Tag Archive: Youth

What We Saw At The Students For Liberty Conference 2015




Published on Feb 19, 2015

” The eighth annual International Students For Liberty Conference pulled more than a thousand excited students to Washington, D.C. last weekend to learn activism from student leaders, network with liberty-minded organizations, and hear from libertarian heavyweights such as Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, and even former Mexican President Vicente Fox.

  Reason TV interviewed attendees about why they came to the conference, what they found most interesting, and what drew them to libertarianism.

About 2.45 minutes long.

Shot and edited by Joshua Swain. Interviews by Robert Mariani. Photos by Gage Skidmore.

  Go to reason.tv for HD, iPod, and audio versions of this video and subscribe to Reason.tv’s YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live. “












Young People Pummel Obamacare Ads On The Daily Show





” Will keg stands and one-night hookups convince young people to sign up for Obamacare? Two liberal groups in Colorado launched a pro-Obamacare advertising campaign with the controversial messages months ago.

  This week, The Daily Show featured the two ads in a segment with correspondent Aasif Mandvi, who interviewed a spokesman from the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative in an attempt to understand why he thought the “Brosurance” and “Let’s Get Physical” ads were effective.”













New Drug Called Sisa Is Killing Austerity-Hit Greek Youths



” A new and very cheap drug is killing Greek youth who no longer can see a future for themselves. Sisa is a form of crystal meth being mixed with filler ingredients such as battery acid and engine oil. It makes users violent and kills within six months.

Ever since the austerity crisis has hit Greece, drug use and alcohol abuse have been rising sharply, as have suicides. The larger cities, and especially Athens, are filled with homeless and impoverished people who often seek to escape their misery by taking refuge in drug induced stupor.


Enter the relatively new drug called sisa (pronounced as shisha) that arrived on the scene about two years ago and soon became the drug of choice because it’s the cheapest of them all — a hit costs less than 2 Euro ($2.50).


Easy to make at home, sisa is a deadly mix of crystal methamphetamine filled with the most weird and dangerous ingredients: battery acid, engine oil, shampoo and cooking salt. The Greek independent press eNet English has called it “cocaine of the poor” and the UK edition of Vice says its the “the epitome of an austerity drug.”










Not An April Fool’s Joke: Obama Proclaims April ‘Month To Teach Young People How To Budget Responsibly’




” President Barack Obama, the man who has overseen an increase of the national debt by approximately $6 trillion dollars; the man who promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term only to have $1+ trillion budget deficits each year; the man who grossly underestimated the cost of ObamaCare while laughably saying it wouldn’t add a dime to the deficit, has proclaimed April, “National Financial Capability Month,” during which the administration will do things like teach young people “how to budget responsibly.”

Via CNSNews.com

“I call upon all Americans to observe this month with programs and activities to improve their understanding of financial principles and practices,” Obama said in an official proclamation released Friday.”



* YouViewed not responsible for ruined computers of keyboards .

The University Utopia




” Just after November’s election, I posed three paradoxes of American politics, asking why certain demographic groups make up reliable voting blocs for the left, even though the pro-free-market ideas of the right have so much to offer them.

I have begun to revisit these paradoxes. In part one of this series, I laid out the case for why the pro-free-market right needs to reclaim these key demographic groups—young people, racial minorities, and city dwellers—and why I regard these as natural constituencies for the free market whose lockstep voting for the left is a paradox.

In this installment, I take up the first of the paradoxes: Why do the young vote for dependency—when the essence of youth is a quest for independence? My purpose for now is mostly just to solve the paradox, to explain the reason for the apparent contradiction, and to indicate what this implies for how the right should change its message and its sales tactics. When I am done looking at all three paradoxes, I will look in greater depth at an agenda of reform for the political strategy of the right.

First, let me explain why I do not include women among the main demographic groups the right needs to reach. Despite the left’s rhetoric on this issue, women are not a monolithic voting bloc. If you break down the numbers for last fall’s election, for example, Mitt Romney won the vote of white women by 56 to 42 percent. President Obama only won the women’s vote on the strength of his enormous advantage among racial minorities. The “marriage gap” was equally striking. Romney won 53% of the votes of married women, while Obama won 67% of the votes of unmarried women.”




What Is the Future of Conservatism?





” Lost in all the post-election analysis was a much larger and more cynically brilliant Obama us-and-them campaign that created the image of a shrinking, geriatric white male plutocratic establishment forced to give way to the new age of the diverse “other.” Affluent Asians, blacks, Latinos, gays, women, etc., supposedly had beef with Republicans and were brilliantly united by Obama in vague resentment against “them.”

In this regard, Republicans have to focus on a more populist approach that ensures their message of smaller government, lower taxes, a strong defense, and more freedom appeals to those on the receiving end of government largesse. Free-market conservatives do best when they appear naturally as part of the working or small-business class and can’t be caricatured as elevator-owning grandees–and when they mix it up and take their licks in trying to appeal to those who probably won’t vote for them. ”




New from Mossberg: 20 Gauge 500s (VIDEO)



” Let’s begin with the 500 line of pump guns.  Mossberg now has options in 20 gauge 500s.  There are several different versions of their defense minded 500, and some that are more sporty.  They’ve even carried it over to the Maverick line.

But it is the 20 gauge defensive guns that I respect the most.  While I’m built to handle anything the 12 gauge can shoot, I have seen other shooters get so nervous about recoil that they aren’t effective as shooters.  Some folks need a smaller shotgun.  That’s all there is to it.

And an eight shot 20 gauge Mossberg 500 is going to provide that option for many of these people.  These guns are noticeably smaller, lighter, and they’ll be much easier to use. ”



60 Percent Of Young Americans Plan To Purchase Firearms, Study Reveals





” Sixty percent of high school and college students say they plan on owning guns at a later stage in life, an academic study from American University revealed on Monday.

According to a brand new study, sixty percent of young Americans plan on purchasing firearms in the future.

According to the study, about 40 percent of the American students surveyed said they definitely planned to own firearms once they had established their own households. Another 20 percent said they were “contemplating” owning guns.

Those findings were part of a broader study conducted by American University professor Jennifer L. Lawless and Loyola Marymount professor Richard L. Fox which focused on the political opinions of young Americans. The study was conducted prior the recent Newtown massacre, but after the Aurora theatre shooting.

Lawless told Campus Reform on Tuesday that in her view the findings were proof that President Obama should move swiftly, and without the permission of Congress if necessary, in order limit the availability of firearms.

“The next generation plans on owning guns, so if we want to avoid the tragedies that we’ve seen… we obviously need to move quickly and if an executive order is the way to do it, then that is the way the to do it,” she said. ”







” Young voters formed the backbone of President Barack Obama’s coalition, but the recession in Obama’s economy has left “workers between the ages of 18 and 24 with the highest unemployment rate of all adults” and, as a result, a record number of young people–even those with college credits and work histories–are becoming homeless. They have been forced to live in shelters, sleep on couches, or live on the streets.

The New York Times  profiled the homeless young and concluded “those who can move back home with their parents — the so-called boomerang set — are the lucky ones,” but that is often not an option for some who have to couch surf or sleep “hidden away in cars or other private places, hoping to avoid the lasting stigma of public homelessness during what they hope will be a temporary predicament.” ”




Laura Ingraham Replaced By Fox’s Younger Tantaros


Andrea Tantaros



Laura Ingraham‘s former radio show on Talk Radio Network Entertainment is going on a youth kick, today announcing that Fox News Channel’s Andrea Tantaros will get the 9 a.m-noon slot. She will be joined by Jason Mattera, the youngest editor ever of conservative Human Events. “






 ” California’s overall employment rate for people aged 16-19 clocks in at just 18 percent; its high school graduation rate is a paltry 76 percent.

Young people in America are losing their future. Sadly, they don’t have enough basic education to realize that – they think that the government ought to be bigger, according to the latest polls. “


We have let our children down . The selfishness of the “me generation” has stopped the ever upward mobility of our youth .

  “Hear me, Americans under 35!

  There’s plenty that divides the parties in this pivotal election — from taxes to drones, from public workers to private equity. But there’s one uber-policy that brings Democrats and Republicans together that doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

   That policy involves you, younger Americans. You’re in big trouble. You don’t even know it. You’re busy trying to get a degree, land a job, start a family, save for a home. You don’t follow the news. But trust me — you’ve been taken for a ride by your elders.”