Tag Archive: USMC

 Happy Birthday Carlos Hathcock





The Story of Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock



” When retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock II died at the age of 57 on Feb. 26, 1999, his legend had long since chiseled its way into the pantheon of Marine Corps history.

  He’d served almost 20 years in the Corps, including two tours as a sniper during the Vietnam War. A killer more deadly and silent than Hathcock finally had him in the cross hairs and pulled the trigger, ending his extraordinary life.

  The medical term for that stealthy, relentless force is multiple sclerosis, a slow, progressive terminal malady that attacks the central nervous system. MS can cause paralysis, spasms and the loss of coordination and muscle control.”



Then Cpl. Carlos Hathcock (far left) being awarded the 1965 Wimbledon Cup.
This trophy is given to the winner of the 1000 yard shooting match.



Carlos Hathcock (1942 – 1999)


” was a US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant who served as a sniper in the Vietnam War. With 93 confirmed kills, he was the 4th most effective sniper in American history, trailing behind Adelbert F Waldron (109), Charles Mawhinney (103), and Eric R England (98). His exploits, both as a courageous soldier and a sniper, made him a legend in the Marine Corps. Hathcock became a major developer of the United States Marine Corps Sniper training program. Not only was Carlos extremely lethal as a sniper, but he was also a brave marine; he was awarded the Silver Star for his act in 1969 of saving the lives of seven fellow Marines after the amphibious tractor on which they were riding struck a mine. Hathcock was knocked unconscious, but awoke in time to race back through the flames to save his comrades.

  Carlos Hathcock was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, on May 20, 1942. Since his parents had separated, he lived with his grandmother in the country where he grew up. At a young age, Carlos learned to use a rifle, which his father had brought from Europe after World War II. Then, he would hunt wild animals to help feed his poor family.In 1959, at the age of 17, Carlos Hathcock joined the Marine Corps. Before being shipped to Vietnam, he showed his natural skills as a marksman on the rifle range at Camp Pendleton where he was undergoing recruit training, winning the Pacific Division rifle championship while he was deployed in Hawaii as a member of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. In 1966, he was sent to Vietnam and became a sniper after Captain Edward J. Land Jr. had pushed the Marines into raising snipers in every platoon.” ” 







Interview Parts 1-3




























More Videos



Further Reading


Bob Tuley – Carlos Hathcock Sniper Biography

Carlos Norman “Gunny” Hathcock II (1942–1999) – Encyclopedia …

Carlos Hathcock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carlos Hathcock Biography | WordExplorer.com

Carlos Hathcock – Gunsopedia














US Marines On The Ground In Iraq As ISIS Burns 45 Alive




” Iraqi local officials in Iraq’s town of al-Baghdadi have warned of another ISIS mass burning massacre. The terror organization surrounded a compound several days ago that houses more than 1000 families and burned 45 people alive. 

“ ISIS has killed more than 150 people from al-Obaid tribe…some of them were burned alive and some were beheaded…they were policemen…some of them fought against ISIS before,” said sheikh Mal Allah al-Obaidi, the head of the local council in the al-Baghdadi. 

  An Iraqi air base is located next to al-Baghdadi. More than 300 US military service members are providing training, and coordinating US air raids there. As the US military official at the central command announced that the US will train 12 Iraqi brigades to start an Iraqi operation to liberate the northern city of Mosul in April or May, reports emerged suggesting US Marines will conduct a limited operation in the border area between Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to strike ISIS jihadists who control the border area. 

“ US forces have landed in al-Habbaniya air base,” said Saadon Shehan, a blogger from al-Ramadi, the provincial capital of al-Anbar province in western Iraq. 

  The target of the Marines supposed operation is to cut a major funding source to ISIS by ending its control of the border area. It is estimated that ISIS makes $150,000 daily by collecting money from travelers using the Iraqi – Jordanian highway. “


Fiscal Times












Twenty-Nine Attempts By Female Officers On The Course, With None Passing


Marines-Female General



” Two female Marine officers who volunteered to attempt the Corps’ challenging Infantry Officer Course did not proceed beyond the first day of the course, a Marine Corps spokesperson confirms to the Free Beacon. The two were the only female officers attempting the course in the current cycle, which began Thursday in Quantico, Virginia.

  With the two most recent drops, there have been 29 attempts by female officers to pass the course since women have been allowed to volunteer, with none making it to graduation. (At least one woman has attempted the course more than once.) Only three female officers have made it beyond the initial day of training, a grueling evaluation known as the Combat Endurance Test, or CET. Male officers also regularly fail to pass the CET, and the overall course has a substantial attrition rate for males.

  The Marine Corps spokesperson, Captain Maureen Krebs, told the Free Beacon that the two officers, “did not meet the standards required of them on day one in order to continue on with the course.” Fifteen male officers also did not meet the standards. Of the 118 officers who began the course, 101 proceeded to the second day.  

  The Marine Corps, along with the other services, has been evaluating how to comply with the order to gender-integrate its combat arms specialties by the end of this year, or apply for special exemptions.

  The results of the Marine Corps’ experimentation thus far has revealed a pattern: Female enlisted Marines have been able to graduate from the enlisted School of Infantry’s Infantry Training Battalion in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, though at a lower rate than male enlisted Marines, while female officers have faced great difficulty in graduating from the course in Quantico. “


Free Beacon has the rest of the story












US Marine Manny Vega Owns Obama At White House!





Read more at Western Journalism

Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi Freed From Mexican Jail, Immediately Returns To US



Sgt Tahmooressi



” U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, jailed more than 200 days in Mexico, was freed by a  judge Friday and immediately returned to the U.S., his family said.

  Tahmooressi, 26, who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan, had been held since March 31, when he said he mistakenly crossed into Mexico with three legally-purchased and registered guns in his truck.

  A court-appointed psychiatrist confirmed that Tahmooressi has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

  Family spokesman Jonathan Franks said the judge released him without making a determination on the charge against him. He had been held initially at a prison outside Tijuana, then was moved to a prison outside Tecate.

  His family released a statement Friday night saying, “It is with an overwhelming and humbling feeling of relief that we confirm that Andrew was released today after spending 214 days in a Mexican jail. He is back on American soil and will shortly resume treatment for both his pre-existing combat related PTSD and the residual effects of months of incarceration – which has taken a toll on him far worse than his two tours in Afghanistan.” “


Fox News










President Obama And The ‘Latte Salute’ Heard Around The World




” It doesn’t take much for President Barack Obama to run afoul of his detractors these days, so when he stepped off Marine One and tried to salute two U.S. Marines with a COFFEE CUP IN HIS HAND!!!!, well, the fuse was lit.

  After all, the salute is “the most important of all military courtesies”, according to a Marine Corps manual cited on The Daily Caller web site. By the outrage across Instagram and Twitter, you’d think Obama had just given them the one-finger salute instead.”



Latte Salute WH Insta



” On the White House Instagram account, shouts of “disgusting!”, “shocking” and “disrespectful” rung out. One commenter wanted to send Obama off to a Hague Tribunal for it. You know, where they put Slobodan Milosevic on trial.

On Twitter, the “latte salute” backlash was in full force.”



   The amazing thing about the “Latte Salute” video is the fact that it comes from the White House itself . These progressives are so out of touch with the average American that they actually believed that this was a video that portrayed their “leader” in a positive light .



 Read more at Market Watch












Marine Sniper Involved In Controversial Video Found Dead









” A Marine Corps combat veteran who endured a long, public legal battle with the service’s senior leadership was found dead Wednesday night.

Retired Cpl. Robert Richards, 28, died at his home in Jacksonville, North Carolina, according to Guy Womack, Richards’ attorney and friend. An autopsy is being conducted to determine the cause of death, Womack said, adding that it does not appear to be self-inflicted. A medical examiner will look at the mix of medication Richards was taking, he said.

  Richards was a scout sniper with multiple deployments to Afghanistan, including one in 2010 during which he sustained severe injuries. Peers and superiors alike praised him for his combat prowess and leadership skills, evidenced by his being hand-selected to serve as the scout sniper platoon team leader for 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines, during its 2011 tour.

  It was during that deployment when Richards and three other Marines made a video of themselves urinating on Taliban corpses. The video surfaced online in January 2012, causing an international uproar. But the Marine Corps’ prosecution of Richards and others connected to the incident would become overshadowed by allegations that the service’s commandant, Gen. Jim Amos, and his legal advisers manipulated the military justice process to ensure they were punished harshly. A Pentagon investigation did not substantiate those claims.”


Marine Corp Times












Free Our Marine



Plenty of time for golf , fundraisers and vacations though … presidential POS …










Mexican Judge Hands Down Devastating Orders To U.S. Marine Imprisoned On Gun Charges






” The U.S. Marine, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who has been held in a Mexican prison on weapons charges has been ordered back to prison by a Mexican judge, after his first full court appearance Wednesday.

  Mexican authorities are standing by their decision to move forward with prosecuting him for entering the country with military-grade firearms, contending not knowing their laws does not exempt him from them.

  Tahmooressi has now been imprisoned in Mexico for a total of 101 days, with little American action to retrieve him, except for a letter sent Wednesday by a group of U.S. bipartisan lawmakers requesting his immediate return.  The news of Mexico’s decision to prosecute him was released that same day. “


   He’ll trade five dangerous terrorist leaders for a traitor but won’t lift a finger to help an persecuted Marine . That’s Obama-world for you . What a disgraceful example of a “leader” is our current president . Serve your country with distinction and be abandoned , illegally cross the border and be rewarded … what a world 



Read more












Last Of Original Group Of Navajo Code Talkers Dies



Chester Nez

Click Picture For Video




” Marine veteran Michael Smith wept Wednesday when he heard about the death of Chester Nez, the last of the original Navajo Code Talkers.

  Smith, from Window Rock, who had met Nez several times, described him as a “quiet, humble” Navajo Marine.”





” Smith said that the passing of Nez — the last of the first 29 Navajo men who created a code from their language that stumped the Japanese in World War II — marked the closure of a chapter in the story of a special group of veterans.”







” Nez died Wednesday morning in Albuquerque, where he lived with his son Michael. He was 93. His family said he died of kidney failure.”


AZ Central has more






Veteran Long Celebrated By Marines To Be Awarded Medal Of Honor







” Cpl. William Kyle Carpenter doesn’t remember much about the day he and a fellow Marine were caught in the blast of a hand grenade in southern Afghanistan while manning a rooftop security post. There was almost no time to react before the explosion tore into him in a searing, angry ball of white light.

  Carpenter recalls that he “got right with God” as he was enveloped by the sensation of warm water pouring all over him. It was his own blood.

“ My last few seconds before I lost consciousness,” he said, “I had accepted the fact that . . . I was not going to survive and make it off that rooftop.”

  Remarkably, Carpenter did survive, despite horrific wounds. Just as remarkable is how he sustained them — by throwing himself on the grenade in an attempt to save his friend and fellow Marine, Lance Cpl. Nick Eufrazio, from harm.

  On Monday, the White House announced that it would award Carpenter, 24, with the Medal of Honor for his actions, making him the second living Marine to receive the nation’s highest award for valor in combat since the Vietnam War. Fourteen other U.S. service members have received the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan.”


Read on










Why Facebook Kept Up Photos Of A Marine’s Bloody Suicide



Daniel Rey Wolfe




” When Marine veteran Daniel Rey Wolfe signed on to Facebook on Monday night and announced he was taking his own life, documenting the process in a graphic timeline of final self-portraits, his former comrades worked quickly and purposefully to save their brother-in-arms.

  Their best efforts came too late. Wolfe had killed himself—a fact that Facebook reminded them of over the next two days, as the social-media site refused to remove the grisly series of photographs he’d taken of his suicide, despite the requests of his friends and veterans’ organizations.

  Wolfe was an amphibious assault vehicle crewman in the Marine Corps, a father, and a lifelong artist with a passion for loud music and graphic design. He also appeared to struggle with money and politics and purpose—struggles that culminated in Wolfe taking his own life with a blade in a squat outside Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Monday night.

  Wolfe’s passing is the kind of postwar tragedy that illustrates how American veterans still need more resources and counseling than they’re getting, as the wars wind down and the Department of Veteran Affairs wrestles with corruption and increased workloads.

  But his suicide also throws into relief the difficulties that social networks face in creating a one-size-fits-all policy to moderate photographs and status updates. And, critically, it reveals a macabre blind spot in Facebook’s “community standards,” behind which a suicide victim’s final moments can appear on the site indefinitely, despite the protestations of people who loved him.

” His friends and family were exposed to images they should never had to [have] seen,” Douglas Tripp, one of Wolfe’s former Marine comrades told me in an email. “Who needs to see their son, brother, cousin or friend like that? They will remove a picture of a bare ass or exposed breast with the quickness. How are those more dangerous than a young man mutilating himself before he commits suicide?” “


Gawker has much more on this all too common tragic end to a man who served his country and was then failed by it .












North Carolina Deputy Snatches Two Phones, Fails To Snatch Third, As She Handcuffs Man For No Reason








” As a drill instructor in the United States Marines, Natalie Barber learned she can get people to do what she wants by yelling at them.

  And that technique probably still works for her today as a deputy with the Onslow County Sheriff’s Office.

  But it didn’t work Saturday night when she tried using it on Carlos Jaramillo, a former United States Marine combat instructor and longtime Photography is Not a Crime reader.

  Frustrated that he didn’t obey her unlawful orders to “put the phone down” as he was recording her from his front porch, she ended up snatching the phone and handcuffing the 35-year-old father in front of his wife and kids, then snatching his son’s phone when he tried recording the detainment, injuring the teen’s hand and damaging his phone.

  But she was unable to snatch a third phone belonging to his wife, which his son picked up and began recording from behind the screened door after his own phone was snatched.

  All three clips survived, proving that Barber lied in the incident report, posted below, where she accused Jaramillo of “being aggressive” and “causing commotion and distracting me from doing my job.” “


Read more at PINAC







This Young Marine Needs Our Help






I am a 19 year old boy who just graduated from Marine Corp boot camp and during my 3 months at San Diego my mother went missing. She was least seen leaving Roseclair Illinois on a local security camera and has not been seen or heard from since. I’m running out of time before I have to resume training. I need all the help I can get. Please share and re-post this so maybe this case can get more national attention. I love u mom I’ll find u soon — with Dustin Williams.*******I am posting on behalf of the Williams Family - PLEASE HELP this young Marine in the search for his MoM - Thank you in advance - Semper Fi


” I am a 19 year old boy who just graduated from Marine Corp boot camp and during my 3 months at San Diego my mother went missing. She was least seen leaving Roseclair Illinois on a local security camera and has not been seen or heard from since. I’m running out of time before I have to resume training. I need all the help I can get. Please share and re-post this so maybe this case can get more national attention. I love u mom I’ll find u soon — with Dustin Williams.*******I am posting on behalf of the Williams Family – PLEASE HELP this young Marine in the search for his MoM – Thank you in advance – Semper Fi”










“I Would Beat Your F***ing Ass Just For The Sheer Joy Of It”

” A trainee Sheriff posted a threatening Facebook message aimed at Cop Block, an organization which advocates filming police officers, in which the soon to be cop said that protesters should be exterminated in “gas chambers” and that he would beat them up “just for the sheer joy of it.”

“ While its rare that we receive direct death treats, they must be taken seriously, especially when they come from someone with military training and is about to become a Law enforcement agent / Sheriff,” states a post on the official CopBlock Facebook page.

  The threats were made by Darren Redding, a former U.S. Marine and a current cadet in training with the Washoe County Sheriff’s Department. His Facebook page, which is currently being deluged with angry responses, can be seen here.”

Read more here
   Here is the message that Redding posted on the CopBlock Facebook page . Language warning . While Mr Redding’s vocabulary is very limited his understanding of the Constitution and liberty is even more-so .

” Death Threat: Just received a message from Soldier Darren Redding, a cadet/ future Washoe County Sheriff (775-328-3001) calling for the death of all 86,000 fans of this page.

While its rare that we receive direct death treats, they must be taken seriously, especially when they come from someone with military training and is about to become a Law enforcement agent / Sheriff.

This Vet wants to gas 86,000 people that want police to be held accountable;e for their actions. He is about to become a cop and he calls himself a HERO? –Rob

” if I had my way, there would be another holocaust with camps and gas chambers full of fucking cunt scabs like you.”

Here is a screen shot of his message, http://i39.tinypic.com/ra7ngw.pngAnd the police Department he is about to join “You may want to call and voice your opinion before they hire a someone that wants to kill people”http://www.washoesheriff.com/

” Darren Redding
  Your page is pathetic and offensive. The pictures you post and the comments you make seem like you’re trying to incriminate and deface ALL police officers, when 99% of them are great at what they do, it’s the 1% you should be posting about, not the vast majority you pathetic, ignorant, liberal pussy.

  You’re just like all the liberals striving for gun control because the actions of a few, insane individuals are fucking it up for the other 99% of gun owners who are responsible with their weapons.

  Or let me put it into perspective for a drug using, liberal, hippy pussy like yourself: 99% of people who smoke pot do it responsibly and safely, but 1% of the people who use participate in violent crime, or crash their cars when theyre high and kill others or themselves, but I don’t see you posting about how ALL pot smokers should be punished.

  If you were a law abiding citizen you wouldn’t have any problem with 5-0, but something tells me you were probably being a jackass towards a police officer and you got what was coming to you, and that inspired you to make a page giving a bad name to all law enforcement.

  You might as well bad mouth the military and veterans like myself because of those marine scout snipers that pissed on some dead Taliban a few years back. According to your logic that means ALL active duty and veterans are heinous heathens right?

  You’re a fucking bitch and I hope some cop beats your ass next time you’re “protesting” or filming them or whatever. In fact I’m about to start the training academy for the washoe county sheriffs dept in reno, Nevada and I can’t wait to deal with punk ass bitches like you. I would beat your fucking liberal ass just for the sheer joy of it.

  Suck my fucking dick you waste of breathable air, you should have been aborted. But I guess your mother was a dumb ass waste of life like you. You’re the reason that there’s no hope for the human race, I can’t believe people like you exist, if I had my way, there would be another holocaust with camps and gas chambers full of fucking cunt scabs like you.

I hope you die”

    This man is a disgrace to the Marine Corps and in no way should be allowed to represent any law enforcement agency .

Al-Qaeda-Linked Force Captures Fallujah Amid Rise In Violence In Iraq



All for nothing …

” A rejuvenated al-Qaeda-affiliated force asserted control over the western Iraqi city of Fallujah on Friday, raising its flag over government buildings and declaring an Islamic state in one of the most crucial areas that U.S. troops fought to pacify before withdrawing from Iraq two years ago.

  The capture of Fallujah came amid an explosion of violence across the western desert province of Anbar in which local tribes, Iraqi security forces and al-Qaeda-affiliated militants have been fighting one another for days in a confusingly chaotic three-way war.”


Source: WashPost








” A decision was made to adopt a new 9 mm Luger service pistol in 1985, and I have never met a true handgun man who was happy about that. Back when it was the Browning-designed gun, we were content with the armament. As for me, I drew an M1911A1 pistol from the old chest the first time my new company went to the field and turned it in when we came back. But one day in the summer of ’65, I drew it from the box, slipped it into my holster and left it there for more than a year in Vietnam. A year like that tumultuous one tends to grow a bond between man and tool.

  I do not mean to say that I was in any way different from hundreds of other Marines of my generation. When we went to war, the .45 was part of our gear; that is no longer true.”



” I understand the need for upgrading our equipment, but there was nothing wrong with the M1911 in the first place. That’s why so many of our troops—the ones closest to the pointy end of the spear—have been finding one means or another to lay hands on a .45 when they actually deploy to Southwest Asia. That unusual situation is no longer necessary. Colt’s Mfg. Co. now produces a special version of the M1911 pistol for the United States Marine Corps. And a smaller number of the special guns will be available for sale on the commercial market.”

Read On

Drones And Robotic Warfare You Just Can’t Imagine





” Drones can essentially conduct perch and stare missions nearly endlessly. The technology is developing even more rapidly than the military can grasp, says the director of MIT’s Humans and Automation Laboratory.

  In just the past two years, it seems as if drones are everywhere in the news. This technology has been around for more than 60 years, but has only recently captured both national and international attention. This is primarily because of the increasing use in the military, but also because of concerns that such technology will be turned on a country’s own citizens.

  The average person thinks of a drone as a flying spy camera, loitering overhead waiting to spot a target and then possibly launching a weapon when that target is labeled as a threat. To be sure, this is indeed one mission of drones, typically of organizations like the CIA.

  However, this is by far the least common mission. The vast majority of military drone missions today are data and image collection. Their ability to provide “situational awareness” to decision makers on the ground is unparalleled in military operations since drones can essentially conduct perch and stare missions nearly endlessly.

  This is why their use and demand from the trenches has been so high – they provide an ability to watch as events unfold, providing some clarity to the fog of war, which is the Achilles Heel for military leaders.

  However, in the very near future, these intelligence surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions will be dwarfed by other uses of drones in operations inconceivable to most military personnel today.

  They will be used to enhance communications, patrol the skies, intercept incoming ballistic and short range missiles, dog fight with other aircraft in the sky, and deliver supplies. Indeed, currently the US Marine Corps has two robotic helicopters that have moved millions of pounds of goods and have been critical in current drawdown efforts.”















This is what the Marine should be holding ...















US Marine Generals Removed Over Taliban Attack





” In a rare move, the highest-ranking Marine forced two generals into retirement Monday after concluding they should be held to account for failing to secure a base in Afghanistan against a Taliban attack that killed two U.S. soldiers.

Gen. James Amos, the commandant of the Marine Corps, said in announcing his decision that Maj. Gen. Charles M. Gurganus and Maj. Gen. Gregg A. Sturdevant “did not take adequate force protection measures” at Camp Bastion, an airfield in southwestern Afghanistan that was the Taliban target.

The Sept. 14, 2012 attack caught the Marines by surprise and resulted in the deaths of Lt. Col. Christopher K. Raible and Sgt. Bradley W. Atwell. Six Marine Harrier fighter jets were destroyed by the attackers and others were badly damaged.”













Marine Corps Times

” The inclusion of women in infantry training is part of the Marine Corps’ extensive research process stemming from the Defense Department’s historic decision earlier this year to repeal its Direct Combat Exclusion Rule, enacted in 1994. The move opened about 237,000 jobs to women across all of the services, including nearly 54,000 jobs in the Marine Corps. While some troops see it as a step toward equal rights, others contend it will weaken the military’s combat units.”

U.S. Marine’s Documentary Recounts The Brutal Battle Of Fallujah





” It was the most brutal campaign since the battle of Hue City, Vietnam in 1968. The invasion of Fallujah, Iraq in 2004 was conducted by U.S. Marines, and it would take two major offensives to subdue the insurgent stronghold.

Garrett Anderson, a former radio operator with 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, and Veteran of the second battle, turned the camera lens on his comrades to create an intimate portrait of the life they shared nearly 10 years ago.

Dubbed “The November War”, Anderson has set up a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the documentary’s production. The film’s premise revolves around 12 Marines from his unit who recount a gritty, tragic day of fighting on Nov. 22, 2004.”












Marines Punished For Sexist, Threatening Posts



” The Marines have received complaints about a number of social media sites, Flanagan said, including the Facebook page F’N Wook, which prompted Speier, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, to write letters of complaint to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos. Facebook took down the page, but similar postings have been made elsewhere.

Some of the posts suggest female Marines achieved their rank by performing sex, another shows a female Marine on her knees with a snake being put in her mouth. A recent post about Speier refers to her in vulgar terms and accuses her of trampling First Amendment rights.”








Happy Birthday Carlos Hathcock





The Story of Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock



” When retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock II died at the age of 57 on Feb. 26, 1999, his legend had long since chiseled its way into the pantheon of Marine Corps history.

He’d served almost 20 years in the Corps, including two tours as a sniper during the Vietnam War. A killer more deadly and silent than Hathcock finally had him in the cross hairs and pulled the trigger, ending his extraordinary life.

The medical term for that stealthy, relentless force is multiple sclerosis, a slow, progressive terminal malady that attacks the central nervous system. MS can cause paralysis, spasms and the loss of coordination and muscle control.


Then Cpl. Carlos Hathcock (far left) being awarded the 1965 Wimbledon Cup.
This trophy is given to the winner of the 1000 yard shooting match.



Carlos Hathcock (1942 – 1999)


” was a US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant who served as a sniper in the Vietnam War. With 93 confirmed kills, he was the 4th most effective sniper in American history, trailing behind Adelbert F Waldron (109), Charles Mawhinney (103), and Eric R England (98). His exploits, both as a courageous soldier and a sniper, made him a legend in the Marine Corps. Hathcock became a major developer of the United States Marine Corps Sniper training program. Not only was Carlos extremely lethal as a sniper, but he was also a brave marine; he was awarded the Silver Star for his act in 1969 of saving the lives of seven fellow Marines after the amphibious tractor on which they were riding struck a mine. Hathcock was knocked unconscious, but awoke in time to race back through the flames to save his comrades.

Carlos Hathcock was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, on May 20, 1942. Since his parents had separated, he lived with his grandmother in the country where he grew up. At a young age, Carlos learned to use a rifle, which his father had brought from Europe after World War II. Then, he would hunt wild animals to help feed his poor family.

In 1959, at the age of 17, Carlos Hathcock joined the Marine Corps. Before being shipped to Vietnam, he showed his natural skills as a marksman on the rifle range at Camp Pendleton where he was undergoing recruit training, winning the Pacific Division rifle championship while he was deployed in Hawaii as a member of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. In 1966, he was sent to Vietnam and became a sniper after Captain Edward J. Land Jr. had pushed the Marines into raising snipers in every platoon.” ” 





Interview Parts 1-3











More Videos

Further Reading


Bob Tuley – Carlos Hathcock Sniper Biography

Carlos Norman “Gunny” Hathcock II (1942–1999) – Encyclopedia …

Carlos Hathcock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carlos Hathcock Biography | WordExplorer.com

Carlos Hathcock – Gunsopedia