Tag Archive: Yuma

Two Naked American Sisters Arrested In Siem Reap, Cambodia






” Two Naked American Tourist Sisters, Lindsey and Leslie Adams, Arrested in Siem Reap, Cambodia for taking nude photos at Angkor Wat Cambodia

   American sisters, Lindsey Adams and Leslie Adams, have been arrested for taking nude pictures at the Angkor Wat Temples Complex. They have been arrested but no charges have been filed yet. [Update: Lindsey Adams And Leslie Adams Have Been Charged And Deported To Thailand By Bus]

  Apsara Authority has confirmed that that Lindsey Adams and her sister Leslie Adams were caught at Preah Khan temple taking pictures of each other with their pants down.”





” ” They lowered their pants to their knees and took pictures of their buttocks,” said Keat Bunthan, a senior heritage police official in northwestern Siem Reap province.

  This is clearly very upsetting to many Cambodians, and comes just weeks after a series of naked foreigners have been arrested while naked in Cambodia, including 3 foreigners riding around on their motorbikes naked, 3 french guys taking completely nude pictures from behind in the Angkor Complex, a Western couple having sex on a tuk-tuk and even a Japanese girl releasing pictures of herself posing topless in the Angkor Wat Temple.”



    This is hysterical , no not that the girls were so disrespectful at a Holy shrine , but the fact that their arrest is but the culmination of a rash of the nudie tourism that has been documented recently in Cambodia . Read on



















Feds Mum On Prosecution Of Illegal Border Crossers







” The federal government refuses to say whether prosecutors in Yuma, Arizona, have scaled back a years-old program that guarantees jail time for most immigrants caught crossing the border illegally and which law enforcement officials say is crucial to public safety.

  Reports that federal prosecutors have stopped some prosecutions under Operation Streamline surfaced nearly two weeks ago when Arizona Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking information on the status of the zero-tolerance program that circumvents the civil immigration system and lumps together months’ worth of criminal proceedings into one day for immigrants caught crossing the border illegally.

  Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot said in a letter to the senators that he had been informed that federal prosecutors in Yuma are no longer going after first offenders.

  But the government has been completely silent on the issue. Public affairs officials from the Department of Homeland Security, Justice Department and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection have all refused to answer questions about whether the program has been scaled back.

  Brett Worsencroft, president of the Border Patrol union for Yuma Sector border agents, said the U.S. Attorney’s Office has in fact ended prosecutions of first-time offenders. “

Read more














Secession Plan Floated By Some Northern Colorado Leaders


(credit: CBS)



” Several Colorado counties that strongly oppose increased regulation of the oil and gas industry say they want to form their own state.

They are planning on calling it North Colorado or Northern Colorado.

The counties are frustrated with the new agricultural and energy bills that have recently been signed into law.”







“We really feel in northern and northeastern Colorado that we are ignored — citizens’ concerns are ignored, and we truly feel disenfranchised,” Weld County Commissioner Sean Conway told CBS4.

Parts of Nebraska are also apparently interested in joining in on what would be a new state.”








Armed Robber Shot By Intended Victim In Arizona

” Prosecutor William Katz told the court that “The victim was in town visiting a family member and was standing outside a residence when he was approached by two males. They demanded his wallet, when he didn’t comply, they demanded his wallet again. It was at that point that they brandished a weapon and [the victim] took out his own .45-caliber weapon. Refusing to be a victim, he fired and struck one of the assailants in the neck.”

The victim was neither shot nor otherwise injured in the attempted robbery. He is also in full possession of his wallet and its contents.”







” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border near Yuma, Ariz. on Tuesday where he discovered what the current security level is like at certain parts of the border.”