Tag Archive: U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Obama Makes It Clear That Amnesty Will Help Democrats




” After releasing tens of thousands of criminal aliens, President Obama urgently asks law enforcement officials to lean on Republicans to pass amnesty. Will the GOP deport itself out of victory this year?

  Congressman Lamar Smith called it “the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the president and perpetrated by our own immigration officials.”

  According to a document obtained from the Center for Immigration Studies, Immigration and Customs Enforcement released 36,007 convicted aliens last year who were being detained pending deportation. The tally includes 193 convictions for homicide, 426 for sexual assault, 303 for kidnapping, 1,075 for aggravated assault and 16,070 for drunk or drugged driving.

  Rep. Smith, a Texas Republican, reacted by calling for a hold on consideration of immigration reform.

  Why would a president let loose so many alien criminals? It might be the incompetence we’ve come to expect from this administration. But don’t forget Obama knows a lot of these criminals will vote for his party.

  Addressing law enforcement representatives on Tuesday, he emphasized there was only “a window of two to three months to get the ball rolling in the House of Representatives” on the amnesty-for-illegals-based immigration overhaul Democrats want so badly. “And your voices are going to be absolutely critical to that effort.”



The final paragraph says it all …



” Now that even Obama has stressed to supporters what a priority it is for him, will Republicans — as ever, the Stupid Party — catch on that amnesty is their electoral death warrant? You’re better off betting on a criminal alien being deported.”




… but read the whole piece at IBD and get mad enough to contact your representative and tell them to resist the huge push to commit party suicide .









Boehner, Rove, And Chamber Wage Big-Moneyed Assault Against Tea Party




” Due to the surge in political involvement by every day citizens in the grassroots Tea Party movement, there was a shift in control in the House of Representatives. One-third of the Republican members of the House elected in 2010 were freshmen. They included Tea Party favorites Tim Huelskamp, Trey Gowdy, Tim Scott,  Justin Amash, Raul Labrador, and others. With this GOP takeover, those in the Tea Party movement had hope that Barack Obama’s far left agenda to ‘fundamentally transform America’ would be stopped. The then newly elected Speaker of the House, John Boehner, spoke a good game in support of the Tea Party movement. In an article published in December of 2010 in the New Yorker, Boehner was quoted standing strongly for the Tea Party, welcoming the influence these every day citizens would have in not just the political process, but in getting the Republican Party back to its conservative roots.

  Boehner’s praise and support of the grassroots Tea Party movement and those ushered into the House because of it eroded in two years.  In December of 2012, Boehner began his purge of conservatives from powerful committee positions. Since then, Boehner has ramped up his attack on the Tea Party into a very vocal and nasty display.

  In following Boehner’s lead of disdain for the Tea Party movement, FOX News Contributor Karl Rove has moved his attack on the Tea Party away from the white board on FOX News to using his often praised by mostly failed organization American Crossroads. Earlier this year, Rove outright declared war on the Tea Party. News reports surfaced the day after Christmas that Rove is not only reloading in his war against the Tea Party, but is forming additional organizations to fool the people in donating, as reported in the New York Times.”



Tea Party News Network has the story