Tag Archive: War on Women

Men Make Up Top 8 Most Highly Compensated Clinton Foundation Employees





” In late February, Hillary Clinton, a self-proclaimed champion of women’s rights and gender equity, came under fire for a Washington Free Beacon analysis that showed women on Mrs. Clinton’s staff during her tenure in the Senate were paid an average of 72 cents on the dollar compared to male staff. Now, an analysis of the latest IRS filing for the foundation that bears her name, the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, shows a similar compensation disparity between men and women employees. Although compensation figures are available for only a limited number of Foundation personnel, the 2013 Form 990 filed with the IRS shows that out of eleven highly compensated individuals listed, the top eight are all men.

  While the Clinton Foundation regularly posts annual reports and financial statements on its website, there is no requirement that the organization list compensation for all employees. The 990 form, however, asks for a list of directors, officers, trustees, and “key employees,” as well as the next five most highly compensated employees not in those other categories. For 2013, this list is comprised of twenty-three names, eleven of whom received compensation (members of the board of directors are not paid, except for the chairman, who also served as CEO). When sorted by total compensation, the first eight names on the list are men, followed by three women … “



Weekly Standard













Woman Beheaded In Broad Daylight In ‘Moderate’ Muslim Nation




” Here’s just another normal day in Saudi Arabia. Warning: Graphic video.

  In this graphic video taken in Saudi Arabia near the city of Mecca, a woman is punished for having committed what her husband alleges is the murder of his 7-year-old daughter.

  The convicted woman is led out before a crowd in broad daylight and beheaded in the middle of a lot. It is unknown whether or not she was afforded due process during her defense, but the Saudi justice system is typically discriminatory against female defendants.

  Such is the state of “justice” in Saudi Arabia, a U.S. ally and one of the worst nations in the world for women’s rights.”



Thanks to Clash Daily











Iraq: 150 Women Executed After Refusing To Marry ISIL Militants






” At least 150 women who refused to marry militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, were executed in the western Iraqi province of Al-Anbar, Iraq’s Ministry of Human Rights said.

“At least 150 females, including pregnant women, were executed in Fallujah by a militant named Abu Anas Al-Libi after they refused to accept jihad marriage,” the statement said. “Many families were also forced to migrate from the province’s northern town of Al-Wafa after hundreds of residents received death threats.”


 But according to the “woman who would be king” we need to empathize with these barbarians and concentrate on the real “war on women” , that of republican’s persecution of women .



   By all means , let’s try to understand these barbaric religious zealots Hillary … use your “smart power” … the countless innocent women and children of the Muslim world are sure to offer you their support …

Turkish Press










Pretty Woman

   Pretty Woman

  • Aired: 11/18/14
  •  | Views: 1,746

” Nancy Pelosi goes against her legacy as an advocate for women’s voting rights and denies Rep. Tammy Duckworth the right vote by proxy in the Democratic leadership elections. (5:12) “


Daily Video 11.6.14

Krauthammer: ‘This Is The End Of The War On Women, And Democrats Have Lost It’




Published on Nov 4, 2014

” Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer declares an end to the ‘war on women.’ (November 4, 2014) “










American Thinker Post Of The Day





” When it comes to political “wars,” in spite of the meme perpetrated by most liberals, no one is more hawkish than modern liberals and the political party that they own, the Democrat Party. By and large since the 1960s, their efforts are summed up by one succinct and extremely accurate appellation: a war on the truth.

  In the history of our nation, only the pro-slavery Democrats of the 19th century rival the political deception employed by today’s liberals that lead the modern Democrat Party. Support of everything from abortion, to gender perversions, homosexuality, pornography, a redefinition of marriage, wicked climate policies, and an enslaving welfare state have made today’s Democrat Party little more than a modern-day Mephistopheles. Instead of magic to lure their Faustian targets, today’s Democrats employ, among other things, bribery, class warfare, fear,greed, lust, propaganda, scientism, vengeance, and violence. “



Read it all










Muslims Beat Up A Dutch Girl And Politicians Are Living On The Moon 20 September 2014





Published on Sep 21, 2014

  GEEN STIJL, EJ BRON, NOS: Apart from nice weather, is this September week, full of interesting news items from The Netherlands. It had started by a ‘glamour Jihadist’ from Huizen, in ‘Het Gooi’ (an area where Dutch VIP’s use to live) who had on his computers manuals and detailed planes for terror assaults; including suicide bombing. It had proceeded by a brutal attack of Muslim immigrants on an indigenous 15 years old girl from IJmuiden.

  During the debates on State affairs, two days ago, PM Mark Rutte had dedicated a special word for Geert Wilders of the Freedom Party. Rutte reflects his anger on Wilders negative views on Muslims and Moroccans. They deserve much more respect for their contribution to Dutch society.
By the way, the girl was molested on a spot called ‘Plein 1945’; a square named after the year in which The Netherlands was freed by the allies from the Nazis.

  PM Mark Rutte says Wilders cannot stand in the shadow of all the good Moroccans (and other Muslims). They are outstanding people who are busy in their mosque (with what?), are serving in the army (of whom? The one of Allah?) …and of course they are excellent neighbours; especially in the Sharia neighbourhoods of The Hague, Amsterdam etc. “

HT/Jihad Watch 

Woman Confronts Muslim Extremists Who Invaded Her Hometown




” Muslim cab drivers and Subway franchise managers refusing disabled customers with guide dogs. Muslim refugees on welfare demanding Sharia Law-compliant food banks. Towns surrendering to the complaint of a single Muslim to remove an ad for bacon. Man ordered to remove an American flag because it was ‘offensive to Muslims.’

  The demands of Muslims in America are spreading more quickly than we can document it. Yet despite the record influx of immigrants and “refugees” from Muslim nations, the population in America is (for now) well below that of Britain.

  And it is from Britain that a stunning warning video comes showing us what can happen when a large number of Muslims infiltrate a Western city.”



Read more at Top Right News and you can visit the EDL website here










Mexican Sex Slaves Pour Over Our Undefended Southern Border From Pimp City






” A town of just ten thousand people, Tenancingo has thrived for the past half-century thanks to a lucrative family business. Grandfathers passed the trade down to fathers, and fathers in turn, to their sons — that business is sex trafficking.”



Pimp City



” But the prostitutes involved in their scheme aren’t willing participants. Many are from rural and indigenous villages throughout Mexico, and are kidnapped, trapped, and seduced in a trade the sons of Tenancingo have been perfecting for decades.”



   This is a true war on women and it is actively aided and abetted by the Obama administration’s failure to secure our souther border .


” Once in the U.S, the girls are forced to see as many as 60 clients a day. These men, typically called “Johns,” pay about $35 for 15 minutes of sex, according to Sanctuary for Families, a nonprofit advocacy group for sex-trafficking victims. The money is then wired back to Tenancingo, where mansions with lavish courtyards and tawdry cupolas line the streets.”



image description



” There’s a lot of debate around just how many sex slaves there are in the U.S. and how many are from this small city. Whether Tenancingo sends dozens, hundreds, or thousands of women a year to the U.S., there’s undoubtedly one place where many of them are sent: Queens, N.Y.”



    Putting aside the issues of national security , drug smuggling and illegal alien invasion , the proliferation of human trafficking over the US-Mexican border should be reason enough all by itself to secure said border and aid in stopping this real war on women , unless of course , you are a hypocritical Dem who would prefer to gain political advantage by blasting your opponents across the aisle as the “real perpetrators” of the war on women .

Read the whole damning report here and watch all the parts of the documentary here .













How To Handle A Woman






” THE WAR ON WOMEN …in New York:

  An elderly Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death with a stick after the doomed woman made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat meat that he craved, according to court papers.

  Noor Hussein, 75, was so outraged over the prospect of eating the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussein, 66, inside their Brooklyn apartment until she was a “bloody mess,” prosecutors said in opening statements of his murder trial Wednesday.

  Mr Hussein used “a stick that the family had found in the street and used to stir their laundry in a washtub”. So, aside from a new wife, the poor guy now has to get a new laundry stick. His attorney says we need to be more culturally sensitive:

” He comes from a culture where he thinks this is appropriate conduct, where he can hit his wife,” Clark said in her opening statements at the Brooklyn Supreme Court bench trial. “He culturally believed he had the right to hit his wife and discipline his wife.”

~THE WAR ON WOMEN …in Quebec:

  A father will serve 60 days in jail for a slap that killed his teenage daughter.

  Moussa Sidimé, 74, says he just wanted to correct 13-year-old Noutene for doing a bad job of washing the kitchen floor.

  If that 60 days in jail sounds a bit stiff, not to say culturally insensitive, don’t worry, Mr Sidimé is already a third of the way through it:

  Sidimé will not have to serve the 60 days consecutively. He will serve his time on Mondays and Tuesdays starting next week.

~THE WAR ON WOMEN …in British Columbia:

  The mother of a B.C. teen who died of suicide after being tormented online told a federal justice committee Tuesday that proposed anti-cyberbullying legislation doesn’t do enough to protect the privacy rights of Canadians.

  Carol Todd, whose 15-year-old daughter Amanda Todd died in 2012, was in Ottawa to speak before the Commons Justice committee about Bill C-13, also known as the Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act.

  Todd said she was “troubled” by portions of the bill, telling the committee that parents shouldn’t have to “sacrifice” their children’s privacy rights to make them safe from “cyberbullying, ‘sextortion’ and revenge pornography.” “


Read it all









1 In 7 Prisoners May Be An Illegal Alien





Doug Ross at Director Blue has done the math of the costs of Jeb Bush’s Acts of Love and the convict side alone is pretty expensive.


” A little research led me to a fairly startling number. In 2012 alone, it was estimated that 350,000 illegal aliens are imprisoned in the United States, having been convicted of major crimes.

  I repeat: 350,000 illegal aliens are residing in our prisons.

  And how much does each illegal cost the taxpayer? The New York Times states that “the annual average taxpayer cost in these states was $31,286 per inmate.”

  The total cost to the American taxpayer? $11 billion.”

” And that’s not measuring the full cost to society. We’re not talking about the costs of their pro bono lawyers, interpreters and social workers. We’re not talking about the enormous costs of their trials.

  Those numbers can range around $42,000 p/courtroom hour. So we’ve got at least another $11 billion right there. Probably much more. And much of it borne by local municipalities.

  Finally this means that illegal aliens make up 350,000 of the country’s 2.3 million inmates. Or 1 in 7 prisoners is an illegal alien.

  And it means that the average incarceration rate for illegal aliens is much higher than the national 743 per 100,000 rate. Instead it would be more like 1 out of 33.”


Frontpage Mag










Foundry’s Genevieve Wood Demolishes White House’s Wage Gap Argument








” In a CNN appearance today, Genevieve Wood, senior contributor to The Foundry, blasted the White House for promoting the myth that women are paid significantly less than men because of their sex, rather than their career or life choices.

“ Instead of celebrating” that men and women with similar jobs and levels of education make around the same, “the White House wants to portray this ‘war on women,’” Wood said on The Lead.

“ Young women today in metropolitan areas, for example, who are childless, single, young women are actually outperforming males in that same category all over the country,” Wood said in her appearance with former White House communications director Anita Dunn. “But the problem with that is, they hear this kind of rhetoric that discourages young women.” “

Thanks to the Heritage Foundation

Only 38.6% Of Jobs Added Under Obama Have Gone To Women







” Since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, the U.S. economy has employed an additional 3,590,000 people, but only 1,386,000 of those people—or 38.6 percent–have been women.

  At the same time, women represent 46.8 percent of the national civilian labor force. That means women are getting a smaller share of the jobs being added to the economy (38.6 percent) than their representation in the civilian labor force (46.8 percent).

  The percentage of the added jobs that have gone to women is even smaller if measured from the post-recession nadir of employment, which took place in December 2009. Since then, only 37.8 percent of the net additional jobs have gone to women.”




Compare those dismal numbers with the track record of that “known woman-hater” George W Bush …




” When President George W. Bush took office in January 2001, there were 137,778,000 people employed in the United States. Eight years later in January 2009, when Bush left office, there were 142,152,000. Of the 4,374,000 additional people employed during Bush’s full two terms, 1,518,000—or 34.7 percent—were men, and 2,855,000—or 65.3 percent—were women. “



Read more on the real perpetrators of the “war on women” here










Son Hits His Mother On National TV – إبن يضرب والدته على الهواء





Published on Apr 2, 2014

” Son hits his mother on national TV – إبن يضرب أمه على الهواء
Son attacks his mother – إبن يهجم على أمه “


These are the people that the Left would have us consider as equals . Feh , a pox on them all .


HT/Atlas Shrugs







Daily Video 4.4.14

John Stossel – War On Women





Published on Apr 3, 2014

” Heather Higgins (Independent Women Voice President), Jehmu Greene (FMR Director Of Women’s Outreach at DNC) and Amy Holmes (TheBlaze.com) discuss whether of not Republicans are waging a war on women. http://www.LibertyPen.com “









Which Sex Receives More Education Worldwide?






” The first question regarding the map should be its credibility. This map was not produced by any particular research institution, but by a man named Alexandr Trubetskoy who apparently has a penchant for making infographic-style maps.

  On a similar note, I made my own graphs regarding degrees conferred by sex, for example, from data from the National Center for Education Statistics. I made them because I searched high and low for graphs made by “the experts,” but – lo and behold – I could not find any.

  Let’s look at some of the claims made about this map. According to Alexandr Trubetskoy (my comments are interspersed):

  • This map shows which gender has more years of expected education in their country.

  So it’s not entirely based on what education grown men and women have received over the past several decades, but rather a rough prediction of the degree of education men and women are expected to receive, on average.








Facts From The Independent Women’s Forum



Published on Apr 4, 2013

” Independent Women’s Forum, in a continued effort to set the record straight about the real reason for the statistical difference between men and women’s earnings , releases an informative, stop-frame animation web video — Straight Talk About the Wage Gap . The video explains how women’s choices ultimately determine how much they earn and how government intervention in the workplace can backfire on women. 

  The stop-frame animation consists of a sequence of digital photographed frames, roughly one every second, creating the illusion of movement when the frames are played in a continuing sequence.

Visit http://www.iwf.org



Here’s another discussion on the topic from John Stossel 



Published on Aug 20, 2013

” Feminist author Martha Burk (“Cult of Power”), educator Warren Farrell (“Why Men Earn More”) and Sabrina Schaeffer of the Independent Women’s Forum discuss the reasons men are often paid more than women. http://www.LibertyPen.com “

HT/Chicks On The Right







NBC Silent On $7.3 Million From Soros For Special Anchor’s Liberal Report




” Not only did NBC allow their special anchor Maria Shriver to promote her own report on “Nightly News,” they did it without disclosing that it was made in partnership with a group that liberal billionaire George Soros gave $7.3 million to.

  In “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back From the Brink,” which was published on Jan. 11, an outspokenly liberal nun, Sister Joan Chittister, took aim at religious attitudes in America that “devalue” and marginalize women.

  Shriver was invited to the White House on Jan. 14 to present her report to President Barack Obama, whom she promoted as being “sympathetic” to working mothers. On NBC “Nightly News” that same night, Shriver contrasted a supportive Obama against a Congress that is supposedly dragging its feet on the matter. “While President Obama has pledged to fix the problem, Congress has been slow to respond,” Shriver said.”









Rich 1% Oprah, Your Racism Is Showing; Bashir’s War On Sarah Palin



    Mr Dupree has the stones to take on a pair of the stupidest statements of the week that , had they been uttered by conservatives would have caused a major uproar and fueled demands for heads to roll , but since they were uttered by leftist darlings Oprah Winfrey and Martin Bashir the merit nary a raised eyebrow . Two of the mainstays of the Democratic party’s talking points , racism and the “war on women” have jumped the shark . Good for him for calling them both out .











John Kerry Throws Freedom-Seeking Women Under The Bus



” It’s confirmed: The “F” in John. F. Kerry stands for “Feckless.” Women around the world no longer need to wonder whether America’s secretary of state will stand boldly with them in defense of their basic rights. He won’t.

On Monday, Kerry was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Anyone with a phone or an Internet connection inside and outside the country knows what’s been going on there. The kingdom has been rocked by women of all ages protesting the Muslim nation’s retrograde ban on female drivers. Over the past two weeks, the protesters and their supporters have taken to social media to pressure the oppressive sharia-enforcing regime. It is the only country in the world that won’t allow its women — 20 million of them — to obtain driver’s licenses.

. “I was wondering,” the journalist asked, “what your take is on women driving in Saudi Arabia?” Kerry’s take was … to take cover. “With respect to the issue of women driving here in Saudi Arabia,” he filibustered, “it’s no secret that in the United States of America we embrace equality for everybody, regardless of gender, race or any other qualification.” And then came the “but.” The crapweasel “but.”

But it’s up to Saudi Arabia to make its own decisions about its own social-structure choices and timing for whatever events. I know there’s a debate. We actually talked about this at lunch,” Kerry ducked. What he “actually talked about” he wouldn’t say. “There’s a healthy debate in Saudi Arabia about this issue, but I think that debate is best left to Saudi Arabia, the people engaged in it, all of whom know exactly where we in the United States of America stand on this issue.” “


   It’s “comforting” to know that the women of the world can expect exactly the same amount of loyalty and support from the present administration as can the rest of US allies around the globe … which is to say , none .










Biden Decries Tea Party’s “Hostility To Science”


Biden Idiocy


” Speaking to a crowd in support of Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe Monday, Joe Biden once again disparaged a conservative movement about which he knows precious little.

In his effort to demonize McAuliffe’s Republican opponent in Tuesday’s gubernatorial race, Biden trashed the traditional values embodied by the Tea Party movement, implicitly describing those involved as uneducated rubes.

The statewide race “has captured the attention of the entire nation,” he said, claiming the reason is a widespread disapproval of “the new Republican tea party.”

He went on to describe the patriotic movement as one in which “social recidivism is only outgunned by its hostility to science and technology and innovation and scholarship.” “


   Crazy Uncle Joe must not have gotten the memo , but then again we guess it’s hard to stay informed when you spend most of your time locked in the basement .

On another note , what does it say about the dem’s confidence in their candidate if the feel the need to let Uncle Joe grab the mic ? He was certainly “without exaggeration” spreading the manure far and wide .

















Silver’s Gag Order


” Like commissars of an authoritarian state, Assembly Democrats shielded dear leader Sheldon Silver from criticism Thursday by shutting off any mention of his coverup in the Vito Lopez sexual harassment scandal.

Silver’s house took up floor debate on Gov. Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act, a 10-part bill widely trumpeted as designed to stem the victimization of women in the workplace and guarantee their right to abortion.

Its provisions include expanding sexual harassment laws to cover all businesses, including those with fewer than four employees.

The many Democrats who voted yes while continuing to defend Silver’s conduct are guilty of blatant hypocrisy. They are demanding standards in the private sector that they refuse to impose on themselves — out of loyalty to, or fear of, their political taskmaster.”


The sleaze in Albany grows and grows . Reminds us again which party is conducting a war on women ?