Tag Archive: USCIS

Feds Build Bureaucracy To Deal With Obama Amnesty Application Onslaught




” The government expects so many applications for President Obama’s new deportation amnesty that it’s seeking a contractor just to open the new mail and enter the forms into the system, with plans to operate two shifts from 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. every workday to keep up with the anticipated workload.

  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency charged with approving the applications, expects more than 800,000 applications in just the first two and a half months, or a 70 percent surge compared to last year’s total intake for the entire agency. Over the first 18 or so months, the agency will process more than 4 million pieces of mail related to the larger part of the new amnesty, according to contracting documents.

  All applications must be opened in the presence of two workers, one with “secret” security clearance, in order to maintain integrity of the applications, and mail may need to be X-rayed for security reasons, the documents show.

“ USCIS is building the additional capacity needed to begin accepting requests for upcoming immigration initiatives,” the agency said in a statement to The Washington Times. “USCIS is on pace to have several hundred employees on board and trained by mid-May, which will ensure every case processed by USCIS receives a thorough, case-by-case review under our guidelines.”

  But one former USCIS executive testified to Congress last week that the agency is going to be overwhelmed by the volume of applications and the truncated approval process.

“ It’s going to be hard to tell how much fraud there is,” said Luke Bellocchi, a former deputy ombudsman for USCIS, as he testified to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last week.”


   Read all about this latest unforeseen expense of Obama’s attempt to create a “permanent democratic majority” at the Washington Times .












Border Patrol Agents Beg For Public’s Help, Afraid Of Obama’s Order For Millions Of Blank Work Permits






” Already furious after a summer that saw American Border Patrol agents turned into a “babysitting service for tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border with the administration’s blessing, the immigration officers’ union lashed out Monday against a “unilateral amnesty” widely suspected of being planned at the White House for after the midterm elections.

  In a news release, Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council, appealed for the public’s help in stopping yet another overreach by President Obama aimed at evading the country’s immigration laws.

“ If you care about your immigration security and your neighborhood security, you must act now to ensure that Congress stops this unilateral amnesty. Let your voice be heard and spread the word to your neighbors,” Palinkas said in a statement.

“ We who serve in our nation’s immigration agencies are pleading for your help – don’t let this happen. Express your concern to your Senators and Congressmen before it is too late.” “



Palinkas’ letter continues …



” I write today to warn the general public that this situation is about to get exponentially worse –
and more dangerous. America dodged a bullet when the Senate immigration package S. 744 was
blocked by the House. That legislation would have been a financial and security catastrophe. But
news reports have leaked information to the public of a USCIS management contract bid for a
“surge” printing of 34 million green cards and employment authorization documents to be
provided to foreign nationals, a bid that predicts the Administration’s promised executive
amnesty. “


Read more










White House Punts On USCIS Request For ‘Surge’ Of Immigration ID’S




34 Million Green Cards




” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest declined to address a Breitbart News report about a “surge” of immigration ID’s requested by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

  When asked about the report at the White House Press Briefing today, Earnest referred Breitbart News to the USCIS for comment. “



Just another example of that much ballyhooed “transparency” we were promised












34 MILLION Blank ‘Green Cards’ And Work Permits To Be Ordered Ahead Of Obama Illegal Immigrant ‘Amnesty

” U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services plans to seek a vendor to produce as many as 34 million blank work permits and ‘green cards’ – the paperwork that authorizes illegal immigrants to live and work in the United States – as the White House prepares to issue an executive order after the Nov. 4 midterm elections.

  According to a draft solicitation published online, the government agency will look for a company that can produce a minimum 4 million cards per year for five years, and 9 million in the early stages.  

  President Barack Obama has pledged that he will make a move on immigration reform this year. His original timetable called for a decision by the end of the summer. 

  Republicans have decried the plan as an ‘amnesty’ for millions of illegal immigrants, including hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors who have come across the U.S.-Mexico border this year.

Along with its solicitation for blank green cards and work permits, USCIS published images showing what the finished cards will look like .”

Along with its solicitation for blank green cards and work permits, USCIS published images showing what the finished cards will look like

” A draft RFP – a Request For Proposal – is typically published in advance so government contractors can prepare to submit their bids when the final version is published. 

The draft came complete with photos of what the finished cards will look like. 

Breitbart.com first reported on the planned solicitation.

Obama’s high numbers of illegal immigration ‘removals’ – what used to be called ‘deportation’ – has earned him the nickname ‘deportation president,’ but most of those ejected border-crossers never get to the interior of the U.S.

Still, activists have protested his policies, including some who heckle his speeches. One yelled at him Sunday in the middle of a campaign stump speech supporting Democratic Maryland gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown.

A USCIS official told MailOnline on Monday that the draft was published ‘in case the president makes the move we think he will,’ but added that the agency’s Document Management Division (DMD) is by no means committed to buying the materials.

A second official at the agency said the proposal was drafted as a contingency in case immigration reform legislation passes in Congress, not in anticipation of action from the White House.

Either way, the online draft explains that ‘DMD requires card consumables for the production of USCIS’ Permanent Resident Card (PRC) and Employment Authorization Document (EAD) cards.’

‘These cards and related consumables, when assembled, become highly specialized and secure identification documents.’

And a successful bid, the draft solicitation says, will be able to support a ‘potential “surge” in PRC and EAD card demand for up to 9M (9 million) cards during the initial period of performance to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements.’ 

Advocates for Mexican and Central American immigrants have lambasted Obama for deporting illegal aliens even though the numbers are down sharply. This Sept. 8 protest in front of the White House featured a crying young boy (left) whose father was deported

Obama delayed his immigration action until after the midterm congressional election to avoid alienating law-and-order voters, but can afford to frustrate illegal imigrants – who can’t legally cast ballots 

Former State Department foreign service officer Jessica Vaughan, now an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Breitbart that the RFP ‘seems to indicate that the president is contemplating an enormous executive action that is even more expansive than the plan that Congress rejected in the ‘Gang of Eight’ bill.’

That legislation, which passed in the U.S. Senate last year only to be stalled in the House of Representatives, was a broad reboot of American immigration policy that won support from a handful of Republicans.

In included a provision to provide a pathway to citizenship for so-called ‘dreamers’ – people living in the country illegally who were brought to Americans as children before June 15, 2007. 

Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which he ultimately enacted without congressional support, uses the EAD cards as part of its implementation. 

USCIS says it processed 862,000 EADs overall between January and June of this year.

But ‘the guaranteed minimum for each ordering period is 4,000,000 cards,’ according to the draft RFP.

‘The estimated maximum for the entire contract is 34,000,000 cards.’

The company that ultimately wins the contract will also be required to store the blank cards until the government needs them.

USCIS draft solicitation uploaded by MailOnline  “



Thanks to the Daily Mail







New Complaint Alleges Harry Reid Intervened On Behalf Of Immigration Visa Scam To Benefit Son’s Client


Reid Ethics Complaint



” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is the target of an ethics and conflict-of-interest complaint over his involvement in a visa-investor venture.

  The complaint, filed by the nonprofit activist group Cause of Action, asserts that Reid intervened with top immigration officials to benefit EB-5 visa seekers. The applicants were law clients of Reid’s son.

  Among the officials contacted by Reid was Alejandro Mayorkas, then director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

“ Despite the fact that these applications were ineligible for appeal, Sen. Reid’s efforts to lobby USCIS resulted in the reconsideration and approval of these applications, as well as the subsequent securing of millions of dollars in foreign and domestic funds for the (Las Vegas) SLS Hotel & Casino and American Dream Fund EB-5 Regional Center — both of which are major contributors to the Democratic Party,” Cause of Action Executive Director Daniel Epstein wrote.”










DHS Revamping Immigrant Welcome Materials, Set To Include Obamacare




” The welcome materials the federal government directs new immigrants to read — which detail, among other facets of American life, how and where to get government benefits — are in the process of getting a bit of a makeover to increase accessibility for newcomers.

The WelcometoUSA.gov website, which bills itself as “the U.S. Government’s official web portal for new immigrants,” maintained by the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), will soon feature information about President Barack Obama’s signature health care legislation, USCIS spokesman Chris Bentley told The Daily Caller.”


” The text on the front page of the site has also been significantly reduced. Initially the text read:

“Welcome to the United States! On behalf of the President of the United States and the American people, we welcome you to this great nation. The United States has benefited from the contributions of immigrants since its founding more than 200 years ago, and we are certain that our newest immigrants will continue this storied legacy. Freedom and opportunity are of the utmost importance in the United States and we wish you the very best as you begin your journey. As a permanent resident, you have made the decision to call the United States your home. It is now your responsibility to learn about this country’s civic values, its rich history, and its citizens. As you settle into your new home, WelcometoUSA.gov will help you find basic information about the United States and your new community. The Federal Government has a variety of resources for you. We encourage you to learn as much as you can about this country as you are now a valued part of our nation. Your contributions will help ensure the success of the United States for years to come. Congratulations and welcome. We hope you enjoy great success in the United States.”

It now says:

“Welcome to the United States! On behalf of the President of the United States and the American people, we welcome you to this great nation. The United States has benefited from the contributions of immigrants since its founding more than 200 years ago. As you settle into your new home, WelcometoUSA.gov will help you find basic information about the United States and your new community.” ”


Welcome to America , land of the freebie , from cradle to grave …