Tag Archive: Voter Fraud

850 Voters In NYC Are Officially 164 Years Old



Funny , she doesn’t look a day over 103 .



” A single Bronx voter listed in official records as being 164 years old led Board of Elections officials to review their files — where they turned up another 849 New Yorkers who were supposedly alive when Abe Lincoln was president.

  The stunning discovery came after The Post reported last week that the birth date of Luz Pabellon, a spry 73-year-old who has been living and voting in The Bronx since the 1970s, was recorded as Jan. 1, 1850.

  This week, a search of the records in all five boroughs found 849 more voters with the same wacky birth date.

  Board officials chalked up the implausible age snafu to previous practices that allowed residents not to provide their exact birthdays when registering to vote.

  Some of the new voters — mostly women — simply wrote that they were “21+” — above the legal voting age.

  There was a reason to be vague. Voter registration records are open to the public, so anyone with the inclination can discover the real age of anyone in the files.

“ It’s a leftover vestige from a bygone era,” explained Board of Elections executive director Mike Ryan.

“ They were all listed as age 164. This was no accident. It’s a little quirk in the system. It’s not widespread,” he added, noting there are more than 4 million registered voters. “


NY Post









N.C. State Board Finds More Than 35K Incidents Of ‘Double Voting’ In 2012



Dead Voters



” North Carolina’s Board of Elections found that tens of thousands of registered voters from the state have personal information matching that of registered voters in other states, and appear to have voted in states other than North Carolina in 2012. In some cases, votes were cast under names of individuals who had passed away before Election Day.

  The review searched databases in 27 other states and 101 million voter records for information such as matching names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers.

  The review found that 35,570 North Carolina voters from 2012 shared the same first names, last names, and dates of birth with individuals who voted in other states. Another 765 Tar Heel State residents who voted in 2012 had the the same names, birthdays, and final four digits of a Social Security number as voters elsewhere.”


NRO has more







Judicial Watch Plans To Sue States With Dirty Voter Rolls; Obama’s DOJ Plays Dead







” Judicial Watch put two states and the nation’s capital on notice that it will file a federal lawsuit if they don’t clean up their voter registration rolls within 90 days.

  Iowa, Colorado and the District of Columbia have one thing in common — they have more registered voters than people eligible to vote.

  In a Monday press briefing, Judicial Watch officials said they sent letters to the secretaries of state in Iowa and Colorado and the Board of Elections supervisors in the District of Columbia, saying:

  We write to bring your attention to violations of Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA”) … This letter serves as statutory notice that Judicial Watch will bring a lawsuit against your office if you do not take specific actions to correct these violations of Section 8 within 90 days. In addition, by this letter we are asking you to produce certain records to us which you are required to make available under Section 8(i) of the NVRA. We hope that litigation will not be necessary to enforce either of these claims.”


Story continues








Greg Abbott Reacts To Video Showing Battleground Texas Activists Mocking His Disability (Update: Davis Reacts)





” Earlier this afternoon, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released a video showing Battleground Texas activists mocking him and condoning voter fraud. In the video, an attorney and voter registrar for the group, which is supporting Democrat Wendy Davis’ run for governor of Texas, is seen making a joke about the fact that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is confined to a wheelchair. Abbott is the presumed Republican nominee for governor.

  Today, the Abbott campaign released a statement on the video.”











Read more at The Tatler


Cincinnati Poll Worker Charged With Voting Half Dozen Times In November

Melowese Richardson


” She admitted voting twice in the presidential election last November, and now, Obama supporter Melowese Richardson has been indicted for allegedly voting at least six times. She also is charged with illegal voting in 2008 and 2011.

The 58-year-old veteran Cincinnati poll worker, indicted Monday, faces eight counts of voter fraud. Two others, one of whom is a nun, have been charged separately.

Richardson had admitted on camera to a local TV station, “Yes, I voted twice,” claiming she was concerned that her vote would not count. She also said there “was no intent on my part to commit any voter fraud.”

“I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States,” she proclaimed in the interview.”



How many thousands of other fraudulent votes were cast across the country ? 








Illegal Immigrant Tells Congress Not To Call Him Illegal


” Jose Antonio Vargas, an illegal immigrant and former reporter, scolded a congressional panel on Wednesday, saying that he should not be called illegal, and saying it is an insult to his family who brought him here.

When you inaccurately call me illegal, you not only dehumanize me, you’re offending them,” he said. “No human being is illegal.”

Mr. Vargas testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee alongside Chris Crane — a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent and president of the ICE agents’ union — who is unable to arrest him under the administration’s new non-deportation policies.

Mr. Vargas, who “came out” as an illegal immigrant several years ago, delivered an emotional plea for the country to legalize him.

“What do you want to do with us?” he asked the committee.

Last week, a top House Democrat also warned colleagues against using the term “illegal immigrants.”

Our citizens are not — the people in this country are not illegal. They are are out of status. They are new Americans that are immigrants,” Rep. John Conyers Jr., Michigan Democrat, told colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee.

Many immigrant-rights advocates object to the terms “illegal” and “alien,” saying that people cannot be deemed illegal, and that the word “alien” makes them sound inhuman. They argue the better terms are “undocumented migrants.”

Many newspapers, including The Washington Times, use the phrase “illegal immigrant,” deeming it the most accurate description. “


You Won’t Believe What Machine Expert Claims






  ‘  A Chicago voting-machine tech is sounding the alarm, claiming he witnessed multiple error messages on the voting touch-screens this election – but only in cases where people voted for Mitt Romney.

Steve Pickrum said he worked for Chicago’s election system during the early voting and Election Day voting for the 2012 race.

As an equipment manager for the system, Pickrum said, he responded whenever there was a glitch with a voting machine.

“On early voting, when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported.

See the Big List of vote fraud reports.

Then when he went on Election Day to cast his own vote, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message.

Pickrum said he worked at both the Matteson voting area as well as in Precinct 70, and although he discussed the anomalies with his boss, had not yet filed a formal report.

He said when he voted, he was told by a precinct worker to just go ahead and assume that his vote had been tabulated, despite the error message. But since he knew the operations of the machines, he asked the poll workers to check the vote report, and they found his vote had not been counted.

He insisted on completing his ballot on another machine, he told WND.

Curiously, he reported he never saw the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

Stand up to fight against voter fraud right now!

Another poll worker, this one assigned at the University of Michigan, reported a list of irregularities, including that the precinct captain told her at one point, “You go sit down, you are bothering me,” when she was trying to observe the proceedings. “

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots

” Still, that’s a total of 243 people either convicted of voter fraud or awaiting trial in an election that
was decided by 312 votes. With 1,099 examples identified by Minnesota Majority, and with
evidence suggesting that felons, when they do vote, strongly favor Democrats, it doesn’t require a leap to suggest there might one day be
proof that Al Franken was elected on the strength of voter fraud. “

Surprise , Surprise

Given their record of nonaccomplishments , cheating is the only way for them to carry the day .You didn’t really believe that the progressive’s objections to Voter ID laws was due top their fear of disenfranchisement . did you ? Thedy have no problem disenfranchising the military .

 ” According to state records, Florida election officials have determined that there are as many as 180,000 non-residents who are registered to vote in their state, making it likely that massive voter fraud is taking place.

The problem reportedly came to the attention of state election officials in early 2011 when the state’s DMV turned over a large data-set containing the population’s residency information. Upon sampling the data and running some preliminary checks, officials were soon able to narrow their estimate of illegally registered voters to 180,000. That is when the state reached out to the federal government to help sort out the mess.

However, according to the office of Ken Detzner, Florida’s Secretary of State, the Obama administration has been ignoring their requests for access to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) databases that will allow them to quickly determine the citizenship status of those on the list and put the issue to rest.  As a result, the situation has now descended into a political fight with liberals charging Republican’s with attempted voter suppression.”

Most voters consider voter fraud a problem in America today and continue to overwhelmingly support laws requiring people to show photo identification before being allowed to vote.”

“Now O’Keefe is back, defiant as ever. His new video shows Project Veritas going into poll locations in DC on April 3, being offered ballots for Ben Jealous, President & CEO of the NAACP; one Bill Maher; and David Brock (Project Veritas says they could not verify whether the David Brock for which they were offered a ballot was the same David Brock as the Media Matters president).”

” Manufactured “ is certainly something that Holder’s DOJ knows all about now , isn’t it ?

Fast and Furious anyone ?

James O’Keefe saves Eric ( there is no proof of voter fraud ) Holder the trouble of voting himself “

“The video, released Monday, contrasts clips from the “sting” with quotes from Holder saying that voter fraud is generally “a problem that does not exist.” Holder’s Justice Department has blocked voter ID laws in South Carolina and Texas on grounds that include the supposed superfluity of those laws.”