Rep. Gowdy’s Defense of the Enforce the Law Act




    As you watch this stellar performance by one of politic’s shining stars try to imagine John Boehner or Mitch McConnell addressing their peers with such passion and courage … It can’t be done . Spinelessness oozes from their every pore . Gowdy on the other hand can easily be envisioned as a compatriot of the Founders . Gowdy just exudes leadership .

    Oh for a Congress full of men like this … Trey Gowdy is our modern day equivalent of Patrick Henry. One can very easily picture him standing at the podium exhorting his fellow statesmen to action and proclaiming “give me liberty or give me death” … God bless Trey Gowdy and please Lord , send us some more just like him .

    What is most amazing to consider though , is the fact that at one time this country produced men of Gowdy and Henry’s quality in spades . Now they are looked upon with awe as something so seldom seen as to be almost unrecognizable to the average citizen . My how far we have fallen …