Tag Archive: Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was A Home Invasion’



” Cindy Archer, one of the lead architects of Wisconsin’s Act 10 — also called the “Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill,” it limited public-employee benefits and altered collective-bargaining rules for public-employee unions — was jolted awake by yelling, loud pounding at the door, and her dogs’ frantic barking. The entire house — the windows and walls — was shaking.

  She looked outside to see up to a dozen police officers, yelling to open the door. They were carrying a battering ram.

  She wasn’t dressed, but she started to run toward the door, her body in full view of the police. Some yelled at her to grab some clothes, others yelled for her to open the door.

“ I was so afraid,” she says. “I did not know what to do.” She grabbed some clothes, opened the door, and dressed right in front of the police. The dogs were still frantic.

“ I begged and begged, ‘Please don’t shoot my dogs, please don’t shoot my dogs, just don’t shoot my dogs.’ I couldn’t get them to stop barking, and I couldn’t get them outside quick enough. I saw a gun and barking dogs. I was scared and knew this was a bad mix.”

  She got the dogs safely out of the house, just as multiple armed agents rushed inside. Some even barged into the bathroom, where her partner was in the shower. The officer or agent in charge demanded that Cindy sit on the couch, but she wanted to get up and get a cup of coffee.

“ I told him this was my house and I could do what I wanted.” Wrong thing to say. “This made the agent in charge furious. He towered over me with his finger in my face and yelled like a drill sergeant that I either do it his way or he would handcuff me.” “



Cindy Archer and her family are not alone …



” It was indeed a home invasion, but the people who were pouring in were Wisconsin law-enforcement officers. Armed, uniformed police swarmed into the house. Plainclothes investigators cornered her and her newly awakened family. Soon, state officials were seizing the family’s personal property, including each person’s computer and smartphone, filled with the most intimate family information. 

  Why were the police at Anne’s home? She had no answers. The police were treating them the way they’d seen police treat drug dealers on television.

  In fact, TV or movies were their only points of reference, because they weren’t criminals. They were law-abiding. They didn’t buy or sell drugs. They weren’t violent. They weren’t a danger to anyone. Yet there were cops — surrounding their house on the outside, swarming the house on the inside. They even taunted the family as if they were mere “perps.”

  As if the home invasion, the appropriation of private property, and the verbal abuse weren’t enough, next came ominous warnings.

  Don’t call your lawyer.

  Don’t tell anyone about this raid. Not even your mother, your father, or your closest friends.”


National Review has more on these Gestapo-like tactics in America’s heartland










Police Tapes: Officers Told Of Battery Involving Tony Robinson Before Shooting






” The Friday evening police call that would end with a white officer fatally shooting an unarmed black teenager, sparking heated protests and pained conversations across Madison, started with a report of a man on Williamson Street “yelling and jumping in front of cars.”

  Police radio transmissions from Friday night, archived and later posted online, start with dispatchers sending officers to 1125 Williamson St.”

Here is the complete police scanner audio regarding the Robinson shooting …

” With police on the way, a dispatcher tells the officers that the man is named Tony Robinson, and that callers have said he hit and tried to strangle someone inside the Williamson Street house.

  Less than 20 seconds after an officer radios that he is going into an upstairs apartment, there is a call for shots fired.

  In those seconds, police say Robinson, 19, of Madison, and Officer Matt Kenny, 45, who has been with the department more than 12 years, struggled inside the apartment before Kenny fatally shot Robinson. Kenny was injured in the altercation, police said.

  Authorities Saturday declined to answer many questions about what happened between Kenny and Robinson. Madison police said the release of that information will be up to the state Division of Criminal Investigation, which is leading the inquiry into the shooting as part of a state law requiring outside investigation of all officer-involved deaths.

  Chief Mike Koval on Saturday confirmed reports from protesters and Robinson’s family members that the teen was unarmed when he was killed, and acknowledged that fact has driven much of the outcry following the shooting.

“ He was unarmed,” Koval said, “and that’s going to make this all the more complicated … for the public to accept, to understand and to wait patiently for what other circumstances, if any, were there … such that deadly force had to be used.” “

Read more at the Wisconsin State Journal


Audio Tapes Reveal How Federal Regulators Shut Down Gun Store Owner’s Bank Accounts





” Conversations recorded by a Wisconsin gun store owner provide perhaps the clearest glimpse yet into how the federal government uses regulators to target legal firearm and ammunition sellers.

“ Our hands are tied by it,” a regional manager with Heritage Credit Union told Hawkins Guns owner Mike Schuetz of federal regulations which forced the institution to close Shuetz’s bank accounts in November.

  Recordings of Shuetz’s conversations with the manager and a bank teller, which were published online by the U.S. Consumer Coalition, make it clear that the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) examined the credit union’s books and forced it to close Shuetz’s account — a move he blames on a Department of Justice initiative called Operation Choke Point.”







” Schuetz’s saga began on Nov. 13, when he says Heritage Credit Union informed him that it would have to close his bank accounts.

“ I received a call from Heritage Credit Union in Hawkins, where I set up my business account for Hawkins Guns. They told me I had to close the account because they do not service companies that deal in guns,” wrote Shuetz on Facebook at the time.”



    Below is a screen shot from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s report from December 8, 2014 , “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Involvement in “Operation Choke Point” detailing some of the legal businesses Obama’s Federal regulators have determined are not suitable for the American public to be exposed to . Warning: PDF



Operation Choke Point %22High Risk%22 Businesses




Daily Caller











Wausau Man’s Christmas Tree Still Up After Four Decades







” A slim spruce covered in tinsel and dusty Christmas decorations has stayed parked in Neil Olson’s living room for 40 years now, and it somehow has retained its needles over those four decades.

” Most of ’em don’t last,” Olson, 89, said. “The needles are kept on for a reason. It’s supernatural, I say.”

  Olson put up the tree in 1974 when two of his six sons went off to serve in the Vietnam War. He planned to take it down when he had all six boys home again for Christmas at the same time.

  He’s still waiting for that day.

  Five of the kids live in Wausau. But the eldest, who is disabled, lives in Washington state and has been unable to make the journey back to Wisconsin at Christmas.”


Read more











Green Menace: Wind Turbines Deemed A ‘Human Health Hazard’






” For years, President Obama has exploited public concern over “climate change” in order to wage a brutal campaign of genocide against our nation’s birds. Wind turbines have been turned into highly efficient killing machines, mowing down bald eagles in grisly fashion, dozens at a time. A new finding by science suggests that humans may be next.

  Health officials in Brown County, Wisconsin have declared a local industrial wind farm to be a “human health hazard,” following a four-year investigation in health complaints from area residents.

  Jay Tibbetts, a physician and a member of the Brown County Board of Health, said the board did not come to its decision lightly. “We have 80 people on record who have made health complaints, including a nurse who is going deaf,” Tibbets said. “We can’t just ignore this.”

  The Brown County health code defines a human health hazard as “a substance, activity or condition that is known to have the potential to cause acute or chronic illness or death if exposure to the substance, activity or condition is not abated.” [emphasis added]

  The ruling is bad news for Duke Energy, the company that owns and operates the wind farm. Not surprisingly, Duke Energy has close ties to the Obama administration and the Democratic Party. In 2012, the company provided a $10 million loan to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, which was never repaid. “


Free Beacon










Dog Killed In Standoff








” A dog was shot and killed as police moved in to end a 3-hour and 40-minute standoff Saturday afternoon at a residence at 4000 Victory Avenue.

  The incident, which police said began at about 11:30 a.m., concluded at about 3:10 p.m. when the male resident of the home was seen being taken into custody. No humans were injured. The man, whom police had not identified as of 6 p.m. Saturday, was in custody at the Racine County Jail, said police Sgt. Sam Stulo.

  The incident started over a confrontation about leaf blowing and dog excrement, said Kim Polk, 49, who lives diagonally from the man in the 1600 block of Russet Street. Polk said she was using a leaf blower to pick up leaves and move them when her neighbor made a comment about her clearing leaves at his house when she was done. Polk said she did not see humor in the statement.

“ I’m neighborly, but there are some neighbors you just don’t mess with and that’s one neighbor we don’t fool with,” Polk said, noting the man’s many alleged run-ins with police in the past.”


Read more












Crowd Begins To File Out While Obama Speaks In Wisconsin









” As President Obama spoke this evening in Wisconsin, the crowd began to file out. Here’s video that captures some folks leaving, even as Obama’s voice can be heard in the background:

  Mike Lowe, a political reporter, also made the observation on Twitter. “Some people –not a lot, but some — are leaving as the President is speaking,” wrote Lowe.

  Obama spoke tonight at a rally for Mary Burke, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Wisconsin.

  Attendees at a recent campaign event President Obama attended in Maryland also left early a couple weeks ago.”


Thanks to the Weekly Standard











How Sheriff Clarke’s Pro-Gun Message Shaped Opinions In Milwaukee







Published on Oct 17, 2014

” In the coming weeks after the Sandy Hook school shooting, the American public was flooded with commentary about gun ownership, but one message in particular stood out: a public service announcement by Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke. It encouraged and inspired many on the pro-gun side — turning Sheriff Clarke into a gun rights hero — but what affect did his message have on his community?

For more, check out We The People Book by Ben Philippi here:https://www.facebook.com/wethepeoplebook

And for more gun news and reviews, check out http://www.guns.com “










Bodies In Suitcases: Mystery Deepens In Wisconsin Town After Gruesome Find








” Two bodies in suitcases were found in a ditch in southeastern Wisconsin, and now days later police said they are no closer to cracking the bizarre and gruesome case. 

  Highway workers discovered the bodies on Thursday while mowing a ditch in the town of Geneva, which is about 50 miles southwest of Milwaukee. Though they did not open the suitcases, a driver passing by noticed them and called police, who found two dismembered bodies in the suitcases.

  The finding was especially strange for the small town of Geneva, which has just 4,000 people and little crime to speak of.

“ It’s a very quiet town, a close-knit town,” said Police Chief Steven Hurley. “Everybody knows everybody else.”

  Autopsies were conducted on Friday, but police have failed to identify either body found in the suitcases. Hurley noted that there are no missing persons reported in Geneva.”


More here












Sheriff David A Clarke Jr NRA-ILA Leadership Forum FULL SPEECH




” Sheriff David Clarke Jr. may not be a household name…yet. But he’s well on his way after his rousing speech at the 2014 NRA convention. Consider the standing ovation he received after revealing the seven words he would add to the Second Amendment: “Keep your hands off our guns, dammit.”

Thanks to the Federalist Papers

Workers Dismantle Over 70 Unions In Wisconsin




”  Workers rejected over 70 of 408 school district unions during annual recertification elections that ended on Thursday, according to a preliminary analysis of the results.

  The elections went from November 29th until noon on December 19th and involved 408 collective bargaining units around the state associated with school districts. Workers cast their votes using a telephone voting system.

  AFSCME Local 60 Council 40, including support staff in the Sun Prairie School District, was the largest union to be decertified. Only 135 of the 367 members voted to recertify.

  Substitute teachers with the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association also decertified with 128 of 320 members voting for the union. “









Homes Raided, Subpoenas Issued Targeting Conservative Groups And Allies Of Scott Walker




” In Wisconsin, dozens of conservative groups and allies of Gov. Scott Walker are undergoing political intimidation from the left at the hands of a special prosecutor.

Subpoenas have been issued demanding correspondence and donor information of right-leaning organizations and individuals and raids have been conducted resulting in law enforcement officers taking computers and files in a secret investigation, according to reports.

“In recent weeks, special prosecutor Francis Schmitz has hit dozens of conservative groups with subpoenas demanding documents related to the 2011 and 2012 campaigns to recall Governor Walker and state legislative leaders,” the Wall Street Journal writes.”


    The use of taxpayer funds and taxpayer salaried employees to stifle political opponents is something more akin to banana republics than our “representative” type of government , yet here it is on display yet again , this time at the state level . 


” “A person who has seen one of the Wisconsin search warrants tells us that the warrants were executed based on the request of Dean Nickel, who filed an affidavit for probable cause.,” the WSJ reported. “Mr. Nickel is a former head of the Wisconsin Department of Justice Public Integrity Unit and has worked as an investigator for the GAB. Mr. Nickel told us he is a contractor for the GAB but wouldn’t discuss the John Doe probe. GAB Director and General Counsel Kevin Kennedy declined to comment.”

While gagged by provisions and the subpoenas, a source close to Watchdog.org told the Wisconsin Reporter they believe this is a taxpayer funded campaign simply for opposition research purposes.”



   Richard M Nixon may be the first politician that comes to mind when one thinks “enemies lists” but Obama and the Dem’s of the 21st century are showing him to be the rank amateur that he really was . Opposition research has never been so expensive to the American taxpayer as it has become under Obama .









 DHS Now Taking Bids For 2 States; Top Secret Force



” Remember when Hussein Obama was saying that we need a domestic police force that is just as strong as our military, during the 2008 campaign?  A few of us wondered at the time why we needed that. It was largely ignored up until recently but he is making good on that claim. It’s much more than a claim now; it’s becoming a real threat.”



   Remember now ? He wasn’t kidding as we are well aware . All is proceeding as the Statists have planned , and there are new developments as this article states .

” As the process moves forward, a new request for bid has been posted on the General Services Administration website for DHS contractors. The Contract is seeking to fill the positions of “Security Guards and Patrol Services”, for a term of one year, with four one year renewals and a six month renewal. That’s five and a half years of security to begin with. The Contractor also needs to have a Top Secret Security Clearance.”

412 bid1

    What on earth is so important in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin that it requires a $100 million contract for “security services” ? Oh , and did we mention , one of the contract requirements is a “Top Secret” security clearance ?

” A Congressional audit and accountability study needs to be conducted for all of the recent bids, including riot protection and offensive weaponry; ammunition and vehicles should be conducted determining their supposed justification and legitimacy.

Secondly, an investigation into the reasons behind the secretive nature of the operation of DHS must be carried out. Of course, there will be the resistance floated that national security concerns prevent disclosure. Not true, national security concerns demand that this be done.”



    Leviathan is growing more lethal and secretive by the day , even as we stand by and fund the instruments of our own destruction.









Real-Time Video Footage Of Airplanes Colliding Mid-Air



” When two small planes carrying nine passengers and two pilots collided in mid-air over Wisconsin, the headlines should have read “Eleven Die In Plane-Crash Tragedy.” What happened instead, because all of the passengers were experienced skydivers, was that all nine passengers survived, one student pilot successfully jumped from the wreckage of his plane using his emergency paragraph, and the other pilot safely landed his damaged plane.”

Published on Nov 4, 2013

” Subscribe to ITN News: http://bit.ly/itnytsub
Officials in the United States are examining what caused a collision between two skydiving planes in Wisconsin. All eleven passengers in both aircraft survived the accident that occurred at 12,000 feet, as they were preparing for the final jump of the day. The lead plane caught on fire and lost its wings, before crashing to the ground, while the second was able to land safely. Report by Louise Hulland.”




WI Homeowner Shoots Home Invader With Shotgun, May Have Been Targeted Due To Settlement Money


Racine Home Invader Shot


” A homeowner in Wisconsin was forced to defend himself, his girlfriend and his home during an attempted home invasion robbery earlier this month.

Jeremiah VanRemmen apparently fired several shots from a shotgun at a would be home invader.

The suspect was hit by the gunfire and is being treated at an area hospital. He is described as being in serious condition.”








Chicago Refugee Family Now Homeless In Wisconsin,

But Not Being Shot At



” During morning patrols, a police officer discovered a family of 10 huddled under a makeshift shelter of blankets on the street. They were war refugees in a way, but this sad story doesn’t come from Syria… it comes from Madison, Wisconsin. 

The Smoking Gun reports that the group were “shocked” by the officer’s concern for their well-being, though possibly not as shocked as he was to hear their tale. This group of four adults, a five-month-old baby, several toddlers, and two older children had been on the Madison streets for two weeks, camping near the State Capitol.

The group explained that they had “fled Chicago from where a lot of shootings and deaths were occurring.” The officer added, “It was just too dangerous to stay; some people they knew were killed.”

The family received immediate aid from the police, including food, money and short-term housing provided by three local churches. The report concludes that while the family’s “future still holds many questions,” they are now “away from the bullets.” “











Watch Mystery Grandma Drummer Stun Shop Staff With Awesome Skills



” According to staff at the Coalition Drum Shop in La Crosse, Wisconsin, a mysterious elderly woman who came to the shop stunned them with an ace performance on a drum set.”

” Consumerist reports that staff at the store said they do not who the elderly woman was or where she learned to play the drum. But they managed to record two videos of her performance that fellow Rolling Stones seniors must be looking at for their next recruitment.”


Milwaukee Bra Ban Overturned




” Holler House Tavern was decorated with hundreds of bras left by female patrons for nearly half a century, until a Milwaukee, Wisc., city inspector decided that the sartorial decor constituted a fire hazard.

The city agreed to overturn the bra ban, which means Skowronski will get to re-hang the bras that hundreds of women have left there over the years.”





Wisconsin Family Discovers Fully-Stocked Fallout Shelter In Their Back Yard 50 Years After It Was Installed At The Height Of The Cold War


Preserved: The previous owner of the shelter packed away candies, raisins, Hershey's syrup and other sweets - likely as treats to get through the long weeks underground


” For more than a decade after they moved into their house in Neenah, Wisconsin, the Zwick family knew they had a Cold War bunker in their backyard. 

It was not until 2010 that anyone thought to open the heavy steel hatch, climb down the ladder and explore the 8-foot-by-10-foot chamber that the home’s previous owner had built to protect his family from a nuclear attack. 

Floating in five feet of water that had seemed into the bunker were sealed U.S. Army boxed packed with all of the supplies a family would need to survive two weeks underground.

‘We assumed it was just this empty space,’ homeowner Carol Hollar-Zwick told the Appleton Post-Crescent

The boxes, old military ammunition crates, contained markings that suggested there might be explosives inside, so the family called the local branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. 

Agents opened the crates to find… Hawaiian Punch.

‘It was all of what you would expect to find in a 1960s fallout shelter. It was food, clothing, medical supplies, tools, flashlights, batteries – items that you would want to have in a shelter if you planned to live there for two weeks.’

Everything remained remarkably well-preserved, thanks to the airtight containers the supplies were kept in. 

The family donated all of the items to the Neenah Historical Society, which has curated an exhibit about the Cold War and the fear of the Soviets using ‘the bomb.'”







Marine With Concealed Carry Permit Stops Man From Beating Woman






”  A Marine Corps veteran was able to stop a man early Tuesday, March 12th from nearly kicking a woman to death. It happened near 102nd and Lincoln, and Wisconsin’s concealed carry law made his efforts possible.

Charlie Blackmore was driving home from work at 4:00 a.m. along Lincoln Avenue when he saw something on the sidewalk. Blackmore didn’t realize it was a woman on the ground being kicked in the head and stomach until he got closer.

That’s when he jumped out of his car and sprung into action.

“I said ‘stop’ and he starts coming towards me and that`s when I drew on him. He started getting closer and I said ‘get down on the ground,’” Blackmore said.

Blackmore held his gun on the suspect and called West Allis police. He says several times while waiting for police to arrive, the attacker moved toward him.”




“Wisconsin Budget Surplus Projected To Grow To $484 Million.”



scott walker




Red States lead the way to fiscal sanity .




U.S. Soldier Convicted of Felony for Owning a Gun

Obama-Springsteen Concert Down 62,000 People From 2008 Concert-


  ” The Kerry-Springsteen concert in 2004 drew 80,000 people .

   And the Obama-Springsteen concert in Cleveland back in 2008 drew 80,000 people .

   The Obama-Springsteen concert today in Madison, Wisconsin drew only 18,000..In Madison Wisconsin”

  ” Early Friday morning, thugs presumably supporting President Obama beat up the son of Wisconsin State Senator Neal Kedzie outside of his apartment in Whitewater. Kedzie caught the two men removing a Romney sign outside of his apartment around two o’clock in the morning. After telling them to put the signs back, one of the thugs attacked Kedzie and then put him in a choke hold and continued to beat his head.



  Mark Belling spoke to the Senator’s son Sean on the radio earlier today. Sean Kedzie told Belling he was rushed to the hospital by ambulance with possible skull and eye socket fractures.”