 1, 2014

” Johnny Winter 70th Birthday at B B Kings Blues Club, NYC 2014 Video produced by Larry Blumenstein Video Productions. Contact: larryblumenstein@aol.com, 917-817-2112. (Copyright 2014)) (c)
John Dawson Winter III — known as Johnny Winter — is an American blues guitarist, singer, and producer. Best known for his high-energy blues-rock albums and live performances in the late 1960s and ’70s, Winter also produced three Grammy Award-winning albums for blues legend Muddy Waters. Since his time with Waters, Winter has recorded several Grammy-nominated blues albums and continues to tour extensively. In 1988, he was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame and in 2003, he was ranked 63rd in Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time”. “














850 Voters In NYC Are Officially 164 Years Old



Funny , she doesn’t look a day over 103 .



” A single Bronx voter listed in official records as being 164 years old led Board of Elections officials to review their files — where they turned up another 849 New Yorkers who were supposedly alive when Abe Lincoln was president.

  The stunning discovery came after The Post reported last week that the birth date of Luz Pabellon, a spry 73-year-old who has been living and voting in The Bronx since the 1970s, was recorded as Jan. 1, 1850.

  This week, a search of the records in all five boroughs found 849 more voters with the same wacky birth date.

  Board officials chalked up the implausible age snafu to previous practices that allowed residents not to provide their exact birthdays when registering to vote.

  Some of the new voters — mostly women — simply wrote that they were “21+” — above the legal voting age.

  There was a reason to be vague. Voter registration records are open to the public, so anyone with the inclination can discover the real age of anyone in the files.

“ It’s a leftover vestige from a bygone era,” explained Board of Elections executive director Mike Ryan.

“ They were all listed as age 164. This was no accident. It’s a little quirk in the system. It’s not widespread,” he added, noting there are more than 4 million registered voters. “


NY Post









Mystery: Posters In NYC, D.C. Call Clintons ‘America’s Lannisters’




” A new Clinton mystery has hit New York City and Washington, D.C. with the surprise display of posters declaring the Clintons as “America’s Most Dangerous Family” and “America’s Lannisters.”

  Pulled by advertising bikes over the weekend, the posters use themes from TV’s “Game of Thrones” and “House of Cards” in portraying BillHillary and Chelsea Clinton — and advisor James Carville — as evil, though they don’t indicate exactly what the advertising is for.

  One of the ad posters appears similar to the style of the hit Netflix series, “House of Cards.” The poster is in black and white and shows Bill and Hillary under an upside down U.S. flag, the sign of distress. That poster reads, “America’s Most Dangerous Family.” “



Washington Examiner













Punk Who Played ‘Knockout Game’ With Girl Gets Chased Down, Dreadlock Torn From Scalp




” Some may feel that New Yorker Ibrahim King, 36, got what he deserved after he thought it would be “funny” to punch a totally unsuspected 21-year-old girl in the face in an apparent bout of the loathsome “knockout game.” After he punched the girl without warning he was chased down, slammed around, had his dreadlock pulled out of his scalp and forced to apologize by a bystander. Then he was arrested!

Story from the New York Post:

   A Brooklyn fare-beater allegedly punched a young woman in the face while apparently playing the “knockout game” in a Manhattan PATH station — and her friend chased him down, put him in a chokehold and forced him to apologize, sources said.

  Ibrahim King, 36, allegedly slugged 21-year-old Elizabeth Mejia, breaking her orbital bone, in the Ninth Street station around 3:40 a.m. Sunday

“ He looks at her for a very short moment and then he pulls his right fist back and lunges across the railing and punches her in the face,” said Mejia’s friend Steve Sala.”

More at Rightwing News

Drones Could Be The Next Dog Walkers





” Designers and researchers are continuously developing and dreaming up new things that could possibly be created or carried out by a drone or an unmanned aerial vehicle. Drones are being used and studied in various industries and sectors including the military, agriculture, retail, delivery services, and even the arts. In the not so distant future, drones may even be used to take pets out for a walk in the park.

  A New Yorker by the name of Jeff Myers recently uploaded a video to Vimeo showing how that idea can work in real life today.”



Dog Walking Drone



” Myers, who likes to experiment with product design and interaction design, created a video showing a person programming the walking route of his dog into an AR drone. The AR drone was then used to take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood. The drone is attached to the end of the dog’s leash and flies above the dog as the pooch strolls along the streets.”

Read more here and a tip of the hat to Mashable











Millions In Farm Subsidies Flow Freely To DC Residents Who Don’t Actually Farm





” Washington, D.C., doesn’t have many farms, or farmers. Yet thousands of residents in and around the nation’s capital receive millions of dollars every year in federal farm subsidies, including working-class residents in Southeast, wealthy lobbyists on K Street and well-connected lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

  In neighboring Chevy Chase, Md., one of the nation’s wealthiest communities, lawyers, lobbyists and at least one psychologist collected nearly $342,000 in taxpayer farm subsidies between 2008 and 2011, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

  Taxpayer subsidies were also paid out to Gerald Cassidy, the founder of one of Washington’s most powerful lobbying firms, Cassidy & Associates; Charlie Stenholm, a former congressman; and Chuck Grassley, a Republican senator from Iowa. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack continues to receive subsides even though he has overseen the agency that pays them since 2009.

” All of it is entirely legal,” said Adam Andrzejewski, founder of Open the Books, a group that created an online database and mobile app to track the subsidies.

  To illustrate just how far the subsidy program has strayed from its original purpose, Open the Books calculated payments going to three major cities with few, if any, modern ties to farming: Washington, D.C., New York City and Chicago. Taxpayers sent $30 million to those residents over the past four years to compensate them for converting farmland to conservation areas and for growing soybeans, cotton, corn, rice and other crops.”








How The NYPD’s Use Of Civil Forfeiture Robs Innocent New Yorkers



” In the middle of the night in March of 2012, NYPD officers burst into the Bronx home of Gerald Bryan, ransacking his belongings, tearing out light fixtures, punching through walls, and confiscating $4,800 in cash. Bryan, 42, was taken into custody on suspected felony drug distribution, as the police continued their warrantless search. Over a year later, Bryan’s case was dropped. When he went to retrieve his $4,800, he was told it was too late: the money had been deposited into the NYPD’s pension fund. Bryan found himself trapped in the NYPD’s labyrinthine civil forfeiture procedure, a policy based on a 133-year-old law which robs poor New Yorkers of millions of dollars every year; a law that has been ruled unconstitutional twice.”





” ” They do this all the time, to so many people I know,” Bryan, a bartender of 21 years, told us in the office of the Bronx Defenders. Before the raid, he had planned on using the cash to take his girlfriend on a cruise. “A lot of people, when they get arrested, they know that their money is just gone, and they know that the police are taking it to enrich themselves.”

  Civil forfeiture, the act by which a municipality can seize money during an arrest, has always been a controversial weapon of law enforcement. The practice became more prevalent in the 1980s, when jurisdictions around the country began pursuing cases involving money in both civil and criminal court in an effort to fight organized crime and deprive criminals of their income, even if they couldn’t imprison them.

  This summer The New Yorker published a sprawling investigation on how cities use the practice to bolster their cash-strapped coffers by seizing the assets of the poor, often on trumped up charges.”




” The same is true in New York City, where the civil forfeiture process has long been used by the NYPD to seize money from those least likely to be able to get it back.

” It’s very difficult for the victims of , most of whom are from a lower socio-economic class, to do anything in the court system, much less win a civil forfeiture case,” said attorney David B. Smith, the nation’s leading expert on forfeiture law.”





” Any arrest in New York City can trigger a civil forfeiture case if money or property is found on or near a defendant, regardless of the reasons surrounding the arrest or its final disposition. In the past ten years, the NYPD has escalated the amount of civil forfeiture actions it pursues as public defense offices have been stretched thin by the huge amount of criminal cases across the city. 

One of the main problems with civil forfeiture is that you’re not assigned a lawyer, it being a civil and not a criminal case,” Smith explains. “Most people can’t afford lawyers, and that gives the government a tremendous advantage.” “


Legalized theft , pure and simple .







A prank from the makers of Devil’s Due , a movie premiering soon , inflicted on the unsuspecting citizens of New York City .


Published on Jan 14, 2014

” An animatronic “devil baby” in a remote controlled stroller goes on a rampage through the streets of New York City and hidden cameras record people’s reactions.”
HT/DC Caller

Only In NYC…






Bill de Blasio Walks Away From White House Meeting With Sweeping National Hopes










Unforgettable Photographs Capture a New Perspective On The world’s Most Magnificent Scenes From Bryce Canyon To Big Ben




Dancing lights: The unique majesty of Aurora Borealis as photographed in the early morning hours in the arctic circle. Also known as the Northern Lights, these fascinating light shows are at their peak when sunspots occur with the most frequency

" Dancing lights: The unique majesty of Aurora Borealis as photographed in the early morning hours in the arctic circle. Also known as the Northern Lights, these fascinating light shows are at their peak when sunspots occur with the most frequency "

Inspiring: Like the striking view of London, this shot taken from the Empire State Building of the mega city of New York sums up humanity's ability to take on almost supernatural feats 
" Inspiring: Like the striking view of London, this shot taken from the Empire State Building of the mega city of New York sums up humanity's ability to take on almost supernatural feats"

” A new pictorial volume from the world travel experts at Lonely Planet puts a new and unique perspective on some of Earth’s most inspiring scenes.

Looking up from the bottom of Utah’s majestic, rust colored Bryce Canyon National Park shows the park, for those who’ve been there, as its never been seen before.

Among striking shots of an ocean feeding frenzy and Aurora Borealis is a panoramic view of London and Big Ben at dusk that proves human landscapes can be just as breathtaking as those from mother nature.

The title of the book, Lonely Planet’s Beautiful World, does not disappoint.

This sampling of the book’s 200 or so scenes that depict precisely what makes Earth a living masterpiece is sure to leave you wanting more . “

See more at the Daily Mail

The Parade Kicks Off At 11:45 est



Earthcam NYC Columbus Day Parade




” We invite everyone to be a part of the Columbus Day Parade in New York City today! Starting at 11:45am ET, watch from our live camera perched high above Fifth Avenue and see 35,000 marchers make their way from 47th Street to 72nd Street. This annual event, which includes colorful floats and exciting musical performances, draws nearly 1 million spectators! “










New York’s Petty War On Airbnb





“Huddled masses yearning to breathe free” isn’t the first phrase that comes to mind when describing tourists in 21st century New York City booking stays through Airbnb, the wildly popular website connecting residents wanting to pick up some extra cash with out-of-towners looking for cheap alternatives to a traditional hotel. Although the terms and conditions have changed, the commercial impulse is much the same. Take a twenty-something couple named Lauren and Rob, who asked that I not reveal their last names because of the legal issues surrounding Airbnb. They moved to the Big Apple to make it in showbiz. Struggling to make ends meet, they now cover about half the cost of their $2,250-a-month Manhattan apartment by renting out their living room couch for $65 a night.

But unlike New York of a century ago, when capitalist transactions between consenting adults were generally allowed, the government has been waging war on the short-term rental business. A new front just opened that might ultimately drive many of New York City’s roughly 15,000 resident users to quit Airbnb. Last Friday, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a subpoena demanding that the company hand over a spreadsheet listing all its hosts statewide, their addresses, the dates and durations of their bookings, and the revenue these bookings have generated. News of the subpoena was chilling for many of the people whose names will appear on that list because they’ve been using Airbnb in violation of the law (more on the legality of Airbnb in a moment). Seth, a Manhattan lawyer who started hosting short-term rentals of his Upper East Studio during a period when he was out of work, says he’ll probably quit as soon as his lease is up. “The subpoena is scary,” he says, fearing he’ll have to hire a lawyer and pay a big fine.”










Woman sets off 24 bug bombs at once causing explosion that partially collapsed a Manhattan building





” An explosion inside a New York Chinatown building caused by a woman who set off 24 bug bombs at once led to a fire and the partial collapse of the building.

According to firefighters, the woman had let off 20 canisters of bug bombs on Wednesday and on Thursday deployed two dozen more – only this time she forgot to turn off an oven’s pilot light.

The flame ignited the huge cloud of flammable insecticide causing a fire that ripped through the building and injured a 15 people, including four firefighters.”








Facebook Page Nails Hamptons D-bags For Their Bad Behavior And Maddening Antics




” Beware, Hamptons idiots — the D-bag patrol is on the prowl.

A Facebook page that documents the maddening antics of East End summer crowds has exploded in popularity this season, gaining nearly 1,000 followers with hundreds of postings of beachgoers at their worst.

Founded by a fed-up year-round resident, “Douche Spotter” has posted pictures of men pumping gas in Speedos, grown women arguing over parking spots and clueless moms getting high-end strollers stuck in the sandy beach.

Even Paul McCartney’s ex, Heather Mills, is captured on the site getting a traffic ticket in her white convertible.”








Most NYC High School Grads Need Remedial Help Before Entering CUNY Community Colleges



NYC Education Budget 2011



” NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — It’s an education bombshell.

Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system.

The number of kids behind the 8-ball is the highest in years, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday.

They had to re-learn basic skills — reading, writing and math — first before they could begin college courses.

They are part of a disturbing statistic.

Officials told CBS 2′s Kramer that nearly 80 percent of those who graduate from city high schools arrived at City University’s community college system without having mastered the skills to do college-level work.”



    This story brings an awful lot of things to mind , but I’m not quite sure how to address them … More on this in time … Except who could leave out the one immediately obvious comment about how ” if we(taxpayers)  just invested MORE in education ” we(NEA , UFT) would be able to teach 18 year olds how to read . Eleven point six BILLION just isn’t enough .






FAA investigates report of drone spotted near NYC

” The pilot can be heard reporting the aircraft on radio calls captured by LiveATC.net, a website that posts air traffic communications.The pilot said, “We saw a drone, a drone aircraft.”The FAA says the pilot did not take evasive action and the plane landed safely.”

So Long Ed

RIP Ed Koch: Legendary NYC Mayor Dead At 88





” Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch died this morning after being admitted to the hospital earlier this week. He was 88.”

‘Wall St.’ Flees NY For Tax-Free Fla.




” The city’s hedge-fund executives are flying south — and it’s not for vacation.

An increasing number of financial firms, especially private equity and hedge funds, are fed up with New York’s sky-high city and state tax rates and are relocating to the business-friendly climate in Florida’s Palm Beach County.

And they’re being welcomed with open arms — officials in Palm Beach recently opened an entire office dedicated to luring finance hot shots down south.

“Florida is a state of choice,” said Thalius Hecksher, global development chief for Apex Fund Services, who moved many of his operations to Palm Beach. “It’s organically grown. There’s no need to drag people down here. It’s a zero-income-tax jurisdiction.”

Sandy Victims Still Stranded As ‘Red Tape’ Hinders Help From FEMA | CNS News.