Tag Archive: Vulnerable

Why Cuomo Is No Longer Invincible





” As his run for re-election starts to gear up, Gov. Cuomo is in surprisingly weak shape. With a huge war chest in a heavily Democratic state, he’s still the odds-on favorite — but he’s suddenly looking a lot more vulnerable.

Here are 10 big reasons why the governor has to worry.

  He burned Mayor de Blasio. Sure, he made himself look good to centrist voters by humiliating the new herald of progressivism on both pre-K and charter schools. But he also earned a black eye with the left — and made an enemy of the mayor, who after all is the top politician in a city where Cuomo needs a lot of votes come November.

  He’s annoyed the public-employee unions. He tightened the state school-aid spigot and put in his property-tax cap, making it harder for teachers locals across New York to win higher pay. Then he pushed for test-based teacher evaluations, anathema to the unions. (Yes, the scheme never had real teeth, but unions can’t stand the precedent.) And he topped it all off with his embrace of charters — which the unions, not without reason, see as a naked bid for fat hedge-fund donations. Other unions feel burned because he forced modest contracts on most state-employee unions and won minor public-pension reforms. They won’t go to war on him for that — but why should they lift a finger to help?Now his sudden rush to win some union friends is getting ugly. Few voters will notice or care that the Transit Workers Union contract pays for raises by adding hundreds of millions to the MTA’s long-term liabilities — but they can understand a $6 million TWU slush fund.

  His robotic pretense that he’s still “studying” fracking after three-plus years is an oozing political sore. It tells people leading hardscrabble lives all across Upstate that he cares more about millionaires and special interests than he does about them — and doesn’t even have the guts to be upfront about it. The hypocrisy of his pose is so rank, it’s hard to see how anyone can trust his word on anything, public or private.”


Read the entire , heartwarming analysis at the NY Post









Crucial Military Satellite Systems Are Vulnerable To Hacking



Satellite Hacking




” A range of crucial satellite systems manufactured by some of the world’s biggest government contractors contain severe vulnerabilities that could be exploited to disrupt military operations and flight-safety communications, researchers have warned.

  Security consultancy IOActive says it has uncovered various vulnerabilities in software and ground-based satellite systems manufactured by British suppliers Cobham and Inmarsat. US firms Harris Corporation, Hughes and Iridium were also said to have produced vulnerable kit, alongside Thuraya, a UAE provider, and Japan Radio Company.

  The US Computer Emergency Response Team based in Carnegie Mellon University, which is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, warned about a handful of the vulnerabilities in January.

  But on Wednesday information on more alleged weaknesses was released, amid growing concern the contractors are ignoring the threats. The latest report from IOActive suggested there were some easily hackable systems, many of which were designed for keeping aircraft, ships and army personnel safe.”


The Guardian has more








Can You Guess Who The ‘Least Popular Senator In The Country’ Is ?





” A new Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey released on Thursday suggests that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is the “least popular senator in the country.” The results shouldn’t be that shocking as McCain has a low approval rating among both Republicans and Democrats.

The Republican has an approval rating of just 30 percent among all Arizona voters while 44 percent of respondents also disapprove of his job performance and 16 percent aren’t sure, according to the poll by the left-leaning PPP.”

There’s a lesson in this . When you try to be all things to all people you end up meaning nothing to nobody .



The Blaze has more .