U.S. Obama Unfreezes $8 Billion In Iranian Assets


We trust this man for the security of the world ?



” The United States released $8 billion in frozen assets to Iran on Sunday in a move meant to ensure Tehran’s compliance with a nuclear pact signed over the weekend, according to top Iranian officials.

Iranian government spokesman Mohammad Baqher Nobakht confirmed on Monday morning that the U.S. government had unfrozen $8 billion in assets that had been previously blocked by the Obama administration.


    Undoubtably nothing could have kept Bagher Nobakht from confirming in a most public way that the Obama/Kerry capitulation contingent had in fact engorged the Iranian terror coffers to the tune of $8 Billion dollars . The “smart diplomacy” of Barack “Peace Prize” Obama is paying off in spades … if you are a terrorist or jew hater … for the rest of us ? Not so much .