Tag Archive: Tyranny

Anonymous: Urgent Update Jade Helm





We Are Anonymous

We are legion 

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us

Department Of Homeland Security Lies And Intimidates Over Filming And Identification Laws







” While I was filming in downtown Albany, at the Federal Building, a DHS officer came out to see what I was doing. This officer had no problem lying about the legality of filming in public. She also had no problem lying about the fact that I do not need to identify myself to a police officer who has no reasonable, articulable reason to think I am about to, have committed, or am in the process of committing a crime (the requirements for a legal detainment).”



CopBlock has more










Facebook Reveals It’s Master Plan – Control All News Flow



Facebook , Pawel Kuczynski ,

From The Pawel Kuczynski Collection

Support this artist . He has an amazing collection of anti-statist works



” Last night, I came across an incredibly important article from the New York Times, which described Facebook’s plan to provide direct access to other websites’ content in exchange for some sort of advertising partnership. The implications of this are so huge that at this point I have far more questions than answers.

  Let’s start with a few excerpts from the article:

  With 1.4 billion users, the social media site has become a vital source of traffic for publishers looking to reach an increasingly fragmented audience glued to smartphones. In recent months, Facebook has been quietly holding talks with at least half a dozen media companies about hosting their content inside Facebook rather than making users tap a link to go to an external site.

  Such a plan would represent a leap of faith for news organizations accustomed to keeping their readers within their own ecosystems, as well as accumulating valuable data on them. Facebook has been trying to allay their fears, according to several of the people briefed on the talks, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were bound by nondisclosure agreements.

  Facebook intends to begin testing the new format in the next several months, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions.The initial partners are expected to be The New York Times, BuzzFeed and National Geographic, although others may be added since discussions are continuing. The Times and Facebook are moving closer to a firm deal, one person said.

  Facebook has said publicly that it wants to make the experience of consuming content online more seamless. News articles on Facebook are currently linked to the publisher’s own website, and open in a web browser, typically taking about eight seconds to load. Facebook thinks that this is too much time, especially on a mobile device, and that when it comes to catching the roving eyeballs of readers, milliseconds matter.

  The Huffington Post and the business and economics website Quartz were also approached. Both also declined to discuss their involvement.

  Facebook declined to comment on its specific discussions with publishers. But the company noted that it had provided features to help publishers get better traction on Facebook, including tools unveiled in December that let them target their articles to specific groups of Facebook users, such as young women living in New York who like to travel.

  The new proposal by Facebook carries another risk for publishers: the loss of valuable consumer data. When readers click on an article, an array of tracking tools allow the host site to collect valuable information on who they are, how often they visit and what else they have done on the web.

  And if Facebook pushes beyond the experimental stage and makes content hosted on the site commonplace, those who do not participate in the program could lose substantial traffic — a factor that has played into the thinking of some publishers. Their articles might load more slowly than their competitors’, and over time readers might avoid those sites.

  And just as Facebook has changed its news feed to automatically play videos hosted directly on the site, giving them an advantage compared with videos hosted on YouTube, it could change the feed to give priority to articles hosted directly on its site.

  Let me try to address this the best I can from several different angles. First off, what’s the big picture plan here? As the number two ranked website in the world with 1.4 billion users, Facebook itself is already something like an alternative internet where a disturbing number of individuals spend a disproportionate amount of their time. The only thing that seems to make many of its users click away is content hosted on other people’s websites linked to from Facebook users. Other than this outside content, many FB users might never leave the site.

  While this is scary to someone like me, to Facebook it is an abomination. The company doesn’t want people to leave their site ever — for any reason. Hence the aggressive push to carry outside news content, and create a better positioned alternative web centrally controlled by it. This is a huge power play move.

    Liberty Blitzkrieg has much more on how the liberating effects of the internet can/will be destroyed by the behemoths of the web , namely Facebook . Couple this development with this week’s news of the Google/White House connection and bear in mind the political proclivities of the principles of both internet conglomerates and you have a recipe for Statism unmatched by the propaganda machines of Goebbels , Stalin or Mao … They’ll turn social media into “socialist media” given have the chance . 

Today Marks The 22nd Anniversary Of The Waco Siege

Never Forget – Our Government Did This

Today In The Past





202 BC – Coronation ceremony of Liu Bang as Emperor Gaozu of Han takes place, initiating four centuries of the Han Dynasty’s rule over China

364 – Valentinian I becomes Roman Emperor.

870 – 8th Ecumenical council ends in Constantinople

1066 – Westminster Abbey opens

1570 – Anti-Portugese uprising on Ternate, Moluccas

1646 – Roger Scott was tried in Mass for sleeping in church

1653 – -Mar 3] 3 Day Sea battle English beats Dutch

1692 – Salem witch hunt begins

1704 – Indians attack Deerfield, Mass, kill 40, kidnap 100




1708 – Slave revoltNewtonLong Island NY11 die






1710 – In the Battle of Helsingborg, 14,000 Danish invaders under Jørgen Rantzau are decisively defeated by an equally sized Swedish force under Magnus Stenbock.

1749 – 1st edition of Henry Fieldings’ “Tom Jones” published

1784 – John Wesley charters Methodist Church

1794 – US Senate voids Pennsylvania’s election of Abraham Gallatin

1810 – 1st US fire insurance joint-stock company organized, Philadelphia

1826 – M Biela, an Austrian officer, discovers Biela’s Comet

1827 – 1st commercial railroad in US, Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) chartered

1838 – Robert Nelson, leader of the Patriotes, proclaims the independence of Lower Canada (today Québec)




1844 – 12-inch gun aboard USS Princeton explodes






1847 – US defeats Mexico in battle of Sacramento

1849 – 1st boat load of gold rush prospectors arrives in SF from east coast

1850 – The University of Utah opens in Salt Lake City, Utah.

1854 – Republican Party formally organized at Ripon, Wisc

1859 – Arkansas legislature requires free blacks to choose exile or slavery

1861 – Territories of Nevada & Colorado created

1863 – Confederate raider “Nashville” sinks near Fort McAllister Georgia

1864 – -Mar 3rd] Skirmish at Albemarle County Virginia (Burton’s Ford)

1864 – -Mar 4th) Raid at Kilpatrick’s Richmond

1871 – 2nd Enforcement Act gives federal control of congressional elections

1882 – 1st US college cooperative store opens, at Harvard U

1883 – 1st US vaudeville theater opens (Boston)

1891 – Oscar Grundén skates world record 500m (50.8 sec)

1893 – Edward Acheson, Penn, patents an abrasive he names “carborundum”

1900 – General Buller’s troops relieve Ladysmith Natal

1903 – Barney Dreyfuss & James Potter buys Philadelphia Phillies for $170,000

1908 – Failed assassination attempt on Shah Mohammed Ali in Teheran

1914 – Construction begins on Tower of Jewels for the Exposition (SF)

1917 – AP reports Mexico & Japan will allie with Germany if US enters WW I

1924 – US begins intervention in Honduras

1935 – Wallace Carothers manufactures 1st nylon polymer

1939 – The erroneous word “Dord” is discovered in the Webster’s New International Dictionary, Second Edition, prompting an investigation.

1940 – 1st televised basketball game (U of Pitts beats Fordham U, 50-37)

1940 – Richard Wright’s “Native Son” published

1940 – US population at 131,669,275 (12,865,518 blacks (9.8%))

1941 – 39 U Boats (197,000 ton) sunk this month

1941 – British-Italian dogfight above Albania

1942 – 1st weapon drop on Netherlands

1942 – Japanese land in Java, last Allied bastion in Dutch East Indies

1942 – Race riot, Sojourner Truth Homes, Detroit

1947 – 228 Incident: In Taiwan, civil disorder is put down with the loss of 30,000 civilian lives.

1956 – Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory

1957 – Jockey Johnny Longden’s 5,000th career victory

1959 – Ice Dance Championship at Colo Springs USA won by Denny & Jones of GRB

1959 – Ice Pairs Championship at Colorado Springs won by Wagner & Paul of CAN

1959 – Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Colo Spr won by Carol Heiss USA

1960 – US wins Olympic hockey gold medal by defeating Canada

1961 – JFK names Henry Kissinger special advisor

1966 – Cavern Club (Beatles hangout) in Liverpool closes

1969 – Ice Dance Championship at Colorado Spr won by Towler & Ford of GBR

1969 – Ice Pairs Championship at Colorado Spr won by Rodnina & Ulanov of URS

1969 – Ladies Figure Skating Champion in Colo Spr won by Gabriele Seyfert GDR

1969 – Men’s Figure Skating Championship in Colo Springs won by Tim Wood USA

1970 – Bicycles permitted to cross Golden Gate Bridge

1970 – Caroline Walker runs world female record marathon (3:02:53)

1971 – 53rd PGA Championship: Jack Nicklaus shoots a 281 at PGA Natl FL Jack Nicklaus wins his 2nd golf grand slam

1972 – Pres Richard Nixon ends historic week-long visit to China

1975 – 41 killed in London Underground, as train speeds past final stop

1975 – A major tube train crash at Moorgate station, London kills 43 people.

1977 – 1st killer whale born in captivity (Marineland, LA California)

1977 – Harbor strike in Rotterdam/Amsterdam ends

1979 – Ernest Thompson’s “On Golden Pond,” premieres in NYC

1981 – Calvin Murphy (Hou), sets NBA record with 78 consecutive free throws

1982 – AT & T looses record $7 BILLION for fiscal year ending on this day

1982 – FALN (PR Nationalist Group) bombs Wall Street

 1983 – TV episode of “M*A*S*H” airs (CBS); record 125 million watch

1988 – 15th Winter Olympic games close at Calgary, Canada

1988 – Yvonne van Gennip skates world record 5 km ladies (7:14.13)




1993 – 100 agents raid Branch Davidian compound at Waco Texas


Waco Siege Films


WACO: A New Revelation (Full Version)



” Film released in 1999 – April 19, 1993 – The massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX by the U.S. government.  Remember Waco?  This video shows hard evidence that the media wouldn’t and still won’t show the American public.

Waco: A New Revelation is the film that triggered a new Congressional investigation of the Waco tragedy, and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse their long-held positions on Waco. It has generated a firestorm of events unprecedented in the history of documentary filmmaking. After six years of painstaking investigation, the complete story of the tragedy in Texas is finally coming to light. This compelling feature-length documentary presents new revelations about the events that led up to the deaths of 79 men, women and children at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993. In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio’s film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI’s congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians. Gene Cullen Since 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI’s claim is inaccurate.”

Waco Rules of Engagement



 ” A truly sobering testament to the tyrannical force of the US government. This documentary tells the story of the Waco siege. This documentary, from the ATF’s own footage, bears witness to the murder by the US government of citizens who choose to exercise their constitutional rights.

Truly a must see! Are we truly free when we fear our government?”


Died February 28, 1993 

Winston Blake, 28, black, British 
Peter Gent, 24, white, Australian 
Peter Hipsman, 28, white, American 
Perry Jones, 64, white, American 
Michael Schroeder, 29, white, American 
Jaydean Wendell, 34, Hawaiian, American

Died April 19, 1993

Katherine Andrade, 24, white, American 
Chanel Andrade, 1, white, American 
Jennifer Andrade, 19, white, American 
George Bennett, 35, black, British 
Susan Benta, 31, black, British 
Mary Jean Borst, 49, white, American 
Pablo Cohen, 38, white, Israeli 
Abedowalo Davies, 30, black, British 
Shari Doyle, 18, white, American 
Beverly Elliot, 30, black, British 
Yvette Fagan, 32, black, British 
Doris Fagan, 51, black, British 
Lisa Marie Farris, 24, white, American 
Raymond Friesen, 76, white, Canadian 
Sandra Hardial, 27, black, British 
Zilla Henry, 55, black, British 
Vanessa Henry, 19, black, British 
Phillip Henry, 22, black, British 
Paulina Henry, 24, black, British 
Stephen Henry, 26, black, British 
Diana Henry, 28, black, British 
Novellette Hipsman, 36, black, Canadian 
Floyd Houtman, 61, black, American 
Sherri Jewell, 43, Asian, American 
David M. Jones, 38, white, American 
David Koresh, 33, white, American 
Rachel Koresh, 24, white, American 
Cyrus Koresh, 8, white, American 
Star Koresh, 6, white, American 
Bobbie Lane Koresh, 2, white, American 
Jeffery Little, 32, white, American 
Nicole Gent Little, 24, white, Australian 
  and unborn child 
Dayland Gent, 3, white, American 
Page Gent, 1, white, American 
Livingston Malcolm, 26, black, British 
Diane Martin, 41, black, British 
Wayne Martin, Sr., 42, black, American 
Lisa Martin, 13, black, American 
Sheila Martin, Jr., 15, black, American 
Anita Martin, 18, black, American 
Wayne Martin, Jr., 20, black, American 
Julliete Martinez, 30, Mexican American 
Crystal Martinez, 3, Mexican American 
Isaiah Martinez, 4, Mexican American 
Joseph Martinez, 8, Mexican American 
Abigail Martinez, 11, Mexican American 
Audrey Martinez, 13, Mexican American 
John-Mark McBean, 27, black, British 
Bernadette Monbelly, 31, black, British 
Rosemary Morrison, 29, black, British 
Melissa Morrison, 6, black, British 
Sonia Murray, 29, black, American 
Theresa Nobrega, 48, black, British 
James Riddle, 32, white, American 
Rebecca Saipaia, 24, Asian, Phillipino 
Steve Schneider, 43, white, American 
Judy Schneider, 41, white, American 
Mayanah Schneider, 2, white, American 
Clifford Sellors, 33, white, British 
Scott Kojiro Sonobe, 35, Asian, American 
Floracita Sonobe, 34, Asian, Phillipino 
Gregory Summers, 28, white, American 
Aisha Gyrfas Summers, 17, white, Australian 
   and unborn child 
Startle Summers, 1, white, American 
Lorraine Sylvia, 40, white, American 
Rachel Sylvia, 12, white, American 
Hollywood Sylvia, 1, white, American 
Michelle Jones Thibodeau, 18, white, American 
Serenity Jones, 4, white, American 
Chica Jones, 2, white, American 
Little One Jones, 2, white, American 
Neal Vaega, 38, Somoan, New Zealander 
Margarida Vaega, 47, Asian, New Zealander 
Mark H. Wendell, 40, Asian, American





1994 – Brady Law, imposing a wait-period to buy a hand-gun, went into effect

1995 – Denver International Airport opens

1997 – FBI agent Earl Pitts pleads guilty to selling secrets to Russia

1997 – Smokers must prove they are over 18 to purchase cigarettes in US




1997 – The North Hollywood shootout takes place.


1997 North Hollywood Shootout pt.1

1997 North Hollywood Shootout pt.2

1997 North Hollywood Shootout pt.3

Hollywood Shootout – The last 9 minutes live





1998 – First flight of RQ-4 Global Hawk, the first unmanned aerial vehicle certified to file its own flight plans and fly regularly in U.S. civilian airspace.

1998 – Kosovo War: Serbian police begin the offensive against the Kosovo Liberation Army in Kosovo.

2004 – Over 1 million Taiwanese participating in the 228 Hand-in-Hand Rally form a 500-kilometre (300-mile) long human chain to commemorate the 228 Incident in 1947

2005 – A suicide bombing at a police recruiting centre in Al Hillah, Iraq kills 127.

2007 – Jupiter flyby of the New Horizons Pluto-observer spacecraft.

2012 – Discovery of the largest prehistoric penguin, Kairuku grebneffi, at nearly 5ft tall





1155 – Henry the Young King, son of Henry II of England (d. 1183)

1261 – Margaret of Scotland, queen of Norway (d. 1283)

1409 – Elisabeth II of Bohemia (d. 1442)

1533 – Michel de Montaigne, France, essayist/philosopher

1552 – Jost/Jobst Bürgi, Swiss clockmaker and mathematician (d. 1632)

1573 – Elias Hill, German architect/city builder (Augsburg)

1663 – Thomas Newcomen, English co-inventor (steam engine)

1675 – Guillaume Delisle, French cartographer (d. 1726)

1683 – René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, French scientist (d. 1757)

1704 – Louis Godin, French astronomer (d. 1760)

1712 – Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, French military commander (d. 1759)

1764 – Robert Haldane, Scottish theologist/philanthropist

1786 – D Francois J Arago, French astronomer/physicist/politician

1792 – Karl Earnest Ritter von Baer, Estonian/German embryologist

1817 – James Craig, Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1888

1822 – Matthew Duncan Ector, Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1879

1824 – Charles Blondin, France, acrobat/aerialist

1824 – John Creed Moore, Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1910

1825 – Quincy Adams Gillmore, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1888

1833 – Alfred von Schlieffen, Count/Prussian general-fieldmarshal

1838 – Maurice Lévy, French engineer (d. 1910)

1840 – Henri Duveyrier, French explorer (d. 1892)

1858 – Jacob P Vis, Dutch industrialist (founder NV Royal Salt Industries)

1866 – Vyacheslav I Ivanov, Russian philosopher/classical/poet [OS=2/16]

1878 – Pierre Fatou, French mathematician (d. 1929)

1890 – Vaslav Nijinsky, Kiev Ukraine, ballet dancer (3/12 NS)

1899 – Frederick Denison Maurice Hocking, pathologist

1901 – Linus Pauling, Portland, Oregon, American chemist/peace activist (Nobel 1954, 1962)

1906 – Bugsy Siegel, gangster created casinos in Las Vegas

1908 – Billie Bird, American actress (d. 2002)

1909 – Olan Soule, La Harpe Ill, actor (My 3 Sons, Arnie)

1910 – Vincente Minnelli, Chicago IL, director (American in Paris, Gigi)

1915 – Peter Medawar, England, zoologist, immunologist (Nobel 1953)

1915 – Zero “Samuel” Mostel, Brooklyn, actor (Fiddler on the Roof)

1917 – Hans Deutgen, Sweden, world champion archer

1921 – Pierre Clostermann, French World War II pilot (d. 2006)




1923 – Charles DurningHighland Falls NYactor (Fury, Sting, Tootsie), (d. 2012)






1925 – Harry H Corbett, Rangoon Burma, actor (Steptoe & Son, Jabberwacky)

1927 – John Swire, British aircraft magnate (Cathay Pacific)

1929 – Frank O Gehry, architect (Galleria-Oklahoma City)

1930 – Leon Cooper, US physicist (Nobel 1972)

1931 – Gavin MacLeod, Mt Kisco NY, actor (Murray-Mary Tyler Moore, Love Boat)

1931 – Gustav Thoni, Italy, skiier (World Cup-1971, 72, 73, 75)

1934 – Willie Bobo, NYC, jazz drummer (Cos)

1939 – John Fahey, singer (Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death)

1939 – Tommy Tune, Wichita Falls Tx, dancer/choreographer (Boyfriend)

1940 – Joe South, Atlanta, Georgia, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Games People Play), (d. 2012)




1940 – Mario AndrettiItalian American race-car driver (1969 Indianapolis 5001978 Formula One World Champion)






1942 – Frank Bonner, Little Rock AR, actor (WKRP, Hoax, You Can’t Hurry Love)

1942 – Brian Jones, [Lewis Brian Hopkins Jones], English rock guitarist (Rolling Stones)

1943 – Donny Iris, singer

1945 – Charles “Bubba” Smith, Tx, NFLer (Balt Colts)/actor (Police Academy)

1945 – Ronnie Rosman, rocker (Tommy James Shondells-Crystal Blue Persuasion)

1946 – Robin Cook, British politician (d. 2005)

1948 – Bernadette Peters, [Lazzara], Queens NY, actress (Jerk)

1948 – Mercedes Ruehl, Queens NY, actress (Lost in Yonkers, Crazy People)

1948 – Mike Figgis, English director

1951 – Gustavo Thoeni, Italy, giant slalom (Olympic-gold-1972)

1953 – Ricky “Dragon” Steamboat, [Richard Blood], wrestler (NWA/WWF/WCW/AWA)

1953 – Ingo Hoffmann, Brazilian racing driver

1953 – Paul Krugman, American economist and New York Times columnist (Nobel Prize in Economics 2008)

1955 – Gilbert Gottfried, comedian (Beverly Hills Cop)

1955 – Randy Jackson, New Orleans, guitarist (Zebra-Tell Me What You Want)

1957 – Cindy Wilson, Athens Georgia, rock vocalist (B-52’s-Love Shack)

1957 – Ian Stanley, keyboardist

1957 – John Turturro, Bkln, actor (Brain Donor, Color of Money, Jungle Fever)

1957 – Ainsley Harriott, British celebrity chef

1958 – Christine Lathan-Brehmer, German DR, 400m runner (Oly-gold-76)

1960 – Dorothy Stratten, Vancouver BC, playmate (August, 1979) (Galixina)

1961 – Eric Bachelart, Belgian racing driver

1962 – Angela Bailey, England, Canadian 4X100m relayer (Olympic-silver-1984)

1962 – Rae Dawn Chong, Edmonton Alberta, actress (Quest for Fire)

1963 – Claudio Chiappucci, Italian cyclist

1964 – Djamolidine Abdoujaparov, Uzbekistan cyclist

1969 – Butch Leitzinger, American race car driver

1970 – Noureddine Morceli, Algeria, 1500m runner (Olympics-gold-96)

1970 – Daniel Handler, American writer, better known as Lemony Snicket

1972 – Rory Cochrane, American actor

1973 – Eric Lindros, London Ontario, NHL center (Phila Flyers)

1973 – Nicolas Minassian, French racing driver

1976 – Ali Larter, American actress and model

1977 – Jason Aldean, American country singer

1978 – Benjamin Raich, Austrian Olympic skier

1979 – Sébastien Bourdais, French racing driver

1979 – Primož Peterka, Slovenian ski jumper

1979 – Michael Bisping, English mixed martial artist




1982 – Natalia VodianovaRussian supermodel






1984 – Karolína KurkováCzech supermodel






1985 – Fefe Dobson, Canadian singer

1985 – Jelena Janković, Serbian tennis player

1991 – Sarah Bolger, Irish actress




642 – Oswald, English missionary/saint, dies in battle

1261 – Hendrik, duke of Brabant (1248-61), dies

1326 – Duke Leopold I of Austria (b. 1290)

1485 – Niclas, Graf von Abensberg, German soldier (b. 1441)

1510 – Juan de la Cosa, Spanish cartographer and explorer

1525 – Cuauhtémoc, Aztec ruler

1572 – Aegidius Tschudi, Swiss historian (b. 1505)

1621 – Cosimo II de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (b. 1590)

1638 – Claude G Bachet de Meziriac, French mathematician/poet, dies at 56

1638 – Henri duc de Rohan, French soldier/Huguenot leader, dies

1742 – Willem J ‘s-Gravesande, Dutch physicist, dies at 53




1781 – Richard StocktonUS attorney (signed Decl of Ind), dies at 50






1786 – John Gwynn, English architect and engineer (b. 1713)

1788 – Thomas Cushing, American Continental Congressman (b. 1725)

1844 – Abel P Upshur, Secretary of State, dies in explosion on USS Princeton

1844 – Thommas W Gilmer, Navy Secretary, dies in explosion on USS Princeton

1857 – André Dumont, Belgian geologist (b. 1809)

1905 – Joseph C Juglar, French physician/economist, dies at 85

1916 – Henry James, US/British writer (Bostonians), dies in London at 72

1932 – Guillaume Bigourdan, French astronomer (b. 1851)

1936 – Charles Nicolle, French bacteriologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1866)

1940 – Johan C Braakensiek, Dutch political cartoonist, dies at 81

1953 – Jim Thorpe, versatile American athlete (Olympics-gold-1912), dies at 64

1962 – Harold Ogden “Chic” Johnson, comedian (Olsen & Johnson), dies at 70

1966 – Charles A Bassett II, astronaut, dies at 34, in a crash of T-38 jet

1966 – Elliot McKay See Jr, astronaut, dies at 38 in T-38 jet crash

1967 – Henry Luce, American publisher (b. 1898)

1977 – Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, comedian (Jack Benny Show), dies at 71

1978 – Eric Frank Russell, sci-fi author (Hugo, Deep Space), dies at 73

1978 – Philip Ahn, LA California, actor (Master Kan-Kung Fu)

1979 – Mr Ed, talking horse, dies

1985 – David Byron, English singer (Uriah Heep) (b. 1947)

1986 – Sven Olof Palme, Swedish PM (1969-76, 82-86), assassinated at 59

1986 – Laura Z. Hobson, American novelist (b. 1900)

1992 – Angelique Pettyjohn, actress (Body Talk, Star Trek), dies at 49

1992 – La Lupe, Cuban singer, dies of a heart attack in the Bronx at 53

1993 – Ishiro Honda, Japanese director/producer (Godzilla), dies at 81

1993 – Ruby Keeler, Canadian actress, singer, and dancer (42nd Street, Dames), dies of cancer at 82

1994 – Buster Holmes, chef/restaurateur, dies at 88

1995 – Herman “Ace” Wallace, blues guitarist/singer, dies at 69

2003 – Roger Michael Needham, British cryptographer (b. 1935)

2003 – Rudolf Kingslake, Lens designer, and Engineer (b. 1903)

2004 – Daniel J. Boorstin, American historian, writer, and Librarian of Congress (b. 1914)

2006 – Owen Chamberlain, American physicist, Nobel laureate (b. 1920)

2007 – Baron Charles Forte, Italian-born hotelier (b. 1908)

2007 – Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. American historian and political commentator (b.1917)

2008 – Mike Smith, English musician (The Dave Clark Five) (b. 1943)




2009 – Paul HarveyAmerican radio broadcaster (b. 1918)


Paul Harvey Archives

Today Marks The 22nd Anniversary Of The Waco Siege



Wiki :

” The Waco siege began on Sunday, February 28, 1993, and ended violently 50 days later on April 19.[4] The siege began when the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), accompanied by several members of the media, attempted to execute a search warrant at Mount Carmel Center ranch, a property of the religious group Branch Davidians located in the community of Elk, Texas,[5][6] nine miles (14 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco.

  On February 28, shortly after the attempt to serve the warrant, an intense gun battle erupted, lasting nearly two hours. In this armed exchange, four agents and six Branch Davidians were killed. Upon the ATF’s failure to execute the search warrant, a siege was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The siege ended 50 days later when a fire destroyed the compound after a second assault was launched. Seventy-six men, women and children,[7][8] including the sect leader, David Koresh, died in the fire that engulfed Mount Carmel Center. The Waco siege also has been described as the “Waco massacre.”[9]



Never Forget – Our Government Did This


1993 – 100 agents raid Branch Davidian compound at Waco Texas


PBS Frontline Provides This Government Approved Timeline Of Events


” [Ed. Note: This chronology was published in 1995 with the initial broadcast of “Waco: the Inside Story.” In August, 1999, documents were uncovered which indicated that during the raid on the Branch Davidian compound, the FBI used a limited number of flammable tear gas canisters. This revelation contradicted assertions of the FBI and the Department of Justice that the government had done nothing that could have contributed to the start or spread of the fire. In response, Attorney General Janet Reno appointed a special counsel, former Republican senator John C. Danforth, to reexamine the assault to determine how the fire started and whether there was a cover-up of information implicating law enforcement officials or the Justice Department.

  On July 21, 2000, after a 10 month investigation, Danforth issued a preliminary report exonerating the government and its agents. His report concluded that federal agents did not start the fire, direct gunfire at the complex, or improperly employ US armed forces. Danforth assigned responsibility for the tragedy to the Branch Davidians and David Koresh. According to the report, they contributed to the tragedy by refusing to exit the compound during the 51 day standoff, directing gunfire at FBI agents, shooting members of the compound, and ultimately setting the fire that burned the compound down.

  Danforth did find, however, that an FBI agent fired three pyrotechnic tear gas rounds at a concrete pit 75 feet from the living quarters of the compound. Although these rounds did not start the fire, government officials did not admit their use until August 1999, more than six years later. Danforth found that this negligence was at best a mishandling of evidence, and at worst a criminal attempt to conceal the truth from investigators.

  The full text of Danforth’s preliminary report is available online from the Center for Studies on New Religions. A final report is expected in the fall of 2000.]

  FRONTLINE’s chronology of the siege, which starts below, is drawn from two reports (OCT. 8, 1993) issued by the Justice Department: “Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas, February 28 to April 19,1993,” (hereinafter designated as “Scruggs”), compiled by Richard Scruggs, who is an assistant to the Attorney General, and five other officials in the Justice Department; and “Evaluation of the Handling of the Branch Davidian Stand-off in Waco, Texas February 28 to April 19, 1993,” (hereinafter designated as “Dennis”) by Edward S. G. Dennis, Jr., a Philadelphia lawyer and former assistant attorney general in the Criminal Division of the Justice Department. Both reports were issued on October 3, 1993. (As of July 1994, Richard Scruggs is no longer an assistant to the Attorney General.) “


 February 28, 1993 through March 7, 1993

 March 8, 1993 through March 18, 1993

 March 19, 1993 through March 31, 1993

 April 1, 1993 through April 15, 1993

 April 16, 1993 through April 19, 1993

   Note That The Justice Department Handled The Investigation Of It’s Own Crimes , Albeit Through The Allegedly Independent Offices Of The “Honorable” John Danforth.

Waco Siege Films

WACO: A New Revelation (Full Version)




” Film released in 1999 – April 19, 1993 – The massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX by the U.S. government.  Remember Waco?  This video shows hard evidence that the media wouldn’t and still won’t show the American public.

  Waco: A New Revelation is the film that triggered a new Congressional investigation of the Waco tragedy, and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse their long-held positions on Waco. It has generated a firestorm of events unprecedented in the history of documentary filmmaking. After six years of painstaking investigation, the complete story of the tragedy in Texas is finally coming to light. This compelling feature-length documentary presents new revelations about the events that led up to the deaths of 79 men, women and children at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993.

  In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio’s film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI’s congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians. Gene Cullen Since 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI’s claim is inaccurate.”




Waco Rules of Engagement



 ” A truly sobering testament to the tyrannical force of the US government. This documentary tells the story of the Waco siege. This documentary, from the ATF’s own footage, bears witness to the murder by the US government of citizens who choose to exercise their constitutional rights.

Truly a must see! Are we truly free when we fear our government?”




Died February 28, 1993

Winston Blake, 28, black, British 
Peter Gent, 24, white, Australian 
Peter Hipsman, 28, white, American 
Perry Jones, 64, white, American 
Michael Schroeder, 29, white, American 
Jaydean Wendell, 34, Hawaiian, American

Died April 19, 1993

Katherine Andrade, 24, white, American 
Chanel Andrade, 1, white, American 
Jennifer Andrade, 19, white, American 
George Bennett, 35, black, British 
Susan Benta, 31, black, British 
Mary Jean Borst, 49, white, American 
Pablo Cohen, 38, white, Israeli 
Abedowalo Davies, 30, black, British 
Shari Doyle, 18, white, American 
Beverly Elliot, 30, black, British 
Yvette Fagan, 32, black, British 
Doris Fagan, 51, black, British 
Lisa Marie Farris, 24, white, American 
Raymond Friesen, 76, white, Canadian 
Sandra Hardial, 27, black, British 
Zilla Henry, 55, black, British 
Vanessa Henry, 19, black, British 
Phillip Henry, 22, black, British 
Paulina Henry, 24, black, British 
Stephen Henry, 26, black, British 
Diana Henry, 28, black, British 
Novellette Hipsman, 36, black, Canadian 
Floyd Houtman, 61, black, American 
Sherri Jewell, 43, Asian, American 
David M. Jones, 38, white, American 
David Koresh, 33, white, American 
Rachel Koresh, 24, white, American 
Cyrus Koresh, 8, white, American 
Star Koresh, 6, white, American 
Bobbie Lane Koresh, 2, white, American 
Jeffery Little, 32, white, American 
Nicole Gent Little, 24, white, Australian 
  and unborn child 
Dayland Gent, 3, white, American 
Page Gent, 1, white, American 
Livingston Malcolm, 26, black, British 
Diane Martin, 41, black, British 
Wayne Martin, Sr., 42, black, American 
Lisa Martin, 13, black, American 
Sheila Martin, Jr., 15, black, American 
Anita Martin, 18, black, American 
Wayne Martin, Jr., 20, black, American 
Julliete Martinez, 30, Mexican American 
Crystal Martinez, 3, Mexican American 
Isaiah Martinez, 4, Mexican American 
Joseph Martinez, 8, Mexican American 
Abigail Martinez, 11, Mexican American 
Audrey Martinez, 13, Mexican American 
John-Mark McBean, 27, black, British 
Bernadette Monbelly, 31, black, British 
Rosemary Morrison, 29, black, British 
Melissa Morrison, 6, black, British 
Sonia Murray, 29, black, American 
Theresa Nobrega, 48, black, British 
James Riddle, 32, white, American 
Rebecca Saipaia, 24, Asian, Phillipino 
Steve Schneider, 43, white, American 
Judy Schneider, 41, white, American 
Mayanah Schneider, 2, white, American 
Clifford Sellors, 33, white, British 
Scott Kojiro Sonobe, 35, Asian, American 
Floracita Sonobe, 34, Asian, Phillipino 
Gregory Summers, 28, white, American 
Aisha Gyrfas Summers, 17, white, Australian 
   and unborn child 
Startle Summers, 1, white, American 
Lorraine Sylvia, 40, white, American 
Rachel Sylvia, 12, white, American 
Hollywood Sylvia, 1, white, American 
Michelle Jones Thibodeau, 18, white, American 
Serenity Jones, 4, white, American 
Chica Jones, 2, white, American 
Little One Jones, 2, white, American 
Neal Vaega, 38, Somoan, New Zealander 
Margarida Vaega, 47, Asian, New Zealander 
Mark H. Wendell, 40, Asian, American


Republicans Fear Net Neutrality Plan Could Lead To UN Internet Powers





” The U.S. government’s plan to enact strong net neutrality regulations could embolden authoritarian regimes like China and Russia to seize more power over the Internet through the United Nations, a key Senate Republican warned Wednesday.

  Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune of South Dakota argued that by claiming more authority over Internet access for net neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission will undermine the ability of the U.S. to push back against international plots to control the Internet and censor content.

  Countries like Russia already have made it clear that they want the International Telecommunications Union or another United Nations body to have more power over the Internet, Thune said.

” It seems like reclassifying broadband, as the administration is doing, is losing a valuable argument,” Thune said at his panel’s hearing on Internet governance. “How do you prevent ITU involvement when you’re pushing to reclassify the Internet under Title II of the Communications Act, and is everyone aware of that inherent contradiction?”

  On Thursday, the FCC is set to vote on net neutrality regulations that would declare Internet access a “telecommunications service” under Title II. Advocates, including President Obama, argue that the move is the only way the FCC can enact rules that will hold up to legal challenges in court. The rules aim to prevent Internet providers from acting as “gatekeepers” and controlling what content users can access online. 

  David Gross, a partner at the law firm Riley Wein who advises tech and telecom companies, agreed with Thune’s warning.

  The U.S. has consistently argued that the Internet is not a “telecommunication service” and therefore outside of the authority of the International Telecommunications Union, he explained. “If they were to find that Internet service is a telecommunications service, that would undoubtedly make the job of my successors much more complicated,” Gross, a former ambassador to the ITU during the George W. Bush administration, said.

  A top Obama administration official dismissed the comparison between net neutrality and UN control of the Internet.”

   Read the rest at National Journal and see how confident in the Obama administration’s assurances you are . It’s not like they’ve ever lied to us .

DDoS Attacks Against Governments More Powerful And Popular Than Ever




” When the protesters hit the streets, expect DDoS attacks to hit the Web. 

  Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are being used against government targets more than ever before, according to new research from Internet infrastructure firm Verisign. The attacks are increasingly powerful, cheap, and easy to deploy.

  DDoS attacks work by flooding a target—a bank, for instance, or a popular website—with data in order to make it crash or unusable for users. It’s not only an easy-to-use, cheap, and effective weapon for hackers, it’s also a goldmine for security firms paid to defend against the attacks.

  DDoS attacks against public-sector targets grew to account for 15 percent of all attacks recorded by the company at the end of 2014. The average size of attacks grew in size by 245 percent, Verisign found.

  DDoS-for-hire services can cost as little as $2 per hour, delivering an easy-to-use but potentially powerful punch to any Internet-connected devices on earth. 

  The DDoS defense market—where Verisign is a major player—is projected to hit $1.6 billion within two years.”


Daily Dot












The Police No Longer Work For You







” To the casual observer it appears that Virginia is run by violent psychopaths. That’s the takeaway from the recent report of an anti-poker SWAT team raid in Fairfax County, in which eight assault rifle-sporting police officers moved against ten card-playing civilians. The police possibly seized more than $200,000 from the game, of which 40 percent they eventually kept.

  There was no indication that any of the players was armed. As a matter of fact, it appears that a gambler is more likely to be shot without provocation by the Fairfax Police than the other way around. The heavy firepower at the Fairfax raid was apparently motivated by the fact that “at times, illegal weapons are present” at such poker games, and that “Asian gangs” have allegedly targeted such events in the past. This is, then, a novel approach to law enforcement: as a matter of policy, Fairfax police now attempt to rob and steal from people before street gangs get around to doing it.

  It is a mystery why we put up with this obscene police behavior. Gambling itself is not illegal in Virginia; it is simply controlled by the state. So the Fairfax police department did not bust these hapless poker players with guns drawn for doing something truly immoral and fully outlawed, merely for doing something in a way not approved by the state legislature. Were gambling actually forbidden in Virginia, then a crackdown could at least be understood, if not condoned in so paramilitary a fashion. Yet Virginia’s stance on the matter is not to treat gambling as malum in se, but rather as an instrumentum regni: our government prefers to funnel gambling money into its own coffers for its own ends, outlaw the same thing when it’s done outside of the state’s jurisdiction, and then steal the money of the poor fellows who happen to get caught. “



    Civil asset forfeiture , or policing for profit , is one of the defining issues of our day and along with No-Knock raids have eroded our liberties in ways the Founders never dreamed possible .












A Detailed Guide





” I came across this article during the Veteran March on DC on October 13th. The grammar was pretty bad, so I did my best to clean it up.

  The guide in LONG, so it took me a while to get it in this good a shape. Whoever wrote it may not have been the best writer, but he or she certainly knows how to be prepared.

  If you find grammatical errors, I will probably spot them and have them fixed soon. I did as many as I could as fast as I could for the purposes of getting the article published ASAP.

  This article will start off assuming that the Reader is already subject to MARTIAL LAW; that is, the “suspension” of the Constitution.”






” Curfews, rationing of basic goods, enforced relocations, confiscation of firearms and supplies, and summary arrest/execution by soldiers, paramilitary police and other jack booted types wielding assault rifles.

  Basic survival tips will be followed with some detailed ideas on how this country should be run once we take over.

  IF you’re reading this before MARTIAL LAW is imposed by the current corrupt government, and IF you are reading this while you still nominally under Constitutional Law, it’s urgent you read from the beginning to end so as to appreciate the opportunities you currently have to not only protect yourself and yours, but to attempt to stop all of this from ever happening.




Read it all at Disclose.TV


   For those interested in the subject , this page on Bing provides many further links to “Martial Law Survival Guides”











Why Police Are Maiming, Killing With ‘Grenades’





” Following a drug tip, nearly 20 cops stormed a small apartment outside Atlanta in 2010. Invading officers found only a little weed, but managed to seriously injure resident Treneshia Dukes with a flashbang grenade—a police device that’s drawing increasing attention and controversy, Pro Publica reports. Cops often toss the flash-and-bang devices to disorient suspects during drug raids, but critics note that the grenades’ flash is more hot than lava.At least 50 Americans, including children and cops, have been killed, maimed, or injured by flashbangs that landed near them or went off too soon. Even Bill Nixon, an Arkansas man who used to make flashbangs for police (before an officer lost a hand demonstrating one to Boy Scouts) doesn’t get why cops use them regularly. “It boggles my mind,” he says.”







” Police in Little Rock, Ark., used them on 84% of raids from 2011 to 2013, although the raids usually just turned up minor drug paraphernalia. But a police rep defends flashbang use, saying that “what we see is a large service of warrants without gunfire.” Still, horror stories include a 19-month-old Georgia baby who suffered severe facial injuries during a drug raid when a flashbang landed in her crib, WOKV reports. A grand jury didn’t indict the officers involved but suggested two ideas that are going around: better police training (there are no national flashbang training standards) and fewer “no-knock” warrants that permit police raids. Meanwhile, Dukes—who suffered second-degree burns over her body—has filed a civil suit alleging excessive police force. “My skin is ugly, and I feel like I’m ugly,” she says. “When I talk about it, I just get angry.” “


Thanks to Newser












Audio Tapes Reveal How Federal Regulators Shut Down Gun Store Owner’s Bank Accounts





” Conversations recorded by a Wisconsin gun store owner provide perhaps the clearest glimpse yet into how the federal government uses regulators to target legal firearm and ammunition sellers.

“ Our hands are tied by it,” a regional manager with Heritage Credit Union told Hawkins Guns owner Mike Schuetz of federal regulations which forced the institution to close Shuetz’s bank accounts in November.

  Recordings of Shuetz’s conversations with the manager and a bank teller, which were published online by the U.S. Consumer Coalition, make it clear that the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) examined the credit union’s books and forced it to close Shuetz’s account — a move he blames on a Department of Justice initiative called Operation Choke Point.”







” Schuetz’s saga began on Nov. 13, when he says Heritage Credit Union informed him that it would have to close his bank accounts.

“ I received a call from Heritage Credit Union in Hawkins, where I set up my business account for Hawkins Guns. They told me I had to close the account because they do not service companies that deal in guns,” wrote Shuetz on Facebook at the time.”



    Below is a screen shot from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s report from December 8, 2014 , “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Involvement in “Operation Choke Point” detailing some of the legal businesses Obama’s Federal regulators have determined are not suitable for the American public to be exposed to . Warning: PDF



Operation Choke Point %22High Risk%22 Businesses




Daily Caller











Cops Are Scanning Social Media To Assign You A “Threat Rating”




” Online activity, purchases, and “comments that could be construed as offensive,” all contribute to your threat score.

  Imagine the following scenario: You are on your way home from work, driving down the road, when you notice police lights in your rear view mirror. You are being pulled over.

  As you sit there, on the shoulder, adrenaline rushing, simultaneously angry and nervous, the police officer, in his patrol car behind you, is sizing you up based on an algorithm that determines your “threat rating.” 

  The officer enters your license plate into a mobile application on his laptop. In a matter of seconds, this application crawls over billions of records in commercial and public databases, including all available social media engagement, recent purchases and “any comments that could be construed as offensive.” The application then determines if your “threat rating” is green, yellow, or red.”









” Imagine that you are one of our informed and frequent readers and understand the importance of police accountability and are unafraid to voice your completely peaceful, yet strong opinion about police misconduct. Imagine that you left a comment on Facebook this morning about a particular officer’s misconduct; imagine that it is this particular officer who just pulled you over.

  Up until this point, you have never committed a crime, you have never been violent, you have never even so much as run a stop sign. However, this police officer now knows that you made a comment about him punching the (insert handcuffed and helpless victim example here) on Facebook, and he literally sees red (your threat rating).

  What happens next? Does a routine traffic stop for driving 10 miles over the speed limit morph into a situation in which you now have a Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm pistol with Streamlight TLR-2s laser site being aimed just above your left ear?

  Do you receive multiple erroneous citations because this officer now has access to your personal life? Do you get cited where the officer would have otherwise let someone else go?

  Or, maybe you are a cop or a judge, or the mayor, but this application confuses you with someone else and marks you as “red,” then what? What if you are driving someone else’s car?

  The reality is, that any number of unimaginable things can and would happen next. And now, thanks to a particularly ominous product, by a company named Intrado, and the Orwellian nature of police in this country, those unimaginable situations are now a reality.

Read more at The Free Thought Project












Judge Andrew Napolitano To Jon Stewart: Fear Makes People ‘Surrender Their Liberties For Safety’




Published on Dec 2, 2014

” By all rights, Jon Stewart’s Monday interview with Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano should have been awkward, given the smackdown of Fox News that Stewart had delivered earlier in last night’s Daily Show. But the topic was civil liberties, something Napolitano started out noting that he and Stewart basically agree on. The audience, too, judging from their reaction. “We need to know that our rights come from our humanity, not the government,” Napolitano said, earning a hearty round of applause from the audience. Stewart probed: “Is the problem really the government, or does it lie in us, and our desire for safety, and for law.”

HT/Against Crony Capitalism












How The Obama Administration Gives Away Military-Grade Weapons To Local Police






” In the weeks after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., images of officers training rifles on crowds of protesters from the turrets of armored vehicles became a potent symbol of the distrust between law enforcement and citizens in Ferguson — and elsewhere.

  Now, civil rights and civil liberties advocates are calling on the Obama administration to respond to the events in Ferguson by discouraging police from relying so heavily on military equipment and tactics.

  Several federal programs are helping local law enforcement to acquire heavy weapons, either by making funds available or by providing the equipment directly. One program at the Pentagon transferred surplus military equipment worth nearly half a billion dollars to local police last year. Grants provided by the Department of Homeland Security total another $1 billion, and Holder’s department provides hundreds of millions more.

” We do not condition that money on requiring real change in policing,” said Sherrilynn Ifill of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in a press conference on Tuesday. “Taxpayer money to local police departments should come with the condition that the police take responsibility for improving.” “



Washington Post has more on the burgeoning American Police State . Read it all .










Secret Army Guards Missouri Courthouse





Published on Nov 22, 2014

” Even with the increased security in the St. Louis area several men dressed in khaki boots and pants stood out from the crowd.

  We can’t say for sure what the men have planned but we’ve previously seen groups wearing similar garb outside of events such as the Boston Bombing and Waco.

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Pro-Illegal Alien Activists On White House Facebook Page: “F**k All You White People,” We Win!






” Pro-Illegal alien activists are declaring victory on the White House’s Facebook page. More than that, they are specifically calling out white people.

  This is the White House’s actual page, which has on it the President’s official video announcing his executive amnesty plan. And the White House is allowing racist antagonism like the comments below.

  Racist comments by pro-illegal alien activists litter the page. Here are just a few:
Obama Comment

Obama Comment 5

Obama Comment 4

Obama Comment 3

Obama Comment 2

  Over on Twitter, people of about the same intelligence are saying similar things, again specifically saying racist things towards whites: ”


Read the rest at The Pundit Press










Republican Pressure Builds To Block Obama’s Unilateral Immigration Order



GOP Pressure Amnesty




” Dozens of House Republicans have signed onto a new letter that insists the party include language in the upcoming spending bill to prevent President Obama from taking unilateral action on immigration, escalating a simmering fight between Congress and the White House.

  Rep. Matt Salmon, an Arizona Republican who organized the letter, said Congress needs to use its power of the purse to defend its own powers to write immigration policy — and he said he believes there could be enough support even in the Democratic-controlled Senate to win.

“ I’m not going down without a fight,” he said in an interview with The Washington Times.

  The letter is to be issued Thursday, but the debate is already heated.

  Mr. Obama has vowed to claim executive powers to grant tentative legal status to potentially millions of illegal immigrants, and to act by the end of the year.

  Republican leaders have warned him against that move, saying it would “poison” chances for getting a real immigration deal done in the next Congress, and could tarnish prospects for bipartisanship on a whole host of other issues when the GOP has control of both chambers next year.”


Washington Times











Britain Poised To Muzzle ‘Extremist’ Speech





” In Britain, if you have extreme views on anything from Western democracy to women’s role in public life, you might soon require a license from the government before you can speak in public. Seriously.

  Nearly 350 years after us Brits abolished the licensing of the press, whereby every publisher had to get the blessing of the government before he could press and promote his ideas, a new system of licensing is being proposed. And it’s one which, incredibly, is even more tyrannical than yesteryear’s press licensing since it would extend to individuals, too, potentially forbidding ordinary citizens from opening their gobs in public without officialdom’s say-so.

  It’s the brainchild of Theresa May, the Home Secretary in David Cameron’s government. May wants to introduceextremism disruption orders, which, yes, are as terrifyingly authoritarian as they sound.”












Meet The New Serfs: You







” The New Haven SWAT team must have been pretty amped up: It was midnight, and they were getting ready to bust down the door of a man wanted on charges involving weapons violations, robbery — and murder. They were not sure how many people were in the house, or how they’d react. After a volley of flash grenades that set fire to the carpet and a sofa, they moved in, guns drawn. A minute later, they had their man zip-tied on the floor.

  If only they’d double-checked the address first.

  Bobby Griffin Jr. was wanted on murder charges. His next-door neighbor on Peck Street, Joseph Adams, wasn’t. But that didn’t stop the SWAT team from knocking down his door, setting his home on fire, roughing him up, keeping him tied up in his underwear for nearly three hours, and treating the New Haven man, who is gay, to a nance show as officers taunted him with flamboyantly effeminate mannerisms. If the events detailed in Mr. Adams’s recently filed lawsuit are even remotely accurate, the episode was a moral violation and, arguably, a crime.

  And when Mr. Adams showed up at the New Haven police department the next day to fill out paperwork requesting that the authorities reimburse him for the wanton destruction of his property — never mind the gross violation of his rights — the story turned Kafkaesque, as interactions with American government agencies at all levels tend to do. The police — who that same night had managed to take in the murder suspect next door without the use of flash grenades or other theatrics after his mother suggested that they were probably there for her son — denied having any record of the incident at Mr. Adams’s home ever having happened.

  This sort of thing happens with disturbing regularity. The New York Police Department killed an older woman in Harlem when they mistakenly raided her home in 2003. In that case, too, “flash-bang” grenades were deployed, and the concussions sent 57-year-old Alberta Spruiell into cardiac arrest, killing her. The NYPD was acting on information given to them by a local lowlife drug dealer they were leaning on. It was the first information he’d given them as an informant, and based on nothing more than that they went in hard — no-knock raid, grenades, the whole circus. As it turns out, New York dope-slingers turned rat are not entirely trustworthy. “


Read Kevin D Williamson’s whole piece on our road to serfdom











The Million Mask March 2014 – Largest World Protest By The Most Influential Group In The World








What is The ‘Million Mask March’? 

” Last year thousands of people worldwide joined Million Mask March rallies organized by the amorphous Anonymous movement. Rallies, both peaceful and confrontational, protested austerity, surveillance, corporate greed and corrupt governments.

  In a mass demonstration of people power, crowds in 450 cities around the world filled the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks. “The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us” – under this motto protesters united in a global mass-march to deliver various messages. 

  From Sydney to Los Angeles, from Johannesburg to London – thousands came forward to make their voices heard. Among key ideas which virtually connected all different protests were anti-capitalist idealism and the rejection of NSA surveillance. Some rallies had a sense of carnival, where whole families with kids marched in protest, while other gatherings – like in London and Washington – turned more intense, with people not hiding their rage.

  You Want To Participate This Year In The Million Mask March 2014 with thousands of others all around the world? “






” Here is all information you need for 2014:



Make sure you have the latest version of Google maps.

  Go to:  MillionMaskMarch.com/map.  (.com, .org & .net lead to the same place).  Once you start zooming in,  city names/event pages and the search option will appear.   As a protective measure, copy this link for safekeeping in case anything ever happens to this web site:  https://mapsengine.google.com/map/viewer?mid=zcw0ZYrLl5RQ.khgYCnHItPbY “



Million Mask March




1.  We add events to the map that you create.

2.  If you only see a 2013 event, contact the group, ask if they’ll update it to 2014 and email us here or on Facebook with the link so we can add it to the map. Posting links on our FB discussion threads as the only way of informing us is discouraged. “





We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us

















From The New American Revolution




   Yes , Governor Malloy actually said that “high capacity” magazines would help people fight against the Federal government . 

Extremists To Have Facebook And Twitter Vetted By Anti-Terror Police







” Extremists will have to get posts on Facebook and Twitter approved in advance by the police under sweeping rules planned by the Conservatives.

  They will also be barred from speaking at public events if they represent a threat to “the functioning of democracy”, under the new Extremist Disruption Orders.

  Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will lay out plans to allow judges to ban people from broadcasting or protesting in certain places, as well as associating with specific people.

  The plans — to be brought in if the Conservatives win the election in May — are part of a wide-ranging set of rules to strengthen the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.

  The announcement at the annual party conference in Birmingham will come as the Conservatives position themselves as the party toughest on the terror threat.”



   Paging George Orwell … Who’s extremist and who gets to decide ? This is not a winning strategy for a liberty-loving party to advance … Read more at the Telegraph













Protective Services Shows Up At Mom’s Home Over Something Parents Have Been Doing For 1000s Of Years








” A mother from Austin, Texas, is making national headlines after blogging about how Child Protective Services (CPS) unexpectedly showed up at her home.

CBS News reports:

” A Texas mom started a parenting debate this month, blogging about her six-year-old playing outside by himself.

…Kari Anne Roy knows all about the joys and challenges of raising a child. She has three of them. Her youngest — six-year-old Isaac — recently gained the privilege of playing outside alone for a few minutes.

Cases like this are becoming all too common:

  1. A South Carolina mother was recently arrested for letting her 9-year-old play at a park (that has an average of 40 kids playing at it per day) while she was at work.
  2. An Ohio father was charged with child endangerment after his 8-year-old son skipped church (unbeknownst to the father) and went to play instead.
  3. A Florida mom had to post a $4,000.00 bond after permitting her 7-year-old son to walk to the park.”


IJR has more










Senators Criticize Growing Militarization Of Local Police Departments







” Senators on Tuesday criticized federal programs that outfit police departments with military gear, saying they waste funds and sow mistrust between law enforcement and the communities they police.

  At a hearing called to examine what critics call police militarization, members of the Senate’s homeland-security committee expressed deep skepticism toward some equipment used by local police departments.

  The issue has gained new attention in the wake of the police response to protests in Ferguson, Mo., over the killing of an unarmed black teenager by police. The Obama administration is reviewing federal programs that equip local departments.

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) singled out a one-man police department in Michigan that she said had received 13 assault weapons. Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) criticized the 14,000 bayonets the Pentagon distributed to local law enforcement across the country for reasons he said he couldn’t fathom.

“Giving military-grade weapons to every police force and every officer comes with costs,” Ms. McCaskill said. “Officers dressed in military fatigues will not be viewed as partners in any community.” “


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