Category: Race Relations

CBS News/New York Times Poll: Race Relations Worst In Over 2 Decades





” A new poll released Monday indicated that Americans believe race relations are at their worst in more than two decades.

  The CBS News/New York Times poll said 61 percent of Americans characterize race relations in the U.S. as “bad,” including a majority of white and black respondents. The figure is the highest since 1992.
A total of 79 percent of African-Americans believe police are more likely to use deadly force against a black person than against a white person, while 53 percent of whites believe race does not play a role, the survey said.

  Black respondents were also more likely than white respondents to believe their local police make them feel anxious rather than safe, the poll said.”


Read more












Bill de Blasio’s Pick For NYPD Oversight Board Linked To Group In Cop-Killer Video






” The lawyer who chairs the New York City agency responsible for investigating police brutality allegations has ties to the federally funded legal-aid group featured in a cop-killer video.

  Richard Emery, chairman of the city’s Civilian Complaint Review Board and his own civil-rights law firm, told The Daily Signal that any perceived conflict of interest is absurd.

  The Bronx Defenders, which received at least $1.5 million from the Obama Justice Department since 2009, says on its website that assistance from Emery’s firm, Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady, “makes the work we do possible.” The Daily Signal first reported the federal grant last week. “


Daily Signal











Politicians Benefit From American Tribal Warfare





” Tribalism is the default state of humanity: The tendency to defend our own tribe even when we think it’s wrong, and to attack other tribes even when they’re right, just because they’re other. Societies that give in to the temptations of tribalism — which are always present — wind up spending a lot of their energy on internal strife, and are prone to disintegrate into spectacular factionalism and infighting, often to the point of self-destruction.

  Societies that temper those tribal tendencies, replacing them with the mechanisms of civil society, do much better. But there is much opportunity for political empire-building in tribalism, and if the benefits of stoking tribal fires exceed the costs for political actors, then expect political actors to pour gasoline on even the smallest spark.

  That’s pretty much what’s happened in the last few months, and the results haven’t been good. In America, we have both a police culture that is too quick to escalate force, and an aggressive victim culture, embodied by the loathsome Al Sharpton, that seeks to portray every police use of force, at least against members of the wrong racial and ethnic groups, as excessive.”


USA Today










Obama Says US Less Racially Divided





” President Obama says the United States is less racially divided despite the tensions raging from deadly police shootings and emotional protests.

  Compared to six years ago when he made history as the first black president, Obama says American race relations are on the upswing.

“ I actually think that it’s probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided,” Obama told National Public Radio.

  Americans, however, seem to disagree.

  A Bloomberg Politics survey out this month found a majority of Americans – 53 percent – feel interactions between white and black communities have deteriorated since Obama took office.”


NY Post has more











New York Police Officers Turn Their Backs On Mayor After Shooting





    Read more about the assassinations of an Hispanic officer and an Asian officer by a black man in “retribution” for white officers killing black men here , here , here and here .

   Race relations have never been better than in the age of Obama , Holder et al …

BREAKING: Massive Spike In Whites Setting Blacks On Fire




” Did you know that there’s been a massive uptick in white thugs setting black folks on fire, yet the media has been virtually silent on this horrendous subject?

  Sure, we all have heard of Darren Wilson’s shooting Michael Brown, but there has been no coverage of the aforementioned. Like in zero… nada… nothing… zilch.

  What kind of racist “news outlets” would be so heinous to cover up such gross and unspeakable evil?

  Why haven’t the most powerful people in our government and the entertainment industry spoken out and condemned this obvious xenophobic act of viciousness?

  How come there has been no national #hashtag crusade or basketball T-Shirt campaign against these barbaric atrocities carried out by white-trash scum who have actually lit black grandmothers, granddads, fathers, mothers, teens and twenty-somethings on fire after dousing them with lighter fluid?

  What kind of gross silence and injustice is this? Huh? Huh?

  What’s that you say? You say, “That it is not white thugs who’ve been setting innocent blacks ablaze lately, but actually black thugs that have been igniting innocent white people; and these crimes have been grossly ignored by the Lame Stream Media,”?

  Whoops. My bad. I guess I should change my title then, eh?

  Yep, I mistakenly thought it was white pukes doing that to harmless black folks. This changes everything. Now it makes sense why we’ve heard diddly squat from the “news outlets” and the president and LeBron James and the St. Louis Rams and Al Sharpton; because in Obamaland blacks can literally light whites on fire and there be no “I’m White, Don’t Ignite” protests, or hashtags, or orchestrated mass condemnation of this sudden spike of the most heinous murders and maimings known to mankind.

  For those of you who’re not in the know about this recent increase in this ghastly phenom carried out against us “white devils”, one of my guest contributors at, Angela Turner, did yeoman’s work last Friday and cobbled together this large list of insanely ill-reported burnings of white people that almost makes one think that lighting white people on fire might be the new “knock out game” perpetrated by black hoodrats on us pigmentally challenged white clods.

  Angela states,

  With the recent gruesome murder of Jessica Chambers, there is widespread speculation and argument as to whether her killer was black or white. Jessica, a 19-year-old from Mississippi, was found walking, engulfed in flames after her attackers put lighter fluid in her mouth and lit her on fire. The attack happened on December 6, in Mississippi. While we wait for the police to make an arrest, here are sixteen people from ages twelve to eighty-seven that have one thing in common: they are all white and they were all set on fire by blacks.

Robin and Mani Aldridge — Just last week, a beloved special needs teacher and her high school junior daughter from Charlottesville Virginia were beaten before they were burned in a house fire. Police arrested a black man named Gene Everett Washington and charged him with two counts of first-degree murder.

Michael Brewer – 15-year-old Michael from Miami had burns over 60% of his body after three black classmates poured alcohol on him and set him on fire. All three are serving time in prison.


Allen Goin — A 13-year-old from Kansas City, his two black teen attackers put him in a bear hug, poured gasoline on him and set him on fire saying, “This is what you get, white boy”.


image (4)

Allen Goin



Gabriela Penalba — A 23-year-old teacher in Knoxville Tennessee was set on fire by a 15-year-old black student. She briefly turned her back to the class when the student lit her hair and shirt ablaze.

Kathryn “Kit” Grazioli — Colorado Springs firefighters found Kit’s 87-year-old body burning on a trail after a nearby resident called to report the fire. Officers arrested a black 21-year-old, Marcus Smith, and charged him with 1st degree murder. Kit was a deacon at her church and loved by the community.

Jonathan Foster — In Houston, Mona Nelson, a black 44-year-old woman abducted and killed 12-year-old Jonathan with a blowtorch on Christmas Eve, later dumping his body in a ditch. She was found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison. The story was getting mainstream media coverage until they arrested a black woman.

Kenneth Athey — Beaten with a hammer, stabbed, doused with chemicals and set on fire, 87-year-old Kenneth survived to testify against his black male attacker.

Luke Fleischman — a black teenager, who was prosecuted as an adult and sentenced to seven years for the hate crime, set the 18-year-old on fire while sleeping on a bus in San Francisco.

Richard Michael Carter — Two black brothers were arrested for shooting and burning Richard, a father from South Carolina.

Flo “Violet” Parker –The 67-year-old homeless woman from California was set on fire by a black man as she slept on a bench.

Nancy Harris — The 76-year-old grandmother was killed when a black man set fire to her while she was working at a convenience mart. She was loved in her Texas hometown and known as Grandma to everyone.

Melinda McCormick — A black woman and two black men beat and burned Melinda to death.

Jimmy Sanders – Shot and burned after stopping to help two black men, Erik Ellis, 28, and Malcolm Melton, 22, with car trouble. “He didn’t answer his phone. I called about eight or nine times. About an hour after he wouldn’t answer I got really, really nervous and upset,” Betty Sanders said. Jimmy was 65 and also from Mississippi, where Jessica Chambers was just burned.

Raymond Vasholz — Raymond died after his black neighbor, Terrance Hale, attacked him and his wife and set fires. Elizabeth and Raymond were married 58 years.

  You and I both know that if the race roles were reversed there’d be a systematic condemnation of such behavior and nationwide protests leveled at “racist whites” randomly torching innocent blacks; but heretofore the media has been pretty damn quiet with little to no connection of the dots.

* Note: my youngest daughter, Regis Giles, creator and owner of, has just signed on to narrate and star in a new documentary, produced by the folks who brought us such great films as Hating Breitbart and UnFair: Exposing The IRS, encouraging women worldwide to become proficient in self-defense and be victims no mas. You can check it out and support it here. “



    Many thanks to Doug Giles and Townhall for bringing us this virtually ignored development in race relations in the age of Obama to our attention .

   Be sure to click the link to Turner’s Clash Daily piece which provides the reader with photos of all the victims .












Bloomberg Poll: Race Relations Have Worsened Under Obama





” December 7 (Bloomberg) — The Bloomberg Politics Poll, conducted December 3-5 for Bloomberg Politics by
Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, IA, is based on interviews with 1,001 U.S. adults ages 18 or older.

  Interviewers with Quantel Research of Ogden, Utah, contacted households with randomly selected landline and cell phone telephone numbers supplied by Survey Sampling International. Interviews were administered in English.

  Percentages based on the full probability sample may have a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 3.1
percentage points. This means that if this survey were repeated using the same questions and the same methodology, 19 times out of 20, the findings would not vary from the percentages shown here by more than plus or minus 3.1percentage points. Results based on smaller samples of respondents—such as by gender or age—have a larger margin of error. Responses were weighted by age and race to reflect the general population based on recent census data.

  For more information about this study, contact Michelle Yeoman at
Republishing the copyrighted Bloomberg Politics Poll without credit to Bloomberg Politics is prohibited.


Poll Questions

  Do you think race relations have gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same under the first black
president? (If better, ask:) Would you say a lot better or a little better?

All%   White%   Black%
3            2            7                     Gotten a lot better
6            5            8                     Gotten a little better
36         35          36                    Stayed about the same
53         56          45                    Gotten worse “


Readers can view and/or download a PDF version of the complete Bloomberg poll here


HT/Washington Examiner








Victim’s Aunt Tells Al Sharpton To BUTT OUT! Don’t Make Our Funeral A ‘Circus’ For Your ‘Political Gain’





” Al Sharpton, the race hustler who resembles an ambulance chaser, has been a busy man lately with a number of deaths involving black men in the news, but a Brooklyn family appears to see the man for what he is.

  The family of Akai Gurley, who was fatally shot recently in a housing project stairwell, has made it clear that Sharpton is not welcome at the man’s wake or funeral, according to TMZ. Sharpton has said he will deliver a eulogy at the wake.

“ Al Sharpton came in, put his name on the situation, but has not even made one single call to the parents to Akai,” said Gurley’s aunt, Hertenceia Peterson. “


Read more










Attack On Bosnian Woman Near Bevo Mill Is Called A Hate Crime






” St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson has called in the FBI to help investigate what he is calling a hate crime because a woman assaulted by three black teens is Bosnian.

  The Friday morning attack occurred in the Bevo Mill neighborhood where earlier this week a Bosnian man was killed with a hammer by a group of teens.

  In Friday’s case, the woman, 26, told police that she was driving in the 4600 block of Lansdowne Avenue about 5:25 a.m. when three men in their late teens to early 20s walked in front of her vehicle.

  When the woman attempted to drive around the young men, at least one of them pulled a gun and ordered her to stop. One of the men struck the windshield with an object police said could have been a crowbar. The woman was pulled from the vehicle while another of the men opened the passenger door and went through the woman’s purse, saying it was empty. One of the men threw her cellphone to the ground and stomped on it.

  One of the men asked where the woman was from. She said she was European.

“ You’re a (expletive) liar. You’re Bosnian. I should just kill you now,” Dotson said of the woman’s account.”

St Louis Post-Dispatch

Judge Jeanine Decries The Racialism Of Obama And Holder





Published on Dec 6, 2014

” The judge says that Barack Obama and Eric Holder, far from ending racial animus, have recreated it and even re-invented it. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, as usual, have been right there to prolong and exploit every incident and tragedy.”










Sheriff David Clarke Blasts Obama, Holder, And Sharpton Over Handling Of Ferguson Situation And Poverty






” David Clarke, a sheriff in Milwaukee County, joined Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File to speak about Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama, and Al Sharpton.

  The sheriff began by unleashing on Holder for his statements when he threw police officers “under the bus,” suggesting they patrol just looking to kill black people. 

“He claims he wants justice for all, but apparently he doesn’t want justice for police officers,” Clarke said.

  Then the sheriff laid into Obama for his most recent White House meeting, which Clarke classified as a “Kabuki theater.” Had he attended the meeting, the sheriff said he would have asked the president why, if he was so concerned about the anger and unrest in the black community, he did not take an action that would actually work? “


Western Journalism











Exclusive: Hammers Attack Video From South St Louis




” St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Joel Currier’s article about a Bosnian immigrant being murdered by hammer-wielding teenagers fails to mention the possibility that at least some of the teens were black until deep into the article. Conversely, a video shot by a resident of South St. Louis’ Bevo Mill neighborhood reveals heretofore-unpublished details about what happened near the intersection of Gravois Avenue and Itaska Street before the attack that left Zemir Begic, 32, dead.

  At the 45-second mark, the woman who recorded the video — whose name I will not share for reasons of her personal safety — says, “And, of course, it’s a white kid, right after black people running up and down the street saying, ‘Eff the white people, kill the white people.’ This is what we have.” “

Bob McCarty has the details

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FBI Nabs Two Aspiring Ferguson Protesters With Guns, Explosives







” When I first heard about this story on Twitter and mentioned it, I was immediately shouted down by some left side tweeters who claimed that this was a “set-up” or a “mistake” or a report which had been “debunked” already. However, I’ve yet to find a single, reputable news outlet which is backing down on it, including not only NBC News and Reuters, but Talking Points Memo. (And if anyone was going to pull the plug, it would have been the latter.)

  What are we discussing? The FBI has nabbed two individuals heading for Ferguson who were allegedly engaged in straw purchases of guns, as well as explosives.

  Federal law enforcement officials say two men arrested Friday, now held on gun charges, are suspected of trying to acquire pipe bombs with the intent of using them during protests in Ferguson, Missouri…

  Court documents say the two men, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were arrested after they made false statements while trying to buy two pistols at a sporting goods store in Hazelwood, Missouri. They currently face only the firearms charges, though officials say other charges are pending.

The story gets even more convoluted. “


Read the rest at Hot Air










Vicious Hate Crime In Missouri: Blacks Attack White Couple; Race Hustlers Silent







” This is a REAL hate crime. A white couple is innocently walking around Springfield, Missouri, which is located roughly three and a half hours from Ferguson, when suddenly they are attacked by four black thugs.

  They are slammed against the wall. They are slammed on the ground. They are hit. They are kicked over and over again. And it is all caught on camera. The attack is disturbing to watch.The thugs, I cannot call them men, run off, then you see police chasing after them. 

  Not a word from Al Sharpton as he is back to battling it out with the teleprompter on MSNBC. Not an outcry from Eric Holder or Barack Obama that these thugs should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There is utter silence as the police search for these perpetrators.”



Welcome to Obama’s “post racial” America













Yes, I Blame White Liberals



” A white teacher said he routinely overhears vulgar and racist comments from students at an all-black high school.  I blame the black youths’ negative mindset on blacks in the civil rights exploitation business and white liberals with their stomach-turning bigotry of lowered expectations.

  We see snooty, arrogant, superior intellectual-sounding white liberal pundits and hosts all over TV touting their absurd narrative that blacks have a right to be angry in racist America and must be coddled.  These liberal celebs followed certain steps and behaviors to achieve success.  And yet, they claim that expecting blacks to follow the same road map to success is racist.  Blacks should be repulsed by this liberal narrative, which implies that we are inferior.  I want to scream, “How dare you lower the bar for me?  I be as smart as any white person!”  Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  I have witnessed the same racist mindset in a white liberal couple who are longtime friends.  They have had financial highs and lows in their efforts to run various businesses.  They work hard and will take any job to pay their bills.  Applying for government welfare is not on their radar.  They employed horrible black employees, always making excuses for them, giving them a pass because they were black.  I was amazed that they could not see the racism at the root of their low expectations, disguised as compassion. 

  At every turn, liberals send the message that blacks are lesser Americans.  Liberals say it is hateful for conservatives/Republicans to expect blacks to speak English correctly, show an ID to vote, refrain from murdering each other, and stop dropping out of school.  White liberals say asking blacks to refrain from having babies out of wedlock is culturally insensitive and imposes morality on them.  Libs ignore the truth that fatherless households contribute to gang membership, black-on-black violence, and poverty.  Do you see the pattern?  White liberals insinuate that urban blacks are poor uncouth savages.  Therefore, a 6’4” 290-pound black thug should be given a pass for robbing a convenience store, assaulting the clerk, and attacking a police officer while on his way to Grandma’s house.”



Read the whole thing from Lloyd Marcus at American Thinker












Bill Whittle: Ferguson And The Real Race War





Published on Aug 20, 2014

” Since the shooting of Michael Brown by a white policeman and the ensuing riots and looting in Ferguson, MO, Americans have been told, yet again, that there is an epidemic of crime against black people in this country. But is there really a race war, and if so, which side is actually waging it? “





Poll: African Americans Think Race Relations Have Gotten Worse Since 2009


Obama Race Relations



” Fewer African Americans say blacks and whites get along well today than felt that way in 2009, according to a new Pew Research Center/USA Today poll. From 2007 to 2009, the number of black respondents who said blacks and whites get along “very well” or “pretty well” increased seven percentage points, to 76 percent. But since 2009, the share of black respondents who had a positive view of race relations has dropped twelve points, to 64 percent. Similarly, white respondents who thought blacks and whites got along well increased three percentage points from 2007 to 2009, but decreased five percentage points from 2009 to 2014. “



Read more








Black Female Filmmaker Gently Goes Face-To-Face With Ku Klux Klan And Neo-Nazis




” Mo Asumang, who’s the daughter of a black Ghanaian father and a white German mother, talks to the BBC about her new documentary The Aryans in which she peacefully confronts racists about what makes them tick.

  There are some real zingers in this short piece, especially when she confronts a Ku Klux Klan member about his garb.

  Filmmaker Mo Asumang embarks on a journey into the abyss of political evil and finds out that the Aryans originally come from an area which now belongs to Iran. ‘The Aryans’ is a personal journey into the madness of racism: Mo Asumang meets German neo-Nazis, America’s most notorious racist Tom Metzger and members of the Ku Klux Klan in the Midwest. When she encounters the true Aryans in Iran, she realizes that they are friendly and cosmopolitan people who lay no claims to being members of a superior race.

  What I like about Mo’s interview style is her gentle approach. She’s not confrontational. It’s almost like the KKK members are ashamed or feel shameful of what they’re doing when they speak to her.  That’s a unique talent!”


Thanks to Dangerous Minds











Ammo On School Bus Triggers Probe, Lockdowns







” A live round of ammunition found on a school bus triggered lockdowns at two schools in northeastern Connecticut Wednesday while administrators and police tried to determine its origin, school officials said.

  An adolescent who attends Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret St., was escorted from the school after a knife was discovered in the student’s locker, said Matt Bisceglia, superintendent of schools. The student was not arrested but may face disciplinary action from the school, he said.”





Update: This report claims it was just a shell casing that was found .








Farrakhan And Nation Of Islam Want Blacks To Separate From White Society




” At the end of a 4-day Nation of Islam conference in Detroit, leader Louis Farrakhan laid out his plan for blacks to separate from a predominately white society that he feels is unjust. He called for blacks to set up their own justice system, told them all to move to Detroit, and threatened the government if they try to stop him.

  Farrakhan is kind of like Malcolm X in a Pee Wee Herman outfit, but he sure knows how to get people’s attention with his inflammatory speech. No doubt referring to the George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn cases, the NOI leader called for a separate “blacks only” court system to deliver rulings favoring African Americans.

“ We want equal justice under the law. Our people can’t take much more. We have to have our own courts. You failed us.”

  So because two black men died at the hands of whitey (one justified, one not), there is rampant injustice for blacks in this country? What about the tens of thousands of whites, Asians, and Latinos that are raped, murdered, and assaulted by blacks every year? Will this new black-centric court system give justice to those victims?”



Being the racist that he is Farrakhan had this to say



” In a moment that seems to indicate Farrakhan is looking to take on “whitey” in armed conflict, he asked the crowd if America had been just to them. The crowd responded “no” and Farrakhan replied, “So … if we retaliate, you can bring out your soldiers. We got some, too.”

  Farrakhan was on a roll so he also insulted Christians, gays, and Jews. He often put Jesus in the context of Islam, saying that Jesus and Mohammed would be “arm in arm.” He likened himself to Henry Ford and since Farrakhan didn’t event the assembly line, we are left to assume he is referring to Ford’s anti-Semitism. Lastly, he condemned gay marriage saying the Bible doesn’t allow it. Of course, Muslims don’t read the Bible so who knows what the f*ck he was talking about.”


   More here and here including a three hour video , and remember that this hate-filled bigot is welcoime company among many of the so called “tolerant” Left . Let them have Detroit , their policies have made it what it is … “They built that “







Shame On You, Oprah Winfrey





” Oprah Winfrey, a prominent billionaire member of America’s racial grievance industry, is claiming once again that the society that idolizes her is racist to the core.

  In a recent interview with the BBC to promote the European release of “Lee Daniel’s The Butler,” a movie in which she stars and is considered an Oscar contender, Winfrey said about her friend, President Barack Obama:

  There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs in some cases, and maybe even many cases, because he’s African-American.  There’s no question about that.  And it’s the kind of thing no one ever says, but everybody’s thinking.

  What disrespect, exactly?  Despite “some cases” and “even many cases,” what examples prove Winfrey’s flimsy accusation? “







Knockout Game: Black Teen Hits Older White Woman For Fun Then Posts Video On Facebook (Video)




” This is some serious dirtbaggery.  A black teenager loitering around the entrance of a store in Rochester, New York, waited with glee for a small, older white woman to come out so he could hit her.  And that’s exactly what he did.  With a swinging fist to her head.  His friend video taped the whole event and then posted it on Facebook.”

Gateway Pundit has the scoop

Homeland Security Department Fires Employee Over Racist Website




” Ayo Kimathi was an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who dealt with small businesses. He also runs the website War on the Horizon, which includes descriptions of an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.” Kimathi is black. He goes by the online pseudonym “Irritated Genie.” “