Tag Archive: War On Christians

Suspected Islamist Rebels Abduct Over 100 Nigerian Schoolgirls




” Suspected Islamist insurgents have abducted more than 100 female students in a night raid on a government secondary school in Nigeria’s northeast Borno state, a teacher said on Tuesday.

  He said gunmen, believed to be members of the Boko Haram Islamist group which has attacked schools in the northeast before as part of their anti-government rebellion, carried off the students from the school in Chibok late on Monday.

” Over 100 female students in our government secondary school at Chibok have been abducted,” said Audu Musa, who teaches in another public school in the area, around 90 miles south of the Borno state capital Maiduguri.

  Musa said he saw eight bodies in the area on Tuesday morning, but did not give the identity of the victims. “Things are very bad here and everybody is sad,” he said.”


More here









Human Heads In al-Qaeda’s Cooking Pot







” Not many could believe the terrifying pictures of two human heads placed in a cooking pot in Syria– just one of the countless atrocities of al-Qaeda. The two victims are Saudis, killed in the fight betweent the competing al-Qaeda branches in Syria: the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria (ISIS) and al-Nusra Front.

  The horrible pictures reveal yet another hideous act practiced by these two groups which only succeeded at one thing: obstructing the Syrian opposition from fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime. They spend their entire time fighting one another. Meanwhile, Assad sleeps comfortably in his bed in the Qasyoun Mountain, pleased at how he transformed those idiots into brigades working for him for free! “





     The article above , while actually a plea for Obama and the west to destroy Assad , goes a long way towards creating a true vision of the barbarity exhibited by both sides in the ongoing Syrian “civil war” . The writer takes the Saudi view that Assad must go while paying lip service to the evils of the ISIS and various al-Qaeda offshoots in the hopes of getting the West to do the Saudi regime’s dirty work , conveniently omitting the fact that Saudi petro-dollars fund the lion’s share of terrorism world wide .

 Syria , like Libya before it , is a no-win situation for the West and the sooner we realize that we cannot right all the wrongs of the world and demand that the Arabs , who are not lacking in funds , start cleaning their own houses the better off all concerned will be . 

   Let it be Arab blood and treasure spent to free the Arabs from Arab oppression . Not one more American life … Read the piece anyway to see the kind of animals the president of the US would have us believe are the “good guys” .





Muslims Feed People To Crocodiles, Christian Militias Respond With Crusade





” Bloodthirsty violence and the cruelest of murders have been done upon the Christians of the Central African Republic under the hands of the devil ridden Muslims, “who imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war” (Psalm 140:2).

The Muslims, who are a part of a Islamic group called Seleka, bound five people and through them into a crocodile and hippo infested river.

Jislain Ngangaguende, who survived this brutality, recalled his horrid experience:

I started to drink water so I brought my head up, but a soldier saw me and tried to shoot me… I stayed down for minutes and when I came up they were gone. I bit on a branch and moved up the river but my hands were still tied behind my back. I thought I was dead but the power of God made me get out.

Entire villages have been reduced to ghost towns; one man taking shelter in a hospital, in whose voice you can just sense the purest of pains, described the hell he is enduring:

We’re here because of the Seleka, who came to our village, looted, ransacked and killed … We’ve lost our houses, our fields, our goods. Houses were razed with all our things in. We are… I don’t even know what to call us. We have nothing now. I can’t even go to my house or fields. If they see me there, they’ll kill me. “


   Thankfully the Christians have had enough and are banding together and forming militias to take the fight to the enemy , the barbarism that is Islam .



Pissed off Christians with guns



” But the Christians of this land are not putting up with this tyranny as helpless victims, but fierce lions, in a holy militia so ferocious, they battle with “the people that delight in war” (Psalm 68:30).

  They call themselves the Anti-Balaka, or Anti-Machete, and they are a force to be reckoned with. They believe in the exclusivity of Christianity, and are not like the comfortable men of the West who sell their souls for any heresy for the sake of fame and recognition. They fight not for celebrity status, but for that Battling Messiah, Who will storm Satan’s soldiers, to “tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.” (Isaiah 63:3)”



    Will Africa be the location of the start of what Samuel Huntington described as the “Clash of Civilizations” ? As difficult as it is to even acknowledge Islam and its adherents as civilized , there seems to be little doubt that , given the chimerical existence of “moderate” muslims , that the non-Islamic world is being thrust into a growing conflict with the extreme factions of the muslim world , one that is becoming increasingly impossible to avoid . 



Professor Huntington :

Conflict Islam & West



The “Clash of Civilizations” has been a low-level war since the very beginnings of Islam and will not come to an end until the “Religion of Peace” either manages to rid itself of the extremist element that has since it’s very inception,  maintained control through terror and threats or until it is crushed once and for all by the forces of the true religions of peace … Christianity , Hinduism , Judaism , Buddhism and the rest . Until then , however , it is becoming increasingly obvious that the cowardly western Church will have to count for it’s continued existence on the poor adherents in places like Syria , Nigeria and the Central African Republic .

   It is quite ironic that the saviors of the Christian religion will most likely come from the “Dark Continent” even as the West , home of Christianity succumbs to the sickness of doubt , political correctness and Dhimmitude . Yes , while the Churches of the West roll over in appeasement of the Islamic onslaught , the African continent , home of the fastest growing Christian population on earth is finding it necessary to fight back .



  Professor Huntington continues :


Clash Of Civilizations



   The willful blindness of the progressive West combined with the current politically correct attitude of moral relativism is only exacerbating the situation and adding fuel to the fire that is bursting forth from Allah’s minions and if left unchecked will surely consume the world , particularly if Iran and or other Muslim terrorist states are allowed the horrendous power of the atom . While the West dithers our future and that of the peace loving peoples throughout the world may come to rest on these ragtag groups of brave native Africans , willing to fight for their God , their beliefs and all of our existence .





Christians Raise Arms To Fight Holy War Against Muslims





” So few ears have heard the news on the very recent and greatest massacre of Christians in Syria. Forty five saints, in the village of Sadad, were slaughtered by the Muslim heretics, this is not just a mere killing, but a foreshadowing of a future holocaust.

Here is a video filmed by the perpetrators of the mutilated bodies of their victims: See above

Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs and Hama  , expressed the carnage of the massacre:

What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half

Children were not even suffered to live, the elderly were not given an ounce of pity, and so great was the desire of the Muslims to control the area, that 1500 families were taken hostage.”

But there are Christians who are no longer allowing for the slaughter of their people. A Christian militia has arisen, they are headed by one Hanna, and they call themselves The Lions of the Canyon. They are so far protecting 33 villages, and even some Alawite and Sunni Muslims have joined them.

Here is a poster of two Christian fighters who were martyred in the holy war against the followers of the devil: “



Obama’s FSA allies are killing Christians throughout Syria and they are finally taking up arms . Support the Lions Of The Canyon.












Video Shows Angry Mob Stripping Christian Women



“A disturbing video uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday shows what appears to be an angry Muslim crowd in Upper Egypt beating and stripping two Coptic Christian women in broad daylight in a rural area.

The video opens with a crowd shouting “Nasara” (Christians) before the two women are set upon by this crowd. The video shows many passers-by having no visible reaction to the events. The accents of the attackers seem to support claims that the attack happened in Upper Egypt.

The video was originally uploaded by someone named Mina Mouris, whose Youtube account name switched to James Knowing. The account has been removed now and the video was removed by the original user later on Tuesday but many have downloaded it, and a mirror copy was uploaded on an account owned by someone who often expresses Islamophobic sentiments.”

HT/Knowledge is Power











” The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: “Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense…Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis…”. 

The statement, released to Fox News, follows a Breitbart News report on Obama administration Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith. 

(From our earlier report: Weinstein is the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and says Christians–including chaplains–sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military are guilty of “treason,” and of committing an act of “spiritual rape” as serious a crime as “sexual assault.” He also asserted that Christians sharing their faith in the military are “enemies of the Constitution.”)

So President Barack Obama’s civilian appointees who lead the Pentagon are confirming that the military will make it a crime–possibly resulting in imprisonment–for those in uniform to share their faith. This would include chaplains—military officers who are ordained clergymen of their faith (mostly Christian pastors or priests, or Jewish rabbis)–whose duty since the founding of the U.S. military under George Washington is to teach their faith and minister to the spiritual needs of troops who come to them for counsel, instruction, or comfort.”