From RightWing News


What if all of America were liberal … here is that scenario as envisioned by John Hawkins




” 1) America’s credit rating would get so low that it would force President Dennis Kucinich to petition the UN for donations to pay for Social Security, Medicare, and his newly implemented 350 weeks of unemployment plan.

 2) There wouldn’t be a Pledge of Allegiance said in schools, no one would sing the Star Spangled Banner before any sporting event, and no one would celebrate the 4th of July.

 3) Gas would cost $9 a gallon. Liberals would consider this a plus because it would cause more people to get tax credits to buy government subsidized $40,000 electric cars.

 4) Seven year olds would be able to vote. Free candy and endorsements from cartoon characters would become a staple of campaigning.

 5) The corporate tax rate would be 15 percent higher, most American workers would be unionized and tax rates would soar. As a result, our economy would be stagnant and our unemployment rate would permanently be in the 10-20% range.”


For the other 20 examples of an Progressive America go here .


” Also see,
25 Examples of What America Would Be Like if We Were All Christian Conservative Tea Partiers “