Tag Archive: Undercover Video

Cornell Dean Says ISIS Welcome On Campus In Undercover Video




” This guy is either the dumbest Ivy League bigwig ever or politically correct to a fault — for welcoming offers to bring ISIS and Hamas to Cornell University.

  A video sting operation shows Cornell’s assistant dean for students, Joseph Scaffido, agreeing to everything suggested by an undercover muckraker posing as a Moroccan student.

  Scaffido casually endorses inviting an ISIS “freedom fighter’’ to conduct a “training camp” for students at the upstate Ithaca campus — bizarrely likening the activity to a sports camp.

  Is it OK to bring a humanitarian pro-“Islamic State Iraq and Syria” group on campus, the undercover for conservative activist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas asks.

  Sure, Scaffido says in the recorded March 16 meeting.

  Scaffido doesn’t even blink an eye when the undercover asks about providing material support for terrorists — “care packages, whether it be food, water, electronics.” “


NY Post has more













Top Grimes Donor: “She’s Going To F**k ‘Em When She Gets Elected”



   Here is part one of Project Veritas’ undercover investigation . Hidden cameras catch her lying to voters about her support for the coal industry .








Published on Oct 6, 2014

” Kentucky U.S. Senate candidate Alison Grimes has vehemently and repeatedly claimed to oppose President Obama’s coal and environmental policies in what has become an increasingly significant campaign issue. A team of investigative journalists, led by Project Veritas Action’s founder James O’Keefe, went undercover in multiple Grimes campaign offices to determine if her opposition to the core principles of her own political party is genuine or an intentional deception.”



And here is part two filmed at a recent New York fundraiser attended by the usual leftist fellow travelers …






Published on Oct 7, 2014

” Part Two of investigative report where chorus of campaign workers insist that Senate candidate Alison Grimes deceives voters about her energy policy. Investigators secretly record video at Grimes fundraising event attended by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, real estate tycoon Niko Elmaleh and New York Knicks owner James Dolan at a swanky NY restaurant. She will do what she has to do to get elected then “f**k” the coal industry, says the major donor. “




Project Veritas Action 











Undercover Mosque



” This documentary undertakes an extensive investigation into a number of British mosques to reveal how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK. Filming undercover at mosques run by key organisations, whose public faces are presented as moderate and mainstream, our reporter finds preachers condemning the idea of integration into British society, condemning British democracy as un-Islamic and praising the Taliban for killing British soldiers.

  The investigation examines how such extreme messages are influenced by the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia and reveals how the influence of Wahabism extends to influential organisations that advise the British government on inter-community relations and prevention of terrorism.”









Abortionist: ‘I Try And Sever The Umbilical Cord First…This Way The Fetus Is Expired First’

” Live Action has released its second video exposing infanticide in America.  This time we’re in the DC area. In the video, the Live Action investigator, who is 24 weeks pregnant, visited a clinic, and asked what would happen if her baby happened to be born alive – or survive – the procedure.  In the video, Dr. Cesare Santangelo says that he would let the child to die.

‘Technically – you know, legally we would be obligated to help it, you know, to survive.  But, you know, it probably wouldn’t.  It’s all in how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive at this point.  Let’s say you went into labor, the membranes ruptured, and you delivered before we got to the termination part of the procedure here, you know?  Then we would do things – we would – we would not help it.  We wouldn’t intubate.  It would be, you know, uh, a person, a terminal person in the hospital, let’s say, that had cancer, you know?  You wouldn’t do any extra procedures to help that person survive.  Like ‘do not resuscitate’ orders.  We would do the same things here.’ “