Tag Archive: Vienna

900 Austrian Police Raid Mosques And Homes In Terrorist Search






” Some 900 police officers swooped in on mosques, prayer rooms and homes across Austria early Friday in an operation against suspected jihadi recruiters and alleged financiers of the ISIS terror group, local media reported. Prosecutors confirmed to NBC News in a statement that 13 people were arrested in the raids. They provided limited details but, according to Austrian newspapers, the raids took place in in Vienna, Graz and Linz and were the culmination of a two-year investigation into people suspected of recruiting young people to fight in Syria. A Vienna-based Bosnian preacher, who was the main suspect, was among those arrested in the raids which began before dawn at 4:00am. (10 p.m. ET on Thursday), according to the media reports. “












Camera That’s ‘Walked On Moon’ To Be Auctioned




” Looking for a truly out-of-this-world camera? Then an upcoming auction in Austria might have something to interest you — at a price.

  Vienna’s Westlicht gallery, the world’s largest auction house for cameras, will auction in March a camera returned to Earth, having been used on the moon, during NASA’s Apollo 15 mission.


  Compared to present-day cameras, the Swedish-made Hasselblad, used for landscape photography on the lunar surface, is something of a dinosaur. Inconvenient for selfies, it could never be slipped inside a pocket, weighing in at several kilograms.


  Its lack of electronic wizardry means no geotagging, hence no metadata. But if anyone was concerned about the NSA getting wind of what it was up to, it’d be hard pushed to film anything surreptitiously. The Hasselblad, a boxy brontosaurus of a camera that Apollo 15’s Lunar Module Pilot Jim Irwin used to take nearly 300 pics while on the lunar surface, couldn’t be said to have a stealth mode.”

     Here is the webpage to the auction house but if you want to get a catalogue of the upcoming sale you’ll have to shell out 50 Euros for the privilege of viewing the items for bid . The bidding will start at 80,000 Euros and is expected to go as high as 200,000 . 


Camera Auction Vienna

European Far-Right Parties Team Up Against Islam And Brussels




” Six European far-right parties joined forces Thursday to combat immigration and European bureaucracy ahead of 2014 elections, French newspaper Liberation reported.

The parties, which include France’s Front National, are teaming up against two common enemies: Brussels and Islam, the newspaper said. The Netherlands’ PVV, Belgium’s Vlaams Belang, Italy’s Liga Norte, Swedish democrats and Austria’s Freedom Party met at a hotel in Vienna to discuss the outlines of their collaboration.

The meeting happened in secret so as not to attract the attention of possible demonstrators, the paper said, and to be able to devote their time to strategizing about the future of the far-right in Europe.

But Andreas Molzer, the organizer of the meeting and an Austrian member of the European Parliament, confirmed the meeting took place. “The points that unite us are more important than those that separate us,” he told Liberation.”


   The “extreme right” of Europe seems to be very similar to the Tea Party on this side of the pond . In typical leftist controlled media fashion those with a divergent viewpoint must be “extreme” . More power to the nationalists . Who really wants their country to be turned into Islamic slums even as the original citizens are forced top foot the bill ?