K Street Stunned At Farm Bill Defeat



” The angst among farm lobbyists contrasts to the glee expressed by opponents on the left and the right who opposed the bill.

Citizens Against Government Waste sent out a press release exclaiming “holy manure!”

“In a city known for catering to the whims of well-heeled special interest groups, the farm bill consistently manages to stand out for its parochialism, log-rolling, and corporate welfare,” it said. “That alliance broke down this afternoon, resulting in an extremely rare Farm Bill failure, one that represents a major victory for taxpayers and consumers.”

Heritage Action and Club for Growth, which both urged no votes, said they want food stamp funding severed from farm subsidies, a solution that sends shivers down the spine of farm lobbyists who have seen farm bills pass with the support of urban lawmakers backing the food stamp program.

“Now that the House has defeated the farm bill, we should finally discuss real reform,” said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola. “We need to put farm subsidies on a path to elimination and we need to devolve food stamps to the state level where they belong.”



     We have to side with the Dems on this one and while we doubt that their motives match ours , a defeat for the agri-businesses is a defeat nevertheless . The voting lines give some truth to the progressive mantra that the GOP is in the pocket of special interests . Bravo to the sixty republican reps that voted against this special interest pork-fest .