Tag Archive: United States

Suffer The Children

The case against labeling and medicating children, and effective alternatives for treating them





” In the United States, at least 9% of school-aged children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and are taking pharmaceutical medications. In France, the percentage of kids diagnosed and medicated for ADHD is less than .5%. How come the epidemic of ADHD—which has become firmly established in the United States—has almost completely passed over children in France?

Is ADHD a biological-neurological disorder? Surprisingly, the answer to this question depends on whether you live in France or in the United States. In the United States, child psychiatrists consider ADHD to be a biological disorder with biological causes. The preferred treatment is also biological–psycho stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall.

French child psychiatrists, on the other hand, view ADHD as a medical condition that has psycho-social and situational causes. Instead of treating children’s focusing and behavioral problems with drugs, French doctors prefer to look for the underlying issue that is causing the child distress—not in the child’s brain but in the child’s social context. They then choose to treat the underlying social context problem with psychotherapy or family counseling. This is a very different way of seeing things from the American tendency to attribute all symptoms to a biological dysfunction such as a chemical imbalance in the child’s brain.”



   For the second time today we find ourselves praising the French approach to a very serious issue . You’ll note that we didn’t classify it as a serious “problem” but as a serious issue . That is because we tend to see the whole topic in terms of neither a biological ailment nor a psychological one , but as more of a behavioral issue and as such remain somewhat skeptical of both the US and the French methods .

   That being said there is ample reason to commend the French approach as it does involve dealing with the people and their lives in an unobtrusive way . There is nothing to be said for the American way of doping our kids into compliance at all costs and in the process robbing them of their individuality while bloating Big Pharma bottom lines .

   As far as we are concerned the whole ADHD phenomenon is more an issue of poor parenting than poor behavior on the child’s part . The habitual American Rx of medicating the problem away is just laziness and an unwillingness to accept responsibility on the part of the parents for not setting the ground rules early enough and not inculcating in their children the normal expectations of civil behavior. We are a coarsened society and it shows in our children . Where “you’re welcome” becomes “no problem” you know there’s a problem .



” From the time their children are born, French parents provide them with a firm cadre—the word means “frame” or “structure.” Children are not allowed, for example, to snack whenever they want. Mealtimes are at four specific times of the day. French children learn to wait patiently for meals, rather than eating snack foods whenever they feel like it. French babies, too, are expected to conform to limits set by parents and not by their crying selves. French parents let their babies “cry it out” if they are not sleeping through the night at the age of four months.

French parents, Druckerman observes, love their children just as much as American parents. They give them piano lessons, take them to sportspractice, and encourage them to make the most of their talents. But French parents have a different philosophy of discipline. Consistently enforced limits, in the French view, make children feel safe and secure. Clear limits, they believe, actually make a child feel happier and safer—something that is congruent with my own experience as both a therapist and a parent. Finally, French parents believe that hearing the word “no” rescues children from the “tyranny of their own desires.” And spanking, when used judiciously, is not considered child abuse in France.”










Thank You Veterans , God Bless You



Uploaded on Nov 16, 2010

” This is a video I did to honor and thank all United States military personnel, past and present, for the selfless sacrifices they make to keep our nation free. It was used for our church’s annual Veterans Day Celebration on November 14, 2010.

I’m paying special honor to my grandfather, RICHARD A. PESTKE, who was a photographer in the US Navy during WWII. His picture is at the 2:20 mark of the video.

PLEASE, NO PROFANITY IN COMMENTS! I want this video to be something families and children can view without offense. If you use profanity your comments will be removed. If it continues I may shut off the ability to leave comments. I don’t want to do that, so PLEASE don’t use profanity. It’s not necessary. Thank you!

One last thing. I’m sorry for the random “flickering” on the video. You can thank Microsoft for making such a poor software program called “Windows Movie Maker.” I won’t be using it again for any more major projects. Now I know why most graphics experts like using Macs.

All images were taken from Google images and the sound effects from YouTube or sounddogs.com. A special “thank you” to Mr. Dustin Evans for the use of his song “If I Die Before You Wake.” “








GOD HELP US! (Viewer Discretion Advised)



VIDEO SOURCE OurFight4Freedom


” My Original Video, was blocked and removed (due to content).
In my opinion, this was an ineffective way, to keep the truths of what is happening to our country, hidden from us. Because unfortunately, for the person or persons, that “flagged” my video as inappropriate, all of the information that I worked tirelessly to put together, is available ALL OVER THE INTERNET! – So I ask all of you, that are interested in finding out more…. Please search SHARIA LAW IN AMERICA for yourselves. You will find More than you expect to, and it will hopefully open your eyes to what is going on, and the reasons why, there are those who don’t want you to know it!”

Which America Do You Live In? – 21 Hard To Believe Facts About “Wealthy America” And “Poor America”




” On Wednesday, the Dow hit a brand new record high, and Wall Street celebrated.  Since the financial crisis of 2008, stocks have been on an unprecedented run.  The top performers in the market have not just made millions of dollars – they have made billions of dollars.  Luxury apartments in Manhattan and beachfront homes in the Hamptons are selling for absolutely astronomical prices, and it seems like life in the good parts of New York City is one gigantic endless party these days.

Meanwhile, life is quite good down in Washington D.C. as well.  The wealth is spread more evenly, but on average the D.C. region actually has the highest standard of living of any major U.S. city.  The reason for this is the obscene growth of the federal government.  Over the past couple of decades, the U.S. government has ballooned in size and so have government salaries.  During one recent year, the average federal employee living in the Washington D.C. area received total compensation worth more than $126,000.

If we truly did have a free market capitalist system, the entire country would be a land of opportunity and things would be getting better for everybody.  Unfortunately, that is not the case at all.  The following are 21 facts about “wealthy America” and “poor America” that are hard to believe…

#1 The lowest earning 23,303,064 Americans combined make 36 percent less than the highest earning 2,915 Americans do.

#2 40 percent of all American workers (39.6 percent to be precise) make less than $20,000 a year.

#3 According to the Pew Research Center, the top 7 percent of all U.S. households own 63 percent of all the wealth in the country.

#4 On average, households in the top 7 percent have 24 times as much wealth as households in the bottom 93 percent.

#5 According to numbers that were just released this week, 49.7 million Americans are living in poverty.  That is a brand new all-time record high.

#6 In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.

#7 Household incomes have actually been declining for five years in a row and total consumer credit has risen by a whopping 22 percent over the past three years.

#8 According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.

#9 The homeownership rate in the United States is at an 18 year low.

#10 The six heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton have as much wealth as the bottom one-third of all Americans combined.” 



   This is not about class warfare or breeding resentment or a rant against the rich … This is about a free market system that has been turned on it’s ear by corruption from our leadership and the crony capitalism which they nurture and facilitate with everything they do . We begrudge no one their riches , no one who earned them the honest way at least , but increasingly the rich become so through connections , legislation and graft , leaving the average citizens with one hand tied behind their backs struggling to stay above the rising crony tide that lifts only the connected few’s boats .


The DC Clothesline has the rest of the story .














EXPOSED: List Of Muslim Brotherhood Operatives Within The U.S.






” A recent article from Family Security Matters alleges to have translated a full list of Muslim Brotherhood cells operating within the United States,  from an Egyptian based newspaper claiming to have knowledge of their existence. The article and list are as follows:

El Watan, one of Egypt’s most widely circulated and read newspapers, published a report discussing the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence over the United States, especially in the context of inciting pro-Brotherhood policies against Egypt’s popular June 30 Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood from power.

Titled (in translation), “With Names, Identities, and Roadmap…  El Watan Exposes Brotherhood Cells in America,” it’s written by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri, who begins the report by saying:


El Watan then goes on to name names, saying that the following activists and entities are Brotherhood operatives working within the United States (reproduced verbatim):

  • Union of Egyptian Imams in North America, represented by Sheikh Muhammad al-Bani
  • The Egyptian American Foundation for Development
  • Dr. Khalid Lamada, New York
  • Dr. Hassan al-Sayah, Virginia
  • The Egyptian Network in America, led by Dr. Muhammad Helmi
  • Dr. Akram al-Zand, Sa’ad Foundation
  • Muhammad al-Khashab, Head of ART channelsin America
  • Sameh al-Henawi, member, Business Association of America
  • Dr. Hany Saqr, member, Egyptian Association in America
  • Dr. Khalid Hassan, Maryland
  • Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hakem, Seattle
  • Dr. Ahmed Ismat al-Bendari, President, Islamic Society of America
  • Walid Yusari, Chicago
  • Ahmed Shadid, New Jersey
  • Ahmed al-Hatab, Indiana
  • Dr. Muhammad Morjan, Boston “


This is just a partial list , see the rest here .








From Brandon Smith At Personal Liberty




” The idea that our government has indeed run economic collapse scenarios, found the United States in mortal danger and done absolutely nothing to fix the problem is bad enough. I have my doubts, however, that the Pentagon or partnered private think tanks like the RAND Corporation did not run scenarios on dollar collapse before 2009. In fact, I believe there is much evidence to suggest that the military industrial complex has not only been aware of the fiscal weaknesses of the U.S. system for decades, but they have also been actively engaged in exploiting those weaknesses in order to manipulate the American public with fears of cultural catastrophe.

History teaches us that most economic crisis events are followed or preceded immediately by international or domestic conflict. War is the looming shadow behind nearly all fiscal disasters. I suspect that numerous corporate think tanks and the Department Of Defense are perfectly aware of this relationship and have war gamed such events as well. Internal strife and civil war are often natural side effects of economic despair within any population.

Has a second civil war been “gamed” by our government? And are Americans being swindled into fighting and killing each other while the banksters who created the mess observe at their leisure, waiting until the dust settles to return to the scene and collect their prize? Here are some examples of how both sides of the false left/right paradigm are being goaded into turning on each other.”



    The signs are ominous . Anyone who strives to keep themselves well-informed should have cause for concern . There are certainly strong indications that our present course is leading us ever-closer to class warfare , civil strife and yes , maybe even civil war . Is it intentional ? Is it Alinskyite ? Cloward-Piven







The NRA State Gun Law Resource Is One All Gun Owners Should Bookmark And Save



NY Reciprocity



    Above is but one sample of the vast collection of firearms laws and regulations that are prevalent throughout the US and it’s territories on display at the NRA’s firearms laws page . Don’t be caught unaware of your own state’s laws or those of the states you may travel through or visit . Know your rights and remember , ignorance of the law is no excuse .









Jobs, Debt And Poverty All Are Up





” America is still gaining jobs under President Obama, but millions more live in poverty, typical household incomes have not kept pace with inflation, and the federal debt is up nearly 90 percent and on pace to double before he leaves office. Stockholders, meanwhile, are far wealthier than they were the day he was sworn in.

U.S. oil production continues to boom, as do wind and solar power, while dependence on foreign oil keeps dropping. International opinion of the United States has slipped a bit, but generally remains far higher than before he took office, except in the Muslim world, where it has gotten even worse.

These are among the findings in our latest update of “Obama’s Numbers.”



Take these numbers with a grain of salt . 






















That “Smart Diplomacy” Is Really Paying Off





” An unmistakable sense of unease has been growing in capitals around the world as the U.S. government from afar looks increasingly befuddled – shirking from a military confrontation in Syria, stymied at home by a gridlocked Congress and in danger of defaulting on sovereign debt, which could plunge the world’s financial system into chaos.

While each of the factors may be unrelated to the direct exercise of U.S. foreign policy, taken together they give some allies the sense that Washington is not as firm as it used to be in its resolve and its financial capacity, providing an opening for China or Russia to fill the void, an Asian foreign minister told a group of journalists in New York this week.

Concerns will only deepen now that President Barack Obama canceled travel this weekend to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in Bali and the East Asia Summit in Brunei. He pulled out of the gatherings to stay home to deal with the government shutdown and looming fears that Congress will block an increase in U.S. borrowing power, a move that could lead to a U.S. default.

The political turbulence in Washington and potential economic bombshells still to come over the U.S. government shutdown and a possible debt default this month have sent shivers through Europe. The head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, worried about the continent’s rebound from the 2008 economic downturn.

We view this recovery as weak, as fragile, as uneven,” Draghi said at a news conference.

As Europe worries about economics, Asian allies watch in some confusion about what the U.S. is up to with its promise to rebalance military forces and diplomacy in the face of an increasingly robust China.

Global concerns about U.S. policy came to a head with Obama’s handling of the civil war in Syria and the alleged use of chemical weapons by the regime of President Bashar Assad. But, in fact, the worries go far deeper.”




Read the whole scathing piece on the diminution of the USA under Obama.



















Civil Disobedience Greets ‘Illegal’ Closure of the Claude Moore Colonial Farm




” On Wednesday, the Tatler broke the story of the National Park Service’s closing of the Claude Moore Colonial Farm. The farm, which re-creates American life circa 1771, has been self-sufficient since the federal government slashed its funds in 1980. It receives no federal funds.

But, for the first time ever, the National Park Service ordered the park closed and placed barricades at its facilities. It has also threatened anyone who enters the park with arrest.

In an update on the farm’s plight, Managing Director Anna Eberly says that the farm has been “critical of the National Park Service because we think they have closed us down illegally according to the terms of the agreement we signed with them in 1981.”  “











Submarine Breaks The Surface Of A Milan STREET… In A Clever marketing Stunt That Left Bystanders Completely Baffled



A little lost? A submarine appears to have surfaced from beneath a street in Milan in this scene which locals discovered as they got up for work yesterday morning



” The people of Milan awoke to find something a little strange yesterday morning.

Just off of Via dei Mercanti, near the heart of the old city, a submarine had apparently pushed its way through the paving stones and damaged a nearby car.

The road’s shattered surface lay piled up around, with baffled firefighters looking on. Meanwhile, sailors clambered down from the lost submarine’s tower to meet emergency crews at the scene.” 



Should America’s CEOs Listen To Ed. Sec. Arne Duncan?




” Politico reports that U.S. education secretary Arne Duncan will address the Business Roundtable today, calling on the nation’s CEOs to “step up and promote the Obama administration’s education agenda.” That agenda is essentially a doubling-down on the policies of the past 50 years—further increases in federal pre-K spending, further centralization of school standards and testing, etc.”












Kristol Schools CNN Liberals Piers Morgan and Marc Lamont Hill on Government Shutdown




” Editor of The Weekly Standard Bill Kristol fiercely went after Piers Morgan and Marc Lamont Hill over the government shutdown Tuesday on CNN.

Kristol derided Morgan for the CNN host’s grilling of Rep. James Lankford (R., Okla.) over Congressional pay during the shutdown and yet completely ignoring the subject of compensation with White House Press Secretary Jay Carney earlier in the show.

The discussion then became tumultuous as Lamont Hill objected to Kristol pointing out the principal reason for the government shutdown is that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) will not accept a vote on either a one year delay of Obamacareor removing the special Congressional subsidies in the new Obamacare exchanges:

MARC LAMONT HILL: But 800,000 people aren’t be paid.

BILL KRISTOL: Rght, they aren’t, that’s right. Because there’s a government shutdown. Why is there a government shutdown? Because the Democratic Senate and President Obama will not accept two propositions, that the individual mandate should be delayed for a year even though the exchanges have opened in total chaos today, and the second one, that Congressmen should abide by the same rules as everyone else who goes into the exchanges. Those are such unreasonable demands that the President of the United States can’t even negotiate with the speaker about it? Jay Carney can’t make an argument against why those are good pieces of legislation?”

Read the whole thing here










Barack Obama Has Created More Conservatives Than He Has Jobs



chart conservative mood us


” The latest update of Stimson’s policy mood series suggests that the American public in 2012 was more conservative than at any point since 1952. (Actually, since mood in each year is estimated with some error, it seems safer to say that the current level of conservatism roughly equals the previous highs recorded in 1980 and 1952.) While the slight increase in conservatism from 2011 to 2012 is too small to be significant, it continues a marked trend that began as soon as Barack Obama moved into the White House…

Political pundits often suppose that presidential election outcomes reflect the current and future ideological mood of the country. For example, Obama’s election in 2008 was hailed as the advent of “The New Liberal Order” and cited as evidence that “liberal views have re-emerged with a vengeance.” His reelection in 2012 was even more improbably described as “the most decisive mandate for an assertive, progressive governing model in well over a generation.” In reality, Stimson’s data show, the public was already more conservative than usual in 2008, and a good deal more conservative by 2012.”









From Storm Clouds Gathering

Published on May 28, 2013

” World war 3 has already begun. In this video we are going to prove it.
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Lebanon now under attack by NATO backed insurgents:http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/world/…

Current Drills in Korea: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/a…

Dagger Brigade deploys in Africa:

U.S. Troops in Mali now: http://articles.washingtonpost.com/20…

U.S. to maintain a covert position in Afghanistan:

CIA now increasing operations in Iraq:

Russia Moves troops into Mediterranean

U.S. Moves troops into Mediterranean

Russia to deliver anti-aircraft missiles to Syria:

Increasing Resistance to U.S. influence in South America and China’s rise in influence there:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB12597… 

Syrian Rebels engaging in atrocities:

UK Quatar plot to frame Syria for Chemical weapons:

Rebels used poison gas:

The Vatican calls for global government:http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworsta…




http://rt.com/usa/north-korea-us-inte… “










From John Hawkins at RightWing News





” My latest Townhall column is called, 13 Things About America That Would Make The Founding Fathers Turn Over In Their Graves. Here’s an excerpt from the column.

We’re a nation that was founded by principled revolutionaries who took on the super power of their day over almost insignificant taxes they felt Britain had no right to levy. These men were small government fanatics who felt very comfortable with God, guns, and taking care of themselves. The principles those men put in place and the standards they set were what helped turn America into the most successful nation that has ever existed on God’s green earth.

In a time when our nation is engaged in unsustainable economic policies that seem likely to put an end to America’s run as a great nation, perhaps it’s time to consider whether our real problem is that we’ve veered so far from the most successful blueprint for a country ever devised that the Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves if they found out about….

1) Not just 15% of Americans being on food stamps, but the existence of a food stamp program.

2) Forcing Americans to buy health insurance via Obamacare as a condition of American citizenship.

3) Members of Congress voting on bills that they haven’t read.”



Read the whole thing …









Bill Whittle’s Afterburner



Published on Sep 26, 2013

” Picture an epic scene in a movie where an American fighter jet squares off against an Iranian jet. About to duel, but instead the Iranian bows to the pilot and the technological prowess of the American lands without a shot being fired. This million-dollar scene could be featured in a Tom Cruise movie, but actually, it happened in real life. Hear why this is a success for American foreign policy and history buffs, in this edition of Afterburner with Bill Whittle.
Picture an epic scene in a movie where an American fighter jet squares off against an Iranian jet. About to duel, but instead the Iranian bows to the pilot and the technological prowess of the American lands without a shot being fired. This million-dollar scene could be featured in a Tom Cruise movie, but actually, it happened in real life. Hear why this is a success for American foreign policy and history buffs, in this edition of Afterburner with Bill Whittle.
Picture an epic scene in a movie where an American fighter jet squares off against an Iranian jet. About to duel, but instead the Iranian bows to the pilot and the technological prowess of the American lands without a shot being fired. This million-dollar scene could be featured in a Tom Cruise movie, but actually, it happened in real life. Hear why this is a success for American foreign policy and history buffs, in this edition of Afterburner with Bill Whittle.
You Really Ought to Go Home
You Really Ought to Go Home
You Really Ought to Go Home “









Saved By The KGB




And so the government of the United States has put its foreign policy in the steady hands of President Vladimir Putin and the KGB. Americans from coast to coast are breathing a sigh of relief. In Congress, the left and the right and those in between, are relieved. In recent months it has become abundantly clear that the President of the United States is not up to the task. He would rather lecture us on domestic issues, such as how to run up trillions of dollars of debt. Then he would like to work on his golf game—do you recall how our elites laughed and laughed when the former Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe, then the Supreme Commander of NATO, and finally the two-term president of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower, played golf?

Now our foreign policy is in the hands of true professionals. The KGB has a spotty record on human rights, but everyone says they are pros at handling the realities of power. In fact, in yesteryear when they had real power they were—you will remember the term—“prudent.” 

Oh, yes, it would probably be better to have the foreign policy of our country residing in the hands of an American professional, say, Henry Kissinger. But Henry has limited time these days and besides his power base is compromised. He has many Republicans on his side, but the American left has never been a big fan of Henry’s. Besides, over the last few weeks Mr. Putin has shown that he has the will and the agility to run foreign policy for his country as well as ours, or at least ours when the President is Barack Obama, a man who before coming to the White House had been a part-time United States senator for four years, a state senator for three terms, and—most spectacularly—a community organizer. Naturally his experience in foreign policy has been a little thin.

The Russians do not have the military might of the United States, if they ever did. But they are clever, and they have their own problem with terrorism at home. They will make an excellent stand-in until we have a president in office who is up to the job of wielding power responsibly, hopefully in 2017. Yet, if the angry women and the clueless college students have their way, we may have to wait until 2021.”









America’s Cup: Do You Believe In Miracles?

” Thousands of spectators gathered on the shores of San Francisco Bay early Wednesday, where they scrambled for vantage points to watch Oracle Team USA capture the America’s Cup in one of the greatest comebacks in sports history.

The winner-take-all race against challenger Emirates Team New Zealand sent roars of jubilation among the race crowd after Team USA captured sailing’s most prestigious and best known race.

“You couldn’t have written a better comeback story,” says Jason Deitch, 44, from nearby Mill Valley, Calif., who cheered from shore on Marina Green. The social media consultant predicts a big impact from Oracle’s huge win.

“I think we are seeing the emergence of a new sport for Americans to cheer about,” he says. “It’s technology meets tradition. There will be a lot more commercial interest, too.’‘ ”

It’s “See You At The Pole Day”



” As the sun rises over places like Gainesville, Ga. and San Antonio, Tex., Christian boys and girls will already be on their way to school. They are gathering on this fine Autumn day for “See You at the Pole.”

The global ministry started in 1990 in Burleson, Tex. with a handful of teenagers praying around their school’s flagpole. Today, as many as two million students are expected to participate.

And while some grownups fight to silence people of faith, there is a new generation that is unafraid – willing to take a public stand for the values and the traditions that have made our nation the greatest on the face of the Earth.”


There is hope for America’s youth after all .















Americans Turn On Washington, 68% Say Wrong Track In Poll



” Americans also are pessimistic about the course of the country, with 68 percent saying it’s headed in the wrong direction, the most in two years, according to the poll of 1,000 adults conducted Sept. 20-23.

“People are so divided and unwilling to compromise,” said poll respondent David Carpenter, a 40-year-old general contractor and political independent in Atlanta. “There’s no unity from the administration. He sticks to his ideals and points fingers. I don’t think that’s the right way to lead.” “




Illustration by William Warren









Kerry To Sign UN Arms Treaty, Despite Senators’ Opposition





” Secretary of State John Kerry plans to sign a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation on Wednesday, a senior State Department official told Fox News — despite warnings from lawmakers that the Senate will not ratify the agreement. 

A State official said the treaty would “reduce the risk that international transfers of conventional arms will be used to carry out the world’s worst crimes,” while protecting gun rights. 

“The treaty builds on decades of cooperative efforts to stem the international, illegal, and illicit trade in conventional weapons that benefits terrorists and rogue agents,” the official said. 

U.S. lawmakers, though, have long claimed that the treaty could lead to new gun control measures. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., one of the most vocal opponents of the treaty, sent a letter to Kerry declaring it “dead in the water,” since a majority of senators has gone on record against the agreement.”

Special Subsidies For Hill Workers Trample On The Founders’ Code Of Equal Application Of The Law



” As close observers of history and human nature, James Madison and the other Founders of the U.S. Constitution knew that the equal and unbiased application of the law to all people, especially elected officials, is essential to freedom and justice and one of the primary safeguards from authoritarianism and oppression by a ruling class.

And so, referring to the members of Congress, James Madison wrote in Federalist No. 57: “[T]hey can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of the society.”

Today, elected officials need to be reminded of these truths. Under pressure from Congress, the White House has carved out a special exemption for Congress and its staffers from ObamaCare—the law it recently deemed necessary for the entire country. No Republicans voted for ObamaCare. Yet it appears that some of them support the exemption President Obama approved on his own—so they would not have to go on record with a vote for or against it.

Congress complains that without its special subsidies the Hill will suffer a “brain drain” as staffers leave their jobs because of increasing out-of-pocket insurance costs. Heaven forbid Congress suffer the same fate as private companies like UPS, which recently had to cut health-care benefits entirely for employees’ spouses; or labor unions, like the 40,000 International Longshore and Warehouse Union workers who recently left the AFL-CIO citing as one factor ObamaCare’s tax on their “Cadillac” health-care plans.”









American Gun Use Is Out Of Control. Shouldn’t The World Intervene?



” That’s America, we say, as news of the latest massacre breaks – last week it was the slaughter of 12 people by Aaron Alexis at Washington DC’s navy yard – and move on. But what if we no longer thought of this as just a problem for America and, instead, viewed it as an international humanitarian crisis – a quasi civil war, if you like, that calls for outside intervention? As citizens of the world, perhaps we should demand an end to the unimaginable suffering of victims and their families – the maiming and killing of children – just as America does in every new civil conflict around the globe.

The annual toll from firearms in the US is running at 32,000 deaths * and climbing, even though the general crime rate is on a downward path (it is 40% lower than in 1980). If this perennial slaughter doesn’t qualify for intercession by the UN and all relevant NGOs, it is hard to know what does.


* This is a bogus number as the FBI Homicide statistics show . In reality the total of ALL homicides annually regardless of method used is less than half of the number cited .

   The author can include suicides if he wants but that is a red herring . The suicide rate has no bearing whatsoever on public safety . In fact there is a strong argument to be made from the libertarian side that a person should have the right to end his/her own life should they so choose , but that’s a matter for a different post .




United States Crime Rates 1960 – 2012
Forcible Aggravated Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Total Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1960 179,323,175 3,384,200 288,460 3,095,700 9,110  17,190 107,840 154,320 912,100 1,855,400 328,200
1961 182,992,000 3,488,000 289,390 3,198,600 8,740  17,220 106,670 156,760 949,600 1,913,000 336,000
1962 185,771,000 3,752,200 301,510 3,450,700 8,530  17,550 110,860 164,570 994,300 2,089,600 366,800
1963 188,483,000 4,109,500 316,970 3,792,500 8,640 17,650 116,470 174,210 1,086,400 2,297,800 408,300
1964 191,141,000 4,564,600 364,220 4,200,400 9,360 21,420 130,390 203,050 1,213,200 2,514,400 472,800
1965 193,526,000 4,739,400 387,390 4,352,000 9,960 23,410 138,690 215,330 1,282,500 2,572,600 496,900
1966 195,576,000 5,223,500 430,180 4,793,300 11,040 25,820 157,990 235,330 1,410,100 2,822,000 561,200
1967 197,457,000 5,903,400 499,930 5,403,500 12,240 27,620 202,910 257,160 1,632,100 3,111,600 659,800
1968 199,399,000 6,720,200 595,010 6,125,200 13,800 31,670 262,840 286,700 1,858,900 3,482,700 783,600
1969 201,385,000 7,410,900 661,870 6,749,000 14,760 37,170 298,850 311,090 1,981,900 3,888,600 878,500
1970 203,235,298 8,098,000 738,820 7,359,200 16,000 37,990 349,860 334,970 2,205,000 4,225,800 928,400
1971 206,212,000 8,588,200 816,500 7,771,700 17,780 42,260 387,700 368,760 2,399,300 4,424,200 948,200
1972 208,230,000 8,248,800 834,900 7,413,900 18,670 46,850 376,290 393,090 2,375,500 4,151,200 887,200
1973 209,851,000 8,718,100 875,910 7,842,200 19,640 51,400 384,220 420,650 2,565,500 4,347,900 928,800
1974 211,392,000 10,253,400 974,720 9,278,700 20,710 55,400 442,400 456,210 3,039,200 5,262,500 977,100
1975 213,124,000 11,292,400 1,039,710 10,252,700 20,510 56,090 470,500 492,620 3,265,300 5,977,700 1,009,600
1976 214,659,000 11,349,700 1,004,210 10,345,500 18,780 57,080 427,810 500,530 3,108,700 6,270,800 966,000
1977 216,332,000 10,984,500 1,029,580 9,955,000 19,120 63,500 412,610 534,350 3,071,500 5,905,700 977,700
1978 218,059,000 11,209,000 1,085,550 10,123,400 19,560 67,610 426,930 571,460 3,128,300 5,991,000 1,004,100
1979 220,099,000 12,249,500 1,208,030 11,041,500 21,460 76,390 480,700 629,480 3,327,700 6,601,000 1,112,800
1980 225,349,264 13,408,300 1,344,520 12,063,700 23,040 82,990 565,840 672,650 3,795,200 7,136,900 1,131,700
1981 229,146,000 13,423,800 1,361,820 12,061,900 22,520 82,500 592,910 663,900 3,779,700 7,194,400 1,087,800
1982 231,534,000 12,974,400 1,322,390 11,652,000 21,010 78,770 553,130 669,480 3,447,100 7,142,500 1,062,400
1983 233,981,000 12,108,600 1,258,090 10,850,500 19,310 78,920 506,570 653,290 3,129,900 6,712,800 1,007,900
1984 236,158,000 11,881,800 1,273,280 10,608,500 18,690 84,230 485,010 685,350 2,984,400 6,591,900 1,032,200
1985 238,740,000 12,431,400 1,328,800 11,102,600 18,980 88,670 497,870 723,250 3,073,300 6,926,400 1,102,900
1986 240,132,887 13,211,869 1,489,169 11,722,700 20,613 91,459 542,775 834,322 3,241,410 7,257,153 1,224,137
1987 242,282,918 13,508,700 1,483,999 12,024,700 20,096 91,110 517,704 855,088 3,236,184 7,499,900 1,288,674
1988 245,807,000 13,923,100 1,566,220 12,356,900 20,680 92,490 542,970 910,090 3,218,100 7,705,900 1,432,900
1989 248,239,000 14,251,400 1,646,040 12,605,400 21,500 94,500 578,330 951,710 3,168,200 7,872,400 1,564,800
1990 248,709,873 14,475,600 1,820,130 12,655,500 23,440 102,560 639,270 1,054,860 3,073,900 7,945,700 1,635,900
1991 252,177,000 14,872,900 1,911,770 12,961,100 24,700 106,590 687,730 1,092,740 3,157,200 8,142,200 1,661,700
1992 255,082,000 14,438,200 1,932,270 12,505,900 23,760 109,060 672,480 1,126,970 2,979,900 7,915,200 1,610,800
1993 257,908,000 14,144,800 1,926,020 12,218,800 24,530 106,010 659,870 1,135,610 2,834,800 7,820,900 1,563,100
1994 260,341,000 13,989,500 1,857,670 12,131,900 23,330 102,220 618,950 1,113,180 2,712,800 7,879,800 1,539,300
1995 262,755,000 13,862,700 1,798,790 12,063,900 21,610 97,470 580,510 1,099,210 2,593,800 7,997,700 1,472,400
1996 265,228,572 13,493,863 1,688,540 11,805,300 19,650 96,250 535,590 1,037,050 2,506,400 7,904,700 1,394,200
1997 267,637,000 13,194,571 1,634,770 11,558,175 18,208 96,153 498,534 1,023,201 2,460,526 7,743,760 1,354,189
1998 270,296,000 12,475,634 1,531,044 10,944,590 16,914 93,103 446,625 974,402 2,329,950 7,373,886 1,240,754
1999 272,690,813 11,634,378 1,426,044 10,208,334 15,522 89,411 409,371 911,740 2,100,739 6,955,520 1,152,075
2000 281,421,906 11,608,072 1,425,486 10,182,586 15,586 90,178 408,016 911,706 2,050,992 6,971,590 1,160,002
2001 285,317,559 11,876,669 1,439,480 10,437,480 16,037 90,863 423,557 909,023 2,116,531 7,092,267 1,228,391
2002 287,973,924 11,878,954 1,423,677 10,455,277 16,229 95,235 420,806 891,407 2,151,252 7,057,370 1,246,646
2003 290,690,788 11,826,538 1,383,676 10,442,862 16,528 93,883 414,235 859,030 2,154,834 7,026,802 1,261,226
2004 293,656,842 11,679,474 1,360,088 10,319,386 16,148 95,089 401,470 847,381 2,144,446 6,937,089 1,237,851
2005 296,507,061 11,565,499 1,390,745 10,174,754 16,740 94,347 417,438 862,220 2,155,448 6,783,447 1,235,859
2006 299,398,484 11,401,511 1,418,043 9,983,568 17,030 92,757 447,403 860,853 2,183,746 6,607,013 1,192,809
2007 301,621,157 11,251,828 1,408,337 9,843,481 16,929 90,427 445,125 855,856 2,176,140 6,568,572 1,095,769
2008 304,374,846 11,160,543 1,392,628 9,767,915 16,442 90,479 443,574 842,134 2,228,474 6,588,046 958,629
2009 307,006,550 10,762,956 1,325,896 9,337,060 15,399 89,241 408,742 812,514 2,203,313 6,338,095 795,652
2010 309,330,219 10,363,873 1,251,248 9,112,625 14,772 85,593 369,089 781,844 2,168,457 6,204,601 739,565
2011 311,587,817 10,258,774 1,206,031 9,052,743 14,661 84,175 354,772 752,423 2,185,140 6,151,095 716,508
2012 313,914,040 10,189,902 1,214,464 8,975,438 14,827 84,376 354,522 760,739 2,103,787 6,150,598 721,053




    As the above chart shows the murder rate peaked in 1980 and has been generally headed downward ever since .

     To simplify matters here are the odds of an American being murdered on a per capita basis from 1960 to the present , decade by decade :

1960 – 1 in 19,684

1970 – 1 in 12,702

1980 – 1 in 9,781

1990 – 1 in 10,610

2000 – 1 in 18,056

2010 – 1 in 20,940

2012 – 1 in 21,172

   While these figures include murder of all kinds and not just firearms deaths the trend is clear . The individual American is safer today than at any time in the past half century . What has changed for the worse is the sensationalism and dishonesty of the mainstream media and it’s creation of the 24 hour news feed .

   The ever present desire for ratings combined with the media becoming more and more of a government handmaiden has created the illusion of a country awash in violence when , in fact , the opposite is the case .

   See for yourself . Below are the crime stats from 1960 through the present on a per capita basis .

United States Crime Index Rates Per 100,000 Inhabitants
Forcible Aggravated Larceny- Vehicle
Year Population Total Violent Property Murder Rape Robbery assault Burglary Theft Theft
1960 179,323,175 1,887.2 160.9 1,726.3 5.1 9.6 60.1 86.1 508.6 1,034.7 183.0
1961 182,992,000 1,906.1 158.1 1,747.9 4.8 9.4 58.3 85.7 518.9 1,045.4 183.6
1962 185,771,000 2,019.8 162.3 1,857.5 4.6 9.4 59.7 88.6 535.2 1,124.8 197.4
1963 188,483,000 2,180.3 168.2 2,012.1 4.6 9.4 61.8 92.4 576.4 1,219.1 216.6
1964 191,141,000 2,388.1 190.6 2,197.5 4.9 11.2 68.2 106.2 634.7 1,315.5 247.4
1965 193,526,000 2,449.0 200.2 2,248.8 5.1 12.1 71.7 111.3 662.7 1,329.3 256.8
1966 195,576,000 2,670.8 220.0 2,450.9 5.6 13.2 80.8 120.3 721.0 1,442.9 286.9
1967 197,457,000 2,989.7 253.2 2,736.5 6.2 14.0 102.8 130.2 826.6 1,575.8 334.1
1968 199,399,000 3,370.2 298.4 3,071.8 6.9 15.9 131.8 143.8 932.3 1,746.6 393.0
1969 201,385,000 3,680.0 328.7 3,351.3 7.3 18.5 148.4 154.5 984.1 1,930.9 436.2
1970 203,235,298 3,984.5 363.5 3,621.0 7.9 18.7 172.1 164.8 1,084.9 2,079.3 456.8
1971 206,212,000 4,164.7 396.0 3,768.8 8.6 20.5 188.0 178.8 1,163.5 2,145.5 459.8
1972 208,230,000 3,961.4 401.0 3,560.4 9.0 22.5 180.7 188.8 1,140.8 1,993.6 426.1
1973 209,851,000 4,154.4 417.4 3,737.0 9.4 24.5 183.1 200.5 1,222.5 2,071.9 442.6
1974 211,392,000 4,850.4 461.1 4,389.3 9.8 26.2 209.3 215.8 1,437.7 2,489.5 462.2
1975 213,124,000 5,298.5 487.8 4,810.7 9.6 26.3 220.8 231.1 1,532.1 2,804.8 473.7
1976 214,659,000 5,287.3 467.8 4,819.5 8.7 26.6 199.3 233.2 1,448.2 2,921.3 450.0
1977 216,332,000 5,077.6 475.9 4,601.7 8.8 29.4 190.7 247.0 1,419.8 2,729.9 451.9
1978 218,059,000 5,140.4 497.8 4,642.5 9.0 31.0 195.8 262.1 1,434.6 2,747.4 460.5
1979 220,099,000 5,565.5 548.9 5,016.6 9.8 34.7 218.4 286.0 1,511.9 2,999.1 505.6
1980 225,349,264 5,950.0 596.6 5,353.3 10.2 36.8 251.1 298.5 1,684.1 3,167.0 502.2
1981 229,146,000 5,858.2 594.3 5,263.8 9.8 36.0 258.7 289.7 1,649.5 3,139.7 474.7
1982 231,534,000 5,603.7 571.1 5,032.5 9.1 34.0 238.9 289.1 1,488.8 3,084.9 458.9
1983 233,981,000 5,175.0 537.7 4,637.3 8.3 33.7 216.5 279.2 1,337.7 2,869.0 430.8
1984 236,158,000 5,031.3 539.2 4,492.1 7.9 35.7 205.4 290.2 1,263.7 2,791.3 437.1
1985 238,740,000 5,207.1 556.6 4,650.5 8.0 37.1 208.5 302.9 1,287.3 2,901.2 462.0
1986 240,132,887 5,480.4 620.1 4,881.8 8.6 38.1 226.0 347.4 1,349.8 3,022.1 509.8
1987 243,400,000 5,550.0 609.7 4,940.3 8.3 37.4 212.7 351.3 1,329.6 3,081.3 529.5
1988 245,807,000 5,664.2 637.2 5,027.1 8.4 37.6 220.9 370.2 1,309.2 3,134.9 582.9
1989 248,239,000 5,741.0 663.1 5,077.9 8.7 38.1 233.0 383.4 1,276.3 3,171.3 630.4
1990 248,709,873 5,820.3 731.8 5,088.5 9.4 41.2 257.0 424.1 1,235.9 3,194.8 657.8
1991 252,177,000 5,897.8 758.1 5,139.7 9.8 42.3 272.7 433.3 1,252.0 3,228.8 658.9
1992 255,082,000 5,660.2 757.5 4,902.7 9.3 42.8 263.6 441.8 1,168.2 3,103.0 631.5
1993 257,908,000 5,484.4 746.8 4,737.7 9.5 41.1 255.9 440.3 1,099.2 3,032.4 606.1
1994 260,341,000 5,373.5 713.6 4,660.0 9.0 39.3 237.7 427.6 1,042.0 3,026.7 591.3
1995 262,755,000 5,274.9 684.5 4,591.3 8.2 37.1 220.9 418.3 987.1 3,043.8 560.4
1996 265,284,000 5,087.6 636.6 4,451.0 7.4 36.3 201.9 390.9 945.0 2,980.3 525.7
1997 267,637,000 4,927.3 611.0 4,316.3 6.8 35.9 186.1 382.1 919.6 2,891.8 505.7
1998 270,296,000 4,615.5 566.4 4,049.1 6.3 34.4 165.2 360.5 862.0 2,728.1 459.0
1999 272,690,813 4,266.5 523.0 3,743.6 5.7 32.8 150.1 334.3 770.4 2,550.7 422.5
2000 281,421,906 4,124.8 506.5 3,618.3 5.5 32.0 145.0 324.0 728.8 2,477.3 412.2
2001 285,317,559 4,162.6 504.5 3,658.1 5.6 31.8 148.5 318.6 741.8 2,485.7 430.5
2002 287,973,924 4,125.0 494.4 3,630.6 5.6 33.1 146.1 309.5 747.0 2,450.7 432.9
2003 290,690,788 4,067.0 475.8 3,591.2 5.7 32.3 142.5 295.4 741.0 2,416.5 433.7
2004 293,656,842 3,977.3 463.2 3,514.1 5.5 32.4 136.7 288.6 730.3 2,362.3 421.5
2005 296,507,061 3,900.5 469.0 3,431.5 5.6 31.8 140.8 290.8 726.9 2,287.8 416.8
2006 299,398,484 3,808.1 473.6 3,334.5 5.7 30.9 149.4 287.5 729.4 2,206.8 398.4
2007 301,621,157 3,730.4 466.9 3,263.5 5.6 30.0 147.6 283.8 722.5 2,177.8 363.3
2008 304,374,846 3,669.0 457.5 3,211.5 5.4 29.7 145.7 276.7 732.1 2,167.0 314.7
2009 307,006,550 3,465.5 431.9 3,036.1 5.0 29.1 133.1 264.7 717.7 2,064.5 259.2
2010 309,330,219 3,350.4 404.5 2,945.9 4.8 27.7 119.3 252.8 701.0 2,005.8 239.1
2011 311,587,817 3,292.5 387.1 2,905.4 4.7 27.0 113.9 241.5 701.3 1,974.1 230.0
2012 313,914,040 3,246.1 386.9 2,859.2 4.7 26.9 112.9 242.3 670.2 1,959.3 229.7

   A quick review of the above table reveals that the rates for violent crime , property crime , rape ,robbery , larceny and auto theft all peaked in 1991 . The rates for murder and burglary peaked in 1980 and assault in 1992 . 

   The Statists control the “bully pulpit” and thus would have us believe that we are under siege and in need of an armed intervention . It all boils down to Rahm Emanuel’s ” never let a crisis go to waste ” statement with the added caveat that if there is no crisis , manufacture one .


   Here is additional food for thought . 

Murder Rates By Country


UNODC murder rates most recent year (full table here)
Country Rate Count Region Subregion
Burundi 21.7 1,726 Africa Eastern Africa
Comoros 12.2 85 Africa Eastern Africa
Djibouti 3.4 29 Africa Eastern Africa
Eritrea 17.8 879 Africa Eastern Africa
Ethiopia 25.5 20,239 Africa Eastern Africa
Kenya 20.1 7,733 Africa Eastern Africa
Madagascar 8.1 1,588 Africa Eastern Africa
Malawi 36.0 5,039 Africa Eastern Africa
Mauritius 2.5 33 Africa Eastern Africa
Mozambique 8.8 1,925 Africa Eastern Africa
Rwanda 17.1 1,708 Africa Eastern Africa
Seychelles 8.3 7 Africa Eastern Africa
Somalia 1.5 138+ Africa Eastern Africa
Uganda 36.3 11,373 Africa Eastern Africa
Tanzania 24.5 10,357 Africa Eastern Africa
Zambia 38.0 4,710 Africa Eastern Africa
Zimbabwe 14.3 1,775 Africa Eastern Africa
Angola 19.0 3,426 Africa Middle Africa
Cameroon 19.7 3,700 Africa Middle Africa
Central African Republic 29.3 1,240 Africa Middle Africa
Chad 15.8 1,686 Africa Middle Africa
Congo 30.8 1,180 Africa Middle Africa
Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7 13,558 Africa Middle Africa
Equatorial Guinea 20.7 137 Africa Middle Africa
São Tomé and Príncipe 1.9 3 Africa Middle Africa
Gabon 13.8 200 Africa Middle Africa
Algeria 1.5 516 Africa Northern Africa
Egypt 1.2 992 Africa Northern Africa
Libya 2.9 176+ Africa Northern Africa
Morocco 1.4 447 Africa Northern Africa
Sudan 24.2 10,028++ Africa Northern Africa
Tunisia 1.1 117 Africa Northern Africa
Botswana 14.5 287 Africa Southern Africa
Lesotho 35.2 764 Africa Southern Africa
Namibia 17.2 352 Africa Southern Africa
South Africa 31.8 15,940 Africa Southern Africa
Swaziland 12.9 141 Africa Southern Africa
Benin 15.1 1,262 Africa Western Africa
Burkina Faso 18.0 2,876 Africa Western Africa
Cape Verde 11.6 56 Africa Western Africa
Ivory Coast 56.9 10,801 Africa Western Africa
Gambia 10.8 106 Africa Western Africa
Ghana 15.7 3,646 Africa Western Africa
Guinea 22.5 2,152 Africa Western Africa
Guinea-Bissau 20.2 294 Africa Western Africa
Liberia 10.1 371 Africa Western Africa
Mali 8.0 1,157 Africa Western Africa
Mauritania 14.7 485 Africa Western Africa
Niger 3.8 552 Africa Western Africa
Nigeria 12.2 18,422 Africa Western Africa
Senegal 8.7 1,027 Africa Western Africa
Sierra Leone 14.9 837 Africa Western Africa
Togo 10.9 627 Africa Western Africa
Anguilla 6.8 1 Americas Caribbean
Antigua and Barbuda 6.8 6 Americas Caribbean
Bahamas 27.4 94 Americas Caribbean
Barbados 11.3 31 Americas Caribbean
British Virgin Islands 8.6 2 Americas Caribbean
Cayman Islands 8.4 5 Americas Caribbean
Cuba 5.0 563 Americas Caribbean
Dominica 22.1 15 Americas Caribbean
Dominican Republic 25.0 2,513 Americas Caribbean
Grenada 11.5 12 Americas Caribbean
Guadeloupe 7.0 32 Americas Caribbean
Haiti 6.9 689 Americas Caribbean
Jamaica 40.9 1,125 Americas Caribbean
Martinique 4.2 17 Americas Caribbean
Montserrat 19.7 1 Americas Caribbean
 Puerto Rico 26.2 983 Americas Caribbean
Saint Kitts and Nevis 38.2 20 Americas Caribbean
Saint Lucia 25.2 44 Americas Caribbean
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9 25 Americas Caribbean
Trinidad and Tobago 35.2 472 Americas Caribbean
Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7 3 Americas Caribbean
U.S. Virgin Islands 39.2 43 Americas Caribbean
Belize 41.4 129 Americas Central America
Costa Rica 10.0 474 Americas Central America
El Salvador 69.2 4,308 Americas Central America
Guatemala 38.5 5,681 Americas Central America
Honduras 91.6 7,104 Americas Central America
Mexico 23.7 27,199+ Americas Central America
Nicaragua 12.6 738 Americas Central America
Panama 21.6 759 Americas Central America
Bermuda 12.3 8 Americas Northern America
Canada 1.6 554 Americas Northern America
United States 4.8 14,748 Americas Northern America
Argentina 3.4 1,360 Americas South America
Bolivia 8.9 884 Americas South America
Brazil 21.0 40,974 Americas South America
Chile 3.7 639 Americas South America
Colombia 31.4 14,746+ Americas South America
Ecuador 18.2 2,638 Americas South America
French Guiana 13.3 30 Americas South America
Guyana 18.6 140 Americas South America
Paraguay 11.5 741 Americas South America
Peru 10.3 2,969 Americas South America
Suriname 4.6 24 Americas South America
Uruguay 5.9 199 Americas South America
Venezuela 45.1 13,080 Americas South America
Kazakhstan 8.8 1,418 Asia Central Asia
Kyrgyzstan 20.1 1,072 Asia Central Asia
Tajikistan 2.1 143 Asia Central Asia
Turkmenistan 4.2 203 Asia Central Asia
Uzbekistan 3.1 831 Asia Central Asia
China 1.0 13,410 Asia Eastern Asia
Taiwan 3.2 743 Asia Eastern Asia
North Korea 15.2 3,658 Asia Eastern Asia
Hong Kong 0.2 17 Asia Eastern Asia
Japan 0.4 506 Asia Eastern Asia
Macau 0.7 4 Asia Eastern Asia
Mongolia 8.7 239 Asia Eastern Asia
South Korea[note 1][note 2] 2.6 1,251 Asia Eastern Asia
Brunei 0.5 2 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Cambodia 3.4 448 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Indonesia 8.1 18,963 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Laos 4.6 279 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Malaysia 2.3 604 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Myanmar 10.2 4,800 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Philippines 5.4 4,947 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Singapore 0.3 16 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Thailand 4.8 3,307 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Timor-Leste 6.9 75 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Vietnam 1.6 1,346 Asia South-Eastern Asia
Afghanistan 2.4 712+ Asia Southern Asia
Bangladesh 2.7 3,988 Asia Southern Asia
Bhutan 1.0 7 Asia Southern Asia
India 3.5 42,923+ Asia Southern Asia
Iran 3.0 2,215 Asia Southern Asia
Maldives 1.6 5 Asia Southern Asia
Nepal 2.8 818 Asia Southern Asia
Pakistan 7.8 13,860+ Asia Southern Asia
Sri Lanka 3.6 745 Asia Southern Asia
Armenia 1.4 44 Asia Western Asia
Azerbaijan 2.2 206 Asia Western Asia
Bahrain 0.6 6 Asia Western Asia
Cyprus 1.7 19 Asia Western Asia
Iraq 2.0 608+ Asia Western Asia
Israel 2.1 159+ Asia Western Asia
Jordan 1.8 100 Asia Western Asia
Kuwait 2.2 59 Asia Western Asia
Lebanon 2.2 95 Asia Western Asia
Palestine 4.1 145+ Asia Western Asia
Oman 0.7 18 Asia Western Asia
Qatar 0.9 13 Asia Western Asia
Saudi Arabia 1.0 265+ Asia Western Asia
Syria 2.3 463+ Asia Western Asia
Turkey 3.3 2,320 Asia Western Asia
United Arab Emirates 0.8 39 Asia Western Asia
Yemen 4.2 990+ Asia Western Asia
Belarus 4.9 473 Europe Eastern Europe
Bulgaria 2.0 147 Europe Eastern Europe
Czech Republic 1.7 181 Europe Eastern Europe
Georgia 4.3 187 Europe Eastern Europe
Hungary 1.3 133 Europe Eastern Europe
Poland 1.1 436 Europe Eastern Europe
Moldova 7.5 267 Europe Eastern Europe
Romania 2.0 421 Europe Eastern Europe
Russia 10.2 14,574 Europe Eastern Europe
Slovakia 1.5 84 Europe Eastern Europe
Ukraine 5.2 2,356 Europe Eastern Europe
Denmark 0.9 47 Europe Northern Europe
Estonia 5.2 70 Europe Northern Europe
Finland 2.2 118 Europe Northern Europe
Greenland 19.2 11 Europe Northern Europe
Iceland 0.3 1 Europe Northern Europe
Ireland 1.2 54 Europe Northern Europe
Latvia 3.1 70 Europe Northern Europe
Lithuania 6.6 219 Europe Northern Europe
Norway 0.6 29 Europe Northern Europe
Sweden 1.0 91 Europe Northern Europe
United Kingdom 1.2 722 Europe Northern Europe
Albania 4.0 127 Europe Southern Europe
Andorra 1.3 1 Europe Southern Europe
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.5 56 Europe Southern Europe
Croatia 1.4 62 Europe Southern Europe
Greece 1.5 176 Europe Southern Europe
Italy 0.9 529 Europe Southern Europe
Malta 1.0 4 Europe Southern Europe
Montenegro 3.5 22 Europe Southern Europe
Portugal 1.2 124 Europe Southern Europe
Serbia 1.2 123 Europe Southern Europe
Slovenia 0.7 15 Europe Southern Europe
Spain 0.8 390 Europe Southern Europe
Macedonia 1.9 40 Europe Southern Europe
Austria 0.6 56 Europe Western Europe
Belgium 1.7 180 Europe Western Europe
France 1.1 682 Europe Western Europe
Germany 0.8 690 Europe Western Europe
Liechtenstein 2.8 1 Europe Western Europe
Luxembourg 2.5 12 Europe Western Europe
Monaco 0.0 0 Europe Western Europe
Netherlands 1.1 179 Europe Western Europe
Switzerland 0.7 52 Europe Western Europe
Australia 1.0 229 Oceania Australasia
New Zealand 0.9 39 Oceania Australasia
Fiji 2.8 23 Oceania Melanesia
Papua New Guinea 13.0 854 Oceania Melanesia
Solomon Islands 3.7 19 Oceania Melanesia
Vanuatu 0.9 2 Oceania Melanesia
Guam 0.6 1 Oceania Micronesia
Kiribati 7.3 7 Oceania Micronesia
Federated States of Micronesia 0.9 1 Oceania Micronesia
Nauru 9.8 1 Oceania Micronesia
Palau 0.0 0 Oceania Micronesia
French Polynesia 0.4 1 Oceania Polynesia
Samoa 1.1 2 Oceania Polynesia
Tonga 1.0 1 Oceania Polynesia


    According to the above table virtually ALL of  Eastern Europe , South America , Africa and Asia have drastically higher murder rates than the US yet we don’t hear any calls for intervention there . In closing we would say ” Mind Your Own Damn Business ” . We have a handle on our crime rates . Find someone who doesn’t and offer your ideas to them . 

   Perhaps you should take a look out your window Mr Porter .




Further Reading : Violent crime rates: United Kingdom versus the United States