Tag Archive: Viral Video

How To Pull A Tooth With A Golf Club, Golf Ball And Dental Floss





Published on Dec 30, 2014

” My 7 year old wanted to pull his tooth but was concerned it would be to painful to pull SLOWLY. So we did it QUICKLY and in his words with no pain, just a little fear.”











Brutal Police Beating Of Model Shocks Australia (VIDEO)






” A video showing three Sydney police officers brutally beating a young woman has gone viral, with over 750,000 views on Facebook. During the clip, the victim is repeatedly hit with a police baton and appears to be kicked in the head by a male officer.

  Police brutality has been hitting the headlines in the US, but now it seems the unfortunate trend has made its way to Australia. The woman in question, Claire Helen, who works as a model and actress and was on the receiving end of recurring blows from a police officer, said: “It was the most frightening and humiliating experience of my life.”

  Law enforcement officers allege that Helen punched a policewoman in the mouth, as well as resisting arrest – an action that the model stringently denies. “They pushed me down. They hit me and kicked me. They pulled my dress over my head,” she said, speaking to Channel Nine. Onlookers could be heard shouting, “Let her go,” and, “She’s not resisting arrest.” 

Helen, who is 1 meter, 60 centimeters tall and weighs 55 kilograms, insists she was just enjoying a quiet night out when she was accosted by law enforcement officers, who were much bigger than her.

” We weren’t drunk. We’d been with people playing soccer and went out to have a few drinks. I’m not the sort of person who goes out getting pissed on a Wednesday night. I’m trying to make it as a model and actress. I can’t go out every night getting wasted. I definitely don’t ever get in circumstances like this,” she told Channel Nine news.

  The incident happened in the Kings Cross area of Sydney, which is home to a number of bars and nightclubs, after Helen and a group of friends haggled over a taxi fare, according to police. The law enforcement agency also added that a male member of the group punched the taxi driver in the stomach.

  However, Helen alleges that the taxi driver had charged the group the wrong amount, which led to the trouble starting. “


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Courtesy Of Natasha Zouves 10News



” Take a look at this video from this morning, I was tense watching this unfold and escalate.

  Many of the drivers who were stopped on the NB I-5 this morning by Ferguson protesters were irate- but one man was so angry, he pushed one of the protesters and stole his bullhorn.

  The man’s name is Tyree Landrum, he’s a Ross employee and also told us this: “I got to go to Ross right now, homie. If I don’t get there, I’m going to get fired. I’ve got six f****** kids to feed, homie … m*****f****** get shot every f****** day. Deal with it the right way, not like this.”

See the story here: http://bit.ly/1y2SRlj “

Once You See Why This Man Is So Furious at Panhandler, It Becomes Clear Why the Video Has Amassed Two Million Views In Two Days




” A furious Oklahoma City man was caught on video confronting an elderly panhandler after he apparently saw her get into a “2013 car” after previously seeing her begging for money in the street.

“ This is crazy!” the man, identified as Daniel Ayala, says in the video. “You are asking for money in the middle of street and you drive a 2013 car?”


The Blaze












Helmet Cam Captures Armed Robbery Attempt As It Happens





” A tourist in Buenos Aires has a gun pulled on him by a thief and the whole incident was caught by his GoPro camera on his helmet.

  The gripping video shows Mike being cut off by a motorcycle as he rides his bike. The criminal then pulls out a gun and demands his backpack. Mike doesn’t understand his request and drops the bike and runs.”

This video has garnered nearly 5 million views in just 2 days …

CNS News

Mutant Giant Spider Dog







” Chica the DogSpider has a fanpage!
Like for more mutant giant spider dog!! “












About Halfway Through This Video It Becomes Obvious Why Bank’s New Ad Has Received Almost 3 Million Views in Just Days






” TD Canada wanted to say thank you to their customers this year in a way they felt was “unique and distinctive.”

“We thought we’d really kick it up a notch,” said Chris Stamper, SVP corporate marketing at TD Canada Trust.

  And that they did.

  The bank posted a video online showing them morph an ATM machine into what they called an “automatic thanking machine,” stunning pre-selected customers by dispensing a unique gift to each of them.

  But the bank wasn’t finished yet. The video has undoubtedly gone mega-viral because of what happens in the second half. That’s when the bank kicked it up several notches and delivered an additional, heartfelt gift to each of the customers.”


The Blaze











Hip Hop Cops




Published on Jun 12, 2014

” Hip Hop Cops

Ever wonder what goes on inside of a patrol car…? Here is the inside scoop…

See…we really are no different then anyone else.”













Here’s The Backstory Behind The Hero Cat Who Saved 4-Year-Old Boy From A Vicious Dog Attack







” Four-year-old Jeremy was riding his bike in the driveway when he was unexpectedly attacked by the neighbor’s dog. Fortunately for Jeremy, his cat Tara jumped in to save him.

  Tara, who is probably part lion, managed to scare off the dog and rescue Jeremy. Thanks to Tara’s heroic efforts, Jeremy only had to receive ten stitches, when it could have been much worse.

  Jeremy’s mother explained to her husband what she had seen, so he decided to check the home surveillance tape.”


    For those living in a cave , or who’s internet has been down these past few days here is the original video of Tara to the rescue …









Read more at IJR











‘Shovel Girl’ Miranda Lynn Fugate Gets Hit In The Head, Laughs It Off On Twitter; See Her Response To The Viral Girl Fight YouTube Video




” Miranda Lynn Fugate aka “Shovel Girl” unexpectedly became famous today after a YouTube video called “Girl Gets Hit In The Head With Shovel During Fight” went viral on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

  While, what happened in the video featuring two white teenage girls fist fighting might make those watching wince (kicking and hair pulling and sucker punches, oh my), the girl who got hit by the shovel doesn’t seem to be too upset. In fact, on Twitter at least, she’s laughing off the shovel slam to the cranium.

  In a Twitter admission of her identity, the girl who got hit in the head with a shovel, yes, she was the girl and that she was doing alright.

” I’M THE GIRL that got hit in the head with the shovel lol … ya’ll made me famous for getting hurt LMAO” — @fugate_miranda

  In addition, the girl, who’s now been dubbed “shovel girl” online shared, she has a real name and a Facebook page and she’d prefer to be known by those.

  My Facebook name is Miranda Lynn!! Yes I got hit with a shovel. No my name’s not shovel girl” — @fugate_miranda “


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Kicked In The Head By A Train



   This stupid kid bemoans the fact that the engineer kicked him in the head as the train flew by but a closer observation of the video reveals that the engineer , at considerable personal risk to himself , saved the kid from a nasty head wound or even death as this still from an Imgur user reveals …

Kick In The Head

    Well done sir , well done . The moron gets to live another day and possibly dilute the gene pool even further but you did the right thing . He should be thanking you profusely .

   By the way this video chronicle of stupidity has garnered nearly 23 million views in less than a week . Hopefully this is that dolt’s fifteen minutes of fame .

Students Defend Teacher Accused In Wild Fistfight Caught On Cell Phone Video







” A video showing a teacher and wrestling coach at Santa Monica High School fighting with a student that was captured on cell phone video has gone viral.

  While the teacher and coach has been placed on leave, scores of students took to social media on Saturday to support him.

  In a letter to parents, Sandra Lyon, the superintendent of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, said the altercation happened in a classroom Friday morning.

“ A deeply disturbing incident involving a teacher and student occurred in a classroom at Santa Monica High School, resulting in the Santa Monica Police Department being called to the campus. A number of videos capturing at least a portion of the incident are circulating, and I can tell you that what I witnessed on one of those videos is utterly alarming,” Lyon wrote.

  Lyon added, “Based on what I have viewed, the kind of physical restraint used by the teacher is unacceptable. I have placed the teacher on leave pending the outcome of an independent investigation.” “


Read more







“Unsung Hero” (Official HD) : TVC Thai Life Insurance 2014

 โฆษณาไทยประกันชีวิต 2557





Published on Apr 3, 2014

” เคยสงสัยไหม?

คลิปนี้ ไม่ใช่คำตอบ

Published on Apr 3, 2014
” Ever wondered?
In our life we ​​want exactly.
Why do some people have plenty of money … still no joy.

This clip is not the answer
But it may be a starting point for you to do something …
To find the answer yourself.”


HT/The Blaze









‘Shut Up Your Mouth, Obama’: Egyptian Woman’s Anti-Obama Rant Becomes Viral Sensation


“اخرس فمك، أوباما: المرأة المصرية في مكافحة أوباما التشدق يصبح الإحساس الفيروسية




” A video in which an Egyptian woman accuses President Barack Obama of interfering in Egyptian politics has gone so viral in the Middle East, it has inspired knockoffs, photoshopped spoofs and even T-shirts.

   Normally, I post partial transcripts with videos, but not this time; didn’t want to steal this angry woman’s thunder. Although, here’s a hint: were the video to have an official title, it would undoubtedly be called: “


Read more at IJR









2 Arrested After Video Of Dog Beating In St. Louis County Goes Viral



” Two boys have been arrested after viewers from across the country saw an Internet video of a boy punching and throwing a dog. Laughter can be heard as the dog is slammed to the ground.

  St. Louis County Police launched an investigation Thursday after getting calls about the video and that afternoon arrested two students from the Riverview Gardens School District.

  The boys were referred to the county’s Family Court for the charge of animal abuse. They were being held at the St. Louis County Juvenile Justice Center.

  The animal was taken into protective custody by county Animal Control. A staff member reached there late Thursday afternoon would only say that “the dog is safe and there’s an open investigation.”


    These two boys deserve the a** kicking of a lifetime , and then about two years of community service shoveling the s**t out  of the kennels at the local animal shelter . Bas***ds .







Deadliest Day In Ukraine Protests Yet, Despite Truce



Published on Feb 20, 2014

” At least 75 people have been killed in violent riots in Kiev, the Ukrainian Health Department has stated. Doctors working on Kiev’s Independence Square, however, claimed that as many as 70 people were killed on the rioters’ side alone on Thursday. The death toll in the most violent wave of clashes between the rioters and the police in Kiev is likely to increase, as there are conflicting figures coming from the Health Department, city officials and the opposition. As many as 550 people have been injured, according to official estimates. Until this week, snipers shooting people in central Kiev have been little more than unsupported hearsay. But on Thursday, both security forces and rioters were filmed stalking the streets with rifles. RT’s Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports to Meghan Lopez that unidentified snipers were firing from buildings all around Independence Square.

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Or watch us online: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/





On the diplomatic side the EU and US are threatening sanctions …




Published on Feb 20, 2014

” The United States, European Union and NATO are criticizing the Ukrainian government for its role in the increasing bloodshed in Kiev. EU leaders have agreed to impose sanctions on the country, joining the US in threatening consequences. Individual sanctions for 20 Ukrainian politicians have already been imposed by Washington. Critics, including The Nation’s contributing editor, Stephen Cohen, say that threats of sanctions and misunderstanding of the situation on the ground are misguided. RT’s Gayane Chichakyan looks at how the US and EU are reacting to the increasing violence in Ukraine.

Find RT America in your area: http://rt.com/where-to-watch/
Or watch us online: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ “



Meanwhile Euromaidan In English provides us with this report on the day’s events in Kiev …



” This is what happened today (please share to inform all):

Today, after the morning massacres had calmed down a little, opposition politicians began calling for MP’s to gather in Parliament at 3pm. Deputy Lyashko and others pronounced guarantees to Party of Regions MP’s that no demonstrations would be held near the building during this special session – apparently some government MP’s had expressed concern for their own safety in the wake of that morning’s violence and deaths.

The session did not start until around 5pm, and MPs gathered very gradually. Initially, only 227 registered (minimum quorum: 226), but as the evening wore on, more and more MP’s from the Party of Regions and nominal independents arrived. By 10pm, 238 had registered to vote.The key test came just after 10pm when the speeches ceased and a draft document was put to a vote. In the end 236 voted in favor of the “Postanova” that orders the following:

1. All Interior Ministry troops currently in Kyiv are ordered to cease fire and return to barracks.
2. All live ammunition and lethal weapons that have been issued to government forces are to be returned immediately.
3. Blocking roads and rail lines for the purpose of limiting the movement of people is to cease.
4. All anti terrorist operations currently undertaken by the State Security Service and Interior Ministry are to be stopped immediately.
5. Circumstances that have led to deaths and casualties are to be investigated and the guilty brought to trial forthwith by the Prosecutor General.
6. The Cabinet of Ministers is ordered to provide financial compensation to all victims of the recent violence and their families.
7. Activists arrested for their participation in protests are to be released and all criminal cases against them closed.
8. It is now the exclusive right of parliament to declare a state of emergency.All of the above was passed as a “Postanova” – a one time legislative order that has the force of law, but according to Ukraine’s Constitution, and unlike other laws, need not be signed by the President. Postanova’s are signed by the Chairman/Speaker of the Parliament, or in his absence, by one of his Deputies. Tonight’s session of Parliament was chaired by Svoboda MP Koshulynsky, and he has signed the document making it legal.


  Two points of significance:

1) Parliamentary Speaker Rybak and First Deputy Speaker Kaletnyk (Communist Party) were not present at tonight’s session; neither were 167 deputies from the Party of Regions, nor any of the Communist MP’s. Nevertheless, a temporary majority was assembled with all members of the 3 opposition parties and most independents in attendance together with 20+ Party of Regions MPs who have now effectively defected from the government camp. According to rumors many Party of Regions MPs left the country today – including (according to some reports) Speaker Rybak.

  Does this signal a permanent end to the pro-Yanukovych majority in Parliament? If so, it signifies the beginning of the end of his regime.2) Although a Postanova is a legislative order that has the force of law, and cannot be vetoed by the President, it is unclear what happens if Yanukovych issues a Presidential Decree cancelling the Postanova. Furthermore, it is unclear which should take precedent: the Law on Counter-Terrorism which has been the formal document used to authorize the use of lethal force and abrogation of civil rights during the past 2 days, or the one-time Postanova. Finally is highly unclear whether Interior Ministry forces will obey this Postanova at all.

  After passing their document, Ukraine’s 3 opposition leaders immediately left Parliament for the Presidential Administration building where, reportedly, they were joined by 3 visiting EU foreign ministers. Apparently they will attempt to collectively convince Yanukovych to accept the need for constitutional changes – these are to be voted on tomorrow. Whether enough votes can be gathered, and whether Yanukovych will budge are all open questions…

(written by Prof. Mychailo Wynnycky, Kyiv Mohyla Academy)
#euromaidan “




    In other news from Kiev , protestors , after heated debate , pulled down the statue of Lenin and in short order he was broken up for souvenirs .



У Житомирі впав Ленін


Published on Feb 20, 2014

” Близько першої ночі, після тривалого стояння і нетривалої боротьби за п’єдестал, в Житомирі не стало Леніна. Тиран впав під переконливими аргументами місцевого євромайдану. 

  На вождя накинули троси. Ілліч пручався. Тоді люди вдарили автотранспортом по ідейному лідеру комунізма. Під тиском техніки Ілліч впав і пішов по шматочках на сувеніри. На місті того хто давав наказ армії Муравйова завойовувати Україну замайорів наш прапор. Тепер активісти міркують, хто вартий честі стояти на головній площі міста.”



Photo: What it takes to get's the world's attention..  #euromaidan



    To round out this evening’s update on Ukrainian news we present this report regarding an alleged conspiracy of sorts as to the “grassroots” nature of the viral video “I Am A Ukranian” and thus the riots themselves . 







” As they seize weapons, take over government buildings and fire on media outlets, the US-backed Ukrainian protesters are being afforded legitimacy with the aid of a Kony 2012-style viral video which triumphs the grass roots nature of the demonstrations yet is linked to shadowy NGOs that have been directly involved in staging phony ‘color revolutions’ in the past.

  The woman encourages viewers to “help us only by telling this story….only by sharing this video,” thereby framing the debate around the naive narrative that the crisis is solely about Ukrainians wanting “freedom,” and in essence blacklisting the real reasons behind the western-instigated revolt, which focus on the geopolitical isolation of Russia.

  The origins of the video are not quite as ‘grass roots’ as is portrayed. The clip was produced by the team behind A Whisper to a Roar, a documentary about the “fight for democracy” all over the world, which was funded by Prince Moulay Hicham of Morocco. The “inspiration” behind the documentary was none other than Larry Diamond, a Council on Foreign Relations member. The Council on Foreign Relations is considered to be America’s “most influential foreign-policy think tank” and has deep connections with the U.S. State Department.

  Diamond has also worked closely with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The National Endowment for Democracy is considered to be the CIA’s “civilian arm” and has been deeply embroiled in innumerable instigated uprisings, attempted coups and acts of neo-colonial regime change since its creation in 1983, including the contrived 2004 “Orange Revolution” that brought US puppet Viktor Yushchenko to power in Ukraine.  “


Color us unconvinced but read the rest at Red Ice and decide for yourself .










Swedish Marines’ Parody Of ‘Greased Lightning’ Goes Viral



” A bunch of Swedish marines based in Afghanistan decided to make a parody video of the famous “Greased Lightning” song from the 1978 movie “Grease.” They never expected it to go viral but, of course, it did.

  Thanks to a contributor on Reddit, shortly after the video was uploaded to YouTube over the weekend, it went viral. By Sunday, the video had received over half a million hits and was mentioned in the media worldwide.

  Boris Zelada directed the video, which shows around a dozen Swedish marines, lip syncing and dancing to the classic song. The only difference was, instead of John Travolta and a whole load of snazzy cars, the video offers army vehicles and guys in camo gear. “

Read on at Digital Journal

“He Has No Drugs & Knows His Rights” Cop From Viral DUI Video Wins Controversial Award







” Over the Summer BenSwann.com reported on a viral video from a DUI checkpoint in Rutherford County, TN. The video featured Chris Kalbaugh, a Rutherford County citizen, filming his encounter with police at the checkpoint. His encounter has been viewed more than 4.3 million times on Youtube alone. Controversy swirled as viewers felt the cop was violating Kalbaugh’s constitutional rights. Deputy Ross, from the video, has just won the “Deputy of the Year” award from the Tennessee Governor’s Highway Safety Office (GHSO). The department is responsible for funding DUI checkpoints.

  Ross has worked for the Sheriff’s department twice. He resigned after lying to police about having insurance after being in a car accident. A few years later, under a new sheriff, Ross was reinstated.

  Gordon Duff, senior editor of VeteransToday.com, one of the country’s largest military veterans newsletters, referred to Ross as “America’s dirtiest cop“. “









Read more: http://benswann.com/he-has-no-drugs-knows-his-rights-cop-from-viral-dui-video-wins-controversial-award/#ixzz2oOobAjAC
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High School Christmas Tree Prank



Christmas Tree Prank

” Students from the Kilgore High School media department in Kilgore, TX try to prank faculty and other students with a “living” Christmas tree. Student Rowdy Cayce manages to scare most of the staff, except for a few who seem unperturbed.”

WATCH: The Anti-Obamacare Parody That Is Going Viral



You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me Blue Shield









Canadian Cops Receiving International Praise For Viral Video With Surprising Twist



” Cops in Canada spent several minutes wrestling with a woman as several citizens stood around recording with their cameras, criticizing the officers’ aggressive tactics.

  By the time they finally managed to stick the woman in the back of the car, around the 4:30 mark, one of the officers turns to the crowd and instead of demanding their cameras as evidence, gives a full explanation as to what just had taken place.”


We do it when cops are bad so it is only fair to acknowledge the good as well . Offer your praise here .” Here’s their contact info if you want to send them a message.”







Hilarious video shows how superficial girls write off average-looking men but fall for attractive ones – even if they’re stalkers


” A first impression is often based on looks, especially when meeting someone at a bar, a phenomenon explored in a hilarious new video that has taken the internet by storm.

In Girls Are A*******: At a Bar, which has been viewed more than 1.8million times since it was posted on Monday, an average-looking guy walks up to two girls sitting at a bar and says earnestly: ‘Hi. I saw you from across the bar and I think you’re really beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?’

Instead of giving him a chance, the girls turn him down, only to be blindly charmed by a better looking man who approaches them after and propositions them in a way that suggests he’s most definitely a stalker.”


    I think we’ve all met people like these before . Being a guy I can say for sure that I have met a few like these two . The following “Girls Are A***oles” video on the other hand I cannot relate to at all , nor could most guys I suppose , but the ladies in our audience could perhaps give us some input as to whether they’ve known anyone like these women .


   Whether you know people of this sort or not , the videos are funny , clever and well constructed . Have a laugh .

CNN Asks Is This Photoshop Editing Gone Too Far ?


    CNN has produced a video showing in time-lapse speed how model Sally Gifford Piper’s photo was drastically altered to produce a picture that is really less her and more photoshop . See what you think as you watch her transformation and listen to her commentary .

   Below you can see the video transformation in it’s entirety , uninterrupted by the commentary provided by CNN along with the video description provided by the poster , Tim Scott , the model’s husband .



Published on Nov 2, 2013

Viral video of a model changed using photoshop. 
KICKSTARTER: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/p…
This video shows a girl transformed in time-lapse with make-up lights and of course photoshop. Amazing viral video was aired on Entertainment Tonight, ABC news, GMA, the Today Show and more. Visit Dove’s Facebook page for more videos on the subject.
A video by Tim Piper (pirovision.com) with Emma Hack and Mike Annese starring Sally Gifford for the purpose of public education and supporting the idea on globaldemocracy.com that images with distorted bodies should have disclaimers. 
Music published by MonkeyDream LL through ASCAP, title Body Evolution Track, artist: Friends of Monkeys. For more work from Tim Piper visit provision.com
© Tim Piper 2012

LED Baby Stickman Halloween Costume Goes Viral 

” An Internet video that shows a 22-month-old girl running around in the dark, wearing an LED Halloween costume has gone viral.

As of writing, the 22-second video, which was posted to YouTube by the girl’s father last Tuesday (22 October) has already received almost 14 million hits.”