Tag Archive: UN

Netanyahu Lauds US, Australia For Efforts To Reject Palestinian UN Bid








” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday lauded the US and Australia for voting against the Palestinian UN Security Council draft resolution on Tuesday, and praised Rwanda and Nigeria for abstaining.

I want to express appreciation and gratitude to the United States and Australia, as well as special appreciation to the President of Rwanda, my friend Paul Kagame, and to the President of Nigeria, my friend Goodluck Jonathan,” Netanyahu said when he arrived Wednesday morning to vote in the Likud primary.

“ I spoke with both of them, they promised me personally that they would not support this decision, and they stood by their words. That is what tipped the scales,” he added.

  The Palestinian resolution calling for a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines by 2017, and the establishment of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital, did not muster the necessary nine votes Tuesday in the Security Council.

  Earlier Wednesday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said the Palestinian failure to get their statehood resolution passed Wednesday in the UN Security Council should teach them that provocations and attempts to unilaterally impose conditions on Israel will lead them nowhere.

“ The Palestinian disregard for important countries in the international arena, first and foremost the US, stems from the backing they get form some of the states in Europe,” he said, in an obvious reference to the “for” votes cast by France and Luxembourg.

“ Every state that truly wants to move an arrangement forward needs to act responsibly and make clear to the Palestinians that decisions are only made around the negotiating table,” Liberman said.

  While France and Luxembourg voted for the Palestinian resolution, two other EU countries – Britain and Lithuania – abstained, illustrating the wide differences on the Mideast that exist inside the 28-state EU.

  Liberman praised his ministry for the work it did to thwart the resolution, the second time in three years that Israel dodged a bullet on this issue in the Security Council, and cited Israel’s concentrated diplomatic efforts in Africa, the far East and central Europe. In 2011 the Palestinians failed in their attempt to win full UN statehood recognition in the UN.

  In addition to the United States, Australia voted against the resolution on Tuesday. Britain, Lithuania, South Korea, and two of the three African states on the Security Council – Rwanda and Nigeria – all abstained, depriving the Palestinians of their nine votes needed to pass the resolution and force a US veto.”


Story continues at Jerusalem Post











16 Members Of Doctors Without Borders Infected With Ebola, Nine Dead








” International aid organization Doctors Without Borders said that 16 of its staff members have been infected with Ebola and nine of them have died.

  Speaking at a press conference in Johannesburg Tuesday, the head of Doctors Without Borders in South Africa Sharon Ekambaram said medical workers have received inadequate assistance from the international community.

” Where is WHO Africa? Where is the African Union?” said Ekambaram who worked in Sierra Leone from August to September. “We’ve all heard their promises in the media but have seen very little on the ground.”

  Four of the organization’s medical workers who had just returned from Sierra Leone and Liberia said they were frustrated, “chasing after the curve of the outbreak,” according to Jens Pederson, the aid organization’s humanitarian affairs adviser.”


Read on





The Israeli PM Just Gave An Epic Speech Against Radical Islam That Rocked The UN






” Talk about “audacity.” Talk about fundamentally changing the game. Redirecting the conversation about terrorism. Speaking the kind of unabashed, unvarnished truth that most world leaders wouldn’t dare to utter. Talk about what will have the world talking.

  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — true to the character of a man unafraid of how his words might be turned against him — has given what’s being called a “landmark” address to the United Nations General Assembly.”





Read more here and access the entire transcript here 












California Gun Shop Drops The Smart Gun After Furious Backlash



” A California shooting club that was “the only outlet in the country” selling the first smart gun is “facing a furious backlash from customers and gun rights supporters,” as reported by Michael S. Rosenwald in the Washington Post:

Attacks in online forums and social networks against the Oak Tree Gun Club have prompted the store to back away from any association with the Armatix iP1 smart gun…

The vitriol began almost immediately after The Washington Post reported that the Armatix iP1 smart gun was for sale at the pro shop. Electronic chips inside the gun communicate with a watchthat can be purchased with the gun, making it impossible to fire without the watch.

  The backlash “has apparently shaken Oak Tree, one of the largest gun stores and shooting ranges in California,” and the club’s owner has denied “ever offering the gun” and apologized for “any confusion.”

  According to the Post account, Armatix claims Oak Tree at first said they needed more smart guns for a TV report, but then the tone “quickly changed” and the TV spot was cancelled, after Oak Tree received phone calls from irate gun rights supporters.

  The somewhat murky situation was somewhat clarified by Oak Tree’s owner, in comments to Examiner.com’s David Codrea, to the effect that

Our facility does NOT carry the Armatix pistol, never has… The FFL [Federal Firearms Licensed] dealer on site has not ever merchandised or sold the firearm and does not intend to carry this firearm.”

    Read more at the American Thinker and David Codrea has a piece in the Examiner on the association between the UN and Armatix that you should read as well . The reader can see a video of Armatix president and CEO Belinda Padilla speaking to the UN below .

Russia Tightens Grip On Crimea As Markets Tumble


Russia tightens grip on Crimea as markets tumble



” Russia cemented its control of the flashpoint Crimean peninsula without firing a shot as markets plunged on Monday and world leaders held a series of crisis talks over the worst standoff between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.

  The price of oil surged on fears of an all-out conflict as Russia looked set to send troops into eastern parts of Ukraine, an area with close ties to Russia that the Kremlin has vowed to protect from “ultranationalist forces”.

  British Foreign Secretary William Hague opened talks with Ukraine’s Western-backed but untested interim leaders a day after the world’s top industrialised powers threatened to strip Russia of its coveted seat at the Group of Eight for menacing its ex-Soviet neighbour.

  Germany offered a rare glimmer of hope by announcing that Russian President Vladimir Putin had agreed in telephone talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel late Sunday to set up a contact group on Ukraine.

  Western allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation also said they wanted to send international observers to Ukraine while engaging Moscow in direct talks.”


Yahoo News has more









Yet UN Recommends Another $147B Be Spent On Warming





” The United Nations estimates it would cost $30 billion a year to end world hunger. That sounds like a lot, but the world spent more than ten times that amount in 2012 on global warming mitigation, according to a recent Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) study.

  And the UN says the world needs to spend even more on global warming mitigation. Much more.

  According to the Reuters analysis of the Summary for Policymakers of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report, due to be released this April, the UN is calling on the world to invest an extra $147 billion a year in wind, solar, and nuclear power from 2010 to 2029. If we add that figure to CPI’s measure, the UN wants us to spend approximately $506 billion a year to mitigate global warming.”


     Obviously it’s all about the benjamins and little to do with solving problems . If thirty billion would solve a real , known , provable problem like hunger , yet the UN would rather have us spend nearly seventeen times that on an issue who’s legitimacy is questionable then you just know it because someone(s) will get much richer off the climate change spending than could do so by feeding the hungry . 


” According to the UN, this amount would end world hunger for nearly 20 years.

  It’s important to ask what sort of return we can expect from these investments. As the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change reports, the human effect on climate “is likely to be small relative to natural variability, and whatever small warming is likely to occur will produce benefits as well as costs.” “


   Actually , we know the sort of return we will get for our “investment” … nada , zip , zilch … Some fat-cat cronies of Mr Carbon-Tax , the Almighty AlGore would undoubtably see a handsome return while the average citizen just gets lighter in the wallet .


Continued here









Judge Napolitano on Fox:




” The pressure to strike Syria is really heating up for President Obama (even if there now appears to be a way out), but it might not necessarily be legal to do so. Judge Andrew Napolitano reiterated as much to Shepard Smith on Tuesday, saying this time that if Obama strikes Syria, he could very well be declared a war criminal by the European Union.

Napolitano warned that if Obama proceeds anyway, the consequences could be particularly dire for him.

“The president runs the risk of being declared a war criminal by a magistrate in the EU…. If they indict him as a war criminal, an indictment for which there’s no statute of limitations, after he leaves the White House, he can’t go to Europe for fear of having to confront this.”









US Bugged Offices And Spied On Internal Networks Of European Union



” The United States has bugged European Union offices and gained access to EU internal computer networks, according to secret documents cited in a German magazine on Saturday, the latest in a series of exposures of alleged U.S. spy programs.

Der Spiegel quoted from a September 2010 “top secret” U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) document that it said fugitive former NSA contractor Edward Snowden had taken with him, and the weekly’s journalists had seen in part.”







Biden: The ‘Affirmative Task’ Before Us Is To ‘Create A New World Order’

” Vice President Joe Biden calls for the creation of a “new world order” at the Export Import Bank conference in Washington on April 5, 2013. By Nicholas Ballasy http://pjmedia.com/blog/biden-affirma… “

For media inquiries, contact nicholasballasy@gmail.com –http://www.nickballasy.com










Thirty Little Known Facts About America, IRS, IMF, Executive Orders…




” The U.N. has financed the operations of the ‘United States Government for over 50 years and now ‘owns every man, woman, and child in America. The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.

Why is the above so difficult for most people to understand? Simple: words like ‘perso n, ‘citizen, ‘people, ‘or, ‘nation, ‘is, ‘fact, ‘authority, ‘truth, ‘nation, ‘crime, ‘fraud, ‘charge, ‘right, ‘statute, ‘preferred, ‘assume, ‘prefer, ‘constitutor, ‘creditor, ‘debtor, ‘debit, ‘discharge, ‘payment, ‘law, ‘United States, and hundreds of others do NOT mean what you think they mean and you were never taught the ‘Legal Definitions so you would ‘Understand that you DON’T understand.

Don’t let this information alarm you because without it you cannot be free.

You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind.

When your mind allows you to accept and understand that the United States, Great Brittan and the Vatican are Corporations which are nothing but fictional entities which have been placed in your mind, you will understand our slavery is because we believe in fictions. Stephen Ammes, author The Ultimate Delusion




1. The IRS is NOT a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. Diversified Metal Products v IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.I. Public Law 94-564 Senate Report 94-1148, pg 5967 Reor ganization Plan #26 Public Law 102-391

2. The IMF is an Agency of the U.N. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg 816

3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921. 41 Stat. Ch. 214 page 654

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. Presi dential Documents Volume 29 No. 4 page 113 22 U.S.C. 285-288

5. The U.S. does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. Executive Order 12803

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NSA and all of the other Alphabet Gangs were never part of the U.S. Government, even though the ‘U.S. Government held stock in said ‘Agencies. &n bsp; U.S. v. Strang, 254 U.S. 491 Lewis v. U.S., 680 F.2d, 1239

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF.



   Conspiracy Theories or Truth ? Someone with more investigative/legal knowledge than us can answer that . We provide this for informational purposes and to spur debate .



” The Illusion is MUCH larger than the irrefutable 30 points above, and the 30 points above are not even the tip of the tip of the iceberg. For more information, see:



http://www.myspace. com/KC7AQK








Senate Votes 53-46 To Stop US From Joining UN Arms Trade Treaty





In the last batch of amendment votes to the budget, the Senate voted on several foreign policy proposals.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced an amendment that would prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty in order to uphold the Second Amendment. His amendment passed on a 53-46 vote.

Republicans have been critical of President Obama’s decision to consider the treaty, although Obama has said he would not vote for anything that would violate the Second Amendment.

The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty would regulate international arms sales. Negotiations end on March 28.


“We’re negotiating a treaty that cedes our authority to have trade agreements with our allies in terms of trading arms,” Inhofe said. “This is probably the last time this year that you’ll be able to vote for your Second Amendment rights.”

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) offered an alternative amendment that clarified that under current U.S. law, treaties don’t trump the Constitution and that the United States should not agree to any arms treaty that violates the Second Amendment rights. His amendment passed by voice vote.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) said he thought it was irresponsible to be considering major foreign policy decisions at 3 a.m. on Saturday morning.”







UN Security Council Hits North Korea With More Sanctions





” The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Thursday for tough new sanctions to punish North Korea for its latest nuclear test, a move that sparked a furious Pyongyang to threaten a nuclear strike against the United States.

The vote by the U.N.’s most powerful body on a resolution drafted by North Korea’s closest ally, China, and the United States sends a powerful message that the international community condemns the ballistic missile and nuclear tests — and repeated violation of Security Council resolutions.

Immediately before the vote, an unidentified spokesman for Pyongyang’s Foreign Ministry said North Korea will exercise its right for “a preemptive nuclear attack to destroy the strongholds of the aggressors” because Washington is pushing to start a nuclear war against the North.

It appeared to be the most specific open threat of a nuclear strike by any country against another.

Although North Korea boasts of nuclear bombs and pre-emptive strikes, it is not thought to have mastered the ability to produce a warhead small enough to put on a missile capable of reaching the U.S. It is believed to have enough nuclear fuel, however, for several crude nuclear devices.”






UN Jackboots Heading This Way ?

US , UK , Australia & Canada Refuse To Sign UN’s Communications Treaty

 ” The US, Canada, Australia and UK have refused to sign an international communications treaty at an conference in Dubai.

The countries had objected to calls for all states to have equal rights to the governance of the internet.

But the breaking point was the addition of text relating to “human rights”.

It marks a setback for the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) which had said it was sure it could deliver consensus.

“It’s with a heavy heart and a sense of missed opportunities that the US must communicate that it’s not able to sign the agreement in the current form,” said Terry Kramer the US ambassador to the World Conference on International Telecommunications (Wcit).

“The internet has given the world unimaginable economic and social benefit during these past 24 years.”

Negotiators from Denmark, Italy, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Greece, Portugal, Finland, Chile, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Costa Rica and Kenya have said they would need to consult with their national governments about how to proceed and would also not be able to sign the treaty as planned on Friday.”

Statism , Writ Large

US Out Of UN … Now


Obama Punts To Congress Over Repercussions For UN Palestine Vote




” “The reason for that is simply that our aid to the Palestinians is an important part of our relationship,” Earnest said. “And we believe that we can – the United States can and should play a constructive role in facilitating negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

U.S. officials say they believe the statehood vote could harm the chances for a two-state solution. They’re concerned Palestine may use it to pursue criminal charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, for example.

The Senate is expected to vote next week on bipartisan legislation that would cut off U.S. aid if that happens as an amendment to the pending Defense authorization bill, a Senate aide said. The bill, championed by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), would also shutter the PLO’s Washington office unless the president determines that the Palestinians are engaged in “meaningful negotiations” with Israel.

The senators said Thursday they did not want to immediately terminate aid in order to preserve the chance for a negotiated two-state solution with Israel. “

US Helps Advance UN Arms Treaty



  “The U.S. Mission to the United Nations helped move a controversial arms trade treaty on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after President Obama won reelection.


   The Obama administration was widely blamed by treaty advocates for derailing the effort back in July when it asked for more time amid growing opposition from Republicans and pro-gun-rights Democrats who are worried the treaty would affect the sale of civilian weapons in the United States. Fifty senators — including eight Democrats — signed on to a letter at the time signaling their opposition to the treaty.


   The U.S. Mission said the timing of the vote had nothing to do with the election. They said it was initially scheduled for last week but was delayed because of Hurricane Sandy.


   “Our objectives for the ATT have not changed,” a Mission official told The Hill. “In particular, we seek a treaty that contributes to international security by fighting illicit arms trafficking and proliferation, protects the sovereign right of states to conduct legitimate arms trade, and meets the concerns that we have been articulating throughout.  As we have made clear, we will not accept any treaty that infringes on the constitutional rights of our citizens to bear arms.”



Be Ready Folks , This Is Just The Beginning , Now That Dear Leader Has ” more flexibility “

National Association for Gun Rights

Welcome to the New World Order 


  ” United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations partner on democratization and human rights projects, will deploy 44 observers around the county on Election Day to monitor an array of activities, including potential disputes at polling places.

Liberal-leaning civil rights groups met with representatives from the OSCE this week to raise their fears about what they say are systematic efforts to suppress minority voters likely to vote for President Obama.

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP and the ACLU, among other groups, warned this month in a letter to Daan Everts, a senior official with OSCE, of “a coordinated political effort to disenfranchise millions of Americans — particularly traditionally disenfranchised groups like minorities.”

The request for foreign monitoring of election sites drew a strong rebuke from Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote, a conservative-leaning group seeking to crack down on election fraud.

“These activist groups sought assistance not from American sources, but from the United Nations,” she said in a statement to The Hill. “The United Nations has no jurisdiction over American elections.”

The observers, from countries such as Germany, France, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, will observe voting at polling places and other political activity. “




  ” The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican Mitt Romney in next month’s presidential election, saying that doing so would be “a democratic mandate for torture.” 

The UN’s Ben Emmerson was referring to Romney’s refusal to rule out the use of waterboarding in interrogating terror detainees, a practice that President Barack Obama has ended.

Colin Perkel of The Canadian Press reported Emmerson’s remarks from a symposium in Toronto on the impact of 9/11 on human rights: 

“The re-introduction of torture under a Romney administration would significantly increase the threat levels to (Americans) at home and abroad,” Emmerson said. 

“Such a policy, if adopted, would expose the American people to risks the Obama administration is not currently exposing them to.” “