U.S., Mexico Mull Relaxing Border For ‘Trusted’ Business Travelers



” U.S. and Mexico authorities are on the cusp of striking a deal that would relax border controls for perceived “trusted” business travelers .

  The U.K. Guardian reported that leaders for the United States and Mexico — Presidents Obama and Enrique Pena Nieto — will get together with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Toluca on Wednesday to hone talks about freer economic opportunities. The talks come on the 20th anniversary of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement.

  Officials in advance of this meeting say the focal point will likely be the new agreement that will speed up border crossings for executives, business people and other “trusted” frequent travelers, via a continent-wide, pre-screening system, The Guardian reported.”


   Never fear , this measure is only designed to apply to those that follow the rules and cross the borders legally . Those that choose covert entry into the US will continue unimpeded Read more at Washington Times