Tag Archive: Water

Food For Thought







    The government controls our water supplies  , food supplies , medical supplies , the media , our education system , the police and military and the most horrifying weapons on earth … this in the “Land Of Liberty” … See anything wrong ?

   The Founders would be appalled …











How To Survive The Coming Chaos: Hope For The Best, But Prepare For The Worst





” I have long dabbled in the preparedness mindset but never really paid too much attention to it all until my town was hit hard by a mile-wide, category-three tornado that destroyed or severely damaged hundreds of homes in my immediate area. Ordered to evacuate my home for several days the realization that things can change very quickly and that ‘bad things’ can and do happen to otherwise completely normal people has compelled me to re-evaluate my own preparedness for a wide variety of possible scenarios.

  One cannot be hurt by being prepared for whatever may happen, but one will undoubtedly be hurt if one has not prepared for the unexpected. That has become my mindset and how I now approach the concept of preparedness. It just makes good sense to have plans and preparations in place for the unknown. It is every man’s duty to provide and protect his family no matter what happens and being prepared is the ultimate fulfillment of that duty as well as being a valuable insurance policy against a great many possible threats.

  Ideally, one should plan to hunker down and not leave your own home unless you absolutely have to. This is ‘bugging in.’ Planning around this allows you to stock large stockpiles of water, food, and other supplies without any major convenience. Know your neighbors well, and this will allow you to have a small base of supplies and a network of people in the immediate vicinity that can help each other out if things go south quickly for whatever reason. Be a good neighbor now and they’ll be an invaluable neighbor then. I live in a cul-de-sac and know everyone on the block fairly well. I bring them gifts of garden produce in the summers, wave at them when I drive by, and invite them all over when I have my big backyard birthday bashes. We have helped each other out at various times and I would feel comfortable turning to them for assistance or access to tools etc. if I had no choice. Such nominal relationships could come in very handy some day. You never know.

  Let’s examine each of the subjects of preparation I have mentioned: “











Ready For The Apocalypse! One American Family Shows What It Takes To Prepare For The End Of Civilisation As We Know It



Apocalypse-ready and proud: The Douglas family is one of many stocking up for the end of the world. To stage this photograph, it took 15 people over six hours to move all of his stockpile - mostly kept in his basement - out onto his front lawn




” Imagine if suddenly, and completely without warning, the world experienced a total blackout – no electricity, no mobile phones, no banks, no internet, no TV, no emergency services. Nothing. 

Highways quickly become jammed with cars that have ground to a halt; an aeroplane falls from the sky; a satellite view of the planet shows it rapidly plunging into darkness.

As it becomes apparent that the lights are never coming back on, nations are plunged into chaos, mass riots break out in major cities and, without electricity, governments are toppled. Into the vacuum step ad-hoc militias, armed and ready to enforce their own rule of law.

This is the apocalyptic premise of the hit American TV series Revolution, which begins on Sky 1 this week. In the first episode, viewers are pulled through this nightmarish chain of events.

So, what would you do? It’s a question that members of a burgeoning subculture known as ‘Preppers’ – people who are prepared for any kind of disaster – have been asking themselves for years. 

It’s estimated there are three million Preppers in the U.S. alone, and the number is rising

Preppers look at the world around them and see all kinds of potential threats – economic collapse, global warming, terrorism, nuclear war, dwindling energy supplies, asteroid strikes and, yes, a prolonged blackout.

They’ve largely reached the same conclusion: the end of the world as we know it is just around the corner, and time is running out to gear up for the total collapse of society.

It’s estimated there are three million Preppers in the U.S. alone, and the number is rising.”






Types of Skills Everyone Should Know – Video – Top 100 Important Skills Popular Mechanics





” 6. Find Potable Water

“Don’t exert yourself in the heat of the day,” Sanders says. “You may lose more water by sweating than you’ll gain by digging.” Ravines and valleys are carved by running water, so head for the bottom. In deserts, with only occasional flow, look for cottonwoods, willows and other light-green vegetation that grows in wet areas. When the sun or moon is low in the sky, scan the horizon for reflections that may reveal the location of small pools. (Don’t worry if the water looks scummy. Waterborne illnesses won’t kick in for at least three days; dehydration can kill in a single day.) Collect morning dew by wiping grass with a cloth, then wringing out the water. If you have plastic bags, wrapping them around the boughs of deciduous trees yields 1 or 2 ounces a day. “



Mercury Contains Water Ice At Its Poles





Source: http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/the_missio...




 ” It may be the closest planet to the Sun, but even Mercury has water ice. A lot in fact—as much as 100 billion to 1 trillion tons, according to a trio of studies published today by scientists working with NASA’s MESSENGER orbiter. The findings, out today in the journal Science, are the first to give strong evidence of water in Mercury’s polar regions, following decades of speculation. “

  “NASA’s Curiosity, a 2,000-pound super-rover, has found proof that water was on Mars, ranging from ankle to waist deep. This is based on images showing what looks like an ancient gravel stream bed, with Curiosity using one contaminated drill bit.

The evidence of water on Mars is not new evidence, as NASA has found previous signs of water on the Red Planet. NASA’s rover Spirit had discovered sulfate-rich soil beneath the Martian surface, which suggested an earlier presence of liquid water. Also, NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbit probed and found water ice in areas that were far away from the Martian polar caps. “

What’s Good for the Goose …

I too am of the opinion that some oppo-research is in order for these bootlickers in the old media . Seems to me that by casting their lot with Obama and the progressive Left they forfeit any claim to neutrality thus making them part of the opposing team . 


  “We now have three  instances of three individual Politico writers digging up and publishing political oppo-research about the private lives of private citizens who don’t support Obama, and the motive behind these attacks can only be for two reasons:…”