Tag Archive: Weapons

Food For Thought







    The government controls our water supplies  , food supplies , medical supplies , the media , our education system , the police and military and the most horrifying weapons on earth … this in the “Land Of Liberty” … See anything wrong ?

   The Founders would be appalled …











How To Survive The Coming Chaos: Hope For The Best, But Prepare For The Worst





” I have long dabbled in the preparedness mindset but never really paid too much attention to it all until my town was hit hard by a mile-wide, category-three tornado that destroyed or severely damaged hundreds of homes in my immediate area. Ordered to evacuate my home for several days the realization that things can change very quickly and that ‘bad things’ can and do happen to otherwise completely normal people has compelled me to re-evaluate my own preparedness for a wide variety of possible scenarios.

  One cannot be hurt by being prepared for whatever may happen, but one will undoubtedly be hurt if one has not prepared for the unexpected. That has become my mindset and how I now approach the concept of preparedness. It just makes good sense to have plans and preparations in place for the unknown. It is every man’s duty to provide and protect his family no matter what happens and being prepared is the ultimate fulfillment of that duty as well as being a valuable insurance policy against a great many possible threats.

  Ideally, one should plan to hunker down and not leave your own home unless you absolutely have to. This is ‘bugging in.’ Planning around this allows you to stock large stockpiles of water, food, and other supplies without any major convenience. Know your neighbors well, and this will allow you to have a small base of supplies and a network of people in the immediate vicinity that can help each other out if things go south quickly for whatever reason. Be a good neighbor now and they’ll be an invaluable neighbor then. I live in a cul-de-sac and know everyone on the block fairly well. I bring them gifts of garden produce in the summers, wave at them when I drive by, and invite them all over when I have my big backyard birthday bashes. We have helped each other out at various times and I would feel comfortable turning to them for assistance or access to tools etc. if I had no choice. Such nominal relationships could come in very handy some day. You never know.

  Let’s examine each of the subjects of preparation I have mentioned: “










Friday Firepower

The Firepower Display Of The Week



The classic “Ma Deuce” …


Here Is This Week’s Weaponry Via The Brigade



random 02 27 14 500 7 Daily Afternoon Randomness (64 Photos)




Here’s another teaser …




random 02 27 14 500 58 Daily Afternoon Randomness (64 Photos)




Now see the other 62 pics









Friday Firepower

Weaponry And What-not From The Brigade



Sporting event overwatch …


random 02 11 14 500 63 Daily Afternoon Randomness (66 Photos)




The perfect Valentine’s Day gift …


random 02 11 14 500 25 Daily Afternoon Randomness (66 Photos)




With the Olympics on everyone’s mind we thought we’d conclude the teasers with some “Big Air” …


random 02 11 14 500 54 Daily Afternoon Randomness (66 Photos)


See the other 63 photos at The Brigade







Choose Your Weapon (41 HQ Photos)




A little Barrett action is always welcome …


choose weapon 01 06 14 920 32 Getting around to this weeks Choose your Weapon (41 HQ Photos)




Then there’s boats … we love boats …


choose weapon 01 06 14 920 38 Getting around to this weeks Choose your Weapon (41 HQ Photos)





And then there’s those times when you just need to reach out and touch someone …


choose weapon 01 06 14 920 31 Getting around to this weeks Choose your Weapon (41 HQ Photos)





Did we mention we love boats ?


choose weapon 01 06 14 920 0 Getting around to this weeks Choose your Weapon (41 HQ Photos)




See the other 37 photos at the Brigade









Firepower From The Brigade 56 Pics


random 01 23 14 500 7 Daily Afternoon Randomness (56 Photos)



Another sample …



random 01 23 14 500 51 Daily Afternoon Randomness (56 Photos)




See the rest







Viewer’s Choice Top 10 Videos Of 2013





   The SR-71 Blackbird has always been one of our favorite aircraft . Watch this video from Military.com‘s viewer’s choice selections and then see the rest of the top ten videos here .









End Of The Year … End Of These Weapons (62 Photos)



The Brigade presents weapons graveyards .



Planes …








Ships …



graveyard 500 17 End of the year…end of these weapons (62 Photos)




Armor … 



graveyard 500 24 End of the year…end of these weapons (62 Photos)



Fortifications …



graveyard 500 31 End of the year…end of these weapons (62 Photos)




It’s all there at the Brigade .









Firepower From The Brigade








The obligatory second sample






Enjoy the rest












Daily Afternoon Randomness (51 Photos)






Sample number two






See them all here







Friday Firepower

Man Your Station And Choose Your Weapon (32 HQ Photos)



choose weapon 08 29 13 920 10 Man your station and Choose your Weapon (32 HQ Photos)



Another Sample



choose weapon 08 29 13 920 4 Man your station and Choose your Weapon (32 HQ Photos)



Choose Your Weapon


And one more for luck …


 Today’s Firepower Post





Sample number two 





See the rest here










Choose Your Weapon (31 HQ Photos)



choose weapon 05 24 13 920 8 No rush, just time for a Choose your Weapon (31 HQ Photos)




Another choice



choose weapon 05 24 13 920 24 No rush, just time for a Choose your Weapon (31 HQ Photos)




See them all here








USS Iowa – BB 61












The M16 (Assault Rifle) – Modern Marvels – History Channel Documentary

” The M16 rifle, officially designated Rifle, Caliber 5.56 mm, M16, is the United States military version of the AR-15 rifle. The rifle was adapted for semi-automatic, three-round burst, and full-automatic fire. Colt purchased the rights to the AR-15 from ArmaLite, and currently uses that designation only for semi-automatic versions of the rifle. The M16 fires the 5.56×45mm NATO cartridge. The rifle entered United States Army service and was deployed for jungle warfare operations in South Vietnam in 1963, becoming the U.S. military’s standard service rifle of the Vietnam War by 1969, replacing the M14 rifle in that role. The U.S. Army retained the M14 in CONUS, Europe, and South Korea until 1970. Since the Vietnam War, the M16 rifle family has been the primary service rifle of the U.S. armed forces.

The M16 has also been widely adopted by other militaries around the world. Total worldwide production of M16s has been approximately 8 million, making it the most-produced firearm of its caliber. In 2010, the M16 began to be phased out in the U.S. Army and is being supplemented by the M4 carbine, which is itself a shortened derivative of the M16A2.

The history of the m16 that held the 5.56mmx45mm round. Talks about the development of the firearm through the vietnam era to modern day.”


Surviving Tuesday, Possible…Surviving The 50 cal. Barrett M82/M107, Zero (66 Photos)




50cal barrett rifle 920 37 Surviving Tuesday, possible…surviving the 50 cal. Barrett M82/M107, zero (66 Photos)




Another teaser then go see the rest




50cal barrett rifle 920 48 Surviving Tuesday, possible…surviving the 50 cal. Barrett M82/M107, zero (66 Photos)








Confiscated Weaponry Edition


confiscated weapons 500 81 Choose your Weapon: Confiscated weapons only (94 Photos)





confiscated weapons 500 3 Choose your Weapon: Confiscated weapons only (94 Photos)




confiscated weapons 500 33 Choose your Weapon: Confiscated weapons only (94 Photos)












PKM Machine Gun – Closer Look

” David Fortier and I take a closer look at the PKM belt fed machine gun. The PKM is one of the worlds best general purpose machine guns. The PKM fires the formidable 7.62x54R cartridge at around 650 rounds per minute.”


Firepower From The Brigade








Friday Firepower with the MQ-8B Fire Scout UAV (37 Photos)










Daily Afternoon Randomness In High-Res (35 HQ Photos)






Another teaser 










Dolphins Armed With Guns Escape Ukrainian Military Compound

” Dolphins armed with guns allegedly escaped from a Ukrainian Navy staging area and are now roaming the Black Sea off the coast of Crimea.

The marine mammals were said to be part of a revived Cold War-era program where dolphins are trained for military use such as fighting and killing frogmen-saboteurs, searching for mines, and scouting and even destroying enemy battleships, according to a Russian news agency.

More Here :

Dolphins Armed with Pistols

” Sounds like something out of a bad James Bond movie. The Ukrainian navy is training captive dolphins to attack enemy swimmers. According to RIA Novosti:

The killer-dolphins will be trained to attack enemy combat swimmers using special knives or pistols fixed to their heads, the source said. “We are now planning training exercises for counter-combat swimmer tasks in order to defend ships in port and on raids,” he said.”

There are all manner of rumors about how dolphins are or have been employed by the Navy. They include:

  • Training dolphins to pull face masks off of divers and force them to the surface.
  • Arming them with .45 caliber bang sticks.
  • Arming them with large hypodermic syringes loaded with CO2 gas that would cause an enemy diver to explode.

… as well as having them attach mines to enemy ships.

There are also reports, like this one from the BBC, that some dolphins from the Soviet era have been sold to Iran.”

And Here : 

Heavily Armed Sex Crazed Dolphins On Rampage In Black Sea

” Worrying news today for any Register readers who may be in the neighbourhood of the Black Sea, as news has emerged that three elite Ukrainian navy killer dolphins, possibly armed with deadly weapons attached to their heads, have gone absent without leave in the region, apparently intent on nookie.

As all habitués of these pages will know, the Ukrainian navy possesses one of just two military dolphin formations worldwide (the other belongs to the US navy), having inherited it during the division of the former Soviet Black Sea fleet. Since the end of the Cold War, the combat cetaceans had mostly been employed on peaceful duties: but last year news emerged that the battle-bottlenoses would be trained up once more in warlike missions such as the laying or hunting of mines – or even attacking enemy frogmen using “knives or pistols” attached to their heads.”