By way of Tumblr comes this debunking of one of the myths perpetuated by the “Julia ” fairy tale offered up by Obama & Co.

With my first child entering college in the fall this subject is of particular interest to me and as is to be expected , EVERYTHING the government does ends up with the unintended negative consequences more than offsetting any small measure of benefit gained by the original intent .
   This is why the founders knew and advocated for ” who governs least governs best ” . In just 3 generations our genius ruling class has managed to unlearned hundreds of years of wisdom and presume to be smarter than the men who risked all to found this nation of ours .

Here is a taste ;

“Dr. Wolfram explains that the unintended consequences of Pell Grants are hurting college students:
The federal government’s financial aid programs cause higher tuition costs, reducing the ability of some students to go to college and causing others to attend a college that is not their first choice. Basic economic theory suggests
that the increase in demand for higher education brought about by the system of grants and loans will
increase the price of higher education. “