This Robot Band Has A Guitarist With 78 Fingers And A Drummer With 22 Arms







” All-robot band Compressorhead has some competition. British record label Warp Records will soon be releasing an album performed entirely by a three-piece band of Japanese robots called Z-Machines — the guitarist has 78 fingers, while the drummer rocks out with 22 arms. The band’s creators teamed up with composer Squarepusher initially to simply explore creating music with the bots, but eventually they crafted an entire five track album. “In this project familiar instruments are used in ways which till now have been impossible,” Squarepusher says.

  While the additional appendages mean that the band members can play in ways no human can, composing for them involved its own unique set of challenges.”


   More at The Verge and below there is a synopsis from the above video listing the “band members” and further information about the upcoming release of “Music For Robots” .




” 78-finger Guitar, 22 Drums, Beyond-Human. Squarepusher and robot band from Japan in Music of the Future collaboration.

  Referred to as “an attempt to break new ground for emotional machine music” by its composer Squarepusher, “Sad Robot Goes Funny” features the superhuman prowess of Z-MACHINES, showcasing in particular the stupendous chops of the guitarist playing multiple melody lines with 78 fingers and 12 picks at lightning speed in the latter half of the song. 
This makes it a truly groundbreaking piece of music from Squarepusher to open the way for new music of the future. 

MACH -Robot guitarist challenging the speed of over BPM1000
ASHURA -Robot drummer that can play the most complex rhythm on 22 drums
COSMO -Robot keyboard player resembling a future life form

movie director : Daito Manabe of Rhizomatiks

‘Music For Robots’ will be released 7th April 2014 via Warp Records, for more information head to

The EP is available to pre-order from,

iTunes –
Bleep –…


このSquarepusherが書き下ろした楽曲「SAD ROBOT GOES FUNNY」は、Squarepusher が「”今回の試みはエモーショナルなマシーンミュージック”という新しい領域を開拓す­るものである」とコメントを寄せるように、Z-MACHINESの超人的な演奏能力を­引き出した楽曲に仕上がっており、特に楽曲後半では78本の指と12個のピックが超高­速で複数のメロディラインを奏でる超絶テクが存分に生かされています。それと同時に無­機的なマシーンのイメージを覆す心を揺さぶられるようなストーリー性のある楽曲に仕上­がっており、まさに鬼才Squarepusherが未来に向かって新しい音楽ジャンル­を切り開いた画期的な楽曲に仕上がりました。

映像監督:真鍋 大度 (ライゾマティクス)

最新作『Music For Robots』は、2014年4月5日にBeat Records / Warp Recordsよりリリース。


beatkart –…
iTunes (EP) –
iTunes Japan (Single) –
amazon – “