Tag Archive: University of Texas at Austin

And The Winner Of The Most Idiotic Leftist Rant Against Thanksgiving Is…



” Robert Jensen, a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has made a career out of writing anti-Thanksgiving diatribes. And today, in Salon, he continues his own holiday tradition by bashing Americans for being “hypocrites” and authors of an Indian “holocaust.”

“Thanksgiving is for sociopaths,” he writes. In this case, I would offer the opinion that it takes one to know one.

  In other words: Don’t many of us feel just a bit uncomfortable with a holiday that is defined by obligatory family gatherings that often cover up unresolved strife and/or apathy; thoughtless overeating simply because so much food is available; spectacle sports that have become painfully close to Roman gladiator contests; and relentless consumption that often involves buying stuff that many people don’t really want and no one really needs? Of course not everyone in the United States has access to all these markers of affluence, but these Thanksgiving Day routines are more the norm than aberration.”


Why must the “tolerant” Left politicize EVERYTHING ?









No Silver Linings To SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision




” Put me down, however, on the pessimistic side of the ledger. I think this is a setback for the cause of returning the nation to the color-blind principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. A majority of the Court, it seems to me, continues to agree that “diversity” in higher education is a compelling government interest that survives the strictest of scrutiny by the judiciary. Until Grutter v. Bollinger, the 2003 case that blessed affirmative action in university admissions, the Court had found that the only use of race that could qualify as a compelling government interest was in wartime — and that was in the Japanese internment case, Korematsu. To compare diversity in higher education to the nation’s ability to defend itself while at war showed how mistaken the Court was in Grutter.

In Fisher, the Court declined to reconsider this terrible mistake. Instead, it returned the case to the 5th Circuit for further proceedings because it wants the lower court to seriously examine whether any individual affirmative action program was “narrowly tailored” to achieve the goal of racial diversity in higher education. This left the basic law of Grutter unchanged and only ensures that challenges to affirmative action will focus on the ways that schools measure and count an applicant’s skin color — not on the unconstitutionality of using skin color at all.


    Affirmative action is a direct affront to the bedrock principle of “equal before the law” and the Fisher case presented the Roberts court with a golden opportunity to right this error of reason once and for all which they failed to do . Shame on them . The politicization of the judiciary is complete and liberty loving people should harbor no illusions as to the respect that this present court holds towards our Constitution .

  The transformation is complete . We the people are truly on truly on our own . The government has become nothing more than a self-perpetuating Leviathan and cares not a whit for history , equality , liberty , Constitutionality , or the rule of law . Between the president , congress and the courts we are now o believe that the law is whatever THEY say it is . 






Cody Wilson On The Angel Clark Show Talking 3-D Printable Guns



” Cody R. Wilson is a student at the University of Texas School of Law. He is the crypto-anarchist founder and director of Defense Distributed and DEFCAD, non-profit organizations that develop and publish open source gun designs suitable for 3D printing. Wilson was called “the face of printable firearms” by MAKE magazine, one of the most polarizing figures in technology by Forbes, and was named one of the 15 most dangerous people in the world by Wired.”