Tag Archive: Wrong House Raid

Cops Go To Wrong House To Make Arrest, Let Dog Out, Shoot At Dog In Crowded Area


” Several officers attempting to make an arrest at the wrong house quickly turned their incompetence into a deadly situation.

  As police were trying to force their way into the wrong home, they irresponsibly let the home owner’s dog loose.

  When the dog ran out, he was naturally in an excited state. The dog jumped on a frightened lieutenant but didn’t cause any harm. Then one NYPD officer, with absolutely no regard for his surroundings pulled out his service weapon and fired his gun at point blank range.

  As the incident unfolded, a crowd had gathered, some of the people in the crowd had their cameras rolling. One video captured this reckless shooting first hand, from only several feet away.

  Luckily for this dog, this officer was a horrid shot. Also lucky were the people in the crowd who managed to avoid being hit by any of the bullet fragments as they ricocheted off the concrete.

“ No, no you wrong. You wrong. You’re dead *expletive* wrong for that,” a person in the crowd yelled after the officer shot.”


Read more at the Free Thought Project










Family Sues After Armed Police Kick Down Wrong Door




No Knock Welfare Check Click For Video



” A Caldwell family has filed a lawsuit in federal court after armed police mistakenly kicked in their apartment door while looking for the family’s neighbor.

  The incident happened last year on February 21 around 11:30 p.m. The Johnsons filed a lawsuit in federal court in November, saying they were illegally searched and their Constitutional rights were violated. 

” Not acceptable. Being put in handcuffs. Kicking our door in. What’s that all about? No. Not acceptable. Not acceptable,” David Johnson said. 

  The Johnsons name the cities of Caldwell and Nampa, the police departments, the police chiefs and officers in the lawsuit. This month, both departments filed court papers denying accusations that the Johnsons’ rights were violated.”



   Of course the Johnson’s rights were violated , only thug cops with no respect for the Constitution could believe otherwise …



” David Johnson says he, his wife, and his adult son were all asleep when the police came to their door. He says there was no knock and no identification by police.

” We had no idea. No idea what was going on. Nothing. We were sound asleep when it started,” Johnson said. “We didn’t know who it was, and as I walked up to the door, pieces of the door were hitting me.” 

  Johnson says he unlocked the deadbolt and came face-to-face with a large gun. 

” There’s a gun pointed at me. No one said anything. Next thing I know somebody grabbed my arm, pulled me out and handcuffed me. Just like that,” Johnson said. “



    Once again , thanks to the increasingly violent nature of law enforcement a family’s lives were endangered on heresay from a woman that allegedly was threatened … by a third party , no less . Listening to the audio , which is available here and here it is apparent that the cops do not know where they are going nor even what they are looking for .

This incident grew from a woman complaining that a man threatened her to , according to the cops , a “homicide in progress” .What bulls**t . 



” After they brought him out, he says the police searched his home with a police canine and eventually got the neighbor they were looking for out of the next-door apartment as well. He says police told him they were looking into a “homicide in progress,” gave him a business card, and then left.”



   It is a miracle that no one was killed this time around , but the prevalence of the KGB-like tactics of midnight door busting must be stopped at all costs if we are to maintain any sort of liberty in our country . 

    It’s bad enough that the cops screwed up but to compound the error by stonewalling and refusing to admit that they’ve made a mistake and violated the Johnson’s rights to due process only serves to highlight a law enforcement culture that has morphed into a fine example of a police state … The Stasi would be proud . 



” The city says the officers had true information and with that had reason to attempt to find the potential suspect and victim by conducting “a no-knock, no-warrant welfare check“. The department says procedures and policies are proper.”



    That phrase ” no-knock , no-warrant welfare check” has to be the greatest example of government double-speak since George Orwell passed . 

   Where is the accountability ? Since when do unsubstantiated allegations and the rumored presence of a weapon demand an immediate , poorly planned dynamic entry ? The governing principle of the jackboots today is if there is any suspicion that a resident might own a gun , rights be damned , assault the property .

   That policy should strike fear into the hearts of millions and millions of Americans when one considers the fact that at least 50% of us own a gun . The next time you piss off your ex-wife or a neighbor is annoyed with your dog or how you parked your car you could be a candidate for a full blown SWAT raid if they suspect that you are a gun owner . That is chilling .

 Read the whole thing and pray it doesn’t happen to you .