Tag Archive: United States Department of Justice






” The Justice Department will sue the state of North Carolina for alleged racial discrimination over tough new voting rules, the latest effort by the Obama administration to fight back against a Supreme Court decision that struck down the most powerful part of the landmark Voting Rights Act and freed southern states from strict federal oversight of their elections.

North Carolina has a new law scaling back the period for early voting and imposing stringent voter identification requirements. It is among at least five Southern states adopting stricter voter ID and other election laws. The Justice Department on Aug. 22 sued Texas over the state’s voter ID law and is seeking to intervene in a lawsuit over redistricting laws in Texas that minority groups consider to be discriminatory.”












Another Republican-Supporting Business Raided: Suspicion of Using Mongolian Wood




” Thursday, Federal agents raided Lumber Liquidators. Lumber Liquidators advertises heavily on The Rush Limbaugh Show and even put in the flooring for one of Rush’s studios.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports:

 Agents from the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Justice executed the search warrant at the company’s headquarters and plant near Williamsburg, said Brandon Montgomery, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security.”










Guess What Obama’s NSA Snooping Excludes: Mosques



” Now this makes perfect sense doesn’t it? Obama’s NSA snooping exempts one part of America from their spying. Muslim mosques. You couldn’t make this crap up if you tried. Mosques being off limits by the NSA isn’t something that was started in the Bush administration either. Exempting Mosques from the NSA began in October 2011 and they are off-limits to FBI agents. Kind of defeats the purpose of ‘protecting America’ by snooping when 95% of terrorism in this country is from Muslims.

Since October 2011, mosques have been off-limits to FBI agents. No more surveillance or undercover string operations without high-level approval from a special oversight body at the Justice Department dubbed the Sensitive Operations Review Committee.
Who makes up this body, and how do they decide requests? Nobody knows; the names of the chairman, members and staff are kept secret.”










Even Some West Wing Aides Want Holder To Resign





” Republicans have long been calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to resign.

But citing new controversies at the Justice Department, The New York Times reported Sunday that even some West Wing aides in President Barack Obama’s White House now want Holder gone.

“Over the course of four and a half years, no other member of President Obama’s cabinet has been at the center of so many polarizing episodes or the target of so much criticism,” the paper reported. “While the White House publicly backed Mr. Holder as he tried to smooth over the latest uproar amid new speculation about his future, some in the West Wing privately tell associates they wish he would step down, viewing him as politically maladroit.” “





As Anger At Eric Holder Grows, So Does His Value As Obama’s Lightning Rod



” Despite its exalted status as the nation’s “top cop,” the job is best understood as a dumping ground for intermittently competent bulldogs who take out the president’s trash and act as his public-relations human shield.

As Michael A. Walsh notes in the New York Post, Holder is directly involved in essentially every aspect of President Obama’s second-term scandalpalooza. Not only did he sign off on the search warrant for Fox News’s James Rosen’s personal emails, he is at the center of questions over the state’s broad surveillance of the AP, an operation that has raised hackles across the political spectrum regarding First Amendment issues and civil-liberties concerns. (Holder did himself no favors by recusing himself from the AP case in vague and uncertain terms). Walsh notes that “even the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups for special scrutiny—[finds its] nexus at the top of the Justice Department.”

Such conservative ire is nothing new. Less than a year ago, congressional Republicans—along with 17 Democrats—voted to hold Holder in contempt for failing to deliver documents and testimony related to the “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation directed from an Arizona office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, which answers to the attorney general. Although timed to the confirmation vote of CIA director John Brennan, Sen. Rand Paul’s epic filibuster in March was specifically targeted at Holder’s refusal to give a simple answer to questions about the use of domestic drones. Now the House Judiciary Committee is reportedly looking to investigate whether Holder perjured himself before Congress in relation to the press probes.” 







Michael Barone: More Than All Past Presidents, Obama Uses 1917 Espionage Act To Go After Reporters



” The Espionage Act was passed with bipartisan support in a Democratic Congress and strongly supported by Democratic President Woodrow Wilson.

Wilson wanted even more. “Authority to exercise censorship over the press is absolutely necessary,” he wrote a senator. He got that authority in May 1918 when Congress passed the Sedition Act criminalizing, among other things, “abusive language” about the government.

Wilson’s Justice Department successfully prosecuted Eugene Debs, the Socialist candidate who received 900,000 votes for president in 1912, for making statements opposing the war.

It was an ugly period in our history. It’s also a reminder that big government liberals can be as much inclined to suppress civil liberties as small government conservatives — or more so.

Fortunately, things changed after Wilson left office. A Republican Congress allowed the Sedition Act to expire in 1921.

Debs, who received 915,000 votes for president in 1920 while in Atlanta federal prison, was pardoned by Republican President Warren Harding (a former journalist) and invited to the White House.

The Espionage Act of 1917 remained on the books and was amended to cover news media. But it was used sparingly.”




    Ah , Progressives … they use a century old law to stifle the press and reject an asylum plea in an attempt to deport a German family to face a Hitler era education law . How’s that for progress ?







DOJ: We Don’t Need Warrants For E-Mail, Facebook Chats





” The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI believe they don’t need a search warrant to review Americans’ e-mails, Facebook chats, Twitter direct messages, and other private files, internal documents reveal.

Government documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union and provided to CNET show a split over electronic privacy rights within the Obama administration, with Justice Department prosecutors and investigators privately insisting they’re not legally required to obtain search warrants for e-mail. The IRS, on the other hand, publicly said last month that it would abandon a controversial policy that claimed it could get warrantless access to e-mail correspondence.”







DOJ Tracked Phones Of Fox News Execs, Employees At WH, Pentagon And State Dept




” The latest report from Shannon Bream details just how far the Justice Department apparently went in its tracking of Fox News. In addition to seizing phone records and emails of reporter James Rosen, the government also monitored Rosen’s parents’ home phone line in Staten Island, N.Y.

A total of 30+ phone numbers were being tracked, including some linked to Fox News executives. The probe extended to Fox News cell phones and hard lines, including those used at workspaces inside the White House, Pentagon and State Department, according to federal court filings.”







Justice DepartmentTargeted TWO Fox News Channel Reporters And A Producer For Talking With Government Sources


” The Fox News Channel is outraged over new revelations that three of its reporting staffers were targeted by the U.S. Department of Justice in criminal investigations related to their attempts to obtain information from government sources.

James Rosen, the network’s chief Washington correspondent, has become a First Amendment cause celebre over his treatment by the Obama administration. But the DOJ, Fox says, also investigated the Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter William La Jeunesse and Fox News producer Mike Levine.

Rosen, according to affidavits filed by FBI agents, was considered a possible criminal co-conspirator.”











DOJ On Gays: “Silence Will Be Interpreted As Disapproval”





” The only thing this Obama White House seems to generate is scandal. Well, here’s yet another to add to the growing list. In addition to the Benghazi cover-up, IRS targeting of political dissenters and the illegal seizure of media phone records, whistleblowers within DOJ have contacted Liberty Counsel to express grave concerns over this administration’s latest attack on freedom.

Our sources have provided Liberty Counsel an internal DOJ document titled: “LGBT Inclusion at Work: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers.” It was emailed to DOJ managers in advance of the left’s so-called “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month.”

The document is chilling. It’s riddled with directives that grossly violate – prima facie –employees’ First Amendment liberties.

Following are excerpts from the “DOJ Pride” decree. When it comes to “LGBT” employees, managers are instructed:

  • “DON’T judge or remain silent. Silence will be interpreted as disapproval.” (Italics mine)

That’s a threat.

And not even a subtle one.

Got it? For Christians and other morals-minded federal employees, it’s no longer enough to just shut up and “stay in the closet” – to live your life in silent recognition of biblical principles (which, by itself, is unlawful constraint). When it comes to mandatory celebration of homosexual and cross-dressing behaviors, “silence will be interpreted as disapproval.”

This lawless administration is now bullying federal employees – against their will – to affirm sexual behaviors that every major world religion, thousands of years of history and uncompromising human biology reject.”





Feds Push Insane New Speech Codes!

Published on May 15, 2013

” “It is so broad that it turns every single student and every single faculty member on campus, at least arguably, into harassers,” warns Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).

He’s talking about sweeping speech codes just imposed by the Departments of Justice and Education on virtually every college campus in the United States.

The new mandate was revealed in a letter from the DOJ and DOE to the University of Montana that states “sexual harassment should be more broadly defined as ‘any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature,” including “verbal conduct.” The new rules apply to all colleges and universities receiving any sort of federal money, including Pell grants, federally backed student loans, and more. The letter contends the conduct in question need not be offensive to an “objectively reasonable person of the same gender in the same situation.” That means that there is effectively no check on what might count as harassment. Course materials, overheard comments, stupid jokes – it’s all potentially actionable.

Lukianoff, the author of Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate, hopes that “this is the last straw that causes the universities themselves to start pushing back against this ridiculous overregulation.”

About 3 minutes.

Produced by Anthony L. Fisher. Interview by Matt Welch. Camera by Jim Epstein and Fisher.

Special thanks to the Museum of Sex, New York City.

Scroll down for downloadable versions and subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube Channel to receive authomatic updates when new material goes live.” 









Gun Crisis? What Gun Crisis? Part II


” It’s not just Pew. This Department of Justice report makes embarrassing reading for those who spend their time trying to make it appear as if America is in the middle of a gun-crime wave. The headlines:

  • Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011. 
  • Nonfatal firearm crimes declined 69%, from 1.5 million victimizations in 1993 to 467,300 victimizations in 2011. 
  • For both fatal and nonfatal firearm victimizations, the majority of the decline occurred during the 10-year period from 1993 to 2002. 

Visually, the decline is particularly striking:




  Lest you think that category an anomaly : Controlled by race , sex , region , and even non-fatalities doesn’t matter . The trend is the same . Down , down , down . Even school shooting deaths are down 33% since 1993 , despite what the media would have you believe .













Hypocrisy On ‘Paperwork Prosecutions’ Highlighted By Reese Case



” “Nearly 80,000 Americans were denied guns in 2010, according to Justice Department data, because they lied or provided inaccurate information about their criminal histories on background-check forms,” The New York Times reported in January. “Yet only 44 of those people were charged with a crime.

“How many prosecutions “have you taken up for failing a background check since you’ve been U.S. Attorney?” Graham asked Walsh, who admitted “Off the top of my head, I’m not aware of any.”

“What kind of deterrent is that?” Graham challenged. “Why aren’t we prosecuting people who fail a background check?”

“It’s a paper thing,” Chief Flynn shot back when it was his turn to answer questions. “I want to stop the 76,000 people who are buying guns illegally. If you think we’re going to do paperwork prosecutions, you’re wrong.” ”


   These laws obviously don’t work so let’s pass more  , maybe one of them will . What a way to run a country . So much for “Land Of The Free” .

  So if next to none of these violators merited prosecution does that mean they have the same friends as David Gregory ?

Leaked Department Of Justice Memo Calls For Gun Ban And Registration




” In order for gun checks to have any kind of effect at stopping crime, according to the memo, a system of gun registration would have to be implemented, and would only work if it were “massive and coupled with a ban.” Gun rights supporters say that gun registration is the first step towards confiscation.

According to the NRA, the memo “shows that the administration ‘believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation’ and thinks universal background checks ‘won’t work without requiring national gun registration’ — ideas the president has not proposed or expressed support for,” Fram writes.”

Pressure Mounting on President, Attorney General Regarding Lack Of Prosecutions For NICS Denials

” As detailed in a February 21 press release, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) are pressing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department to explain why they have failed to prosecute the vast majority of convicted felons and fugitives from justice who are failing background checks under the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

And, on February 22, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary–led by Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)–sent letters to President Obama and to Attorney General Holder demanding answers on the lack of prosecutions and enforcement of our nation’s existing gun laws.  In the letter to the President, the committee noted that, during Obama’s administration, “federal firearms prosecutions have fallen to the lowest levels in over a decade.” ”

   This is an administration that is best known for arming the criminals and terrorists and denying protection to both the law-abiding and it’s own employees here and abroad . Is it any wonder that the criminals of America are less persecuted prosecuted than the law-abiding?

   One could almost envision a scenario where-by this government is actively pursuing policies designed to foment civil unrest and provide an excuse to curtail/eliminate our civil rights .

  If anyone is still naive enough to believe that this cabal in the White House has the Nation’s best interests at heart ask the families of Brian Terry , Christopher Stevens , Tyrone Woods , Sean Smith , Jaime Zapata , Glen Doherty and hundreds of dead Mexican’s what they think .

Hundreds Of Dead Mexicans


New Details On Drone Strikes Targeting American Citizens


NBC Death By Drone




” A secretive memo from the Justice Department, provided to NBC News, provides new information about the legal reasoning behind one of the Obama administration’s controversial policies. Now, John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for CIA director, is expected to face tough questions about drone strikes on Thursday when he appears before the Senate Intelligence Committee. NBC’s Michael Isikoff reports.”



It’s a week old but remarkable nevertheless


The Daily Caller’s Guide To Avoiding Drone Strikes




” On Monday, NBC published a Department of Justice memo that lays out the Obama administration’s framework for determining when it’s lawful for President Obama to order the assassination of a U.S. citizen.

Basically, the president can assassinate you if “an informed, high-level” administration official has determined that (1) you are a senior figure in either al-Qaida or “an associated force”; (2) you pose a threat to the United States; and (3) capturing you wouldn’t be feasible. The memo goes on to explain that the president can order your assassination without “clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future.”

Below are some tips for how to decrease your odds of being assassinated by President Obama.

2.) Make sure you’re always somewhere where you can easily be capturedOne of the vaguest parts of the DOJ memo is the passage about when it’s feasible to capture a suspect. After discussing various relevant factors, the memo simply notes that “feasibility would be a highly fact-specific and potentially time-sensitive inquiry.”The key here is to avoid remote areas. If you’re traveling in a foreign country, stay at brand-name hotels in major cities or near major highways. Marriott and Hyatt hotels are often surprisingly affordable, especially if you travel during off-peak seasons. Avoid countries with underdeveloped infrastructure that could make it difficult or time-consuming for authorities to reach you. Also, consider the number of flights in and out of the city or area you’re visiting. The busiest commercial airports outside of the U.S. are in Beijing, London, and Tokyo.”





Obama ‘kill list’ Paper Leaked, Includes Criteria For Assassinating US Citizens




” A leaked secret Justice Department “white paper” detailing the Obama administration’s legal justification for the targeted drone assassinations of Americans  living abroad made its way onto the Internet late Monday evening.

The 16-page white paper — said to be a summary of a longer 50-page document on the highly controversial policy — is seeing the light of day ahead of the Senate confirmation hearing of John Brennan, President Barack Obama’s top pick for CIA chief.”


Mexican Drug Cartels Gain Foothold In 1,286 US cities






” An investigation by the Examiner reveals that in the current raging controversy over guns in America, the Obama administration and gun control proponents among Congressional Democrats and other gun ban activists have carefully avoided dealing with what is now one of the top driving forces behind gun violence in America — Mexican drug cartels.

The cartels have gained a foothold in every major city in the United States — 1,286 cities to be exact. Law enforcement officials across the country confirm that most of the gang violence that occurs in major cities is perpetrated by illegal alien criminals who operate as the foot soldiers on the front lines for the Mexican drug cartels.”


   The Obama administration provides the cartels with weapons and refuses to secure our border to keep them out . They in turn create a major portion of the gun violence in our cities which he can then use as an excuse to curtail or even take away entirely our basic rights , and to top it all off we are now told that these people “need” a pathway to citizenship which means also a ticket on the government “Freebie Express” all at the expense of the American taxpayer .


” In September of 2012, the head of the Chicago division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) told the Blaze that Mexican drug cartel street gangs are so deeply embedded in Chicago, for example, that the agency must treat the city as if it is on the southern border. At least three rival cartels are operating in the streets, he said, and much of the blame for the city’s horrific gun violence can be traced directly to the illegal Mexican gangs — a fact that is never reported in the mainstream media or by the Obama administration.

Further, the Department of Justice (DOJ) admitted in a report on Jan. 13, 2013 that Mexican drug cartels are now operating in a whopping 1,286 American cities.

Yet the DOJ is the very agency at the center of the biggest political scandal in U.S. history — the Fast and Furious scandal during which the Obama administration deliberately placed 2,500 firearms, many of which were military grade, directly into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Although the types of weapons bought by straw purchasers for the ATF were not fully automatic, the cartels did, indeed, get fully automatic firearms, machine guns, grenades, missile launchers, and other military weapons from the State Department under Hillary Clinton.”


   Thank God the president has our best interests at heart . 





Remember Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry



” We Honor our Hero Brian Terry today! He will forever remain in our hearts and the memories he has left us with will live within all of us that were blessed to know what an amazing person he was. The love he had for his Family, Friends and Country is something we should all emulate. His zest for life, his courage, honor and bravery were like no other. He set the bar for so many, which in turn inspired them to believe in themselves. He was the leader and motivator to all. For Brian, Nothing was impossible…”You just have to put the work in.” B.Terry We will never forget your service and sacrifice, we will never give up the fight for justice and we will never stop paying tribute to the Hero you are. It is not how Brian Terry died that made him a hero. It is how he lived his life that made him a HERO! We all Love and Miss you B!”

ATF Ruling On Sporting Purposes Exemption To Armor Piercing Ammunition




” Take careful note, too, what they say concerns them: “BATFE also expressed concern that since the law was adopted, various new rifle-caliber handguns have been invented.”

I wonder how many Department of Justice employees are equally concerned when SWAT teams raids the homes of unsuspecting and incorrect targets, such as Mr. Eurie Stamps, or Ms. Zaelit, or Mr. Tuppeny, or Ms.Lloyd, or Thomas and Rosalie Avina, or Mr. Kenneth Wright?  Statists will be statists.  Can a leopard change its spots?

Finally, this issue of the sporting purposes test is laughable.  The ATF didn’t listen when I pointed this out before, and they aren’t likely to start now.  It isn’t that the test is difficult, or convoluted, or hard to apply, but necessary nonetheless because it’s the law.  The issue is that it is self referentially incoherent.  It cannot be logically applied because it presupposes the consequent.

The ATF must decide what is the “sporting purposes” category by populating the list with examples, and then make the claim that such-and-such an example is deemed to be or not to be a “sporting purpose” because it is or isn’t on the list.  It reasons in a circle.

Not that the ATF will care.  And not that they will care what we have to say about ammunition either. ”



From The Comments :

 “On December 11, 2012 at 10:33 am, SDN said:

So the ATF is going to rule that non-lead bullets aren’t legal, while the EPA rules that lead bullets aren’t legal either.

Well, the President did say gun control was going to be under the radar; may be the first campaign promise he’s kept.”




HT/ Professor Reynolds

  Thanks to John Hinderaker for pointing out the existence of this first rate , professional video that provides the viewer with a concise overview of the government-run travesty known , although not nearly widely enough , as “Fast & Furious” . Highly recommended , especially to the previously uninitiated . A perfect primer on the biggest presidential scandal in generations .

   “This new video by American Future Fund, titled simply “Fast and Furious,” is an excellent, effective introduction to the scandal. Someone should spend a great deal of money to put it on television in all of the swing states:”

   We couldn’t agree more thoroughly with John’s suggestion to make this into a major airtime purchase from now til November . Everyone needs to see this before they vote . 

Are we seeing cracks in Holder’s stonewall

  “The Department of Justice told Republican House leadership in a Tuesday letter that it hopes to reach an agreement with congressional overseers on how much information about Operation Fast and Furious it is required to hand over.

Congressional Republicans have threatened to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for not fully complying with a 22-part subpoena served last October.

The letter comes amid reports that House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa has obtained evidence proving that senior Justice Department officials approved Operation Fast and Furious gunwalking tactics “

   This whole business of “Fast & Furious ” is a national disgrace .




“California Republican Rep. Tom McClintock has joined scores of his House colleagues in pushing for Attorney General Eric Holder to be held accountable for his role in Operation Fast and Furious.

McClintock’s signature on Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar’s official House resolution of “no confidence” in Holder over Fast and Furious makes him the 129th House member to demand Holder’s resignation, sign the resolution or both. Presumptive GOP presidential nominee and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, three U.S. senators and two sitting governors join those members in demanding Holder’s removal from the Department of Justice because of Fast and Furious. “