Tag Archive: Video Statement

‘Hacktivist’ Group Anonymous Says It Will Avenge Charlie Hebdo Attacks By Shutting Down Jihadist Websites





” Hacker group Anonymous have released a video and a statement via Twitter condemning the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people, including eight journalists, were murdered.

  The video description says that it is “a message for al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and other terrorists”, and was uploaded to the group’s Belgian account.

  In the clip, a figure wearing the group’s symbolic Guy Fawkes mask is seated in front of a desk with the hashtag #OpCharlieHebdo – which stands for Operation Charlie Hebdo – featured on screen.

  The figure, whose voice is obscured says: “We are declaring war against you, the terrorists.”

  They add that the group will track down and close all accounts on social networks related to terrorists in order to avenge those who have been killed.”


The Telegraph has more












The Million Mask March 2014 – Largest World Protest By The Most Influential Group In The World








What is The ‘Million Mask March’? 

” Last year thousands of people worldwide joined Million Mask March rallies organized by the amorphous Anonymous movement. Rallies, both peaceful and confrontational, protested austerity, surveillance, corporate greed and corrupt governments.

  In a mass demonstration of people power, crowds in 450 cities around the world filled the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks. “The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us” – under this motto protesters united in a global mass-march to deliver various messages. 

  From Sydney to Los Angeles, from Johannesburg to London – thousands came forward to make their voices heard. Among key ideas which virtually connected all different protests were anti-capitalist idealism and the rejection of NSA surveillance. Some rallies had a sense of carnival, where whole families with kids marched in protest, while other gatherings – like in London and Washington – turned more intense, with people not hiding their rage.

  You Want To Participate This Year In The Million Mask March 2014 with thousands of others all around the world? “






” Here is all information you need for 2014:



Make sure you have the latest version of Google maps.

  Go to:  MillionMaskMarch.com/map.  (.com, .org & .net lead to the same place).  Once you start zooming in,  city names/event pages and the search option will appear.   As a protective measure, copy this link for safekeeping in case anything ever happens to this web site:  https://mapsengine.google.com/map/viewer?mid=zcw0ZYrLl5RQ.khgYCnHItPbY “



Million Mask March




1.  We add events to the map that you create.

2.  If you only see a 2013 event, contact the group, ask if they’ll update it to 2014 and email us here or on Facebook with the link so we can add it to the map. Posting links on our FB discussion threads as the only way of informing us is discouraged. “





We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us



