Tag Archive: Wealth

Those Who Have Fared Worst Under This President Are The Ones Who Love Him The Most







” A paradox haunts America’s first black president. African-American wealth has fallen further under Barack Obama than under any president since the Depression. Yet they are the only group that still gives him high ratings. So meagre is Mr Obama’s national approval rating that embattled Democrats have made him unwelcome in states that twice swept him to power. Those who have fared worst under Mr Obama are the ones who love him the most. You would be hard-pressed to find a better example of perception-driven politics. As the Reverend Kevin Johnson asked in 2013: “Why are we so loyal to a president who isn’t loyal to us?”

  The problem has taken on new salience with the resignation of Eric Holder. America’s first black attorney-general has tried to correct the gulag-sized disparities in prison sentencing between blacks and whites. His exit leaves just two African-Americans in Mr Obama’s cabinet. Given the mood among Republicans, it is hard to imagine the US Senate confirming a successor to Mr Holder who shares his priorities.”

Financial Times

Welcome To Yakutsk – Coldest City On Earth

Yakutsk World Map

     Located just a few hundred miles south of the Arctic circle , Yakutsk has the distinction of being the coldest city on Earth . In fact from November to March the temperature can be counted on to be in the -20 to -50 degree fahrenheit range continuously . Now that’s cold .




” Yakutsk, Russia is generally considered the coldest city on earth. During the winter the temperature averages -30 degrees Fahrenheit and lower. In fact, besides June, July and August, it doesn’t get warm at all, but that doesn’t slow life down. Patrick Jones (@Patrick_E_Jones) has the rest.”




Yakutsk Siberia



   For the adventurous among you Lonely Planet offers a collection of links and travel tips should you decide to make the trek to witness real cold .



” For somewhere that’s over 1000km from any- where much, Yakutsk comes as a pleasant, and sometimes surreal, surprise. Over half of its inhabitants are Yakut – and a good portion of the remainder are Chinese immigrants – so it feels (despite the Lenin statue) less Russian than many places across the Far East. Most of its buildings stand on stilts above a cruel permafrost that never thaws. It’s most isolated when the weather’s misbehaving – as winter frozen-river highways thaw, and earth turns into an unnavigable slop.

  People are particularly friendly in Yakutsk. Visitors often find themselves quickly connected with the local scene. “





Here is a little research for those of you considering the journey …




” Yakutsk was founded by Pyotr Beketov in 1632. A detachment of cossacks under his command founded the city as the Lenskii fort, on the right bank of the Lena River (the tenth longest river in the world), which grew into (and changed its name to) Yakutsk in 1647.

  As one of the most important Russian outposts in eastern Siberia, Yakutsk became the economic and administrative center of the region—a base for probes (and later scientific expeditions) into the Far East and the extreme North.

  In 1822, Yakutsk was officially designated a city, and in 1851 became the official administrative capital of the Autonomous Republic of Yakutia. Today Yakutsk is a major administrative, industrial, cultural, and research center—standing out as one of the most dynamic and fast-developing cities in the Russian Far East.”






” Yakutsk is situated at the extreme latitude of 62°N. Its climate is definitively continental, leading to summer highs in the 90s (+32° Celsius), and extreme winter lows in the negative 80s (-64° Celsius)—that’s a range of over 100° Celsius! The average temperature in January is around -45°(-42°C); in July—+66° (19°C). The ideal time to visit (unless you’re traveling here purposely to experience the extreme cold) is from March to July. The sunny spring months will allow you to enjoy winter sports like skiing, ice-skating, dog sledding, ice sculptures, etc., under temperatures permitting outdoor human life. The average March temperatures, of course, are still cold at an average of -8.5° (-22.5°C). The summer months of June-July are great for the opportunities to see the Northern wilderness in its full glory, to enjoy the White Nights when the sun never sets, to set off on adventures along the Yakut rivers, and to experience the Yakut national holiday “Ysyakh.” “



    For those of you that wonder what would make people choose to live in such an inhospitable environment , the answer might be found in the fact that Yakutsk is also known as the City Of Gold And Diamonds



” Siberia is a living museum, a testament to more prosperous times. Buildings crumble where they stand. Roads wind through villages long deserted. Everything is a relic.

  Not in Yakutsk. Yakutsk is the capital city of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), a region unimaginably wealthy in diamonds, gold, oil and gas. Sakha is the world’s second largest producer and exporter of diamonds, and around 30 tons of gold are mined within its borders yearly. The area’s vast mineral wealth got to the head of Mikhail Nikolaev, Sakha’s former president, who made noises about seceding from the Russian Federation. Yakutsk, with its population of slightly over 200,000, would be too tiny to make it on to a map of China, Russia’s southern neighbor. In north-eastern Siberia at 61.5° N, it is a megalopolis, and a wealthy one.”




” Signs of Sakha’s wealth abound. Brand-new, modern buildings such as the Polar Star Hotel are sprouting up around the city. Many, like Polar Star, are financed by Alrosa, the region’s diamond interest. The sheer number of hotels – 11 – speaks to Yakutsk’s status as a regional center. In contrast, Birobidzhan, the 90,000-person capital of the nearby Jewish Autonomous Republic, is home to a single, lone hotel, which certainly does not match the “money” look of the Polar Star.”



    Irregardless of the wealth , there is always the ever-present cold looming in the background in the coldest city on Earth as witnessed by the current 5 day forecast … 



5 Day Forecast Yakutsk



No matter how you feel , life in Siberia and Yakutsk is not for the feint of heart . The people of Yakutsk probably wouldn’t object to a little global warming .








Washington: A World Apart


Where The Money Is

This map highlights in yellow the nation’s Super Zips — those ranking highest on income and college education.
The largest collection of Super Zips is around Washington, D.C.

    It should come as no surprise that the bulk of the nation’s income resides in the DC to Boston corridor but the fact that DC is ground zero for riches , even beyond Manhattan should be appalling to every average American .

” A Washington Post analysis of the latest census data shows that more than a third of Zip codes in the D.C. metro area rank in the top 5 percent nationally for income and education. But what makes the region truly unusual is that so many of the high-end Zip codes are contiguous. They form a vast land mass that bounds across 717 square miles. It stretches 60 miles from its northern tip in Woodstock, Md., to the southern end in Fairfax Station, and runs 30 miles wide from Haymarket in Prince William County to the heart of the District up to Rock Creek Parkway.

One in four households in the region are in a Super Zip, according to the Post analysis. Since the 2000 Census on which Murray based his analysis, Washington’s Super Zips have grown to encompass 100,000 more residents. Only the New York City area has more Super Zips, but they are a much smaller share of the total of that region’s Zip codes and are more scattered.

Zip codes are large swaths of territory, and people from many different walks of life live in them. But many Washington neighborhoods are becoming more economically homogenous as longtime homeowners move out and increasing housing prices prevent the less affluent from moving in. The eventual result, in many cases, is a Super Zip. And because the contiguous Super Zips are surrounded by areas that are almost as well-off, it’s possible to live in a Super Zip and rarely encounter others without college degrees or professional jobs.”



DC Super Zips


Largest clusters of elite zips

” Here are the nation’s largest contiguous Super Zip collections, and their nearest major city or area, ranked by number of households.

1. Washington

2. E. Manhattan

3. San Jose

4. Boston

5. Oakland

6. Bridgeport

7. Newark

8. Chicago

9. N. of Los Angeles

10. Long Island *(see below)

11. W. Manhattan

12. Trenton

13. Philadelphia

14. San Diego

15. S. of Los Angeles

    Who controls these moneyed areas you ask ? Well , who do you think ? The party of the “common man” … LOL , Democrats all .

   * Long Island is harder to quantify given that it is a geographic area and not a municipality , but it is comprised of four different counties and we hereby provide the links to those which are also predominantly democratic in composition . The four counties/boroughs are Queens , Brooklyn aka Kings County , Nassau and Suffolk . Queens and Brooklyn being boroughs of the City of New York .

    Nassau and Suffolk counties once Republican strongholds, these days see-saw back and forth between Republican and Democratic control but as the money from NYC spreads east once loyal republican districts are seeing their political make-up changed to be more in keeping with the statist agenda most commonly held in the city of NY . 

    It is certainly ironic that the majority of support for the “little people” resides in the gated communities that are actually  the bastions of wealth in this country .

The 3D Map That Shows The Vast Income Difference Between Neighborhoods


Stark vision: Artist and web researcher Nikolay Lamm created visualizations in which he superimposed graphs representing median household net worth onto aerial views on Manhattan



” Surveying the breathtaking skyline of New York City, it is sometimes impossible to see with the naked eye the huge difference in income beneath the surface. 

But artist and web researcher Nikolay Lamm decided to change all that with his new set of visualizations created for the site MyDeals.com, in which he superimposed graphs representing median household net worth onto aerial views of Manhattan, to startling effect.

For example, a neighborhood where the net worth is $500,000 would be represented by a 3D bar graph 5cm high, compared to an area where the net worth is only $50,000, where a bar would be 0.5cm high.”







Washington D.C. Living In Economic Bubble Where Everything Is Great

” As mentioned before, there really are only two types of places doing well in this economy. States with their own energy booms, like North Dakota and Texas.

And Washington D.C.

D.C. is doing spectacularly well thanks to the green gold gushing out of the Treasury and into the pockets of a whole lot of bureaucrats and contractors making a ton of money for literally doing nothing. (See if you can find where all that Stimulus money went.)

So it’s not surprising that when D.C. people say that there is a recovery, they mean it. “



The fifteen richest counties in America :


No. 1: Loudoun County, Va.   Median household income: $119,540
100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 51.6% 81,900
M. Romney GOP 47.1% 74,794



No. 2: Fairfax County, Va.   Median household income: $103,010
100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 57.3% 6,636
M. Romney GOP 41.1% 4,762



No. 3: Howard County, Md.   Median household income: $101,771

100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 59.5% 84,017
M. Romney GOP 38.3% 54,094



No. 4: Hunterdon County, N.J.  Median household income: $97,874

100.0% Reporting M. Romney GOP 58.9% 36,979
B. Obama (i) Dem 40.0% 25,148



No. 5: Arlington County, Va.   Median household income: $94,986

100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 69.2% 81,178
M. Romney GOP 29.4% 34,433



No. 6: Douglas County, Colo.  Median household income: $94,906

100.0% Reporting M. Romney GOP 62.6% 93,930
B. Obama (i) Dem 36.0% 54,093



No. 7: Stafford County, Va.   Median household income: $94,317

100.0% Reporting M. Romney GOP 53.7% 32,429
B. Obama (i) Dem 45.0% 27,130



No. 8: Somerset County, N.J.  Median household income: $94,270

100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 52.0% 70,168
M. Romney GOP 46.8% 63,159
No. 9: Prince William County, Va.  Median household income: $92,655
98.9% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 57.4% 103,161
M. Romney GOP 41.4% 74,371



No. 10: Morris County, N.J.  Median household income: $91,469
100.0% Reporting M. Romney GOP 55.3% 114,265
B. Obama (i) Dem 43.7% 90,313



No. 11: Nassau County, N.Y.  Median household income: $91,104
100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 52.9% 243,649
M. Romney GOP 46.2% 212,882


No. 12: Montgomery County, Md.  Median household income: $89,155
100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 70.9% 286,493
M. Romney GOP 27.4% 110,940


No. 13: Calvert County, Md.  Median household income: $88,862
100.0% Reporting M. Romney GOP 53.2% 22,413
B. Obama (i) Dem 45.0% 18,963
No. 14: St. Mary’s County, Md.  Median household income: $88,444
100.0% Reporting M. Romney GOP 56.9% 25,096
B. Obama (i) Dem 40.8% 17,982
No. 15: Charles County, Md.  Median household income: $87,007
100.0% Reporting B. Obama (i) Dem 65.0% 45,621
M. Romney GOP 33.7% 23,637



 Notice a trend ? It seems life for our “betters” just keeps getting better … 


Video: Small Business America Gets Crushed By Tax Hikes



” While Obama and the Democrats attempt to make the argument that the ‘rich’ deserve to pay more in taxes, their argument has plenty of holes in it. Sure, they want the rich – the people that actually have more money in this economy – to pay more taxes to help the country get out of debt, and most people agree that the rich should pay more. But what they don’t see is that the same tax increases on those rich also affect small businesses. “



Illustration By Eric Allie

Hypocrisy All Around


 ” “You know, I don’t look at my pension. It’s not as big as yours, so it — it doesn’t take as long,” Mr. Obama retorted. His reply prompted laughter in the debate hall where the two men were squaring off — but across the way in the separate room where the press was stationed, a brief round of applause broke out.

Mr. Obama has made Mr. Romney’s personal wealth a major issue in the campaign, arguing that he is out of touch with average voters who pay a higher income tax rate even though they earn far less than Mr. Romney, who founded and ran Bain Capital, an investment firm.” 




The man has boasted a 782% rate of return the past 4 years . Who can compete with that ? George Soros ? 

Generational Warfare:

The Case Against Parasitic Baby Boomers




  “My father taught me how to throw a baseball and divide big numbers in my head and build a life where I’d be home in time to eat dinner with my kid most nights. He and my mother put me through college and urged me to follow my dreams. He never complained when I entered a field even less respected than his. He lives across the country and still calls just to check in and say he loves me.

His name is Tom. He is 63, tall and lean, a contracts lawyer in a small Oregon town. A few wisps of hair still reach across his scalp. The moustache I have never seen him without has faded from deep brown to silver. The puns he tormented my younger brother and me with throughout our childhood have evolved, improbably, into the funniest jokes my 6-year-old son has ever heard. I love my dad fiercely, even though he’s beaten me in every argument we’ve ever had except two, and even though he is, statistically and generationally speaking, a parasite.

This is the charge I’ve leveled against him on a summer day in our Pacific Northwest vision of paradise. I have asked my favorite attorney to represent a very troublesome client, the entire baby-boom generation, in what should be a slam-dunk trial—for me. On behalf of future generations, I am accusing him and all the other parasites his age of breaking the sacred bargain that every American generation will pass a better country on to its children than the one it inherited.”


The Telegraph confirms what was a very predictable outcome to France’s election of Hollande .

 ” Looming tax hikes by France’s new socialist government have triggered an exodus of the Gallic super-rich to ‘wealth-friendly’ nations like Britain and Switzerland.”