Tag Archive: University of Southern California

Unintended Consequences And Atlas Shrugged




Published on May 2, 2012

” John Hospers was professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Southern California. He was also the first Libertarian Party Presidential candidate in 1972.

  In this lecture from an International Society of Individual Liberty conference in 1996, Hospers compares John Ross’s novel Unintended Consequences with Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. Hospers was a personal friend of Rand during her lifetime. He passed away in 2011.

  Download the .mp3 of this lecture here: http://bit.ly/KvAzAh “




    “Unintended Consequences” is a book that is as powerful in it’s own right as is Atlas Shrugged and is much over-looked or perhaps more accurately , derided as cheap fiction . Such couldn’t be further from the truth and it is very refreshing to witness someone of Professor Hospers intellect and reputation giving the book it’s due . If you are not familiar with “Unintended Consequences” you should find a copy today . 









With Speech, Petraeus Returns To Public Life, ‘Keenly Aware’ Of Altered Reputation





” Since he resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency last November after acknowledging an extramarital affair, David H. Petraeus has all but vanished from the national scene.

But in a speech on Tuesday night, Mr. Petraeus will seek to open a new chapter in his career — one that carves out a role for himself as a voice on energy, economic and veterans issues and in the private sector.

Mr. Petraeus’s speech, which will take place at an event honoring veterans and the R.O.T.C. program at the University of Southern California, will begin with an account of the “personal journey” he has undergone since his resignation.

“Needless to say, I join you keenly aware that I am regarded in a different light now than I was a year ago,” Mr. Petraeus will say, according to an advance text of his speech that was made available to The New York Times.”