Tag Archive: You didn’t build that

Honey, You Didn’t Build That

” It doesn’t matter what Obama meant . Here’s why.”

  “Conservatives suspect that President Obama sees government as the solution to everything. Only someone who thinks government is the answer would describe a stimulus program that cost at least $185,000 per job as successful. I can’t think of a starker difference between the liberal and conservative worldviews than the Life of Julia slide show. Liberals look at that video and see a woman
aided by a social safety net. Conservatives look at it and are creeped out by the fact that liberals
think the very-capable-seeming Julia can’t do anything without government help.

That same sentiment comes through in the “You Didn’t Build That” speech. Obama’s words
contain an undertone that business owners are selfish, that they are ungrateful toward those teachers who helped them along the way. And that is where Obama’s misunderstanding of small business, real or perceived, shines

These Hands

Mr. President , We Built This

Virginia Baker Swamped
With Business Since Telling
Biden “No!”

  “Earlier this week Radford, Virginia business owner Chris McMurray refused to host Joe Biden at his bakery Crumb and Get it . McMurray said he didn’t agree with the Obama administration’s policies.

  Today “Crumb and Get It” in Radford had to shut down at 1:15 p.m. They ran out of food. “

“Report: Secret Service thanked baker after he refused to host Biden over O’s “you didn’t build that” remark”

  ” Joel Gehrke of the Examiner calls it a “startling” bit of news. I agree; the same passage jumped out at me when we headlines the WDBJ story this morning. But does it really say what we all think it says? Quote:

” Then, several paragraphs later:
Here’s the back story, we’re told that shortly after Crumb and Get It told Biden’s advance people ‘no’ — the secret service walked in and told Chris McMurray ”Thanks for standing up and saying ‘no’ — then they bought a whole bunch of
cookies and cupcakes. “

Crumb and Get It




  “If you live in Radford, VA…. you know where to get your baked goods tomorrow…CRUMB AND GET IT is the name of the store!”

Iowa deli co-owner caters for Obama visit, but his T-shirt tells another story


Businesses are people, and we’re the solution, not the problem


  “Lately, it seems that the only form of acceptable hate speech left in America is hostile invective heaped upon entrepreunuers and innovators by a vocal minority of pundits, and increasingly, political leaders who should know better. At the core of the great American experiment is the fundamental belief that the freedom to create and build businesses serves us all.  The greatest of our founding fathers, George Washington, once wrote, “A people who are possessed of the spirit of commerce, who see, and who will pursue their advantages, may achieve almost anything.” If there is a secret to America’s success, it is this.”

“No President Obama, It Was Private Business That Made Our Roads And Bridges Possible”


  “Without big government, President Obama likes to suggest, we would all be poor, miserable creatures. For starters, he claims that business became possible only because government built roads and bridges.

Actually, Obama has it backwards. Private business came first, then roads and bridges.

They weren’t originally developed by governments. They were developed by merchants who began establishing trade routes thousands of years ago. In the beginning, before the first Department of Public Works, there were innumerable trails.

Developing trails required that somebody travel, and kings generally didn’t travel unless they were conquering new territory. If they left their territory for an extended period, they would probably have returned to find somebody else ruling the territory that used to be theirs. So it was merchants, hoping to make money, who blazed the trails for regional and long distance trade. At their own expense, merchants determined the most worthwhile places to go and the most efficient ways of getting there.

Europe’s first great civilizations arose from private trade. Starting perhaps around 7000 B.C.E., a resourceful maritime people who became known as Minoans established themselves in Crete. They were ancient history to Homer. They brought copper from Cyprus, tin from Asia Minor, elephant Tusks from Syria and diorite from the Nile Valley – and Minoan pottery made its way to Egypt.”

  ” Frum mostly talks about why this statement irks rich people, but I believe it resonates badly with people at all income levels. Lots
of people — most, I hope — are proud of something they’ve achieved in their lives and feel like that achievement owes much to
their own hard work and talents.

You don’t have to make over $250,000 a year to be annoyed when the president mocks people
for taking credit for their achievements. And it’s an especially jarring statement because of what it’s used to justify — higher taxes, with the implication being that they
are called for because people do not deserve their own pre-tax wealth. People are rightly unnerved by an argument that amounts to
“we can tax you because you didn’t deserve this anyway.” Faced with such an argument, defending your own contribution to your success isn’t just a point of pride — it’s an
argument you must make to defend the principle that you are entitled to your own private property. “

“Why the Obama campaign is suddenly so worried .

” His campaign appearances are now about backpedaling and proclaiming his love for small
business. And the Democratic National Committee produced its own panicked memo, which vowed to “turn the page” on Mr. Romney’s “out of context . . . BS”—thereby
acknowledging that Chicago has lost control of the message. “

  Will Fauxcahontas lead the warparty ?

” Could Democrats really be this tone deaf ? For nearly two weeks, Team Obama has been reeling from his “you didn’t build that” comment — to the extent that Barack Obama himself had to cut a personal response ad to stanch the bleeding, so far to no avail. And yet, the Charlotte Observer picks up on a Boston Globe report from ten days ago that the “buzz” around the Democratic convention (such as it is) has the author of that argument, Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, under serious consideration to be the keynote speaker at the DNCC:

  The crowds at political conventions feast on partisan red meat, and they could end up with a bellyful when the Republicans
and Democrats meet back to back
beginning late next month. An Obama campaign official confirmed to the Globe Wednesday that US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is being considered as a possible keynote speaker for the Democratic National Convention in
Charlotte, N.C. “

You DID build that .


  ” How did, perhaps, the most iconic conservative President in the last century feel about the subject?  Ronald Reagan understood much about entrepreneurs:

The explorers of the modern era are the entrepreneurs, men with vision, with the courage to take risks and faith enough to brave the unknown. These entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all theeconomic growth in the United States. They are the prime movers of the technological revolution. In fact, one of the largest personal computer firms in the United States was started by two college students, no older than you, in the garage behind their home.

Some people, even in my own country, look at the riot of experiment that is the free market and see only waste. What of all the entrepreneurs that fail? Well, many do, particularly the successful ones; often several times. And if you ask them the secret of their success, they’ll tell you it’s all that they learned in their struggles along the way; yes, it’s what they learned from failing. Like an athlete in competition or a scholar in pursuit of the truth, experience is the greatest teacher.” “

This explains a lot

  ” While the President continues to bristle at the notion that people should pay attention to his “You didn’t build that” comments and his
supporters insists we’re reading too much into it, a look at Barack Obama’s younger self tells a
different story. Just how does he view business owners and capitalists in general? One peek into
the inner thought process which formed his world view can be found in a book released earlier this year by David Maraniss titled, Barack Obama: The Story. I confess I missed this one when it came out, but a friend has been reading
it and pointed out some rather telling passages, particularly in light of the recent flap. But I wasn’t the only one to notice, nor the first. The
Washington Examiner’s Byron York picked up on it last month .”

100 Percent FED Up




” “I didn’t say that” is the new “You didn’t build that.”

” On the heels of a new ad, which attempts to clarify his now infamous remarks about business and success, Politico reports
President Obama vented about attacks at a Seattle fund raiser:

“I have to tell you, I generally have
patience with what the other side says about me, that’s a requirement of this job,” Obama said during a $5,000-per-
plate fundraiser here, according to the pool report.
“And if you don’t like folks talking about you, you probably shouldn’t run for president. The one thing I do have no patience for is this argument that somehow what I’m criticizing is success… I want to promote success,” Obama said.”

He just doesn’t get that we don’t want government to ” promote success” . That is the problem . Government has no business picking winners and losers.

  Just get the hell out of our way .
We already succeed IN SPITE OF government .


   “The Obama campaign is reeling from the fallout over the president’s demand that small business people pay higher taxes because they owe their success to the government. In a few unscripted minutes, Obama, by saying what he really thinks, dealt his own campaign a severe blow.
Today groups of small business owners in 24 cities rallied against Obama: “

Clarice Feldman offers up a link-filled , detail-rich post examining
Wile E Coyote’s penchant for gaffe making when released from Telecaptivity and the MSM’s endless efforts at damage control that she dubs ” Boston Globing” .

   A very thoughtful read …


  “Never mind either that Obama regularly steps in it when he leaves the prepared script. Ace of Spades reminds of other times Obama has
stepped in it:

   For such a supposedly fantastic speaker, it’s sure hard to bring to mind any outstanding Obama quotes. I remember nothing from his big post-racial race.speech, his inaugural, his state of the union addresses. What I remember is
when he goes off teleprompter.

“Why can’t I just eat my waffle?”

“I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to go.”

“The private sector is doing fine.”

“At a certain point, you’ve made enough money.”

“The Cambridge police acted stupidly.”

“I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like
Special Olympics, or something.”

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”

“We’re the country that built the
Intercontinental Railroad.”

“I think when you spread the wealth
around, it’s good for everybody.”

“You didn’t build that.” “

Rodney Graves at Wizbang puts forth his theory as to why the left , Obama and Elizabeth Warren in particular find nothing wrong with giving government credit for ALL advancement …

” The “Inconvenient Truth” was of
course his adoption of Elizabeth
“Fauxcahontis” Warren’s stated belief that no one can create a product or service without the benign assistance of Government.

   In both Obama’s case and
Warren’s case, they clearly have cause to believe this as their life histories are replete with unearned accolades and advancement via entitlement. Both are the antithesis of advancement via merit, and
demonstrate just how little value there is to advancement via quota.”

  ” The Golden Gate Bridge? As Reason’s Matt Welch pointed out, the Golden Gate cost at the time $35 million — or about $530 million today. So, for the cost of Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill alone, we could have had 1,567 Golden Gate Bridges. Where are they?

  Where are, say, the first dozen?
If you laid 1,567 Golden Gate Bridges end to end, you’d have enough for one Golden Choom
Bridge stretching from Obama’s Punahou High School in Honolulu over the Pacific all the way to his Occidental College in Los Angeles, so that his car-chooming chums can commute from one to the other without having to worry about TSA patdowns.”

Iowahawk on the Gospel According to Barack

  “Readings from the Book of Barack

1 In the beginning Govt created the
heavens and the earth.

2 Now the economy was formless and void, darkness was over the surface of the ATMs, and the Spirit of Govt was hovering over the land.

3 And Govt said, “Let there be spending,” and there was spending.

4 Govt saw that the spending was good, and that it separated the light from the darkness.

5 Govt called the spending Investments, and this he did in the first day.