So some democrat with a shred of decency remaining decided to expose what was already surmised by thoise of us paying attention to the progressive’s methods . All roads lead to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue .

   Considering the idolization and accolades afforded Woodward and Bernstein for their coverage of Watergate , which is  insignificant scandal-wise as compared to “Fast & Furious” , if the mainstream media was not so biased toward the Obama administration this period in American political history would seem to offer a wealth of opportunities for Pulitzer prizes and journalistic achievement . 

    The examples of lying , deceit , cronyism , and outright criminal behavior are boundless these days . Virtually every scheme , protest , boycott or cry of victimization can have it’s roots traced back to Obama and his minions at MediaMatters . 

  “I noted the other day the odd attack by various StopRush activists on one of their own, #StopRush turns on itself, devolves into name calling, accusations.

Now the details are coming out, and it turns out that StopRush was infiltrated by a Blue Dog type Democrat who didn’t like their online tactics.  That person, who was the subject of the attacks in the post above, has released various audio recordings and other evidence showing how one of the organizers of StopRush (who uses the Twitter name @Shoq) claimed to have close ties to Organizing for America and Van Jones.”