Tag Archive: Unprepared

NBC: Say, This 2nd-Term Transition Has Really Been An “Unforced Error,” Huh? Update: Rangel Calls It “Embarrassing As Hell”





” With that in mind, should we be surprised that his second-term Cabinet rollout has produced embarrassment and backtracking?  Let’s not forget that his first Cabinet rollout produced the same kind of disorganization when it became clear that no one was vetting potential nominees, or at least not vetting them successfully.

After all, when Ruth Marcus at the Washington Post is skewering a Democratic President for a lack of diversity, you know something has run off the rails:

The face of power that President Obama has chosen to present to the country and the world with his second-term Cabinet picks is striking — except for the African American president at the top of the pyramid — for its retro look, white and male. It’s “Mad Men” Goes to Washington, except Peggy’s leaving.

On the foreign policy team, white guy for secretary of state, white guy for defense secretary, white guy for CIA. For Treasury secretary, white guy. Obama’s replacement as chief of staff — as yet unnamed, but the rumor mill names no one but . . . white guys.

To be clear: I’ve got nothing against white guys. Some of my best husbands are white guys. White guys get to be secretary of state, too, and John Kerry will be the first in 16 years. But to look at the most important jobs in the government, in 2013, and see such lack of diversity is just so drearily disappointing. …

The White House will point to women in other Cabinet positions — although one, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, has just announced her resignation — and to women in sub-Cabinet roles. Okay, but State, Defense and Treasury, along with Justice, are the Big Boy jobs. It matters if some of those boys are girls. It sends a disturbing signal when they’re not.

 …Because of His Schedule?

  “Woodhouse says Democrats are “trying to be realistic about expectations” because the president is “lucky to be able to devote three consecutive hours to debate preparation.” 

… Obama has held more fundraisers during his term by this past March than the five preceding presidents …combined. He completed his 100th round of golf as president by June. He’s met with 25 B-list Hollywood celebrities to prep them on how to campaign for him. He’s mingled with A-listers Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Vogue Editor Anna Wintour. He’s set one night fundraising records with buddies George Clooney, DreamWorks Animations’ Jeffrey Katzenberg, Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Tobey Maguire, and Barbara Streisand. He’s spurned Israeli Prime Minister in favor of Late Night Bro David Letterman in the wake of Middle Eastern turmoil, which resulted in the death of the United States Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens…”