Scottish Independence: Yes Camp Closes The Poll Gap






” Support for Scottish independence has risen eight points in a month, according to a new poll.

  The No camp are now six points ahead of the Yes campaign, down from 14 points in mid-August and 22 points early last month, excluding undecided voters.

  The latest YouGov poll found that, excluding ”don’t knows”, 53% of those questioned planned to vote No, while 47% would back Yes.

  This compares to 57% for No and 43% for Yes in mid August and 61% for No and 39% for Yes at the beginning of last month.

  Blair Jenkins, Chief Executive of Yes Scotland, said: ”This breakthrough poll shows that Yes has the big momentum – it’s an all-time high for Yes support in a YouGov survey so far, and an eight-point swing from No to Yes in just three weeks. We only need another three-point swing to achieve a Yes for Scotland on September 18.

” While the No campaign press the panic button and blame each other for a series of blunders, Yes will get on with the job of persuading more of our fellow citizens – both No and undecided voters – that we need a Yes vote to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.” ”