Tag Archive: Yorkshire

British Former Marine Reported Killed In Syria




” A former Royal Marine has become the first British fighter to be killed battling with Kurdish forces against Islamic State jihadists in Syria, the BBC reported.

  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights earlier told AFP a European citizen had been killed fighting with Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), but that it was not clear whether he was British or Greek.”








” The BBC named the dead man as former marine Konstandinos Erik Scurfield from Yorkshire in northern England. Reports in the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail said he was 25 years old.

  The BBC reported that a British pro-Kurdish activist had informed Scurfield’s family of his death and that the YPG had asked if he could be buried in Syria “as a martyr”.  “



The website Kurdishinfo.com offers their condolences:



” Kurdish Question can confirm that the family of Konstandinos has been informed of the loss of their son and we would like to pay our deepest respects and honour the memory of this brave young man who travelled to Rojava to fight ISIS with the Kurdish forces of the YPG.

To all of the family, friends and comrades in arms of Konstandinos we pay our deepest respect and will honour his memory as a brave fighter for justice. “



Yahoo has more















‘Brummie’ Is The Least Attractive Accent






” A quick analysis of English dialects shows that there are roughly as many in the British Isles as there are in the whole of North America – including Canada, Bermuda and Native American dialects. The same categorization would, in North America, result in there being about one dialect per 10m people; in the British Isles there would be one for every 1.3m. Britain is highly peculiar in its linguistic variation, and the cultural contours associated with these differences make a small country feel large.

  First impressions of unearned features, such as accents, still have an impact on success, in employment, social life and elsewhere. New YouGov research looks at public opinion towards 12 of the main accents of the British Isles, revealing clear winners and losers, at least in terms of what is seen as attractive.

  The Birmingham accent, more specifically ‘Brummie’, has lost the battle of appeal. In net terms it scores -53, 20 points below than the second-lowest: ‘Scouse’, the accent of Liverpool, on -33. “



YouGov has all the details










British Team Cracks 200 MPH In Electric Car, Sets Record



” British team says it’s pushed its lightweight electric powered car to a speed of 204.2 mph, a new world record for such a vehicle.

The vehicle developed by Drayson Racing Technologies eclipsed the old 175 mph record, set in 1974, in a run at a Royal Air Force base in Yorkshire, the BBC reported Tuesday.”


” The team set the record using a Lola B12 Le Mans series car into which it installed a lightweight motor/battery system providing 850 horsepower.”