Tag Archive: Working Families Party

Cuomo, Amid Moreland Struggles, Realizes He Might Lose


cuomo arrogant




” After his worst week in office since becoming governor, Andrew Cuomo is now viewed for the first time by important Democrats as potentially vulnerable to Republican challenger Rob Astorino, The Post has learned.

  The changing sentiment results from the extraordinary criticisms Cuomo received last week from corruption-fighting Southern District US Attorney Preet Bharara — because of the governor’s summary dismissal of his anti-corruption Moreland Commission panel — and from an assortment of “good-government’’ over his transparently phony plan for a severely limited system of publicly financed elections.

“ It was a disastrous week for Andrew. He was being attacked all over town, and it appeared to be the culmination of not just weeks, but months, of eroding support for the governor from within his own Democratic base,’’ one of the state’s most influential Democrats told The Post.”

The NY Post has more

The One Good Thing About NYC Having A Communist Mayor…




” The election of Bill de Blasio as New York’s mayor was a dream comes true for America’s progressives. Not only has one of their own grabbed the top job in the country’s biggest city, but his Working Families Party has total (48/3) control of the City Council to support him.

  There is now no progressive program de Blasio cannot put into place. He is limited only by his own imagination.  Sure, those “meanies” in Albany can throw a few road blocks in front of him and briefly stall his plans; but in the end, he’ll get his way. The far Left is dancing around their campfires now; but before long, de Blasio will become a major problem for Democrats and will douse those flames.

  His powerbase, the Working Families Party, is the modern face of the Communist Party of the 1950s. They are Marxists and proud of it. They will not allow de Blasio to back down from their dreams even if he wanted to try.”


     Read more about Di Blasio and how he will serve the same purpose in New York that Obama is doing nationwide … opening people’s eyes to the “wonders” of socialism .

    Between the two of them they should set the Democratic party back a generation . If it weren’t for a combination of GOP incompetence , the protection afforded dems by the MSM and Obama’s high melanin count the setback would in fact become the death knell for the “progressive” movement .