Tag Archive: Zonation

Daily Video 5.24.15

Federal Government, Stop Interfering With Local Police!





Published on May 22, 2015

” Zo applauds President Obama’s efforts to stop providing military surplus equipment to local law enforcement. Hear why all conservatives should cheer these efforts as an example of federalism.”












Daily Video 3.29.15

The Reasons Why Democrats Are The Party Of Slavery And Victimization – ZoNation





Published on Mar 27, 2015

” Zo thinks that Democrats are really the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK. Hear why. “
















Daily Video 1.14.15

Liberals’ Love Hate Relationship with Science – Zonation




Published on Jan 13, 2015

” Liberals love to parade ‘science’ around as their replacement for God. They love science! Except they don’t like drug companies…hmmm… “












Daily Video 11.17.14

ZoNation– Let Them Hang On Their Own Words: Liberals Are Liberals!




Published on Nov 14, 2014

” Left-wingers have already squirreled away from their labels–‘progressive,’ socialist,’ and ‘communist’–we shouldn’t let them squirrel away from ‘liberal’. “










Daily Video 10.22.14

Is There A Cure For Stupidity? Jesse Jackson Blames Ebola On Racism?!?




Published on Oct 21, 2014

” Can Jesse Jackson inoculate his stupidity away? He really thinks that Ebola has racist roots, and thinks doctors are treating black people differently. Hear Zo shed some light on this lunacy.”










Daily Video 7.6.14

Zo on PJ: Knee Deep In Dependence on Independence Day




Published on Jul 4, 2014

” Can we still celebrate Independence Day, even though Americans have become so dependent on others. Watch this ZoNation to see his answer. And, who knows? Maybe we can all have star-spangled cheeseburgers anyway!

  Experience the creative energy and conservative insight that Zo delivers in every show. Click here to buy the ZoNation Complete Series Collection: http://bit.ly/ZoNationCompleteSeries “

Daily Video 4.19.14

Bundy Getting Bureaucratic Bull




Published on Apr 18, 2014

” As if Bundy doesn’t deal with enough bulls**t, The BLM and the EPA are giving Bundy a truck load of Bovine Manure, and using turtles to do it. Who’s right? Many claim to have all the facts, and all the bull is working great as fertilizer for a field of conspiracy theories. Does Zo claim to know what’s what? No, but he’ll tell you what he honestly thinks. Here more in this Zonation.

  Experience the creative energy and conservative insight that Zo delivers in every show. Click here to buy the ZoNation Complete Series Collection: http://bit.ly/ZoNationCompleteSeries “












Daily Video 1.23.14

ZoNATION: Live MLK’s Dream, And Get Called ‘White Man’s Whore’ For It



Published on Jan 20, 2014

” Left leaning people are funny. They claim to love Martin Luther King Jr., and try to own his legacy, yet call people ‘sell outs’ and ‘traitors to their race’ when people like Adam and Tamera Housley fall in love.

  So Zo doesn’t believe their so called reverence for MLK . And just as they get angry about people living out his dream, they get angry about the idea of him being a Republican, and insist that he couldn’t have possibly been one. Considering the contradictory nature of leftists, Zo doesn’t see much reason to believe them on that either. Here more in this ZoNation.

  Be sure to check out Zo’s Audio Book to get insight on promoting conservatism in the culture and letting the liberals trip over their own nasty narrative. http://alfonzorachel.com/macho-sauce- “









Daily Video 1.1.14

ZoNATION: Part One–2013 In Review: Hot-Headed Democrats Ruining Nation



Published on Dec 27, 2013

” In Part One, Zo reviews the hot-headed Democrats of the year–Christopher Dorner, George Zimmerman, The Tsarnayev Brothers, and other murderers. The media always wants to portray these guys as Conservative radicals, but we know the truth.

  Be sure to check out Zo’s Audio Book to get insight on promoting conservatism in the culture and letting the liberals trip over their own nasty narrative. http://alfonzorachel.com/macho-sauce- “




ZoNATION: Part Two–2013 In Review: Transparency Arrogancy




Published on Dec 31, 2013

” President Obama was elected with the promise of transparency. So why is this the President who has had NSA leaks, who’s promises have been directly confronted by Edward Snowden, and an IRS scandal that only Nixon could have dreamed of. Transparency arrogancy is what this is.

  Be sure to check out Zo’s Audio Book to get insight on promoting conservatism in the culture and letting the liberals trip over their own nasty narrative. http://alfonzorachel.com/macho-sauce- “









Merry Christmas 



Published on Dec 24, 2013

” It’s that time of year when many celebrate the birth of Jesus. Some just enjoy the theme aspect of the holiday. Some say you don’t need Jesus to celebrate Christmas, and some are Bah Humbug over Christmas all together. But here’s a commentary on some reasons why we celebrate the birth of the One many take for granted. Hear more in this ZoNation.”









Daily Video 12.2.13

To Hell With Theocracy



Published on Nov 29, 2013

” As a Christian conservative, Zo is about as interested in a theocracy as he is interested in hell. Man is not meant to rule in God’s name. We have a rule of law that is based on the Ten Commandments. That does not make this a theocracy, and conservative Christians aren’t trying to make it one. But to those who worry about it. Save that for liberals who call themselves Christians. Hear more in this ZoNation. 

  Be sure to check out Zo’s Audio Book to get insight on promoting conservatism in the culture and letting the liberals trip over their own nasty narrative. http://alfonzorachel.com/macho-sauce- “









Daily Video 11.2.13

ZoNATION: Liberals, Sending Mixed Messages on RomneyCare AKA Obamacare?

Published on Nov 1, 2013

” It’s bad enough that Obama can’t even be honest about what he promised about ObamaCare, but his voters can’t even be honest or consistent about why they supported ObamaCare. Hear more in this ZoNation.

Be sure to check out Zo’s Audio Book to get insight on promoting conservatism in the culture and letting the liberals trip over their own nasty narrative. http://alfonzorachel.com/macho-sauce- “








Daily Video 10.13.13

Tongue-in-Cheek? SNL & Miley’s Trashy Tactics


Published on Oct 11, 2013

” In the Shutdown Showdown, Miley Cyrus takes aim at Michelle Bachmann in a display of the trashy vs. the classy. 

Also Juan William tries to justify hurting some for the greater good. He even says, “There’s gonna be some winners and some losers.” So why not let the free market handle that, instead of having the government dictate who gets hurt? Because when the government decides, that’s when more people actually get hurt. Hear more in this ZoNation!

Be sure to check out Zo’s Audio Book to get insight on promoting conservatism in the culture and letting the liberals trip over their own nasty narrative.”http://alfonzorachel.com/macho-sauce-… “










Daily Video 7.12.13

PJTV: Michelle Obama Offends America by Comparing White House to Prison


PJTV: The Bully-crats: The Democrats Are Bigoted Bullies


Published on Jun 4, 2013

” AlfonZo Rachel explains why the Democrats are the party of bullies, and reminds viewers of the long history of racism by the Democrats. Hear more as Zo tells you the story of the Democratic Party’s long association with the KKK, on this ZoNation.”








PJTV — Islamic Terrorism: Why Is It So Hard For Liberals to Just Say It?

Published on May 30, 2013

” Liberals have a very difficult time recognizing radical Islam. They have an even harder time uttering these words, or other words like, terrorism, jihadism and radical muslim. The left does not have difficulty blaming Christians for every perceived injustice, so why can’t they blame jihadists for the Boston Marathon attack, the London beheading or Benghazi? Find out why on this ZoNation.”






PJTV: Obama IRS Scandal Uncovers the Ugly Side of Income Taxes

Daily Video 2.22.13

Dr. Benjamin Carson Got Real on President Obama

Daily Video 1.17.13

Democrats Have No Right to Claim Lincoln’s Legacy

Daily Video 12/06

Daily Video 11/10

Daily Video 10/12