Tag Archive: Unrest

Crossings Trigger Anti-Immigration Rallies





” The influx of thousands of Central Americans into the U.S. has energized anti-illegal immigration activists who organized rallies across the country in recent days.

How can we afford to take care of other countries’ poor? Americans are going hungry without jobs and no one is attending to them,” said Herbert Baker, a chiropractor standing atop a highway overpass in Los Angeles hoisting an American flag and a sign that read “Stop Illegal Immigration.”

The Los Angeles protest was among 40 in southern California and hundreds held in the U.S., part of a national call for a crackdown on illegal immigration coordinated by a coalition of anti-illegal immigrant groups. Some rallies, including those in Little Rock, Ark., Dallas and Philadelphia, drew counter protesters.”



    In typical Obama/Liberal fashion the “answer” lies in spending … spending money that we don’t have to care for people we didn’t invite … Money that our veterans don’t get , only potential democratic constituents need apply … Corruption everywhere you look from our “most open , honest and transparent” administration .



” President Obama has asked Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency spending to respond to the crisis and lawmakers are weighing whether to amend a 2008 law to expedite deportations. The House and Senate are moving forward on separate bills with no clear deal in sight. On Friday, Mr. Obama is scheduled to meet at the White House with the presidents of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to discuss ways to stanch the flow.

  In Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, the main entry point, federal officials and aid workers have reported that fewer than 100 minors a day were apprehended by border agents last week, compared with as many as 300 a day recently.”


Wall Street Journal












Venezuelans Are Battling The Nicolas Maduro Regime 





   The above video reveals the lawlessness of the police as they shoot at photographers and can be seen vandalizing parked cars for no reason whatsoever . Below we present a collection of videos showing what has been happening in Venezuela over the few weeks .




Caracas Chaos Video: Gunfire, Clashes As 3 Dead In Violent Venezuela Protests





Published on Feb 13, 2014

” Video courtesy: Telesur
At least three people have died in violent protests in the Venezuelan capital, officials have confirmed. President Nicolas Maduro has condemned the unrest as an attempt at a coup d’état orchestrated by extremist members of the political opposition. READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/5pf7e6




Venezuela Protests Reach Boiling Point





Published on Feb 19, 2014

” Venezuelans demonstrated outside a Caracas court a day after a top opposition leader, accused of inciting violence in anti-government protests, turned himself in to authorities. Gwen Ifill reports on the factors leading up to recent deadly uprising and Venezuela’s order to U.S. diplomats to leave the country.”




Beauty Queen Genesis Carmona Killed In Venezuela Riot





Published on Feb 20, 2014

” Violent riots in Venezuela have claimed the life of 22-year-old beauty queen Genesis Carmona, who died from a gunshot wound to the head on Tuesday.

  The student activist was carried away from the scene by motorcycle and she succumbed to her injuries later in a hospital.

  Carmona had been protesting in the city of Valencia, about 60 miles south of the capital city of Caracas.

  The student at the Universidad Tecnologica del Centro de Valencia was crowned Miss Turismo last year. She was just a semester away from graduating.

  Her death is the fifth since anti-government demonstrations erupted in Venezuela three weeks ago.

  Protesters are calling for an end to the socialist regime headed by current president Nicolas Maduro.

  The riot in Valencia was part of a rally in support of imprisoned opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, a Harvard-educated economist, who handed himself into authorities on Tuesday.

  Carmona is the second beauty queen to die in Venezuela this year. Last month, former 2004 Miss Venezuela Monica Spear was killed with her husband during a highway robbery.”



Here is a report on Ms Carmona’s murder in english .



Beauty Queen Genesis Carmona Killed In Venezuela Riot






   Read this report about a “game changing moment” in the events unfolding in Maduro’s Venezuela . Here’s an excerpt …


” Throughout last night, panicked people told their stories of state-sponsore paramilitaries on motorcycles roaming middle class neighborhoods, shooting at people and  storming into apartment buildings, shooting at anyone who seemed like he might be protesting. People continue to be arrested merely for protesting, and a long established local Human Rights NGO makes an urgent plea for an investigation into widespread reports of torture of detainees.

  There are now dozens of serious human right abuses: National Guardsmen shooting tear gas canisters directly into residential buildings. We have videos of soldiers shooting civilians on the street. And that’s just what came out in real time, over Twitter and YouTube, before any real investigation is carried out. Online media is next, a city of 645,000 inhabitants has been taken off the internet amid mounting repression, and this blog itself has been the object of a Facebook “block” campaign.

What we saw were not “street clashes”, what we saw is a state-hatched offensive to suppress and terrorize its opponents.”


Read it all at the Caracas Chronicles



    The Blaze has published a post about the more or less complete lack of attention the Venezuelan protests have received from the mainstream media that is well worth your time and will help the reader catch up with these fast moving events ...


Here is a sample …


” But even with all of these terrifying details, it appears that the media just aren’t very interested. Toro even pointed to six specific examples of the media’s seeming disinterest in the matter:


6. The New York Times

The Times’ “World” section has “nothing.”


5. The Guardian

The Guardian’s world homepage “has some limp why-are-you-protesting? piece that made some sense before last night’s tropical pogrom, but none after it. So… basically nothing.”


4. The BBC

The BBC led its major stories today with news of the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, “as though [the violence] last night had been just business as usual.”


3. CNN

CNN is “chasing the thing that was the story in the old Venezuela,” Toro said, referring to Lopez’s arrest earlier this week. CNN has barely any news of the state’s violent suppression of protesters.


2. Al Jazeera English

“Al Jazeera English never got the memo,” he wrote, pointing to the network’s homepage, which is currently dominated by Ukraine stories.


1. Fox News

“Even places that love to hate the Venezuelan government are asleep at the wheel,” Toro noted, citing Fox News’ homepage.”



 Statism is a fatal disease , whether Ukrainian , Venezuelan or American .








Teachers Respond To NEA Common Core Propaganda






     Here are dozens of scathing comments from teachers in response to an NEA propaganda piece claiming widespread support for Common Core among it’s membership . The original post that generated the irate commentary is included . Below are several examples of the teacher’s ire .



shorttam says:

” I am die-hard union, through and through. But THIS is exactly why unions are fading from the United States. Union leaders are incredibly out of touch with their rank and file members. They have been in leadership positions for so long, they have absolutely no clue what their members’ priorities and needs are. Sadly, NEA leaders are also so consumed with having a “seat at the table” that they are willing to sell not only their own souls, but the souls or their members and the students they serve as well. There is absolutely NO research that supports standards – any standards – as a method to increase student learning. There is absolutely NO research that supports the use of standardized testing – as a method to increase student learning. Our country is severely underfunding education and now spends millions and millions of those scarce resources on implementing standards and giving standardized tests. The premise that “standards” will equalize things for our student living in poverty is an incredibly laughable one. We’ve had “standards” for more than a decade. The inequities between students have INCREASED since the introduction of standards, and that is exactly what educated, logical people would expect to happen. I am disgusted with my union and an’t believe that now I not only have to fight anti-worker forces and anti-public education forces… but I also have to fight my union. NEA does NOT speak for me or any other teacher I know, on this issue and sadly, on many others too.”


StandingProud says:

” “An NEA poll conducted in July by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research found that 75 percent of its members—teachers and education support professionals —supported the standards outright or supported “with reservations.”
Make up your data-mind. Is it “roughly two-thirds” or “75%”? And why did you leave out that only 26% of the 1200 surveyed ‘fully support’ CC$$.

WOW!!! You just turned 312 teachers into “MOST NEA MEMBERS”

After this Gates backed and funded fluff-piece of crap, that’s about all the members you will have left.
Oops. . . . looks like the union busting is working. . . from the top down “

deeply saddened says:

” As if it wasn’t enough of a disappointment/slap-in-the-face that President Obama threw kids and teachers under the bus, now our own union has done it as well. Apparently, nothing IS sacred and NEA does NOT represent its membership. Way to sellout???? “








Latest Updates on Protests in Egypt


 ” As a day of violent clashes that killed dozens of people drew to a close, the Muslim Brotherhood urged its supporters to take to the streets every day for the next week in what Gehad el-Haddad, a spokesman for the group, called a “Week of Departure” in a message posted to Twitter.”







Prepare For The Worst



” As the verdict in the Zimmerman trial draws near, I urge those of you living in major cities to be ready for possible riots.  If you live in or around Orlando you need to be especially concerned and making preparations.  As we’ve seen before, when verdicts are handed down there are people who will quickly turn to riots and violent protests if they disagree with the decision of the court.  Orlando police are ramping up in anticipation of the verdict being reached sometime in the next few days.  They’ve issued two statements that in essence say “It’s alright to be vocal, but we don’t want you to be violent”.

There’s good reason for citizens in metropolitan areas, especially in or around Orlando Florida, to be concerned with the verdict being reached.”







Egypt Army Gives Mursi 48 Hours To Share Power





” Egypt’s armed forces handed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi a virtual ultimatum to share power on Monday, giving feuding politicians 48 hours to compromise or have the army impose its own road map for the country.

A dramatic military statement broadcast on state television declared the nation was in danger after millions of Egyptians took to the streets on Sunday to demand that Mursi quit and the headquarters of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood were ransacked.

Since the fall of Hosni Mubarak more than two years ago as the Arab Spring revolutions took hold, the Arab world’s most populous nation has remained in turmoil, arousing concern amongst allies in the West and in neighboring Israel, with which Egypt has had a peace treaty since 1979.

Mursi’s backers were furious at the military statement: “The age of military coups is over,” said Yasser Hamza of the Brotherhood parliamentary wing.

But it provoked delight among liberal leaders and crowds in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, who cheered when a flight of military helicopters swooped overhead trailing national flags. Silhouetted against the sunset, it was a powerful illustration of the military’s desire to be seen in tune with the people.” 








Egypt Protesters Storm Muslim Brotherhood Headquarters





” Anti-government protesters in Egypt have stormed the national headquarters of President Mohammed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood in the capital, Cairo.

People ransacked the building in the Moqattam area and set parts on fire.

Officials say eight people have been killed in clashes outside since Sunday, while eight others have died elsewhere.

Meanwhile, four ministers are reported to have resigned, a day after millions took to the streets across the country to demand the president leave power.

The al-Watan website said the ministers of tourism, environment, communication and legal affairs had acted “in solidarity with the people’s demand to overthrow the regime”. 

The crowds seen in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Sunday were the biggest since the 2011 revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

Protests and sporadic outbreaks of violence were reported nationwide.

The health ministry said at least 16 people had been killed and 781 injured since Sunday.

Three people died in the central province of Assiut, and another four in Alexandria, Fayoum, Beni Suef and Kafr al-Sheikh. Another protester suffocated to death at a protest outside the Ittihadiya presidential palace in Cairo.

Eight people were killed in clashes around the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in Moqattam, the ministry added.”







36 Killed After Knife Gang Attacks China Police Station




” Knife-wielding assailants killed nine policemen and 17 civilians in a bloody attack that only ended after 10 attackers were shot dead in western China early Wednesday.

At least three people were also injured during the early morning assault on the Lukqun Township in Xinjiang province, Chinese state media agency Xinhua reported.

If confirmed, it would be one of the bloodiest incidents in Xinjiang since nearly 200 people were killed in the regional capital, Urumqi, in 2009.

The region, which borders Afghanistan and Pakistan, has been the scene of numerous violent incidents in recent years amid tensions between the large population of Muslim Uighurs and the ruling Han ethnic group.”







Police Arrest Dozens In Raids Across Turkey After Protests




” Police raided addresses across Turkey on Tuesday and detained dozens of people after nearly three weeks of anti-government protests, local media reported.

State media TRT said 25 people had been detained in the capital Ankara, 13 in Eskisehir to the west and “many” in Turkey’s biggest city Istanbul.

A police source confirmed the operation and said: “For now, only provocateurs will be taken for questioning.” “








Biggest Protests In 20 Years Sweep Brazil




” As many as 200,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil’s biggest cities on Monday in a swelling wave of protest tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption.

The marches, organized mostly through snowballing social media campaigns, blocked streets and halted traffic in more than a half-dozen cities, including Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia, where demonstrators climbed onto the roof of Brazil’s Congress building and then stormed it.

Monday’s demonstrations were the latest in a flurry of protests in the past two weeks that have added to growing unease over Brazil’s sluggish economy, high inflation and a spurt in violent crime.”












Sporadic Overnight Clashes As Turkey’s Unions Call A General Strike



” Anti-government protesters were out on the streets of Ankara late into the night with police using water cannons and smoke grenades to try and disperse them.

Two of Turkey’s main unions have called a nationwide strike today. Labour groups representing doctors, engineers and dentists have said they too will take part in the national stoppage.”

Watch Police Shoot Down a Drone Flying Over Istanbul

(Best Watch in Full Screen)





” The tension in Turkey is quickly approaching its breaking point as thousands of protesters gear up for a third week occupying Istanbul’s Gezi Park. This being the modern age, where computers fit in our pockets and everybody’s a potential terrorist, some locals decided to take their little camera-enabled, radio-controlled quadcopter for a spin. This, again, being the modern age, police promptly shot it down. And yes, a drone was harmed in the making of this movie.”







Wheelchair User Targeted By Water Cannon In Istanbul



Taksim Square Protests: 13 Photos Showing Severity Of the Protests

taksim, square, protests:, 13, photos, showing, severity, of, the, protests,

Aerial View Of Taksim Square

” The mainstream media has yet to highlight the protests. Meanwhile, police brutality continues as over 900 people have been arrested and several have been killed.” 

taksim, square, protests:, 13, photos, showing, severity, of, the, protests,

Blood in the Streets Of Istanbul

” Here are thirteen pictures from Twitter that show why we should take offense with mainstream media for not covering what could become an historic event.”


Spanish Company Offers Ultimate In Mattress Money Storage (video)





Madrid – While some people joke that it is safer to keep your money under your mattress, one Spanish company has taken the issue more seriously and is producing mattresses, complete with built-in safe.

As the economic crisis continues in Spain and more people distrust the banks, this Spanish company came up with the perfect solution.

Paco Santos, the creator of this new mattress told NPR, “You see, we’ve got big economic problems in Spain, and people have really lost confidence in the banks.”

The company, Descanso Santos Suenos, promotes its product “Caja de Ahorros Mi Colchón” or “My Mattress Safe” with the slogan “Your money is close to you.” “





Civil War And The Litmus Test – “Will You Shoot Americans?”

” Dr. Jim Garrow is a renowned author and whistleblower who has been nominated for a Nobel peace prize for his humanitarian work. He is the author of The Pink Pagoda: One Man’s Quest to End Gendercide in China.
He has spent over $25 million over the past sixteen years rescuing an estimated 40,000 baby Chinese girls from near-certain death under China’s one-child-per-couple policy by facilitating international adoptions. He is the founder and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda schools, private English-immersion schools for Chinese children. Today he runs 168 schools with nearly 6,300 employees.

Dr Garrow was recently contacted by a high ranking military official who implored him to reveal the truth about a “litmus test” that is being proposed by the Obama administration to the military asking the question “will you shoot Americans if they won’t give you their guns?”

For more info on the work of Dr.Jim Garrow visit:


Big Dangers As Obama Democrats Flout Budget Laws


Rule Of Law Index


The Consent Of The Governed … Is Being Lost At An Ever-Increasing Rate 


” What are citizens to do when their government refuses to follow its own laws?

The answers to this question throughout history have been hugely unhappy. When individuals in government de-legitimize their own institutions by breaking the rules, rebellion, repression and general lawlessness have often been the result.
Americans have done better at this than anyone else, having inherited the love of the law from our British progenitors. The Founding Fathers took it a step further by ditching the idea of a monarch altogether and crafting what has become the world’s oldest and most revered national charter. The Constitution was a fulcrum point in human history and the greatest gift from the Framers to their nation: a government of laws, not men.

When leaders refuse to follow the rules laid out for them, societies devolve very quickly indeed. Ask any Argentine.

Like many good things – true love, baseball, table manners – the rule of law only exists by the voluntary participation of all involved and a willingness to be subject to sometimes seemingly arbitrary requirements.”




   From the nation that that led the way with respect to the rule of law we have fallen , according to the above graphic .


Two-Thirds Of U.S. Weapons Owners Would ‘Defy’ A Federal Gun Ban





” Personal sentiments are strong and defiant among many U.S. gun owners.

But on to Question 47, addressed to those with a gun in their home: “If the government passed a law to take your guns, would you give up your guns or defy the law and keep your guns?”

The response: 65 percent reported they would “defy the law.” That incudes 70 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of conservatives, 52 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of liberals.”

Egypt’s Morsi Declares Emergency In 3 Provinces


DHS Adds Another 200,000 Rounds To Its 2 Billion Round Stockpile




” Last year, it was reported that theDepartment of Homeland Security had purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition of various calibers for reasons that the agency refuses to reveal. On Wednesday, the DHS announced that it would acquire another 200,000 rounds from a company known as Evian Group, Inc.

The DHS put out a solicitation for the purchase on the FedBizOps.gov Web site on Dec. 17 for the agency’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, requesting .40 caliber hollow point rounds, Federal Ammunition of 1,000 rounds in 200 cases.

Not only is the reason for the agency’s stockpiling of nearly 2 billion rounds of ammo shrouded in mystery, but so too is the Evian Group. James Smith of Prepper Podcast did an investigation into the company and found some odd facts which he reported in an article on Thursday.

For one, “It seems that the Evian Group was formed on December 12, 2012, just 5 days before the announcement of the solicitation,” writes Smith.

The price that the agency paid for the rounds is suspect too, according to Smith.

“The contract for 200,000 rounds was $45,758, which boils down to about $0.21 per round. And to be quiet (sic) honest, that (is) a really good price. As in, unheard of good price.” ”


 … But Muslim Brotherhood Lives On




 ” Thousands of pro-freedom protesters surrounded the presidential palace in Cairo Tuesday. Reuters reported Tuesday that “officers fired teargas at up to 10,000 demonstrators,” and that Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi actually fled the palace. However, although the demonstrators chanted that “the people want the downfall of the regime,” they are unlikely to get it.

Hussein Abdel Ghany, a spokesman for the secularists and Leftist opponents of Sharia who demonstrated on Tuesday, declared: “Our marches are against tyranny and the void constitutional decree and we won’t retract our position until our demands are met.”

However, even though he and his colleagues could muster 10,000 demonstrators to the presidential palace, Ghany quite clearly represents a minority in Egypt. The transformation of Egypt from a Western-oriented state to one dominated by Islamic law has been proceeding for decades. The Muslim Brotherhood’s societal and cultural influence outstripped its direct political reach for decades, until the fall of Mubarak, and now is in the ascendancy, despite the unrest. One highly visible example of the pervasive Islamic supremacist influence in Egypt is the fact that while in the 1960s women wearing hijabs were rare on the streets of Cairo, now it is rare to see a woman not wearing one. “