Tag Archive: UK

Woman Spotted Walking Man On A Lead Through The Streets Of London




” Commuters heading to work in London this morning were baffled by the sight of a woman ‘walking’ a man on all fours.

  With a collar round his neck and a pink lead, the man was smartly dressed in suit trousers, white shirt and black shoes as he meekly crawled after the woman through the streets of Farringdon, in the centre of the capital.

  Onlookers suspected it was a PR stunt but the woman, who was also smartly dressed and carried a cup of coffee in her other hand, was giving nothing away.”


 The writers want to know who they are : “Do you know who these people are? If so, contact Harriet Arkell on harriet.arkell@mailonline.co.uk”

Courtesy of The Daily Mail

Gun Drama At The Palace Queen’s Guard Points Bayonet At ‘Intruder’



Palace Guard Bayonet Intruder




” The ceremonial soldier, with bayonet fixed, broke royal protocol by dashing 50 yards to intervene.

  The suspect had screamed at cops for five minutes and walked towards the Palace gates.

  Warehouse supervisor Gareth Scanlan, of Rugby, Warwicks, who was at the scene, told The Sun on Sunday: “He was trying to get closer or inside.

“ There was a lot of shouting before the guard went in with his bayonet — it was shocking.

  Sightseer Gareth, 32, added: “The man said, ‘Oh, you’re a big boy now,’ and the guard — who I think was Scottish judging by his accent — said, ‘Yes, I am a big boy.

“ Then the guard actually pushed the guy away.”

  Police ushered the man away and gave him “words of advice”. No arrests were made.”


Read on








The Remains Of More Than 15,000 Babies Were Incinerated As ‘Clinical Waste’ By Hospitals In Britain With Some Used In ‘Waste To Energy’ Plants


It's Not A Fetus , It's Fuel_edited-1



” The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found.

  Ten NHS trusts have admitted burning foetal remains alongside other rubbish while two others used the bodies in ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat.”




” Last night the Department of Health issued an instant ban on the practice which health minister Dr Dan Poulter branded ‘totally unacceptable.’

  At least 15,500 foetal remains were incinerated by 27 NHS trusts over the last two years alone, Channel 4’s Dispatches discovered.

  The programme, which will air tonight, found that parents who lose children in early pregnancy were often treated without compassion and were not consulted about what they wanted to happen to the remains.”


   This is what “choice” begets us , that and State run healthcare . Who can doubt that the next to face the furnace will be the elderly and the infirm and as we slide down this slippery slope can Soylent Green be far behind ? The public needs to come to the realization that the State respects nothing , not life , not liberty , not property … nothing but power and as long as we allow the festering pustule of Statism to grow unchecked we should not be surprised by continued inhumanity from Leviathan .


 Read more on the most blatant example to date of the inhumanity of Statism/progressivism from The Telegraph








You Probably Live In One Of The 20 Worst Countries For Internet Censorship


Image Credit: Reporters Without Borders

” While press freedom seems to be in a troubling downward trajectory in the U.S., Internet freedom is not looking much better either.

  Reporters Without Borders recently announced its annual “Enemies of the Internet” list, and it is a real doozy this year. There are some of the usual suspects — China, Sudan, Iran, North Korea and Cuba — but there are also a few surprising additions to the list — especially the U.S. and the U.K.

Take a look at the map … “



We in the west should be so proud . Look at the details of the map and hang your heads in shame .



” “How will so-called democratic countries be able to press for the protection of journalists if they adopt the very practices they are criticizing authoritarian regimes for?” asked the report.

  Check out this interactive version of the map for a more detailed look at Internet censorship around the world.”




     The leaders of the US and UK should be absolutely ashamed of themselves to find the homes of the Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence / Constitution / Bill Of Rights in company with the above mentioned dictatorships , oligarchies and theocracies . One can practically feel the earth tremble as the Founding Fathers turn over in their graves .


Read the rest 







Scientists Find 800,000-Year-Old Footprints In UK







” Archaeologists announced Friday that they have discovered human footprints in England that are between 800,000 and 1 million years old — the most ancient found outside Africa, and the earliest evidence of human life in Northern Europe.

  A team from the British Museum, London’s Natural History Museum and Queen Mary college at the University of London uncovered imprints from up to five individuals in ancient estuary mud at Happisburgh on the country’s eastern coast.

  British Museum archaeologist Nick Ashton said the discovery — recounted in detail in the journal PLOS ONE — was “a tangible link to our earliest human relatives.” “


Read more







Officer Framing Citizen On Camera



UK Cops Frame Pedestrian For DWI




    These UK cops fabricate a case for arresting a pedestrian , who is filming the police arresting protestors from a public sidewalk , for allegedly driving drunk even though none of the officers saw the man anywhere near a motor vehicle . Neither did the cops see anything to give rise to the suspicion that the cameraman was intoxicated  … other than the lying word of another cop .

    Shameful behavior really , with the police so brazen as to not even give pause to the fact that the entire incident was on tape . Watching it will make your “blood boil” , as the original poster said , and one cannot help but marvel at the restraint demonstrated by the video-cameraman .  








Atlantic Superstorm To Hit UK Tomorrow



UK Monster Wave

Click Image For Video



” Britain has been battered by the biggest wave in History – a staggering 75ft monster – just hours before a huge Atlantic superstorm is set to smash into the mainland.

  The largest wave ever seen in British waters was recorded at 3.30am yesterday by a buoy operated by the Channel Coastal Observatory off Penzance, Cornwall.

  The beast destroyed the previous record British wave of 67ft and forecasters warned it was only the beginning of 72 hours of storm hell.

  It came as experts recommended a Tsunami warning system be installed in the Atlantic to protect Britain and Ireland from enormous waves they claimed were ‘increasingly likely’ “


Story continues at The Express 







Physics Teacher Fired After Using Pellet Gun As Part Of Experiment



” A physics teacher from St. Peter’s Collegiate in Wolverhampton was recently fired after using a pellet gun as part of an experiment.

  Richard West, 53, wanted to demonstrate the rate of deceleration of a pellet from an air gun. He recruited around 20 students to hold sheets of paper out at arms length and fired a single round. The pellet passed through about half of the papers before deflecting off a desk and striking one student in the leg. Word quickly got out of the teacher’s lesson and he was quickly suspended and later fired, ending his 20-year career at the school, Daily Mail reports.”


The student accidentally struck by the pellet goes to bat , as do thousands of others , for the fired teacher as the Guardian reports


” In the usual run of things, a teacher who has shot a pupil probably would not expect much sympathy from the classroom. All the more remarkable, then, that Richard West’s former charges – chief among them the shot pupil – have started a petition calling for his reinstatement.

  West’s former students have leapt to his defence, saying he has been unfairly punished for a freak accident in which the victim suffered only a scratch. They have set up a Facebook page, Bring Back Westy, filled with tributes to the teacher’s popularity, and a petition which has almost 1,500 signatures.”


You can sign the petition here which at present has over 2100 signatures .



” From everyone’s support on the Facebook page, it is easy to see that Mr. West means a great deal to all of us. However, we realize that we need an actual petition rather than a Facebook page with likes. Therefore, it would mean a great deal to both the students, and mainly Mr West if you will spend a few seconds to fill out this form.”











Twitter Reunited Girl With Her Toy Rabbit After It Went Missing On Shopping Trip

Never let me go: Daisy is reunited with Bunny



” There’s a reason why two-year-old Daisy Young is cuddling Bunny the rabbit very tightly – and  it’s not just because she loves her more than any other toy.

  Bunny, Daisy’s constant companion since she was just ten months, vanished from her side on a family shopping trip to the January sales. 

  Daisy’s mother Hayley Sworn only noticed Bunny was missing when they got home. Just how would she break the news to Daisy that the precious gift from her grandma was gone forever?”









VIDEO: Amazing New Drone Footage Over Derbyshire Sinkhole






HT/The Blaze









Rat-Infested Ghost Ship May Be Heading For Britain



” It sounds like a plotline to a Stephen King story — a ghost ship afloat on the high seas is drifting toward the British Isles; its only passengers are cannibal rats who have had nothing to eat but each other since the ship was set adrift.


  Many people would probably pay good money to read such a story or watch it on the large screen, but they can watch it play out on the small screen — in the news. It’s a real happening involving a real ship — the Lyubov Orlova — cut loose off the coast of Canada in January 2013. It is believed to be infested with rats that have nothing to eat but other rats in order to survive their high-seas ordeal. And, it’s unaccounted for.

  Built in the former Yugoslavia, the Ice-class passenger cruise ship (featuring a strengthened hull to withstand impacts with ice) has seen duty as on Antarctic and Arctic expeditions. It was seized in Newfoundland in 2010 due to outstanding money owed to a cruise charterer and it was revealed the crew had not been paid in five months. To settle debts, the ship was sold off and towed to the Dominican Republic to be scrapped. However, the tow rope snapped in stormy seas and the ship began to drift eastward off Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula (near the Hibernia oil fields).

   Under contract from Husky Oil, the offshore supply vessel Atlantic Hawk regained control of the derelict ship but was ordered to set her adrift once in international waters because it “no longer poses a threat to the safety of offshore oil installations, their personnel or the marine environment.”


Undercover Mosque



” This documentary undertakes an extensive investigation into a number of British mosques to reveal how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK. Filming undercover at mosques run by key organisations, whose public faces are presented as moderate and mainstream, our reporter finds preachers condemning the idea of integration into British society, condemning British democracy as un-Islamic and praising the Taliban for killing British soldiers.

  The investigation examines how such extreme messages are influenced by the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia and reveals how the influence of Wahabism extends to influential organisations that advise the British government on inter-community relations and prevention of terrorism.”









It Looks Like An Awesome Box Of Money. When You Take A Closer Look, It’ll Seriously Blow Your Mind



See how this block of wood …


He glued the pieces of pine together as a base.



Becomes “Old Money”  …




” A skill like woodworking takes years and thousands of hours to become more than just a proficient at, but this man invested that time to be a certifiable master. His name is Randall Rosenthal and he has talent that can result in mind-bending illusions. The project in the gallery below all started with three pieces of white pine he glued together. What he turned that block of wood into is so cool.”




And while we are talking money and art , have a look at this “Money Tree” …



These wishing trees are actually called money trees, as well.




” They say money doesn’t grow on trees, but I’m willing to guess that “they” never saw these kinds of trees before. Look closely at these trunks. Do they look a little strange to you? They should. Thousands of strangers all over the UK have been working together to create these “wishing trees,” by getting rid of some spare change.”



That's because there are thousands of coins literally hammered into the bark.



ViralNova has more on both “Old Money” and the “Money Tree” … Enjoy 










Early Humans With Tiny Brains Lived In Norfolk Caravan Park [VIDEO]





” Scientists believe that early humans may have created one of their first settlements around Manor Caravan Park in Happisburgh, Norfolk.

  Stone tools and fossilised remains uncovered so far are believed to be the oldest found in the UK, dating back one million years.

  Ancestors of modern-day humans existed then, a primitive predecessor of Homo antecessor, one of the earliest known human species in Europe, and also Homo erectus.”









Onboard Footage Of An RAF Drone Unleashing Hell On Taliban



Drone's Eye View




” RAF Pilot Unleashes Hell on Taliban From The Comfort in Lincolnshire First Glimpse Inside Drone HQ

  Sitting before a bank of flickering computer screens and controls, the RAF pilot flies a drone in the skies above Afghanistan.

  But the airman is not operating the £10million Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) from the warzone — or even the US.

  Instead, he is 8,000 miles away in a hi-tech control hub in a remote part of East Anglia — poised to order the controversial robot to carry out airstrikes using its fearsome array of Hellfire missiles and laser-guided bombs.”









Not News: Muslims Demand Halt To Alcohol Sales In Compliance With Sharia Law – News: In London…





” Multiculturalism continues to run amok in the UK.”




” The Shariah Project, a London-based Muslim group, is to march through Brick Lane on Friday against the drinking and sale of alcohol along the nightlife spot.

  Members of the group believe the consumption or selling of alcohol to be “sinful” under Islamic law and should be “strictly prohibited”.

  They hope that the rally, scheduled for the afternoon following Friday prayers, will illuminate the ills of alcohol.”









Baby Forcibly Removed From Woman’s Womb By Essex Social Services



A pregnant woman has had her baby forcibly removed by caesarean section by social workers, according to the Sunday Telegraph. 

  Essex social services obtained a High Court order against the woman. The order meant that she could be forcibly sedated and the child removed from her womb.

  The council thought it was acting in the best interests of the woman, an Italian who was in Britain on a two-week training course last year, because she had suffered a mental breakdown.

  Brendan Fleming, the woman’s British lawyer, told The Sunday Telegraph: “I have never heard of anything like this in all my 40 years in the job. 

” I can understand if someone is very ill that they may not be able to consent to a medical procedure, but a forced caesarean is unprecedented.”

  The baby girl, now 15 months old, is still in the care of social services, which are refusing to return her to the mother, who claims she has made a full recovery.

  The case has developed into an international legal row, with lawyers for the woman questioning why her family was not consulted beforehand and also why no efforts were made to involve Italian social services, which would be better placed to look after the child.”


   What can we say about this ? Where exactly does the State’s “rights” end ? The woman was not even a UK citizen but still the authorities assumed their “right” to know what was best for her and her baby ? Unbelievable .






It’s Thanksgiving So We Asked Brits To Label The United States

We’re So Sorry, America


   The folks at Buzzfeed put forth a challenge to our British brethren across the pond to identify the fifty state of the US on a blank map . Since Americans are constantly being disparaged regarding their knowledge of geography this was an ideal chance for the Brits to demonstrate their superiority on the subject . The resulting answers are truly comical . below you can view a couple examples . The rest are here .


What's the state capital of Squaresies?

This one is priceless … Lobsters ? Potatoes ? Guns ? Not Canada ? … LOL

Little known fact: No one actually knows what that state in the middle is.

This person gets them nearly all correct and includes some illustrations worthy of Frommer’s travel guide … 

When all else fails, draw pretty pictures.

    The reader is invited to view the rest here and while you are at it you can explore a link that provides some proof of the stereotype that American’s are less than experts of Europe . Below is but one example of our contribution to the geographical conversation … Hilarious …

OK, in our defense, Europe is really complicated.

Be sure to check them both out . The resulting answers are certain to start your day with a smile .

Prison Justice: 23-Yr-Old Pedophile Gutted By Inmates After Bragging About His Crimes




” A 23 Year old prisoner has lost his life to prison justice. Like so many others, he found out that a different form of justice gets carried out by prison inmates in the cases involving women and children.

According to other prisoners, he bragged about his crimes when asked what he was in for. He detailed the raping of a 13-year-old girl who earned him his conviction, but he had been caught twice previously for sexual offenses including minors.

Two inmates  entered his cell on Saturday morning with prison shanks and confronted him. They proceeded to cut open his stomach and pull his internal organs out, leaving some of them lying on the cell floor to confirm his imminent death. After disemboweling him, the 23 and 32-year-old men who have not been named as of yet, cleaned up and went to breakfast! The un-named inmates turned themselves in to prison guards for the crime that had not yet been discovered after completing their meal.”


   The inmates did the country a favor . One less s***bag for the taxpayers to feed . Justice is sometimes served and even some of the most hardened criminals have limitations to what they find acceptable .

  Note: After the fact , we found that this story dates from 2011 but we’ve decided to post it anyway as it is a story of hope even as it is of brutality .








In Defense Of Banksy And Guerrilla Street Art





” To be a brand name in guerrilla street art is to be in exclusive company. And no one has built a bigger brand imposing his stencils, spray paintings, and sculptures on the world than Banksy. His latest installation, a scattershot, month-long spree of works called “Better Out Than In,” proved that to anyone who pays attention to New York City. Every day, across the five boroughs, the secretive artist debuted a fresh piece in a new location, spawning excited Instagrams, an interactive street map, and, yes, grumbling critique: not just from nannyesque Bloombergians, but the kinds of property rights advocates who sometimes cross swords with the Mayor. That is art Banksy style: sticking it to the man, and maybe to you too.

Apart or together, his compositions aren’t hard to interpret—meditations on the hypocrisies and opportunities of city life. But inseparable from the art is the nuanced question of how we, the audience, can choose to respond. Here Banksy offers little guidance. He seems fully content to let critics decry him as a criminal, or worse, as a crass commercialist.”






   Read more at Reason.com and as fate would have it the New York Post has an article about Banksy in today’s Sunday edition . Here is a link to the artist’s page as well as his Wikipedia page for those that want more .








After Nine Years And With Billions Already Spent, Doomed Computer System Is Abandoned






” A plan to create the world’s largest single civilian computer system linking all parts of the National Health Service is to be abandoned by the Government after running up billions of pounds in bills. Ministers are expected to announce next month that they are scrapping a central part of the much-delayed and hugely controversial 10-year National Programme for IT.

Instead, local health trusts and hospitals will be allowed to develop or buy individual computer systems to suit their needs – with a much smaller central server capable of “interrogating” them to provide centralized information on patient care. News of the Government’s plans comes as a damning report from a cross-party committee of MPs concludes that the £11.4bn programme had proved “beyond the capacity of the Department of Health to deliver”.

The Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said that, while the intention of creating a centralized database of electronic patient records was a “worthwhile aim”, a huge amount of money had been wasted.”



   Central planning is always doomed to failure . Are we going to have to waste billions before the idiots in Washington can admit their mistakes or will we learn from the UK’s experience ? There is no one size fits all solution … it’s called the human condition .

   Included in the Independent’s article about the NHS fail is a list of other government IT undertakings that have also squandered hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds only to be scrapped as failures . Below is the list .




” IT disasters…

E-Borders (Cancelled June 2011)

The scheme was originally created to check passenger details against UK police immigration watch lists. The Government tore up supplier Raytheon’s £742m contract on the e-Borders immigration programme in July last year, after delays led the Home Office committee to say it had “no confidence”in the company.

Department Home Office

Cost £118m

ID Cards (Cancelled in January 2011)

Ministers claimed ID cards would help in the fight against illegal immigration and terrorism by storing details of all UK citizens on a centralised database. The scheme proved unpopular and was scrapped in January this year.

Department Home Office

Cost £257m (Source: Home Office)

Electoral register database (Cancelled in July 2011)

Plans to create an expensive database of electors were abandoned by the Government last month. The Co-ordinated Online Record of Electors (Core) was legislated for in 2006 and intended to make it easier for political parties to verify the legitimacy of their donors.

Department Ministry of Justice

Cost The database, which would have been administered by a new independent public body, would have cost an estimated £11.4m.

Firecontrol (Cancelled in December 2010)

Firecontrol aimed to replace 46 fire control centres in England with nine regional sites. The project was scrapped in December 2010 after suffering a series of delays, increased costs and an inadequate IT contract, according to a select committee report.

Department Communities and Local Government

Cost £469m (Source: National Audit Office)

Scope 2 (Cancelled July 2009)

The project was designed to allow the secure sharing of sensitive intelligence data between relevant departments in government and officials abroad. It was cancelled after reports of technological problems and escalating costs.

Department Cabinet Office

Cost £24.4m (Source: Cabinet Office)


Story of a sick system

October 2002 The Department for Health launches the NHS National Programme for IT, in a bid to create an electronic care record for patients in England and connect 30,000 general practitioners to 300 hospitals.

2006 Accenture, the largest contractor, walks out on contracts worth £2bn, writing off hundreds of millions of pounds in the process. Months earlier, the US software supplier, IDX, also quit the project.

2007 The Government misses its first deadlines as a report by the King’s Fund criticises the Government’s “apparent reluctance to audit and evaluate the programme”.

2008 A report to the Enfield Primary Care Trust reveals difficulties with the system the previous year saw 63 patients of the Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS trust have their operations delayed because of missing data. The trust previously found the system had failed to flag up possible child-abuse victims.

2009 An earlier Public Accounts Committee report notes that the project has provided “little clinical functionality… to date”. “


    Government can be trusted to do two things well … waste money and intrude on the people’s rights . It succeeds at  nothing else .







Proof That The UK Delivered Sarin Agent To Syrian Regime For SIX years


How the British chemicals aid Assad


” British companies sold chemicals to Syria that could have been used to produce the deadly nerve agent that killed 1,400 people, The Mail on Sunday can reveal today.

Between July 2004 and May 2010 the Government issued five export licences to two companies, allowing them to sell Syria sodium fluoride, which is used to make sarin.

The Government last night admitted for the first time that the chemical was delivered to Syria – a clear breach of international protocol on the trade of dangerous substances that has been condemned as ‘grossly irresponsible’.”