Tag Archive: Chuck Schumer

Harvard Grad Chuck Schumer Fails History, Credits Jefferson For Bill Of Rights






” Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, stumbled Tuesday over basic American history, crediting Thomas Jefferson for authorship of the Bill of Rights during a debate over the First Amendment and campaign finance.

“ I think if Thomas Jefferson were looking down, the author of the Bill of Rights, on what’s being proposed here, he’d agree with it. He would agree that the First Amendment cannot be absolute,” Mr. Schumer said.”




    Of course the First Amendment is absolute , just as all the rest of The Bill Of Rights are . What kind of idiots do our “elite universities” produce that our “leaders” , the ones responsible for writing new laws , are not even familiar with the intent of our Founders ?

The entire intent of the establishment of the Bill Of Rights was to codify certain “inalienable” rights and thus put them beyond the reach of future “Statist” politicians such as the “Honorable” Chuck Schumer and his ilk . Even a lowly non-Harvard grad such as myself knows that .




” While Jefferson is deemed the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, he was not intimately involved in the writing of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, which is the first 10 amendments to that founding document.

  Indeed, Jefferson was out of the country, serving as minister to France at the time of both the Constitution convention and the congressional debate over the Bill of Rights. His fellow Virginians, James Madison and George Mason, are usually credited with being more influential in the process — Mason for being among the most forceful in demanding the protections of such a Bill of Rights, and Madison for being the political muscle that got them approved.

“ Madison’s support of the bill of rights was of critical significance,” the National Archives writes on its web page. “One of the new representatives from Virginia to the First Federal Congress, as established by the new Constitution, he worked tirelessly to persuade the House to enact amendments.”

  The Archives goes on to recount Madison’s efforts to shepherd a package of 17 amendments through the House in 1789 — a number that was later trimmed to 12 in the Senate, before being submitted to the states.

  Of those, 10 were ratified fairly quickly. An 11th was ratified two centuries later, becoming the 27th Amendment.”




    This story highlights the ignorance of Chuck Schumer not only in regards to the authorship of the Bill Of Rights but also vividly illustrates his woeful knowledge of the Framer’s original intent which is spelled out in terms that even a moron of Schumer’s caliber should never be able to misconstrue :




” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”




  What part of “unalienable” does Schumer fail to grasp ? For his enlightenment here is the definition from no less an authority than Merriam-Webster :



” un·alien·able

 adjective \ˌən-ˈāl-yə-nə-bəl, –ˈā-lē-ə-\

: impossible to take away or give up



    So Mr Schumer , as you can see , our basic rights are endowed by God and not by you and your fellow politicians whether put forth in the Declaration of Independence or the Bill Of Rights were , are and have always be intended to be inviolate regardless of whether you and other elected representatives approve of what they stand for or not . 

   That was the genius of our founders , a trait that has been all but lost in our present ruling class . The Founders actually foresaw the day when people of your sort would attempt to deny the people’s rights with your talk of a “living Constitution” and so fashioned our governing charter as they did . 

Read more at Washington Times










Schumer: Veterans Should Take A Pay Cut But Congress Should Not


” Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) believes that it’s time that US military veterans do their part for America by taking a cut to their retirement benefits.

  Because, of course, veterans haven’t done enough for the country.

  Members of Congress, however, should take no such cuts. According to the rather despicable gun-control advocating Senator Schumer, the government officials have sacrificed enough.

  Civilian federal employees have been cut, cut, cut. I think there was a feeling, if you’re going to cut them further, which was done, that the military retirees should have about an equal amount. It’s small,” the New York Democrat told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “














” The Senate Judiciary committee has moved forward a bill that would offer “Shield Law” protections for journalists and prevent them from having to testify about their work. The bill, moved forward on Thursday after members of the committee took it upon themselves to define who is a journalist and who is not.

Senator Charles Schumer says that this bill “balances the need for national security with that of a free press.” Though wouldn’t that beg the question, if the press (media) is restricted (balanced with security), how could it be free?

Of course the real story here centers around Senator Dianne Feinstein who has for weeks insisted that the committee must create and limit a definition for the title of “reporter”. Feinstein says that she cannot support everyone who has a blog with “special privilege”, going on to say “If Edward Snowden were to sit down and write this stuff, he would have privilege. I’m not going to go there.” “



    Welcome to the State’s war on citizen journalism . Make no mistake , this is a direct attack on the first amendment and must be fought with everything we have . Man up bloggers . Spread the word .









GOP Border Deal Lifts Immigration Bill Chances




” A deal to double Border Patrol agents and fencing at the U.S.-Mexico border improved prospects of the Senate passing an immigration overhaul law, senators said.”


       They’ll double the guards and fences , allegedly , and that will bring our border security up from completely ineffective to marginally effective and that is being touted as “tough enforcement”?


“We are on the verge of a huge breakthrough on border security,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” that wrote the Senate’s original comprehensive immigration reform bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally.”


    If Schumer thinks it’s good , America is in for a screwing . Don’t believe a word coming out of the Senate . It is nothing but a pack of inveterate liars seeking to keep their jobs and perks from being threatened . They are the self-serving 1% if ever there was such .











Sessions: Let’s Face It, This Immigration Bill Is Beyond Repair






” Washington is bickering over whether the Cornyn amendment to the Gang of Eight framework is a deal-breaking and onerous “poison pill,” or a totally inadequate “Trojan horse.”  The New York Times published a piece pondering that exact question on Friday.  It quoted Chuck Schumer panning the plan as a “nonstarter” and “deal-killer,” without specifying a single policy flaw.  How does any of this go “too far”?  One Republican Senator is having none of this entire show.  Alabama’s Jeff Sessions released a blistering statement Sunday morning preemptively rejecting any “cosmetic fixes” to the legislation (hyperlinks and emphasis his):

When the Gang of Eight first announced their immigration bill they declared it was the toughest enforcement plan in history. They declared enforcement would come before legalization. And they declared that anyone who suggested otherwise didn’t know what they were talking about. Now the bill has been reviewed and there can be no dispute: it weakens current lawundermines future enforcement and puts amnesty—not enforcement—first. So new promises of amendment ‘fixes’ to save the bill should be viewed with great skepticism: every time, on every issue, the promises have not matched with reality. They promised back taxes—but the requirement isn’t there; they promised tight restrictions on welfare benefits—but state and local benefits, as well as tax credits,will be available immediately and federal welfare access is granted to millions of illegal immigrants starting in five years; they promised to protect workers—but this bill would devastate workers by tripling the number of legal immigrants over the next decade and doubling the number of guest workers.

No small cosmetic fix can save this bill, with so many provisions clearly authored by special interests whose chief desires are lower wages and amnesty—rather than a lawful, rational system of immigration. As the ICE officers’ association warned: ‘instead of cracking down on the Administration’s abuse of powerS. 744 places unprecedented new restrictions on interior enforcement—making the current situation much worse and much more hazardous. It is as if S. 744 were explicitly written to handcuff law enforcement officials—binding their hands while giving virtually unchecked authority to executive branch officials to prevent future removals, including removals of criminal aliens.’ And as the USCIS adjudications officers warned: ‘the legislation was written with special interests—producing a bill that makes the current system worse, not better. S. 744 will damage public safety and national security and should be opposed by lawmakers.’ It’s time for the Gang of Eight to start being straight with the American public.” “

Ten Leading Democrats Wrote IRS Demanding the Agency Crack Down On Conservative Groups

Published on May 23, 2013

” Starting in the fall of 2010, ten leading Democrats – Including, Max Baucus, Chuck Schumer, and Al Franken – wrote the IRS demanding that the agency crack down on conservative groups.

500 conservative and Christian groups were illegally targeted by the Obama IRS starting in 2010. For twenty-seven months the Obama IRS refused to approve any Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status while at the same time the Obama IRS approved dozens of progressive applications. 

Now these same top Democrats are feigning outrage.”












3D Printing Is Way Scarier Than Plastic Guns






” Ever the publicity hound, Sen. Chuck Schumer, who obviously has no idea what additive manufacturing actually is, came out big and strong against “stomach-churning” 3D printed plastic guns last week.

This naive, sensationalist rant so misunderstands the issue, I almost don’t know where to start.  He goes on to inform the public that because these guns are made of plastic, they are undetectable, so he must introduce legislation that will make it illegal to possess an undetectable or an untraceable weapon.  This is like putting a “Band-Aid on a heart attack.”  Sen. Schumer simply doesn’t understand what he is dealing with.  In fact, most of us don’t.

Now that you know what a 3D printer is, you must also understand that 3D printers are not limited to printing in plastic.  There are 3D printers that print in wood (a mixture of wood particles and binding agent that dries as wood) ceramic, carbon fiber, bronze, iron, steel, cellulose, human tissue (certain body parts for human transplant are grown using 3D printed frameworks) … there are limitations to the range of additive manufacturing materials, but the technology is evolving rapidly.

As for guns … CAD/CAM files (the computer files that 3D printers transform into physical objects one layer at a time) for the .45 caliber M1911 or the 1911A-1 single-action, semi-automatic pistol have been online for years.  In fact, you can find all kinds of CAD/CAMs for all kinds of gun parts, bomb parts, bazooka parts, rocket launcher parts and other deadly weapons online.  These are computer files, like songs or movies or documents or images, they cannot be protected or digitally rights managed (DRM) any better than the entertainment industry has done with its intellectual property.  A file is a file is a file, if someone wants to copy it – it will be copied.  You can’t tell what the file contains unless you open it and, most importantly, there is no way to ban or prohibit the transfer of files.  In this case, the genie is out of the bottle, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, the ship has sailed – the files are out there.

Plastic guns?  Seriously.  How about guns printed in steel, guns printed in carbon fiber, guns printed in, you name it – there’s a 3D printer that can print in the medium.  In a world of 3D printers, there is no such thing as gun control – people who are so inclined will print all the guns and ammo they need – untraceable, no serial numbers, no markings about point of origin, no trade marks, nothing! “













The Rubio Amnesty





” When Mitt Romney lost last November, the Republican establishment decided that his moderately hawkish stance on immigration had been a major cause of his defeat. Never mind that his share of the Hispanic vote was within the margin of error of McCain’s 2008 share. Never mind the significant drop in white turnout. There is little elite constituency for a hawkish approach to immigration, and much elite support for lax enforcement and increased legal immigration (Romney actually supported the latter).

So the Republican establishment turns its hopeful eyes, once again, to so-called comprehensive immigration reform. The same senators who pushed such a bill in 2007, prominently including Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham and Democrat Chuck Schumer, are at it again. They have devised a plan that would ease the path to legality for illegal immigrants while making some gestures toward enforcement. But a new element this time around is Marco Rubio.

A tea-party favorite (and a favorite of this magazine) who wrested the senatorial nomination from GOP-establishment pick (now Democrat) Charlie Crist, he’s young, telegenic, and the son of Cuban immigrants. Rubio became part of the “Gang of Eight,” four Democrats and four Republicans negotiating a deal that sought to placate a dizzying array of interests, all seeking de facto unlimited immigration but each with a different set of specific concerns. The result of all this is S.744, a sprawling, 844-page measure legalizes most of the illegal population (plus many who were deported and are currently living abroad), promises tougher enforcement in the future, and hugely increases all forms of legal immigration, low- and high-skilled, temporary and permanent.”







Schumer Admits ObamaCare ‘Partly’ To Blame For Rising Premiums






” It’s been a bad week for ObamaCare. First, Harry Reid agreed with the legislation’s principle author, Max Baucus, in his grim assessment and promptly jumped on the ObamaCare train wreck bandwagon.

Now, Chuck Schumer, of all people, has admitted that ObamaCare is “partly” to blame for rising health insurance premiums. Here’s Schumer speaking with an NBC local affiliate in New York:

SCHUMER: Our insurance department is empowered to protect families and we’re going to watch them like a hawk to make sure they do. Because if they don’t, these rates could go through the roof.

REPORTER: Is it because of ObamaCare?

SCHUMER: It’s in part because of ObamaCare but health care costs have been going up by double digits for years and years and years. The good news is in this bill there’s a way to stop it.”






Grassley: Boston Bombings Raise Immigration Questions




” A Republican senator said Friday the bombings in Boston raise questions about gaps in the U.S. immigration system, but a Democratic senator rejected such a connection and cautioned against conflating the Boston events with a new immigration bill.

The exchange between Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., unfolded as the Senate Judiciary Committee convened the first hearing on sweeping, bipartisan legislation to remake the U.S. immigration system. The hearing was overshadowed by the drama in Boston, where police were hunting one of two ethnic Chechen brothers alleged to have carried out the bombings and the other was killed.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano had been scheduled to testify, but her appearance was canceled.

“Given the events of this week, it’s important for us to understand the gaps and loopholes in our immigration system,” Grassley, the committee’s senior Republican, said in his opening statement. “How can we beef up security checks on people who wish to enter the United States? How do we ensure that people who wish to do us harm are not eligible for benefits under the immigration laws, including this new bill?”










Background Checks Deal Boosts Odds For Gun-Control Bill

Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) (L) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.VA) (R) hold a news conference on background checks for firearms on Capitol Hill in Washington April 10, 2013. REUTERS-Gary Cameron (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS CRIME LAW)




” The Manchin-Toomey deal would also create a commission that would study the causes of mass violence in the United States, examining images of violence in media and video games as well as issues such as school safety, guns and mental health.

Six members would be appointed by the Senate majority leader, currently Nevada Democrat Harry Reid, and six by the House speaker, currently Republican John Boehner.

“There is still a long road ahead and this bipartisan bill gives us reason to be optimistic,” said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign, adding that “a majority of the components” of the bill were acceptable.

Manchin’s participation in the deal on background checks could bolster the prospects for the legislation. The freshman senator from West Virginia represents a state where gun ownership has long been passionately protected.

Toomey, a conservative Republican, said he did not believe expanding background checks amounted to gun control.

“It’s common sense,” he said. “What matters to me is doing the right thing, and this is the right thing.”

Senators Mark Kirk of Illinois, a Republican, and Chuck Schumer of New York, a Democrat, also participated in the negotiations.






Bipartisan Deal On Background Checks Is Close



Bipartisan Backstabber Pat Toomey



”  A bipartisan deal seems imminent on expanding background checks to more gun buyers, an agreement that could build support for President Barack Obama’s drive to curb firearms violence.

Meanwhile, the Senate is ready for an opening vote on restricting guns as Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., set a roll call for Thursday on starting consideration of the firearms legislation. Odds are growing that Democrats will win enough Republican support to thwart an effort by conservatives and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to block consideration from even starting.

Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Patrick Toomey, R-Pa., were expected to announce a background check compromise on Wednesday. Subjecting more firearms purchases to federal background checks has been the chief goal of Obama and gun control supporters, who promote the system as a way to prevent criminals and other risky people from getting the weapons.

After weeks of negotiations, Manchin and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters late Tuesday that a gun control agreement was close.”











” In response to Nakamura’s article on Monday, Gang of Eight member Sen. Marco Rubio’s spokesman Alex Conant told Breitbart News that his description of the process being worked on is not correct. “The legislation that the eight senators are working on is only the start of the process; we expect several committee hearings, a full debate, and an open process for other senators to offer amendments,” Conant said. “It’s premature to speculate about what sort of amendments might be offered, but if another senator offers an amendment that improves the legislation consistent with the principles Senator Rubio has outlined, then I would expect members of the group of eight to support it.”

But Rubio’s words are unlikely to do much to assuage the concerns of conservative Republicans in Congress, especially as fellow Gang of Eight member New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Pat Leahy, and other Democrats appear poised to rush whatever bill the bipartisan group comes up with through as fast as they can once the legislative text is presented.

Nakamura notes the bill is expected to be around 1,500 pages long, and that the Gang of Eight “is trying to strike a deal in which all the members agree to oppose any amendments to the core provisions, even if they might agree with the amendments, people familiar with the talks said.”














Background-Check Deal Said Getting Close





” A bipartisan deal to expand gun-purchase background checks looks promising, U.S. Senate aides said, as the White House began a strong gun-control push Monday.

The improving bipartisan prospects stem from a measure being developed by Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., the aides told The Washington Post.

The measure calls for background checks for all gun purchases except for those between close family members and some hunters, the aides said, adding the caveat addressed concerns of some conservatives.

He has been negotiating with Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., over the deal’s details, but talks were stalled amid Coburn’s opposition to requiring gun owners to keep records of private gun sales — a point Schumer insisted on.”






Growing Number Of States Eye Bills To Defy Federal Gun Laws




” On March 12 and 14, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed both Sen. Charles Schumer’s (D-NY) “Fix Gun Checks Act,” which would criminalize all private firearm sales and Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) “Assault Weapons Ban.”

These bills have a long way to go before they become law – if they ever do – but states across the nation are introducing their own legislation to preemptively defeat any new federal gun laws.

In Ohio, two senators have introduced SB36, which would prohibit firearms seizures, registration and bans in their state.

Sen. Jared Carpenter introduced a bill that would prohibit Kentucky from enforcing new federal gun control laws if they’re enacted.  The measure passed by a vote of 34-3.”




Sandy-Battered Rockaway Boos Bloomberg At Parade




” “For the politicians to come down here and try to take our celebration and make it their thing … it’s disgusting.”

At the end of the route, Bloomberg thanked the Sanitation Department, said, “This was a great day for the Rockaways,” and abruptly jumped in his car.

Bloomberg wasn’t the only politician crossed by parade-goers. .

Revelers heckled Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer after he cheered through a bull horn, “Let’s hear it for the Rockaways.”

Public advocate and mayoral contender Bill de Blasio’s crew was also lashed after a staffer chanted through a megaphone, “Mission accomplished. Thanks, Bill de Blasio.” “

New Law Asks Are You “Psychologically Competent” to Own a Weapon?





” (Dr. Jerome R. Corsi) – The raging gun debate is about to enter a new phase as Congress moves this week to begin considering new legislation that would impose new restrictions on the Second Amendment.This solution proposed by negotiations between Senator Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, and Senator Charles Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, involves expanding background checks on gun purchases, but the danger is that the criteria of psychological disqualification are so poorly defined that…

What Schumer and Coburn are attempting to do may seem innocuous.  Who would object to background checks to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals?

The problem is once the door is opened to background checks, the door is opened to the government making judgments of competency and there is where the infringement of the Second Amendment can be expanded to virtually outlaw guns.

Every adult has some incident in their background that a government bureaucrat with a prejudice against the Second Amendment could judge renders the person psychologically unfit to own a weapon.

Gun-Hating New York Pols Paid $6 Million to Bushmaster Rifle Manufacturer




” New York state has spent nearly $6 million over the past three years on subsidies for Remington Arms Co., the two-century-old factory in Ilion that makes firearms including semiautomatic rifles used by the military and police and like those used in the recent mass killings in Connecticut and Webster, N.Y.

A message for my gun-hating fellow New York taxpayers: This is just another example of how big government will always offend your values. Hate baseball, or the Yankees in particular? Too bad, you’re paying for ’em. Can’t stand junk food? You’re subsidizing the stuff, from producer to consumer. The more government takes, redistributes, regulates, and insures, the more you are footing the bill for behaviors, industries, and practices you abhor. A first step toward protecting your bruised values is to stop supporting the use of tax dollars to “save jobs.” ”




Obama Punts To Congress Over Repercussions For UN Palestine Vote




” “The reason for that is simply that our aid to the Palestinians is an important part of our relationship,” Earnest said. “And we believe that we can – the United States can and should play a constructive role in facilitating negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

U.S. officials say they believe the statehood vote could harm the chances for a two-state solution. They’re concerned Palestine may use it to pursue criminal charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, for example.

The Senate is expected to vote next week on bipartisan legislation that would cut off U.S. aid if that happens as an amendment to the pending Defense authorization bill, a Senate aide said. The bill, championed by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), would also shutter the PLO’s Washington office unless the president determines that the Palestinians are engaged in “meaningful negotiations” with Israel.

The senators said Thursday they did not want to immediately terminate aid in order to preserve the chance for a negotiated two-state solution with Israel. “

“tempest in a teapot ”

A Dagger in Jerusalem “

  “What an illuminating moment on CBS This Morning, as Senator Schumer puts a dagger through the heart (to use his favorite expression) of Jerusalem. He is being interviewed on the decision of the Democratic Party to remove from its platform this year language it had four years ago asserting that Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel. He is asked why the step was taken. Mr. Schumer dodges the question by asserting that “everyone knows” the “vast, overwhelming majority” of Democrats are for Jerusalem being the undivided capital of Israel. He calls it a “tempest in a teapot.” He then confesses he doesn’t know why it’s no longer in the party platform.”


  He does indeed know why . it’s because the extreme left wing of the party has been taken over by anti-semites and the extreme left wing is calling the shots thanks to an extreme left wing president . 


  “Charlie Rose doesn’t let him off, asking him several times what is the president’s position. Mr. Schumer tries another dodge, saying the president is for a “very, very strong” Israel. But what is the president’s position on Jerusalem as the capital? persists Mr. Rose. Mr. Schumer tries to get Mr. Rose to believe that Mr. Schumer doesn’t know the president’s position. Mr. Rose will have none of it. “You know what his position is, don’t you,” he says. “No, I don’t,” Mr. Schumer claims. “You don’t know?” Mr. Rose asks in disbelief.  “You’ve never asked him to support Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?” Says Mr. Schumer: “I’ve always assumed . . . “ Mr. Rose is still voicing incredulity at the end of the clip.”


As a Jew Chuck Schumer should be ashamed of himself . As Jews in general should be ashamed of the totally unwarranted support they offer the party of hatred and devisiveness .