Tag Archive: Uncle Sam

Opt Out – The Exam – Creepy Uncle Sam


Published on Sep 18, 2013

” Empower yourself by opting out of Obamacare. 
Visit http://optout.org for more information

Good news: you are not required to purchase health insurance through an Obamacare exchange! There are cheaper, better options for young people.”










Your Tax Dollars At Work: Subsidizing The Security Of Wealthy Allies


” It’s Tax Day, and for millions of Americans that means ponying up to the IRS. The federal government does many things these days—most of which would be more efficiently carried out at the local level, or in the private sector. But Uncle Sam also engages in a particular form of charity that many Americans overlook: spending many tens of billions of dollars to defend wealthy, developed nations.

A new Cato infographic puts it all in perspective. It shows how much American taxpayers spend to subsidize the security, and to defend the interests, of other nations that are more than capable of defending themselves.”




” Looked at another way, U.S. alliances constitute a massive wealth transfer from U.S. taxpayers (and their Chinese creditors) to bloated European welfare states and technologically-advanced Asian nations.”










  It’s time for our government to mind it’s own damn business , which it is none too good at by the way , instead of minding ours .

” 3) Because it really is none of your damned business . This applies more to Joe the Plumber than Mitt the Romney (politicians, and especially presidential aspirants, deserve to be held to a higher standard), but the ugly truth as it stands today is that Uncle Sam believes he has a right to know each and every detail about your
money, so long as it is parked in a foreign financial institution instead of buried in your back yard. There is something very wrong about
the principle that your after-tax earnings are subject to still more scrutiny by the most powerful government the world has ever
known, and something insidious about the sight of politicians blaming Americans’ investment
choices for their own shoddy governance. “