Tag Archive: YouGov Poll

Shock Poll: Warren Leads Clinton In Iowa, N.H.




” Populist groups cheering “Run Warren Run,” today released 2016 election polls from Iowa and New Hampshire showing Sen. Elizabeth Warren ahead of dominant Democrat Hillary Clinton.

  The YouGov poll of likely Democratic voters for MoveOn.org and Democracy for America also found that 79 percent want Warren and majorities support her anti-Wall Street positions.

  Warren has said she doesn’t plan to challenge Clinton, though several others have indicated that they are looking at a bid, including Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

  The poll of 400 conducted Jan. 30 to Feb. 5 put Warren ahead of Clinton in Iowa, 31 percent to 24 percent. In New Hampshire, her lead is 30 percent to 27 percent.

  The groups cautioned that the poll mostly shows that voters are extremely open to her candidacy rather than her being a Clinton killer. They hope to use the poll to encourage Warren to change her position and get into the race.”


Washington Examiner













Americans Find Some Tortures More Acceptable Than Others




” Most Americans think torture can be justified, but hardly anyone thinks “rectal feeding” is acceptable

  This week saw the release of a long-awaited Senate report detailing the post-9/11 CIA detention and interrogation program with a focus on the agency’s the use of torture. According to the report, interrogation procedures used on some detainees that were much harsher and less effective than previously acknowledged. Critics, including former CIA interrogators and Bush administration officials, have called the report politically motivated and inaccurate.

  When Americans are asked about suspected terrorists “who may know details about future attacks against the U.S.”, only 24% are prepared to say the use of torture is “never” justified. Nearly as many, 20%, say the use of torture is “always” justified, while the remainder say it’s either “sometimes” (28%) or only “rarely” (18%) justified – a total of 66% who are unwilling to rule out torture completely. There has been little change in views from April, before the release of the report, when 22% said torture was never justified. “



YouGov has more












‘Brummie’ Is The Least Attractive Accent






” A quick analysis of English dialects shows that there are roughly as many in the British Isles as there are in the whole of North America – including Canada, Bermuda and Native American dialects. The same categorization would, in North America, result in there being about one dialect per 10m people; in the British Isles there would be one for every 1.3m. Britain is highly peculiar in its linguistic variation, and the cultural contours associated with these differences make a small country feel large.

  First impressions of unearned features, such as accents, still have an impact on success, in employment, social life and elsewhere. New YouGov research looks at public opinion towards 12 of the main accents of the British Isles, revealing clear winners and losers, at least in terms of what is seen as attractive.

  The Birmingham accent, more specifically ‘Brummie’, has lost the battle of appeal. In net terms it scores -53, 20 points below than the second-lowest: ‘Scouse’, the accent of Liverpool, on -33. “



YouGov has all the details










Scottish Independence: Yes Camp Closes The Poll Gap






” Support for Scottish independence has risen eight points in a month, according to a new poll.

  The No camp are now six points ahead of the Yes campaign, down from 14 points in mid-August and 22 points early last month, excluding undecided voters.

  The latest YouGov poll found that, excluding ”don’t knows”, 53% of those questioned planned to vote No, while 47% would back Yes.

  This compares to 57% for No and 43% for Yes in mid August and 61% for No and 39% for Yes at the beginning of last month.

  Blair Jenkins, Chief Executive of Yes Scotland, said: ”This breakthrough poll shows that Yes has the big momentum – it’s an all-time high for Yes support in a YouGov survey so far, and an eight-point swing from No to Yes in just three weeks. We only need another three-point swing to achieve a Yes for Scotland on September 18.

” While the No campaign press the panic button and blame each other for a series of blunders, Yes will get on with the job of persuading more of our fellow citizens – both No and undecided voters – that we need a Yes vote to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.” ” 












Hillary Clinton Ranks Last On U.S. ‘Most Admired’ List, Behind Rush Limbaugh, Bush

” Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state who leads all 2016 presidential polls, ranks dead last on a new top 10 poll of who Americans admire most, and at the bottom of who the world admires most, behind celebs like Angelina Jolie and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  According to the new YouGov.com poll conducted for the Times of London, Microsoft’s Bill Gates is the most admired person in the world, ahead of Pope Francis and President Obama, the runner-up on that list. Clinton ranks 27th on YouGov’s world list.”

Read more at the Examiner and YouGov.com

   As you can see above the only French join the countries Nigeria and Indonesia in placing Obama at the top of their list of “most admirable” individuals , while Barack’s heir apparent is down at #27 , behind such notables as Angelina Jolie , Oprah and Michael Jordan … LOL … “What difference does it make ?”


With All Due Respect …