Tag Archive: GOP

Disgruntled Right Wing Keeps Boehner Coup Talk Alive





” Tea Party conservatives failed to oust Speaker John Boehner last month, but they’re threatening to try again if the Ohio Republican caves in the fight against President Obama’s immigration actions.

  While there’s not a coordinated effort yet, chatter of another coup attempt has grown louder now that the Senate is moving to pass a funding bill to avert a shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) without the immigration riders.

  Conservatives on and off Capitol Hill are pressuring Boehner not to relent unless Democrats agree to gut Obama’s executive orders protecting millions of illegal immigrants from deportation.

  But Boehner and his allies are concerned that partially closing one of the top national security agencies could do lasting damage to the party.

  Some of the 25 Republicans who tried to strip the Speaker’s gavel from Boehner on the House floor in January are having informal discussions about ways they might overthrow him if he brings a clean bill to the floor, according to one conservative lawmaker who voted against Boehner in January.

“ I think the political repercussions both for him and the Speakership are going to be pretty substantial,” said another House conservative, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the issue. “He knows that it would be a big political mistake, and he doesn’t want to throw away all of his political capital on this.” “

   This article from the Hill is just dripping with condescension towards the “right wing Tea Party” conservatives , who by the way , most closely embody the political beliefs of the founding fathers , starting with the title but even so it paints an accurate picture of the dissatisfaction growing in the non-establishment wing of the GOP .


By Standards Of Immigration Hawks, All 2016 GOP Contenders Support ‘Amnesty’





” Anyone who has ever used the term “Shamnesty” — or, more likely, “SHAMNESTY!!!!” — is going to hate the likely 2016 GOP presidential field. All of it.

  The immigration reform debate centers around many issues, but probably none is more explosive than what should be done about the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States. The loudest critics of comprehensive immigration reform in the Republican Party demand that there be no “amnesty,” which they define as any pathway to normalizing the immigration statuses of America’s illegal population, no matter whether those illegals would be forced to pay a financial penalty or even prevented from gaining citizenship. 

  Yet, despite the issue garnering so much ink, the reality is every major candidate supports an immigration policy that includes an “amnesty,” at least as defined by the GOP’s most ardent and vocal immigration hawks.

  Much has been made of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s support for a pathway to citizenship for most of the illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States. But conservative grassroots stalwarts like Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz also envision some type of normalization for illegals living in the country.

  Cruz has said he would support ultimately legalizing most of the undocumented immigrants in the country, though without providing a pathway to citizenship.

  Paul also supports a pathway to legalization for illegals, with the prospect of eventually earning citizenship.

“ After ensuring border security, then I would normalize the status of the 11 million undocumented citizens so they can join the workforce and pay taxes,” he wrote in a Washington Times column in 2013.

“ Most of these undocumented immigrants are poor and may not be able to ever pay ten years of back payroll taxes,” he added. “I would be willing to forego the fines and back taxes in exchange for a longer and significant time period before these folks are eligible to enter into the green card line.”

  Of course, most GOP contenders who support an ultimate pathway to citizenship, or at least a process of normalization, condition their support on things like further securing America’s Southern border and making illegal immigrants pay a financial penalty. But nearly all support the general principle: most of the 11 million illegal immigrants who violated America’s laws in making their way into the country should be allowed to stay and work in the country so long as they haven’t committed any further crimes.”


Read the rest at the Daily Caller













New Poll Shows Tepid GOP Support For Boehner In Role Of Speaker




” From the final Morning Jolt of the week…

Despite an Ominous New Poll, Speaker Boehner Isn’t Going Anywhere

  House Speaker John Boehner is not particularly popular with Republican voters.

  We now know just how unenthusiastic Republicans feel from a new poll conducted by Pat Caddell and EMC Research, commissioned by the People’s Poll, in an exclusive to the Morning Jolt/Campaign Spot.

  Nine percent of self-identified Republicans and self-described independents who say they lean closer to Republicans say they feel “strongly favorable” about Boehner, and another 34 percent say “somewhat favorable.” Another 23 percent say they’re “somewhat unfavorable,” and another 11 percent say strongly unfavorable. An entire 11 percent say they’ve never heard of John Boehner.

  Asked, “If it were up to you, would you elect John Boehner to continue as Speaker of the House or would you elect someone new?”, 11 percent of respondents said “definitely” Boehner, 15 percent said “probably,” 26 percent said “probably” someone new, and 34 percent said someone new, definitely.


NRO has more













Sony Hackers Mock FBI: ‘You Are An Idiot’







” The group behind the devastating hacking attack on Sony has apparently posted a message mocking the FBI.

” The result of investigation by FBI is so excellent that you might have seen what we were doing with your own eyes,” the message posted on the file-sharing website Pastebin by a group calling itself GOP (Guardians of Peace) said.

” We congratulate you success. FBI is the BEST in the world.”

  The US federal agency has named North Korea as the force behind the attack on Sony, which led the company to withdraw the comedy The Interview from its Christmas Day release.”


Yahoo News










House Leaders Move To Avoid Immigration Showdown





” Trying to avoid a showdown over immigration, House Republican leaders are moving to make a deal with Democrats to pass a spending bill that would keep the government running past next week.

  The emerging strategy follows legislation passed Thursday by the House declaring President Barack Obama’s executive actions to curb deportations of immigrants in the U.S. illegally to be “null and void.” That legislation wasn’t enough for some conservatives, who complained that the only way to stop Obama’s actions on immigration would be to forbid them in legislation that must pass if the government is to stay open.

  Republican leaders are opposed to that course of action, fearing a government shutdown that they don’t want, and they plan to rely on Democratic votes to pass a bill to keep the government going.”





” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday that Democrats were committed to keeping the government open, but she warned that Republicans could lose their support if they include too many contentious so-called policy riders in the spending bill, on issues like school lunch nutrition standards and water quality.

” We haven’t seen the bill. But there are some very destructive riders in it that would be unacceptable to us and, I think, unacceptable to the American people,” Pelosi said.

” The responsibility to keep government open is theirs. If the bill is anything that we can support, we will,” added Pelosi, who has more leverage in the negotiations because of Boehner’s likely need to rely on her to deliver Democratic votes.

  The spending bill would pay for the operations of most government agencies for a year while extending the Homeland Security Department operations only for a few months. Homeland Security includes the immigration agencies that would carry out Obama’s executive actions, so the approach would allow Republicans to revisit them early next year, once they have control of the Senate and a bigger majority in the House.

” We think this is the most practical way to fight the president’s action,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said.”


What a cowardly bunch of ***holes the House GOP leadership is , read the whole sickening thing .










Sony Struggles To Fight #GOP Hackers Who Claim Stolen Data Includes Stars’ IDs, Budget And Contract Figures





” The Guardians of Peace group, which says it is responsible for Monday’s attack, releases list of files it says it has found.

  The situation at Sony Pictures Entertainment is more dire than the studio has allowed to be known, as the fifth day of hackers taking down the studio’s computer system continues though a threat to release private information has not materialized, TheWrap has learned.

  The studio has taken as much of its functions offline as possible, and managed to get payroll out as well as sustain DVD sales for titles like “Spider-Man” on the all-important Black Friday. One insider said company email is expected to be back on Monday. “


Read more










Daily Video 10.15.14

Midterm Message Discipline: GOP Has None, But That Just Might Work





Published on Oct 8, 2014

” Abortion, Unions and Environmentalists drive the Democrat message nationwide. Should GOP emulate their message discipline? With what message? (Pt. 2 of 3) “












GOP Poll Puts Brown Ahead Of Shaheen For First Time Since April









” A poll commissioned for a locally-based Republican third-party group showed Republican Senate nominee Scott Brown leading Democratic U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen for the first time since April.

  It is the first poll showing Brown ahead of Shaheen since April when another Republican poll, that one for the Republican Governor’s Association, also showed him up slightly.

  The Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire poll was conducted by the Colorado Republican polling outfit Magellan Strategies, which sampled 2,214 likely voters. The poll’s margin of error was +/- 2 percent.”



    While we are no big fans of Scott Brown , having been sorely disappointed after supporting him in his Massachusetts senatorial bid , we are even less enamored with his opponent Ms Shaheen and thus see this as a positive development . Read more .













Cruz Wins: Republican Leadership Conference Straw Poll Results




     These results from the Republican Leadership Conference are more interesting for who lost than who won . Governor Rhino from NJ came in dead last and was in fact beaten by two candidates that were not even on the ballot . Take a hint Christie and stay in New Jersey .


” In the straw poll, 633 ballots were cast, which was attended by more than 1,500 people. The results were as follows:

1. Ted Cruz — 30.33 percent
2. Ben Carson — 29.38 percent
3. Rand Paul — 10.43 percent
4. Mike Huckabee — 5.06 percent
5. Rick Perry — 4.90 percent
6. Curt Clawson (write-in) 4.58 percent
7. Jeb Bush — 4.42 percent
8. Marco Rubio — 3.32 percent
9. Rick Santorum — 2.37 percent
10. Paul Ryan — 2.05 percent
11. Allen West (write-in) — 2.05 percent
12. Chris Christie — 1.11% “


   Who says the Tea Party is dead ? Being two out of the top three vote getters does not seem corpse-like to us .

The Right Scoop











The Strange Revival Of Republican America




” For years people have predicted the Republican party’s demise. The decline of whites as a share of the US population and the spread of tolerant values, such as support for gay marriage, would gradually snuff out its appeal. Yet the Grand Old Party has a stubborn way of bouncing back. The coming midterm elections in November are unlikely to be an exception, while the Republican field for the next presidential election looks stronger than at any time since 2000. Tomorrow may indeed arrive at some point. But for the time being, today is going pretty well for the Republicans.

  Take the fast-approaching congressional elections. President Barack Obama is giving everything he has in terms of fundraising to retain Democratic control of the Senate. The remainder of his presidency depends on it. Even diehard optimists doubt Democrats could regain control of the House. Yet the more Mr Obama throws at the Senate, the lower his poll numbers fall. Last week he hit a new low of 41 per cent approval versus 54 per cent disapproval. History says an unpopular president’s party loses ground in midterm elections. This year is unlikely to buck the trend.”


     Financial Times has a lengthy piece on GOP chances for the upcoming 2014 midterms and while the article is every bit as condescending as it’s title would suggest there remains much truth that even their writer’s bias cannot hide .







‘Libertarian Paranoia’ Is The Newest Fad In Politics




” Look out: The libertarians are coming! The libertarians are coming! Never before have so many been so intimidated by so few, with so little political power.

  Salon.com offers near-daily warnings about the libertarian “threat”:

“ Beware of Libertarians Bearing Gifts,” the Center for American Progress admonishes: “a bipartisan move against the NSA could kill the New Deal.”

  Anti-libertarian paranoia plagues our elected officials too: “the anarchists have taken over,” Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., wails. “This strain of libertarianism … is a very dangerous thought,” New Jersey Governor Chris Christie warned last summer in the wake of Edward Snowden‘s exposure of National Security Agency spying: “I want [these critics] to come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans” (Pro tip: don’t take the George Washington Bridge).”


   The Establishment is rightfully fearful of the burgeoning libertarian movement as it is the one political ideology to come along in our lifetimes that has the potential to triumph over the Statists that occupy both sides of the aisle .

    The amount of contempt and derision displayed by the accustomed ruling class happens to be directly proportional to the degree of threat they perceive the libertarian tenets to pose to their entitled way of life .

 This quote from the TribLive explains quite succinctly why the Ole Boys SHOULD fear Libertarians and their ideals :


” Hyperbole and ridicule aside, one thing is true — libertarians approach questions differently than do Democrats and Republicans. Where the major parties develop “platforms” of issues they support, libertarians begin with a single assumption with which most everyone can agree — all humans are free and equal in dignity by virtue of their being human. Everything else is commentary.

  The reason for partisan scorn is that the two-party faithful do not grasp that libertarians don’t think in terms of issues. Libertarians think in terms of principles. They begin with the principles of freedom and equality and apply these timeless principles to the issues of the day. What emerges is an extraordinarily civil discourse. The civility arises because libertarians begin at a point of consensus, not a point of contention.”



 They should be afraid … very afraid … Our time has returned . Read the rest at Reason .










Obama, GOP Team Up To Give Ex-Convicts Voting Rights

Published on Feb 11, 2014

” The Obama administration is teaming up with conservative lawmakers in Congress to try and restore voting rights to millions of ex-convicts. Devlin Barrett reports on the News Hub.”




The party of Lincoln is hell-bent on self-destruction . How did we ever come up with such “leadership” ?







GOP Crafts Plan To Wreck The Country, Lose Voters




” As House Republicans prepare to sell out the country on immigration this week, Phyllis Schlafly has produced a stunning report on how immigration is changing the country. The report is still embargoed, but someone slipped me a copy, and it’s too important to wait.

  Leave aside the harm cheap labor being dumped on the country does to the millions of unemployed Americans. What does it mean for the Republican Party?

  Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly’s report overwhelmingly demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigration policies spells doom for the Republican Party.

  Immigrants — all immigrants — have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they’re coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.) “



The facts speak for themselves and Coulter is not shy in presenting them …



” This is not a secret. For at least a century, there’s never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren’t Democrats.

  At the current accelerated rate of immigration — 1.1 million new immigrants every year — Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.

   Thanks to endless polling, we have a pretty good idea of what most immigrants believe.

  According to a Harris poll, 81 percent of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American. Only 50 percent of naturalized U.S. citizens do.

  While 67 percent of native-born Americans believe our Constitution is a higher legal authority than international law, only 37 percent of naturalized citizens agree.

  No wonder they vote 2-1 for the Democrats.”



Read the whole thing at Rightwing News









GOP Myths About Conservative Candidates



” The pundit class and the GOP establishment currently are engaged in massive “concern trolling” over the possibility that Republican voters will elect conservatives in party primaries. Karl Rove, the US Chamber of Commerce and other special interests have vowed to spend whatever it takes to prevent citizens from nominating the “wrong” candidates. Setting aside the conceit that these interests know better than voters who should represent them, are these concerns even valid?

   So, even accepting the tenuous argument that the “tea party” cost the Republicans 3-5 seats, the GOP establishment lost 11. One could easily argue that the Tea Party needs to step-up its involvement in primaries to prevent the Republican party from continuing to nominate “moderate” candidates who can’t win. The last two GOP presidential nominees have been “electable moderates” who so failed to inspire actual voters that they lost very winnable races.  

  The entire argument against the “Tea Party” from the GOP establishment is an attempt to excuse their unbelievable failure in 2012. The Republicans squandered more than $1 billion on the most winnable Presidential race in modern history. They had a deep slate of “electable” Senate candidates who all went down to defeat. Rather than accepting responsibility for their failure, GOP consultants are pointing fingers at conservatives, trying to distract the attention of their donors. Malpractice is too mild a word for their performance in 2012. ‘


Read the whole thing









Mark Levin Has An Idea So Brilliant It Could Totally Flip The Game On Democrats



Mark Levin



Read more at IJR








Political Timidity & Clerical Cowardice



” When an attempt was made to railroad George Zimmerman into prison for defending himself when assaulted, most conservatives fell silent, and some joined the lynch mob — and, to the best of my knowledge, not a single public official stood up to denounce what was going on.

  More recently, when A&E suspended Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty for having the effrontery to repeat age-old Christian doctrine in an interview with GQ, Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, and Ted Cruz let A&E have it. But the Republican establishment was present and accounted for only in its absence from the scene.

  Moreover, when Mark Steyn blasted GLAAD in his inimitable way for trying to shut down public discourse, his editor at National Review Online took offense and went after him. Mark, being Mark,knew how to respond, and others at NRO have since rallied to his support. But I am nonetheless struck by the timidity on the right.

  Even more to the point, however, I am really struck by the silence of the clergy. We can debate whether what Phil Robertson said was right or wrong, but the priests and ministers of the various Christian sects profess precisely what he said, and they have been ostentatiously silent. “




An astute commenter posits the theory that this …






                                                … is the reason for our present state of affairs and he is correct , at least in part .








Guess Who’s Funding The Republican Civil War




” The Republican Main Street Partnership has emerged as an outspoken, deep-pocketed player in pro-business GOP plans to beat back tea-party challengers next year. But the group’s new super PAC has an unexpected source for its seed money: labor unions.

  The super PAC, called Defending Main Street, has not yet submitted a major donor disclosure to the Federal Election Commission. But documents filed by other groups show that two labor organizations, the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Laborers’ International Union of North America, directed a combined $400,000 to the Republican group in September and October.

  Main Street says it has raised roughly $2 million total between its super PAC and an affiliated nonprofit group so far—and that means labor has supplied at least 20 percent of those funds.

  For the unions, this is not a surprising move. While both labor groups direct most of their millions to Democrats, they have consistently given smaller amounts to friendly Republicans.”









Boehner, Rove, And Chamber Wage Big-Moneyed Assault Against Tea Party




” Due to the surge in political involvement by every day citizens in the grassroots Tea Party movement, there was a shift in control in the House of Representatives. One-third of the Republican members of the House elected in 2010 were freshmen. They included Tea Party favorites Tim Huelskamp, Trey Gowdy, Tim Scott,  Justin Amash, Raul Labrador, and others. With this GOP takeover, those in the Tea Party movement had hope that Barack Obama’s far left agenda to ‘fundamentally transform America’ would be stopped. The then newly elected Speaker of the House, John Boehner, spoke a good game in support of the Tea Party movement. In an article published in December of 2010 in the New Yorker, Boehner was quoted standing strongly for the Tea Party, welcoming the influence these every day citizens would have in not just the political process, but in getting the Republican Party back to its conservative roots.

  Boehner’s praise and support of the grassroots Tea Party movement and those ushered into the House because of it eroded in two years.  In December of 2012, Boehner began his purge of conservatives from powerful committee positions. Since then, Boehner has ramped up his attack on the Tea Party into a very vocal and nasty display.

  In following Boehner’s lead of disdain for the Tea Party movement, FOX News Contributor Karl Rove has moved his attack on the Tea Party away from the white board on FOX News to using his often praised by mostly failed organization American Crossroads. Earlier this year, Rove outright declared war on the Tea Party. News reports surfaced the day after Christmas that Rove is not only reloading in his war against the Tea Party, but is forming additional organizations to fool the people in donating, as reported in the New York Times.”



Tea Party News Network has the story














” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican up for re-election in 2014, told theWashington Examiner in an interview published Friday that he believes it is time for the GOP establishment to stop conservatives and Tea Partiers.”


     It comes down to arrogance and entitlement doesn’t it Mitch ? You think that you should be able to run unopposed by your own party by virtue of the fact that you’ve been in office so long . Think again . The Republican brand is supposed to thrive on competition and what’s good for us is good for your party .


” McConnell argued it is “utter nonsense” for groups like the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), which has endorsed his primary challenger businessman Matt Bevin, to argue that Republicans like him in Congress are not fighting hard enough to defeat Democrats. In the interview, McConnell focused on deriding Tea Partiers for leading the effort to defund Obamacare—something that, coupled with the Democrats’ refusal to compromise on the soon-to-fail Obamacare, resulted in a government shutdown.

“The Senate Conservatives Fund is giving conservatism a bad name,” McConnell told the Examiner for the piece titled “The Establishment Fights Back: Mitch McConnell leads GOP battle against Tea Party insurgents.”


   Here’s a clue Mitch , the RINO’s are the ones that are giving conservatism a bad name . Through the auspices of your leadership along with John ( go along to get along) Boehner in the House the conservative brand has come to stand for … er ? Nothing . Well , that’s not entirely true , you guys stand for capitulation .


“They’re [SCF] participating in ruining the [Republican] brand,” McConnell said. “What they do is mislead their donors into believing the reason that we can’t get as good an outcome as we’d like to get is not because of a Democratic Senate and a Democratic president, but because Republicans are insufficiently committed to the cause—which is utter nonsense.”


    What has ruined the Republican brand is the fact that your party has shown itself to be little besides “Democrat Lite” and an ineffectual “Lite” at that . Say what you will about the Democrats but at least the have the courage of their convictions . Remember those ? Convictions ? The GOP establishment as embodied by the likes of you and John McCain , Lindsey Graham , John Boehner show us little in the way of conviction or core beliefs other than fighting off the fiscally responsible Tea Party caucus in your own party .


” McConnell had not only personally opposed, during the shutdown, the effort from Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) to defund Obamacare, he actually whipped votes against them, according to a Congressional source. Cruz and Lee had staked their battle on a key cloture vote that would have, if McConnell had united the Republican Party to deliver 41 votes against the use of taxpayer money to fund Obamacare, stopped Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid from using a procedural ploy to fund Obamacare with just 51 votes.”


    If only you and your appeasement minded cabal of establishment toadies put as much effort into defeating the Dems as you do the Tea Party maybe you would have some accomplishments to trumpet but as long as you insist on committing fratricide you doom your party to permanent minority status .








Reading The Tea Leaves: An Historical Republican Opportunity



” Tuesday’s results were not good for folks living in New York City or Virginia. The former will be saddled with a communist sympathizer for a mayor, and the latter will have to suffer with having a crook for a governor. The most that New Yorkers can hope for is that Andrew Cuomo prevents Bill de Blasio from finally bankrupting the city. The most that Virginians can hope for is that the law finally catches up with Terry McAuliffe.

For those of us who do not reside in either place, however, there is a silver lining. Ken Cuccinelli ran a terrible campaign until very late in the game; the Republican establishment failed to give him the requisite support; and the government shutdown infuriated the federal workers living in Northern Virginia, causing them to turn out for the Democratic Party. The good news, however, is that, if he had had a week more, Cuccinelli would nonetheless have won. His surge in the last week of the campaign was a function of his decision to make Obamacare the issue on which he ran.

Had Cuccinelli won, there would be panic in Washington, and it might even have affected the White House. But he lost, and Barack Obama is nothing if not vain. This is a man who cannot admit that he made a mistake. Anyone else would have dumped the Attorney General who brought us Fast and Furious. Anyone else would have cleaned house in the State Department after Benghazi. Anyone else would have made Kathleen Sebelius jump off a cliff.”


The accompanying illustration says it all : ” If you can’t see freedom , you suck.” So what does that say about the GOP in recent years ? All they can sell is their souls to the lobbyists .














Republican Winners Of The Shutdown Standoff




” “There are no winners here,” President Obama declared today as he took a victory lap at the final passage of a clean continuing resolution to end the 16-day government shutdown.

There are some early winners — but not necessarily among the key players in the standoff.

Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) fundraising was a winner, pulling in $1.19 million through his re-election committee and PAC in the last quarter, which included his September marathon speech on the Senate floor, and gathering a lengthy campaign mailing list from more than 2 million petition signatures at the Don’t Fund Obamacare site. But there aren’t indications that the presumed 2016 hopeful has done anything to win votes in a general national election. It also uncertain how Cruz’s young Senate career will proceed or be perceived over the next few years — he’s introduced nine standalone bills and resolutions in the 113th Congress, two of those dealing with the repeal or defunding of Obamacare. A Pew Research Center for the People and the Press survey released Wednesday confirmed that Cruz’s popularity has soared among the Tea Party, but unfavorable ratings for the Tea Party movement are the highest ever at 49 percent.

Asked by Politico who the winners of the shutdown were, Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) replied, “The people that managed to raise a lot of money off this.”

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) has been a potential rising star in his own right but shaped up in the standoff as Cruz’s No. 2 despite his call for a defunding of Obamacare in the next spending bill at the beginning of July.

And House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) outcome remains to be seen. He’s safe in his speakership, but threw up the white flag to end the shutdown after he couldn’t bring his final compromise to the floor for a lack of caucus support. “We fought the good fight; we just didn’t win,” Boehner said, failing to note it wasn’t exactly a fight he was looking to pick.

Yet there are some Republicans who have come out ahead over the course of the shutdown.”


PJ Media tells the story


Illustration by Nate Beeler








… But Not On Main Street



” If a new Gallup poll is to be trusted, tea party fatigue has firmly set in among the American public. 

The survey, released Thursday, indicates that 22 percent of Americans support the tea party, which anchors the conservative wing of the GOP. The number marks a 10 percentage point drop from the movement’s peak in the wake of the Republican Party’s 2010 takeover of the House of Representatives.

Whether it is tea party loyalists’ relentless drive to upend President Obama’s health-care initiative, or, more generally, the near-constant intraparty bickering that has divided the Republican Party, the numbers reflect relatively high public dissatisfaction with the tea party’s push for conflict over compromise.”



The Founding Fathers were in the minority too .











Senate Within GOP Reach

Senate Control in 2014 Increasingly Looks Like a Tossup

” This weekend’s announcement by the former governor of Montana, Brian Schweitzer, that he would not seek that state’s Democratic nomination for Senate represents the latest in a series of favorable developments for Republicans as they seek control of the chamber.

The G.O.P.’s task will not be easy: the party holds 46 seats in the Senate, and the number will very probably be cut to 45 after a special election in New Jersey later this year. That means that they would need to win a net of six contests from Democrats in order to control 51 seats and overcome Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s tiebreaking vote. Two years ago at this time, Republicans faced what seemed to be a promising environment and could have won the Senate by gaining a net of three seats from Democrats and winning the presidency. Instead, Mitt Romney lost to President Obama, and the G.O.P. lost a net of two Senate seats. ”


Posted by John Galt

Graham Predicts ‘Breakthrough’ Passage Of Immigration Bill With Over ’70 Votes’




” “I think we are going to get plus 70 votes,” he said. “I’ve never been more optimistic about it.”

Graham said passing the bill is a political necessity for the GOP.

“If we don’t pass immigration reform, if we don’t get it off the table in a reasonable, practical way, it doesn’t matter who we run in 2016,” he said. “We’re in a demographic death spiral as a party.”



     As the graph above clearly demonstrates the GOP share of the Hispanic vote will not be significantly affected by pandering to the illegals with an amnesty .  Reagan’s amnesty gave the GOP nothing and the GOP presidential share versus Obama in 2008 was nearly as high as it has ever gotten without an amnesty .

   Hispanics , just like everyone else , want jobs and a sound economy not political pandering .  Sound policies and adherence to principles is more effective than attempted bribery . But then again , it’s not called the “stupid party” for nothing . 

 And by the way , could you South Carolinians please primary Senator Grahamnesty into retirement ?