Tag Archive: White House

2,500 New Documents ID’d In White House-IRS Taxpayer Harassment Cases



” In a shocking revelation, the Treasury Inspector General has identified some 2,500 documents that “potentially” show taxpayer information held by the Internal Revenue Service being shared with President Obama’s White House.

  The discovery was revealed to the group Cause of Action, which has sued for access to any of the documents. It charges that the IRS and White House have harassed taxpayers.

  In an email from the Justice Department’s tax office, an official revealed the high number of documents, suggesting that the White House was hip deep in probes of taxpayers, likely including conservatives and Tea Party groups associated with the IRS scandal.

  In requesting a delay in the delivery date of the documents, Justice told Cause of Action, “The agency [Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration] has located 2,500 potentially responsive documents and anticipates being able to finish processing 2,000 of these pages by the December 1 date. It needs the additional two weeks to deal with the last 500 pages to determine if they are responsive and make any necessary withholdings.”


Thanks to Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner










Bombshell: Email Proves That White House, DOJ Targeted Reporter Sharyl Attkisson




” Judicial Watch reports that the Obama administration has turned over about 42,000 pages of documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal. The administration was forced to turn the documents over to Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Judicial Watch is posting them on its web site. The administration turned them over on November 18, 2014.

  One of the documents provides smoking gun proof that the Obama White House and the Eric Holder Justice Department colluded to get CBS News to block reporter Sharyl Attkisson. Attkisson was one of the few mainstream media reporters who paid any attention to the deadly gun-running scandal.

  In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.

  Schultz replied, “Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG.”

  Schultz also told Schmaler that he was working with reporter Susan Davis, then at the National Journal, to target Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA). Issa led the House investigation into Fast and Furious. Davis now works at USA Today. In the email chain, Schultz tells Schmaler that he would provide Davis with “leaks.”

  Davis wrote a critical piece on Issa a few weeks later.

  Attkisson was later subjected to hacking of her computer by people who remain unknown, but who likely belong to a government agency. She and CBS parted ways earlier in 2014, and Attkisson has since said that the network blocked her reports from airing.

  Update: More about Schmaler here, here, here and here. “


Thanks to Bryan Preston at PJMedia










White House Punts On USCIS Request For ‘Surge’ Of Immigration ID’S




34 Million Green Cards




” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest declined to address a Breitbart News report about a “surge” of immigration ID’s requested by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

  When asked about the report at the White House Press Briefing today, Earnest referred Breitbart News to the USCIS for comment. “



Just another example of that much ballyhooed “transparency” we were promised












Pelosi: Dems Will Take Congress, WH In ’16




” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) predicted a Democratic sweep in 2016.

  If Republicans keep the House in November, Pelosi said they wouldn’t hold their majority for long.

“ Their days are numbered. I know that in two years, I know we’ll have a Democratic Congress and a Democratic president,” she told reporters at her weekly press conference.

Asked if she was conceding that Republicans would hold the House in November’s midterms, Pelosi insisted, “No, I’m not.” 

“ We’ve out-mobilized them; we’ve out-recruited them; we’ve outraised them to a shameful extent. They’re desperate,” she said. “


The Hill












Reporters Say White House Sometimes Demands Changes To Press-Pool Reports






” White House press-pool reports are supposed to be the news media’s eyes and ears on the president, an independent chronicle of his public activities. They are written by reporters for other reporters, who incorporate them into news articles about President Obama almost every day.

  Journalists who cover the White House say Obama’s press aides have demanded — and received — changes in press-pool reports before the reports have been disseminated to other journalists. They say the White House has used its unusual role as the distributor of the reports as leverage to steer coverage in a more favorable direction.

  The disputed episodes involve mostly trivial issues and minor matters of fact. But that the White House has become involved at all represents a troubling trend for journalists and has prompted their main representative, the White House Correspondents’ Association, to consider revising its approach to pool reporting.”





   Read the Post’s detailed account of the press corp’s kowtowing to Obama’s demands in tailoring the press releases to meet with White House approval . Keep in mind as you read the “belly-aching” of the journalists propagandists that fully 90% of them voted for “Dear Leader” .












How ISIS Infiltrated The Dept. Of Homeland Security




Published on Sep 19, 2014

” Michelle Fields interviews Counterterrorism Expert Patrick Poole. Patrick finds infiltrators in the Department of Homeland Security.”













Secret Service Launches Probe Into White House Security Breach


White House Intruder Armed



” The intruder who sprinted across the White House lawn and was able to enter the North Portico doors had a knife, officials said Saturday as the Secret Service pledged a review of Friday night’s security breach and increased patrols.

  Omar J. Gonzalez, 42, an Iraq war veteran, was arrested after he hopped over a fence at 7:20 p.m. and sprinted across the lawn before entering the North Portico doors. Officials initially said Gonzalez was unarmed, but a law enforcement official told NBC News Saturday that Gonzales had a four-inch folding knife on him when he was arrested. Army records show Gonzalez is an Iraq war veteran who served as a cavalry scout, and he served in Iraq from 2006 to 2008.

  The Secret Service on Saturday was reviewing how Gonzalez was able to make it as far as he did, and said in a statement that “the location of Gonzalez’s arrest is not acceptable.” Secret Service Director Julia Pierson increased security patrols and surveillance of the White House fence and ordered an investigation into what went wrong.

  On Saturday another man, a 19-year-old from New Jersey, was arrested after he tried to drive past a barricaded entrance to the complex and refused to stop, Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary said. The man, identified by a law enforcement official as Kevin Carr of Shamong, N.J., didn’t hit the barricades or cause any damage, but was arrested on a charge of unlawful entry. Streets surrounding the entrance at were briefly closed.”


Security Breached: Intruder Gets Into White House







” The U.S. Secret Service is coming under intense scrutiny after a man who hopped the White House fence made it all the way through the front door before being apprehended.

  President Barack Obama and his daughters had just departed the White House on Friday evening when an intruder scaled the north fence, darted across the lawn and into the presidential residence, where agents nabbed him. The security breach triggered a rare evacuation of much of the White House, with Secret Service officers drawing their guns as they rushed staffers and journalists out a side door.

  For the Secret Service, the incident was a devastating episode that prompted fresh questions about the storied agency and its ability to protect the president. The Republican Party’s Jason Chaffetz, who chairs the House of Representatives’ subpanel on national security oversight, called it “totally unacceptable” but said the incident was just one of a string of security failings on the Secret Service’s watch.

” Unfortunately, they are failing to do their job,” Chaffetz said. “These are good men and women, but the Secret Service leadership has a lot of questions to answer.”

” Was the door open?” he added incredulously. “


AP Wire Service













White House Fights To Keep Shirley Sherrod Emails Secret




” The Obama administration is trying to keep reams of White House emails regarding the 2010 firing of former Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod secret.

  Justice Department lawyers argued in U.S. District Court last week that documents filed recently in Sherrod’s libel lawsuit against the late Andrew Breitbart—who published edited video clips that led the White House to fire Sherrod over accusations of racism—should be sealed and not released to the public.

Josh Gerstein of Politico reports:

  Court filings are normally public, but the Justice Department said the e-mails from the accounts of nine White House staffers and an additional number of Agriculture Department officials should be kept under wraps in part because the public already has enough information through official statements about Sherrod’s forced resignation and the ensuing events. “


    Tyranny is what we have when the administration and their bureaucratic flunkies decide exactly when the public has received “enough information” about our elected /appointed officials and their doings …



Free Beacon












White House Accidentally Exposes Afghanistan CIA Chief’s Identity





” The White House inadvertently exposed the name of the CIA’s top spy in Kabul, Afghanistan on Saturday when it gave the press a list of U.S. officials participating in President Barack Obama’s surprise visit to the troops.

  According to The Washington Post, the White House released a new list without the name after their reporter raised questions about whether the inclusion was intended.

  The list was emailed on Saturday night to reporters accompanying the president on the trip, and was then included in a pool report written by Washington Post White House bureau chief Scott Wilson. That report was released to more than 6,000 news organizations before Wilson noticed what he believed to be an error.”



Could we possibly be led by a more incompetent group of fools than now inhabit the White House ?













Car Follows Motorcade In, White House Locks Down






” Access to the White House complex was halted for about an hour Tuesday after a vehicle followed a motorcade carrying President Barack Obama’s daughters through the gates.

  Uniformed agents immediately stopped the vehicle after it trailed in behind the motorcade at about 4:40 p.m. EDT, the Secret Service said.

  The driver, identified as Mathew Evan Goldstein, 55, was arrested and charged with unlawful entry. No hometown was given.”


Read more











“Most Transparent” White House Ever Rewrote FOIA To Exclude Its Docs




” That’s right, the Obama White House has quietly rewritten a portion of the Freedom Of Information Act to exclude what it calls “White House equities” from being released without a White House review.  The rewrite was inspired by a 2009 memo by then White House counsel, Greg Craig:

  The Greg memo is described in detail in a new study made public today by Cause of Action, a Washington-based nonprofit watchdog group that monitors government transparency and accountability.

  How serious an attack on the public’s right to know is the Obama administration’s invention of the “White House equities” exception?

“ FOIA is designed to inform the public on government behavior; White House equities allow the government to withhold information from the media, and therefore the public, by having media requests forwarded for review. This not only politicizes federal agencies, it impairs fundamental First Amendment liberties,” Cause of Action explains in its report.

  The equities exception is breathtaking in its breadth. As the Greg memo put it, any document request is covered, including “congressional committee requests, GAO requests, judicial subpoenas and FOIA requests.”

  And it doesn’t matter what format the documents happen to be in because, according to Greg, the equities exception “applies to all documents and records, whether in oral, paper, or electronic form, that relate to communications to and from the White House, including preparations for such communications.”

  What this effectively does is stop federal agencies from answering FOIA requests which might include “White House equities” within the 20 days required by law.  There is no apparent limit to the review time the White House can take with its “review” of such requests.  Since the White House gets to decide what are “White House equities” and how long it will take to review requests which include them, the change effectively neuters the intent of the FOIA law. “


Hot Air has more on this gutting of the Freedom Of Information Act








Michelle Obama’s Birthday Party Is Representative Of The Entire Administration





” If anyone still clings to some charitable notion that there is more to Michelle Obama than a celebrity wanna-be opportunist, let her 50th birthday celebration be the proof that does away with any remaining delusions.

  The FLOTUS’ birthday bash invitees included such moneyed stars as Gladys Knight, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Michael Jordan, Stevie Wonder, Samuel L. Jackson, Ashley Judd, and, of course, power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z (the latter of whom sings a little ditty that says, among many other vile words it’d be indecent to print here: “Uh, she love different kinds of sex now, Uh, black girl sippin’ white wine, Put my fist in her like a civil rights sign”).”







” And this is just the stuff we know about.

  The event was so top secret, the NSA had to find out about it by reading Sasha and Malia’s text messages. No cell phones were permitted for the 500 people who attended, and those who disobeyed were told to check their devices at the door.”









Rules For Equal Coverage By Employers Remain Elusive Under Health Law




” The Obama administration is delaying enforcement of another provision of the new health care law, one that prohibits employers from providing better health benefits to top executives than to other employees.

  Tax officials said they would not enforce the provision this year because they had yet to issue regulations for employers to follow.

  The Affordable Care Act, adopted nearly four years ago, says employer-sponsored health plans must not discriminate “in favor of highly compensated individuals” with respect to either eligibility or benefits. The government provides a substantial tax break for employer-sponsored insurance, and, as a matter of equity and fairness, lawmakers said employers should not provide more generous coverage to a select group of high-paid employees.

  But translating that goal into reality has proved difficult.

  Officials at the Internal Revenue Service said they were wrestling with complicated questions like how to measure the value of employee health benefits, how to define “highly compensated” and what exactly constitutes discrimination.”

The Old Grey Lady has more



” The White House appears to have dropped a bombshell when it explained to the press why White House staff in Washington enrolled President Obama in Obamacare instead of Obama himself.

  Officials said it was because HealthCare.gov could not verify Obama’s identity.

  Here is what Ed Henry, Fox News White House correspondent, reported on air:

“ Somebody who’s not waiting in line to enroll is the president of the United States. We learned today from the White House. Initially, they said he signed up for what they called a bronze plan, paying about four hundred dollars a month in premiums. But, then they came back to us and said – ‘Well, wait. He didn’t actually enroll. They said his staff did it and that’s because of his unique circumstance obviously, as commander-in-chief, that his personal information is not in various government databases, so Healthcare.gov could not actually verify his identity, oddly enough. So, he had to do it in person this weekend, so he was signing up for the D.C. exchange, but his staff did it.”



Read the whole thing








W.H.: Obama Has “Signed Up” For Insurance Under Obamacare



” President Barack Obama has signed up for health insurance through an Affordable Care Act exchange, the White House said Monday.

  In what an official acknowledged is a “symbolic” move since the president gets his medical care from the military, Obama selected a low-cost bronze plan through the District of Columbia exchange. He made the pick over the weekend while vacationing in Hawaii.

  But Obama did not directly sign up for insurance. Rather, his staff went in person to sign him up, an official told POLITICO.”









Yes, Obama Deliberately Stalled Controversial Regs Prior To 2012 Election



Washington Post Obama Regulatory Delay 2012


” Prior to the 2012 election there were claims that the Obama administration was concealing its intentions by deliberately not moving proposed regulations forward so as to avoid campaign controversy.

  Needless to say, the Obama campaign denied the charges then and now.

  We reported on how delay of regulations damaged the rollout of Obamacare, Re-election 2012: HHS went quiet on Obamacare regs leading to healthcare.gov tech failure

  The Washington Post reports on how organized the concealment and delay effort was, White House delayed enacting rules ahead of 2012 election to avoid controversy:

  The White House systematically delayed enacting a series of rules on the environment, worker safety and health care to prevent them from becoming points of contention before the 2012 election, according to documents and interviews with current and former administration officials.”


 Legal Insurrection Has The Details








Congress In Revolt On Iran Deal





” With the blistering New York Times editorial condemning sanctions efforts underway in Congress (“a breakthrough agreement at risk” falsely implies there is a U.S. -Iran agreement on key points), you know the administration is nervous, very nervous. It seems bipartisan contingents in both the House and Senate are unwilling to be threatened by the totalitarian regime in Tehran, which has threatened to call off the whole deal (which isn’t even a deal) unless the Congress shuts up. It is quite extraordinary — both the Times and the mullahs vilifying Congress’s efforts merely to enforce the terms of U.N. resolutions on Iran’s illegal weapons program.

   This is not a partisan affair. Democrats and Republicans are both involved in efforts to stop Iran’s march toward a nuclear arms capability. Both sides are alarmed at a White House running toward appeasement.”



   Exhibiting a rare example of spine , Congress refuses to roll over for the appeasers in the White House . Good for them . Good for US.









Obama’s Budding Nanny State






” Parents often try to motivate their children with rewards, from stickers to ice cream to toys. Thousands of books and websites offer suggestions for how to get kids to do homework or clean up their rooms. But is it a mayor’s job to motivate you to drink less soda? Is it government’s job to urge you to sign up for health care by way of schools stealthily sending messages home through your children? Should bureaucrats find ways to change your mind about which washing machine you buy?

  Whether you realize it or not, this so-called “nudging” of consumer choice, at the hand of government, is underway: Earlier this year, the White House revealed that it is establishing a task force dedicated to studying how to motivate you—just as parents do—to do what the government thinks is best for you. Maya Shankar, a senior adviser in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy who is assembling the team, recently told the New York Times the task force will use “evidence-based policymaking” so that “government services are efficient, effective, and serve the needs of the American people.” To be clear, Congress did not pass legislation authorizing such activity; this is something dreamt up by bureaucracies to force their own preferences on citizens, whether by combatting obesity or discouraging procrastination when it comes to saving for retirement. “



  Below is the entire document about the “Nudge” group and their mission to alter our behavior patterns , which in reality is just another word for indoctrination .

Research to Results:

Strengthening Federal Capacity for Behavioral Insights


  Overview:A growing body of evidence suggests that insights from the social and behavioral sciences can be used to help design public policies that work better, cost less, and help people to achieve their goals. The practice of using behavioral insights to inform policy has seen success overseas. In 2010, UK PrimeMinister David Cameron commissioned the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), which through a process of rapid, iterative experimentation (“Test, Learn, Adapt”), has successfully identified and tested interventions that will further advance priorities of the British government, while saving the government at least £1 billion within the next five years (see previous Annual Reports 2010-11 and 2011-12).
  The federal government is currently creating a new team that will help build federal capacity to experiment with these approaches, and to scale behavioral interventions that have been rigorously evaluated, using, where possible, randomized controlled trials. The team will be staffed by 4-5 experts in behavioral science and experimental design and evaluation. It is likely that selected individuals will serve on a temporary detail under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act before returning to their home organization, which can be a university, non-profit, or state and local government. Our preference is for individuals who are willing to serve full time but we will also consider people who are only in a position to serve part-time. Moreover, several agencies are looking to recruit expert academics to sit directly within their agencies and to help inspire, design, and execute on specific policy projects, and so it is possible to serve in this capacity as well.
   If you are aware of individuals with strong analytic skills, experience designing, testing, and evaluating rigorous randomized control trials, and a strong research background in fields such as social psychology, cognitive psychology, or behavioral economics, please encourage them send a CV and contact information to mshankar2@ostp.eop.gov, which will be sent to the relevant parties for consideration.
Job Responsibilities for Central Team:
   Build Capacity: Work with a broad range of federal agencies to identify new program areas that could benefit from the application of behavioral insights.Help to design, implement, and test the relevant interventions using rigorous experimental methods.
  Enhance Capacity: Provide conceptual and technical support to agencies with specific behavioral insights efforts already underway.
  Convene: Lead a multi-agency “community of practice” to identify and share promising practices and common challenges.
  Create and Provide Resources: Generate tutorials and other “how to” documents to help accelerate these efforts within agencies. Manage online library of relevant documents and media.
  Help inspire new ideas: Work with external partners to identify research findings that can inform policy and practice.
  We are already working with over a dozen federal departments and agencies on newly-designed behavioral insights projects, including the Department of Labor, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education, Veterans Administration, Department of Treasury, Social SecurityAdministration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the United States Department ofAgriculture.
  Below are some examples of U.S. and international policy initiatives that have benefited from the implementation of behavioral insights:
  Increasing college enrollment and retention: Providing streamlined personal assistance on theFAFSA form (e.g., pre-populating forms using tax return data and following up with a personal call)to low or moderate income individuals resulted in a 29% greater likelihood of their attending college for two consecutive years.
   Getting people back to work: Asking unemployed individuals to create a concrete plan for immediate implementation regarding how, when, and where they would pursue reemployment efforts led to a15-20% decrease in their likelihood of claiming unemployment benefits just 13 weeks later.
  Improving academic performance: Students taught to view their intelligence as a “muscle” that can grow with hard work and perseverance (as compared to a “fixed trait”, such as eye-color) experienced academic boosts of ½ a letter grade, with the largest effects often seen for low-performing students,students of color, or females in STEM-related courses.
   Increasing retirement savings: The Save More Tomorrow program 1) invites employees to pledge now to increase their savings rate later, since self-control is easier to exert for future events; 2) links planned increases in the savings rate to pay raises, in order to diminish loss aversion; and 3) leverages the power of inertia by keeping members enrolled until they reach a preset limit or elect to opt.Adoption of these auto-escalation plans has boosted annual savings by an estimated $7.4 billion.
   Increasing adoption of energy efficient measures: Offering an attic-clearance service (at full cost) to people led to a five-fold increase in their subsequent adoption of attic-insulation. Interestingly,providing additional government subsidies on attic insulation services had no such effect.
  Increasing tax compliance: Sending letters to late taxpayers that indicated a social norm –i.e., that “9 out of 10 people in Britain paid their taxes on time” – resulted in a 15 percent increase in response rates over a three-month period, rolling out to £30 million of extra annual revenue.”

    Now where have we seen governments attempting to control their “subjects” behavioral patterns ? Oh yes , that is standard operating procedure for all totalitarian states throughout history whether it be the Nazis , Soviet Union , Red China , Cuba , North Korea  , you name the dictatorship and chances are that they were/are heavily invested in “behavioral modification” of their citizens .

    The whole concept of the State using it’s power to coerce in order to force people to behave in a certain way is about as un-American as any idea we have heard . It is particularly fitting that it originates with the most Statist regime ever to be “elected” in this country .

   Left unsaid throughout these discussions is what will be done to those that refuse to “modify their behavior” . Re-education camps is the way all of the other regimes have dealt the recalcitrant peons that refused to submit . Gulags perhaps ? Before you say “It can’t happen here” be aware that preparations are already under way .

   In the final analysis it comes down to conformity which is or at least , always has been , anathema to the American spirit .











The Strange Case Of Miriam Carey Who Was Gunned Down By D.C. Police


Miriam Carey



” In the video below, Rev./Dr. James David Manning refers to a phone interview he had with Miriam’s sister, Valarie Carey, who is a retired New York City police sergeant, and points out many oddities about Miriam’s death:

  • Why did Capitol Hill police, who are trained to be temperate, instead shot to kill an unarmed woman who had a baby in the back seat of her car? No guns or bombs or threatening letters were found in her car. (To that I’ll add this: If police thought Miriam’s careening car was a public hazard, why didn’t they shoot out the car’s tires?)
  • Why did police not follow the usual procedure of notifying the next of kin first? Instead, according to Valerie Carey, police released Miriam’s identification to the public before notifying her family. Valerie found out about her sister from a reporter’s phone call.
  • When the Carey family traveled to Washington, DC, they were told they couldn’t see Miriam’s body but were just shown a photo of her body.
  • To this day, the Carey family has not been given an official notification of Miriam’s death, or of the autopsy report, or how many times she was shot.
  • Why are black race-agitators like Al Sharpton and Charles Rangel silent about Miriam’s shooting death when they normally raise a hue-and-cry about any alleged police mistreatment of blacks? Sharpton’s silence is especially noteworthy because Miriam’s sister, Valerie Carey, is on the executive board of his National Action Network. Did somebody get to Sharpton?
  • Why did the police intimidate and silence Carey family attorney Eric Sanders?
  • Why is Miriam being discredited and portrayed as a mentally-ill, deranged woman when there is no evidence as such? On the contrary, Miriam was highly functional, being a dental hygienist. The only medication she was taking was prescription med for post-partum depression.
  • And the biggest question of all: Why did Miriam Carey drive to Washington, DC that day, and specifically to the White House?

   That last question is what prompted Valarie Carey to wonder if her sister’s 18-month-old daughter is Barack Obama’s “love child.”

  To answer that question, Valarie Carey and Rev. Manning are demanding a paternity test of Miriam’s daughter, and that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder conduct an investigation into the death of Miriam Carey. Click here for Valarie’s petition.”



Read it all here .







Iran: White House Lying About Details Of Nuke Deal





” Iranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.”



What ? The Obama administration is misleading the public ? That couldn’t happen .



” The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.”



Why would anyone doubt the word of Barack Obama or John Kerry ?



” “What has been released by the website of the White House as a fact sheet is a one-sided interpretation of the agreed text in Geneva and some of the explanations and words in the sheet contradict the text of the Joint Plan of Action, and this fact sheet has unfortunately been translated and released in the name of the Geneva agreement by certain media, which is not true,” Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham told the Iranian press on Tuesday.”




   While the Iranian regime is hardly a bastion of truth , the administration has a clear motive to lie regarding it’s recent capitulation to the “mad mullahs” of the People’s Revolution . 

 In a glaring indication of the ignorance of the US public the latest poll show the American people (the polling sample anyway) support the nuke agreement by a margin of 44% to 22% .

   Not spoken of in the Reuters article on the poll is the sizable 34% who offered no opinion or didn’t know , but that didn’t prevent the news agency from trumpeting the headline ” American’s Support Iran Deal By A 2 to 1 Margin” … a very misleading statement in our opinion .








As White House Makes Final Push On TPP, Congress Slams On The Brakes





” Things are heating up around the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, the trade agreement among many of the Pacific Rim countries that has tremendous problems. The US has been pushing very, very hard to get the deal signed and delivered by the end of the year. US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced that he still believes an agreement can be made by the end of the year.”


     As the Obama administration tries to do an end run around Congress to rush this secret agreement through before the end of the year some in Washington have made known that they are not happy with being kept in the dark and are unwilling to give up their treaty approval authority and they have vowed to fight back .



” Of course, there are a number of indications that with some of the massive gaps between negotiating positions that still remain that it may be difficult to hammer out an agreement in time. But… it also might not matter much, because Congress may be slamming the brakes on the whole process. We just noted that a very large number of folks in Congress have told the White House that they’re very uncomfortable giving the USTR “trade promotion authority” or “fast track authority,” which would effectively have Congress giving up its Constitutionally defined role as the sole governmental branch that can “regulate commerce with foreign nations.” 




” In effect, without trade promotion authority, the USTR is negotiating without any real mandate. That is, the agreement itself is somewhat meaningless, because the USTR has no ability to commit the US to anything. Only Congress can do that, and it appears Congress is skeptical about giving up its Constitutional powers to the USTR — and, given what’s been seen in the leaked versions of the TPP (oh yeah, and the very fact that it had to be leaked in the first place) — it seems Congress has some very good reasons to be wary of the USTR having any more power than it currently does.”



    This bill is cronyism at it’s worst and even more despicable is the fact that the majority of Republicans seem perfectly willing to allow President Obama and the USTR to sign away our rights and that the Democrats in congress are the ones that are the defenders of our rights . For shame .

   Remember that this bill has provisions it it that will allow the government to take control over patents , copyrights , the internet and a host of other creative avenues all done under the greatest cloud of secrecy . When we have to depend on Steny Hoyer and the Democrats to protect our internet rights and other commercial freedoms from the Republicans in congress it should come as no surprise why Republican approval is in the toilet











Fewer Than 50,000 Have Enrolled Through Healthcare.gov So Far


” This is a disaster, and it explains why the White House insisted on delaying the release of official enrollment statistics for as long as they have. Jay Carney has been warning that the initial figure is going to be “low,” even when it’s padded by the law’s demographically-perilous Medicaid numbers. The only question was how low. The apparent answer: The number of Americans who have managed to sign up for Obamacare through Healthcare.gov over the last month-and-a-half could fit into Yankee Stadium, with seats to spare. The Wall Street Journal reports:


 So far, private health plans have received enrollment data for 40,000 to 50,000 users of the federal marketplace, the people familiar with the figures said. The federal marketplace uses an industry-standard format to exchange enrollment information, known as an 834 transmission…In some cases, insurers have reported duplicated 834s and other data-integrity problems, but the people familiar with the matter said they believed these figures reflected an accurate count of enrollments through late last week…The initial federal numbers set for release this week are expected to show enrollment only through the end of October, so the figures are expected to be lower. Efforts to clean up the data and reduce duplications could further cull the formal count.

Illustration by Glenn Foden

White House Takes To Twitter To Dismiss Stage-4 Cancer Patient’s Insurance Cancellation





” Dan Pfeiffer is the White House’s senior advisor to President Obama.  Responding to a stage-4 cancer patient’s op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Pfeiffer took to twitter today to dismiss her complaint that she has lost her insurance coverage and her doctors because of Obamacare.”



     We posted about Edie Littlefield Sundby and her letter yesterday and lo and behold within hours a simple citizen expressing her first amendment rights comes under attack by the national bullying team at the White House . Have we ever had an administration that sunk to such depths as to demonize individuals by name ? Shameful is the only word that comes to mind .

    But of course this is not the first time the Chicago gang has sunk to character assassination . It has been a recurring theme over the past five years , but in all our years of following national politics we must admit that the phenomena seems to have been a recent development . More of that “Hope & Change”