Tag Archive: WSJ

Is The FBI Underreporting Killings By Police?




Published on Dec 6, 2014

” As the nation focused on Staten Island, Ferguson, and Cleveland in the last few weeks and the relationship between citizens and law enforcement, a recent Wall Street Journal investigation revealed that federal accounting for killings by police may be grossly miscalculated. Wall Street Journal reporter Rob Barry joins Hari Sreenivasan for more on that investigation. “










What Kids Notice At The Office


Kids Work


” People often bring their children to the workplace, hoping they will pick up valuable lessons about careers or the rewards of hard work. What kids perceive often isn’t what their parents think.

  When Melissa Lea’s two kids—son Spencer Lea Hart, 10, and daughter Kelsey Lea Hart, 12—come to the office of the media-buying agency she runs in Waltham, Mass., “they see me work my tail off,” she says.

  To Spencer, his mom’s office, housed in a former watch factory, “kind of feels like a jungle gym,” he says. On weekend visits, he shimmies up its floor-to-ceiling support poles. He and Kelsey use wheeled stools like bumper cars, riding on their stomachs through the halls. And they feast on crackers and pretzels from the office kitchen and sweets from dishes on employees’ desks.”


More here







 Happy Yet?




” Three years after the disastrous launch of the Affordable Care Act, most of the website troubles finally have been ironed out. People are now able to log on to the government’s ACA website and to most of the state health-insurance exchanges. The public has grudgingly come to accept higher insurance premiums, new taxes and increases in part-time workers who were formerly full-time. But Americans are irate anyway—because now they’re seeing the health-care law’s destructive effect on the fundamental nature of the way their care is delivered.

Even before the ACA’s launch in 2013, many physicians—seeing the changes in their profession that lay ahead—had begun talking their children out of going to medical school. After the launch, compensation fell, while nothing in the ACA stopped lawsuits and malpractice premiums from rising. Doctors must now see many more patients each day to meet expenses, all while dealing with the mountains of paperwork mandated by the health-care law.

The forecast shortage of doctors has become a real problem. It started in 2014 when the ACA cut $716 billion from Medicare to accommodate 30 million newly “insured” people through an expansion of Medicaid. More important, the predicted shortage of 42,000 primary-care physicians and that of specialists (such as heart surgeons) was vastly underestimated. It didn’t take into account the ACA’s effect on doctors retiring early, refusing new patients or going into concierge medicine. These estimates also ignored the millions of immigrants who would be seeking a physician after having been granted legal status.”




Illustration by Dave Granlund






HealthCare.gov Feeds Doubts About Rollout




” Three weeks after it opened, the HealthCare.gov website — where millions of people are supposed to get insurance under the Affordable Care Act — remains plagued by problems. Acknowledging the glaringly obvious, President Obama said Monday that his administration is doing “everything we can possibly do” to get things fixed.

Well, good. Anyone who supports the plan to cover Americans who couldn’t get health insurance has to hope the administration quickly gets it right. But you can’t help but wonder: Where was all this frantic effort in the three-and-a-half years from the time Obama signed the health law to the day the exchanges opened on Oct. 1? Because that might have helped avoid the unforced error that is raising doubts about the administration’s ability to manage other pieces of the complex law.

Some of the exchanges that 14 states and Washington, D.C., opted to run themselves have been working reasonably well, so the technology shouldn’t be an insurmountable challenge. Even so, the administration has been infuriatingly evasive about its failure, insisting at first that the glitches were just a matter of too many people trying to sign up. It has since become clear that the exchanges have deeper design problems the administration either didn’t understand or didn’t want to admit.”



Here are the other three editorials :


1-800-Obamacare-Denial – Wall Street Journal
The Buck Stops With Sebelius & Obama – New York Times
Secrecy & Damage Control Won’t Restore Confidence – Washington Post







Backstage With Jeff Beck


Jeff Beck Interview

” Guitarist Jeff Beck, a virtuoso of the Fender Stratocaster, talks to the WSJ’s John Jurgensen about touring with Brian Wilson, bonding with Jimi Hendrix and losing patience with Rod Stewart.”

#PhotocritiqueWSJ: Our Favorite Reader Photos

” We asked readers to submit their photos on Instagram and Twitter to be critiqued by photo experts. Here’s a selection of WSJ Photo Editor Dan Gaba’s favorites. (@DanGaba on Instagram.)”

Snow Trees






One of seventeen found here

What Celebrities Are Tweeting About the Presidential Debates

A sampling of the genius of Hollywood and the Celebutard world .

“The first presidential debate between President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney is on, and celebrities and other notable folks are tweeting about it.

  Here’s what they’re saying so far. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments and join the conversation. Check back in throughout the night–we’ll be
adding to the list of celebrity tweets.”

“Limited Security in Benghazi, Secrecy Over Safe House, Contributed to Tragedy”

” U.S. officials issued alerts and ordered security precautions in neighboring Egypt ahead of protests and violence on Sept. 11,
but largely overlooked the possibility of trouble at other diplomatic postings in the

  The State Department chose to maintain only limited security in Benghazi, Libya, despite months of sporadic attacks there on U.S. and other Western missions. ”

Subscription required .

“The Pinocchio Press”

The bizarre rise of “fact checking” propagandists.

  ” Outside the world of journalism, fact checkers were pretty much unknown until recently. Like proofreaders, they work behind the scenes. Their job is quality control. The most rigorous fact-checking operations–The New Yorker’s and Reader’s Digest’s are the best known among us who know about such things–would scrutinize every factual assertion in an article, reporting back so that any error could be corrected.

Over the past few years, many organizations have promoted “fact checkers” by making them writers, or perhaps demoted writers by making them fact checkers. No, it’s more the former, because other writers have been bowing to the “fact checkers” as submissively as Barack Obama upon meeting some anti-American dictator.”

” The Republicans have some fun at the president’s expense. “

  “Here was our favorite line from
Mitt Romney’s convention speech : “President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise is to help you and your family.”

  We liked it even better when we saw that the New York Times’s Nicholas Kristof had tweeted:
“Seriously, Romney’s speech esp troubled me by mocking rising seas/climate change. The dismissiveness was appalling.” Gaia is a jealous
Goddess, and She will not be mocked!

  It actually hadn’t occurred to us that the Romney line was a repudiation of global warmism. If so, that’s lagniappe. What we
enjoyed was the deft way in which Romney punctured Obama’s self-aggrandizement–by quoting his most immodest promise ever,
pausing for effect, then making an almost comically modest promise of his own.”

Who Could it Be ?

“” Who Is The RNC Mystery Speaker?

” Republican convention planners
appear to have a surprise planned forthose tuning in Thursday night.

  Buried deep in the convention
schedule released Monday is a vague.reference to a mystery speaker scheduled for the event’s final evening. “To Be Announced” has a prime speaking slot late in the
Thursday program.”

” Strassel: The Silent Second-Term Agenda”

” President Obama has a reputation for talking, but not necessarily for saying much. He has
achieved new levels of vagueness this election season. Beyond repeating that he’s in favor of
making the “rich” pay for more government “investment,” he hasn’t offered a single new idea
for a second term. This is deliberate. “

“Why the Obama campaign is suddenly so worried .

” His campaign appearances are now about backpedaling and proclaiming his love for small
business. And the Democratic National Committee produced its own panicked memo, which vowed to “turn the page” on Mr. Romney’s “out of context . . . BS”—thereby
acknowledging that Chicago has lost control of the message. “

Andrew Klavan reviews the latest Batman flick and finds a libertarian statement , intentional or otherwise .

  ” There are, after all, no socialist filmmakers in Hollywood. There are only capitalist filmmakers (Michael Moore, for one) who make socialist
films. Likewise, none of the coiffed corporate multimillionaires who anchor the network newscasts can honestly support the Occupy
movement which, taken to its logical conclusion, would result in their being hanged from lampposts.

  Yet while repeatedly tainting the free-market tea party movement with a racism it doesn’t espouse and linking it to violence it doesn’t
commit, many creatives and journalists lend moral support to the socialist “occupiers”—
underplaying the widespread vandalism, lawlessness and grotesque anti-Semitism characteristic of their demonstrations. “

  As this NY Sun editorial makes abundantly clear , the Fed doesn’t work for us , the people , it works for the government and the banks .

” We’ve often thought of that harbinger in the context of the current crisis over the fiat dollar, but it was all brought together in column by Judy Shelton in today’s Wall Street Journal. She notes that many in America “fear that our nation is going the way of Europe —becoming more socialist and redistributionist as government grows ever larger.” But, she warns, “the most disturbing trend may not be the fiscal enlargement of government through excessive spending, but rather the elevated role of monetary policy.” She’s referring to the way the Federal Reserve, as she puts it, “uses its enormous influence over banking and financial institutions to channel funds back to government instead of directing them toward productive economic activity.” “

   James Taranto on ABC’s shoddy performance on the Aurora shooting .

“This strikes us as insufficient. Simply as a matter of journalistic craft, the report was appallingly
shoddy. Ross pointed the finger at an innocent man based on nothing but the coincidence of a common name and the man’s residence in the same city of 325,000 where the crime took place.

  Let us amend that. There was one other factor, and this is what makes the ABC error not just amateurish but sinister: the innocent Jim
Holmes’s involvement with the Tea Party. For more than three years liberal journalists have falsely portrayed the Tea Party as racist and potentially violent. After the January 2011 mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., speculation immediately began that the suspect was a Tea Partier. Even after it was proved that he was not, the New York Times published a despicable
editorial blaming conservatives anyway. “

From the Tax Prof we are informed of more shenanigans from our friends at the IRS .

   In the age of Obama no federal agency maintains a shred of integrity .

   Disrespect for authority is the one thing that Obama seems to be very good at increasing

“Two scholars—Michael Cannon of the libertarian Cato Institute think-tank and Jonathan Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University—wrote in a
paper published Monday that the IRS rule leaves the agency open to legal action.
“The IRS’s rule has no basis in law,” they wrote. “This supposed fix is actually an effort to rewrite the law and provide for something Congress never enacted.” “


“Everyone is suddenly waking up to the horrors of the “fiscal cliff” that arrives on January 1, 2013, but the real clear and present danger keeps getting misdiagnosed. It’s the taxes, not the spending.”

Here’s the cliff …

“[T]he cliff that could break the economy’s neck is the scheduled tax hikes. These include a tripling of the tax on dividends, a
near 60% increase in the capital gains rate, a 20% increase in personal income-tax rates that will hit small businesses, and the
repeal of tax breaks allowing businesses to write-off capital purchases. “

It Really Is A No-Brainer

  “The best stimulus is a smaller government.”


  I’m no economist , but is it really that difficult to grasp the fact that there is a finite supply of money and that the more that is spent , saved , invested by private citizens the more growth that is generated ? 

  I’m by no means ” the Smartest Person in the Room” but is easy for me to see that every dollar that gets spent by government is two dollars that the private sector is deprived of given government’s innate inefficiency .